One Year Ago Shemlrhigau Bally Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 CHAMBER MUSIC Brahms Highlights Quartet Concert LAST NIGHT in Rackham lecture hall the Stanley Quartet, vying for an audience with Senators Bricker and Gore, presented their first local concert with a new second violinist, Gustave Rosseels. The concert opened with Haydn's quartet in F major, op. 77, no. 2. The quartet presented a very spirited interpretation of this work, dis- playing especially subtle dynamic contrasts between the minuet and trio of the second movement. In the Haydn as well as in the rest of the program, Rosseels presented a surprisingly dark violin quality which contrasts pleasantly with the bright and sometimes edgy tones of Gilbert Ross, the first violinist. His style of playing is quiet and very Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: JAMES BOW October 23: A Day To Honor Hungary's Brave THE HUMAN MIND has an infinite capacity to forget. Today is an anniversary we should all remember and honor, for one year ago the Hungarian people shook the fetters of Soviet imperialism and a Communist police state to breath freedom for short days. For those who have forgotten the anniversary as well as the story, the events are worth recall- ing. Before October 23, the country's influential writers had been critical of Soviet imperialism in Hungary and sympathetic with the protesting Poles. This sentiment vented itself in the streets of Budapest on the night of the twenty-third, after Gero had threatened the crowds. In Bem and Petofi squares, at the Csepel Island factories and at the Radio Building the revolutionaries-- children, university students and workers-- gathered, protested, were fired upon, fired back, killed and were killed. Victory belonged to the freedom-fighters for nearly two weeks. In the impetuosity of their freedom, they formed a new government, declared themselves neutral, denounced the Warsaw Pact and called upon the West. They must have realized their ex- tremism would be too much for the Kremlin to tolerate and it was. On November 4, Soviet tanks turned some of the most significant battlefields in history-Kilian barracks, Ulloi Ut and the Csepel plants-to rubble. In the horror of dust, gunsmoke, children's blood and gaso- line, Budapest had lost a battle. Today, Budapest buildings still manifest the scars of tyranny. Those many thousands who lost relatives and friends cannot forget. What Hungarian can? What human can? All know that when the Soviet divisions leave, Kadar will be tumbled. They wait for "the day" and while they wait their wounds fester. The ques- tion since October is not "if" but "when." There is respect for the might of Russia's 200 mil- lions, but ever since children destroyed tanks there is no longer fear among the 10 million. T HE EFFECT of the revolution has been in- delible. Communism has been shamed irre- parably. On the streets of Budapest in October the world had a demonstration that a Com- munist regime survives not long after its mili- tary police ceasg to function. It took the blood of Hungariai democrats to convince former Communists like Milovan Djilas, Howard Fast and many lesser men that the state should exist to serve the will of the people, and not the people to serve the state. Russia's callous non- recognition of six United Nation's resolutions to cease intervention in Budapest turned even the undecided nations against her in the showdown voting. Those nations recently loosed from Western imperialism will long remember ob- serving a more ruthless intervention than they ever experienced. Behind the cloak of Utopian Communist ideology was revealed the oppor- tunistic bear of Russian nationalism seeking only to maintain a friendly buffer state. But most, freedom's flurry in Budapest was a manifestation that, on the contrary, totali- tarian communism is not the determined force in history as Marx held, but that democracy- society governed by the will and votes of free men-is. This is a heartening thought in a day when good minds in the West have come to doubt the superiority of our own ideology. Today, we thank, honor, wait upon, watch over and pray for those Hungarians who cher- ished freedom above life last October for the refreshing vitality they gave to our beliefs. This October will likely pass with overt quiet through the streets of Budapest, but there will other Octobers and other Budapests as well. -JAMES ELSMAN Editorial Director One Sentence On Tyranny By GYULA ILLYES TODAY AND TOMORROW : A Full Time Job By WALTER LIPPMANN TE QUEEN'S VISIT to Washington has, as working together the two bureaucracies, the two everyone knows, been not only a popular military establishments, the politicians, the success but it has provided the occasion for the scientists, the businessmen and the masses of President to show his own interest in the alli- the people on the two sides of the Atlantic. It ance. It was, of course, a mere coincidence took, to put it briefly, a Churchill and a Roose- that the date of the visit, which was fixed long velt, in a close and continual contact, each ago, happened to fall so soon after the launch- with an eye on every important undertaking, ing of the Sputnik. But the coincidence must both working long hours every day of every have had much to do with the prompt and week. They did this, too, in a time of desperate apparently rather sudden agreement on an im- war when the sense of urgency was strong in mediate visit to Washington by the Prime most men. Minister. The crucial point, it seems to me, is that a true cooperation of the kind the President was All this was reflected in the President's toast talking about in his toast to the Queen, depends to the Queen at the White House dinner in entirely on the heads of the governments. The which he called for close cooperation within the decision to cooperate cannot be made by the NATO alliance. This would not have been said, heads of the governments and the carrying out at least not have been said so fervently, were it of the decision delegated to committees and not for the dismay and embarrassment of the . 'tnik affai.joint boards. There have, of course, to be com- Sput fair. mittees and joint boards. But unless those There is a question which hangs over the involved feel, as did the members of the war- talks that are to be held this week between time agencies, the brooding presence of impa- Mr. Macmillan and Mr. Eisenhower. It is not tient men like Churchill and Roosevelt, they whether "the free world's assets" are as great will draft into the doldrums or become snarled as the President says they are. Undoubtedly the up with jealousies. "assets," as well as the science, the technology And so, when the Prime Minister and the and the productive capacity of the non-Com- President part after their meeting in Washing-j munist world are very great indeed. Nor is it ton, the question will be how deeply is each of the question whether it would be useful and them engaged personally to watch over and tol desirable to cooperate in research and develop- drive forward the big projects they will no ment. It is idiotic not to cooperate in research doubt decide upon. If the answer to this ques- and development. The question is whether the tion is negative or doubtful, we shall have to President and the Prime Minister are able and infer that the profound significance of the willing to give the time and energy which it Soviet achievement has not been understood in takes to bring about and to keep moving such the highest places, that the proposal to pool cooperation among two or more countries. our resources and our talents is not a seriously considered project but a device in public rela- BOTH OF THEM have known at first hand tions to quiet popular dismay. during the World War what it took to keep 1957 New York Herald Tribune Inc. INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Ike Doctrine Defunct Editor's Note: The following poem was brought to the United States and translated by a graduate student at the University who participated in the Hungarian Revolution which be- gan one year ago today. His name is withheld for the protection of his relatives still in Hungary.) Where there's tyranny, there's tyranny, not only in the gun-barrel, not only in the prison-cell, not only in the torture-rooms, not only in the nights, in the voice of the shouting guard; there's tyranny not only in the speech of the prosecutor, pouring like dark smoke, in the confessions, in the wall-tapping of prisoners, not only in the judge's passionless sentence: "Guilty!" there's tyranny not only in the martially curt "Attention!" and "Fire!" and in the drum rolls, and in the way the corpse is thrust into a hole, not only in the secretly half-opened door, in fearfully whispered news, in the finger, dropping in front of the lips, cautioning "Hush!" there is tyranny not only in the facial expression firmly set like iron bars, and in the still born tormented cry of pain within these bars, in the shower of silent tears adding to this silence, in a glazed eyeball, there is tyranny not only in the cheers of men upstanding who cry "Hurrah!" and sing, where there's tyranny there's tyranny not only in the tirelessly clapping palms, in orchestras, in operas, in the braggart statues of tyrants just as mendaciously loud, in colours, in picture galleries, in each embracing frame, even in the painter's brush, not only in the sound of the car- gliding softly in the night and in the way it stops at the doorway; where there's tyranny, it's there in actual presence in everything, in the way not even your god was in olden times; there's tyranny in the nursery schools, in paternal advice, in the mother's smile, in the way a child replies to a stranger; not only in the barbed wire, not only in the bookseller's stands, _ _ - ,1 - ' Gyula Illyes, often called "the voice of the new Hungary," is considered the leader of the poets of his generation. Born in 1902 to a peasant family, Illyes went to Paris in 1919 and lived there till 1928. He fought the Horthy regime with hs pen, and later became one of the chief organizers of the Hungarian resistance against Communism. According to un- official reports, he i presently being detained in a mental hos-- pita!. This, his great poem, is a single sentence in denunciation of tyranny. The translation sac- rifices rhyme and rhythm to pre- s e r v e the ideas and imagery which are most important in this sonorous and brilliant picture of a country vi der Communist tyranny. in the way suddenly your lover's face becomes frozen, because tyranny is there in the amorous trysts, not only in the questioning, it is there in the declaration of love, in the sweet drunkenness of words, like a fly in the wine, for not even in your dreams are you alone, it is there in the bridal bed, and before it, in the dawning desire, because you only believe beautiful what once has already belonged to the tyrant; you have slept with him when you thought you were making love to another; in plate and in glass, it is there, in your nose, your mouth, in coldness and dimness, out of doors and in your room, as if the windows were open and the stink of corruption flooded in, as if in the house there was a smell of leaking gas; if you talk to yourself, it is tyranny that questions you, even in your imagination you are not free of it, above you the Milky Way's different, too: a frontier zone where the light seeps, a minefield; and the star is a spy-hole; Cornmittee Conclusions AMONG THE (UN Hungarian fact-finding) committee's con- clusions were these: the revolt was "a spontaneous national uprising due to long-standing grievances." Nrn avi a n na .+nnnoar +i a ,n the crowded heavenly tent is a single forced-labour camp, for tyranny speaks out of fever, out of the sound of bells, out of the priest in the confessional, from the sermon, church, parliament, torture- chamber are all only a stage; you open and close your eyes, only this looks at you; like an illness, it accompanies you like memory, in the train's wheels you can hear it, you're prisoner, you're prisoner, that's what it repeats; on a mountain or beside the ocean, this is what you breathe; the lightning flashes, it is this that's present in every unexpected noise and light, sn the missing heart-beat; in tranquillity, in the boredom of the shackles, in the whisper of the rain, in the bars that reach to the sky; in the falling of the snow white like the prison wall; it looks at you out of your dog's eyes, and because it's there in every ambition, it is in your to-morrow, in your thought, in every one of your gestures; like a river in its bed you follow it and you create it; you spy out of this circle it looks at you from the mirror, it watches you, you would run in vain, you're prisoner and warden at the same time; into the tang of your tobacco, into the fabric of your clothes, it seeps in, etches like acid down to your marrow, you would like to think yet no idea but it comes into your mind you would like to look but you see only what it creates like magic in front of you, and already there is a circle of fire, a forest-fire made out of match- sticks, because when you dropped one, you didn't crush it; and thus it guards you now, in the factory, in the field, in the house; and you no longer feel the meaning of life, what is meat and bread, what it is to love, to desire with wide-open arms, thus the slave himself forges and bears his own shackles; when you eat you nourish it, you beget your child for it, where there's tyranny everyone is a link in the chain; it stinks and pours out of you, you are tyranny yourself; like moles in the sunshine;, refined, similar to that of his fel- low countryman Robert Courte. The five short pieces from the Bartok Mikrokosmos, which are transcriptions of his pieces for children, were played with obvious enjoyment, which feeling was mir- rored in the audiences' reception of the pieces. This music, while not exactly programmatic, is quite cleverly imitative. ,. * * THE SECOND HALF of the pro- gram opened with Beethoven's Cavatina from the quartet in B- flat major, op. 130 in memory of the late Gordon Sutherland. It was only fitting that one of Bee- thoven's greatest, most moving and most difficult works should be played for this man who was outstanding as a teacher, a musi- cian and a scholar. His presence here, however, is most missed not in these capaci- ties, but because he was a per- sonality of a rare calibre that is irreplaceable. The quartet lavish- ed o this memorial a most per- sonal intensity, which was further deepened by a minute silence while the performers remained motion- less with heads bowed. Brahms quartet in C minor, op. ,51, no. 1, was, musically, the high point of the evening. In Brahms, one hears the very height of ro- mantic expression; in this in- stance from the lower strings in particular. The m e 11 ow, lush sounds which are so often out of place in earlier and later periods of music are the very essence of Brahms. THE QUARTET displayed its cellist, Oliver Edel, to the fullest in the second and third move- ments, while displaying in the work as a whole some of its best ensemble playing to date. The program as a whole was in- deed successful; as the evening mellowed, so did the performance. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of the audience. Not only did a large minority arrive late, but the constant coming and going is more in line with a track meet than that of a chamber music con- cert. In a majority of cases, as in last night's quartet concert, the pro- gram is well worth staying for. --Allegra Branson DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 31 General Notices Showing of secondary school mathe- matics films Thurs., Oct. 24 at 4:00 p.m. in 451 Mason Hall. International Center Tea, sponsored by International Student Association and International Center, Thurs., Oct. 24, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the Inter- national Center. Fulbright Applications and all sup- porting material must be received in the Graduate School, Room 1020, Rack- ham Building, by 4:00 p.m. Mon., Oct. 28. This is the closing date for the 1958-59 competition and the deadline will not be extended. Board in Review, Student Govern- ment Council: In action taken Oct. 20, 1957 the Board in Review withdrew its stay-of-action with respect to faculty solicitation as adopted by the Student Governmentcouncil in its meeting of Oct. 16, 1957. In action taken Oct. 21, 1957 the Board in Review withdrew its stay- of-action with respect to the considera- tion of the appeal of the designation of campus area. Lectures University Lecture: "Three Periods of 'New Musics' - 1300 - 1600 - 1900" by Prof. Eberhard Preussner, associate di- rector, Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria, 4:15 p.m., Oct. 23 in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Open to the public. Department of Physiology Lecture: Dr. Hallowell Davis, Director of Re- search, Central Institute for the Deaf, St. Louis, and President-elect, Ameri- can Physiological Society, will lecture on "The Biophysics and Neurophysi- ology of the Cochlea," Rackham Am- phitheater, Wed., Oct. 23, 8:00 p.m. American Society for Public Adminis- tration Social Seminar: First social seminar of the Michigan Chapter of A.S.P.A. for the 1957-58 year Wed., Oct, 23 at 8:00 p.m. in the East Conference Room of Rackham. Dr.Stanley E. Sea- shore, assistant to director, Institute for Social Research, will speak on, "New Trends in Administration." Research Seminar of the Mental EXCERPTS: Hungarian Essays (Editor's Note: The lines quoted below are selected from essays pub- lished during the Hungarian upris- ing, written primarily by disillu- sioned Communists.) A Letter . By TIBOR DERY My friends, IT IS A HARD decision for me to speak. When the first rifieshot was fired, the blood rushed to my head: you, too, are responsible for this! You have spoken, incited people to action; how are you going to account for the dead? The corpses waiting for burial are piling up in the street: go out and restrain the hands of the murder- ers! I cannot accept it without ques- tion that no revolution is possible without a sacrifice of blood. After every rifle-shot, I felt completely dazed as though I had pressed the trigger. I believe in the human conscience and I place myself in the dock. My friends, I accept the respon- sibility. I am happy and proud that, together with my fellow- writers, our profession made us the first listeners and reporters of the nation's voice. This, the greatest revolution since the beginning of recorded Hungarian annals, was not incited and carried out by indi- viduals, by political groups, by ideas and opinions but by the will of the people. I realize in horror something we have only suspected and felt vaguely for long years, to which we could only make fragmentary allusions. Deeply shaken, I can only now assess the deadly cruelty of the pressure exerted upon the people-so that they replied to it with such universal accord, with bare hands against the tanks. In 1945 I believed that workers, peasants, all of us who had been excluded from the nation will find a new country. But during ten years the country has been stolen inch by inch from under our feet. We thought we would be able to build Socialism; instead of which they put us behind prison walls built of blood and lies. I feel myself responsible, too, be- cause my eyes were opened late. And when they were opened, I could not strengthen my voice or my silence to such an extent that all should understand their mean- ing. But we Hungarian writers have one excuse; even if rather late, we opened the fight against tyranny. w _z, t 7 A Lesson . . . By LORINC SZABO By WILLIAM N. OATIS UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P) - The United States isn't talking about the Eisenhower Doc- trine here these days. The doctrine took shape early this year aft- er word came that Syria, like Egypt, was get- ting Soviet-bloc arms. A month ago Secretary of State Dulles men- tioned the doctrine in a United Nations speech citing Syria as a place where "political power has increasingly been taken over by those who depend upon Moscow." DULLES said that "when the' Soviet threat to the Middle East was recently resumed," Congress reacted with a joint resolution auth- orizing the President to give economic and military aid to help Middle East nations re- main independent. He recalled that this resolution, signed March 9, said, "The United States is prepared to use armed forces to assist any such nation . . requesting assistance against armed ag- gression from any country controlled by in- a Washington Cabinet meeting last Friday morning, told the UN that the charges against the United States and Turkey were absurd. Lodge reaffirmed a U.S. pledge. But it wasn't the Eisenhower Doctrine. It was a White House statement that the United States "will observe its commitments within constiutional means to oppose any ag- gression in the area." THIS STATEMENT was issued April 9, 1956- 11 months before the Eisenhower Doctrine became law. What prompted it was not Soviet activities but repeated incidents on the borders between Israel and her Arab neighbors - par- ticularly Egypt and Syria. At that time, the United States got the UN Security Council to send Secretary Gen- eral Dag Hammarskjold to the Middle East to calm things down. He obtained a cease-fire agreement from Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. What happened between the time Dulles nlaved up the Eisenhower Doctrine - and the OT EVERY single aim which the past unhappy twelve years strove to achieve was evil. Not in its seeds-thus we must not forget. But we must remember a hundred, nay, a thousand times more, all the evil it had committed and planned to commit. The stubborn cruelty, the base trampling upon right, truth and the spirit; the whole hell which an inert doctri- narism tried to incorporate like a mortal disease into the pulsing richness' of life. As a lesson, let us not forget pain and the increase of pain as a means of government! We must be liberated in such a way, too, that we can save ourselves and our future from the repetition and re- currence of the crimes of the past twelve years. With Arms at Rest .. . By George Paloezi-Horvath IN THE FIRST WEEK of our fight for freedom, no issue of Irodalmi Ujsag appeared. The newspaper which has hoisted the banner of liberty while the terror still endured could not call for peace, order and tranquility in the days when the nation struggled for its liberation. We do not want peace, order and calmness at any price. We have lived in such tranquility during an insufferably long period. It was in the midst of the greatest peace and order that tens of thousands of us were taken to the A.V.O. prisons. In the greatest "tranquility" in the calmness of abject fear, clenched teeth and outrage, a arpn4' many, +'ki'nsr. fl'af an ',.a .rtrman A, i , 'a