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October 22, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-22

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom dOCOOLER, os


VIU, No. 30


)peal.of Galens ... . ... W 1High Court ,Unxv


enied byGroup
shopping Area Fund Drive Blocked
By SGC Board in Review's Decision
e Board in Review for Student Government Council decided
;ht that Galens, medical honorary, had had a chance to appeal
C decision.
is-means Galens will not be able to hold a bucket drive for
r in the State Street and South University shopping areas.
Council had set campus boundaries including the State Street
>uth University shopping areas on October 2 for its Campus
Drive, and at the same time prohibited Galens from holding
ual bucket -drive in that area.
Denied Reconsideration
st Wednesday Galens was denied SGC reconsideration of the
ries, after it was given an opportunity to present reasons why
Id be reconsidered.

To Consider Virginia
School Segregation A<


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meeting had been called because of an alleged denials
ie medical honorary.
el Laing of the political science department, chairman
cknowledged his error in calling the Board, after reading
Tthe minutes of bothSGC meetings
concerned with Galens.
D rive Situation Misunderstood
He misunderstood the situation,
he said, and it was apparent froml
~oie1t - the minutes that Galens had had
a chance to appeal. .
This decision came after the
cu lt Board realized it could not discuss
SGC's action on Nov. 2 which de-
fined campus boundaries, because
n Review for Stu- of the rules under which the Board
ent Council lifted operates.
ion Sunday on the SGC President Joe Collins, '58,
olicit faculty mem- pointed out that the. SGC plan'
ampus Chest. states that appeals can only be
he Board is called, made "within four days of publi-
n on the issue to be cation in The Daily Official Bulle-
utomatic. tin of the Council's action."
th the removal of The issue did not come up for
e includeA a state- almost twd weeks, Collins said
Board advising the
Where matters be- Appeal Choice Given'k-
nd beyond the stu- It was at this point Prof. Laing
properly authorized ruled that "unless someone could
. . should be con- interpret. the SGC minutes. differ-
nce of taking ac- ently," it was clear Galens had
been given an appeal to the Coun-
ided at its Wednes- cil.
instruct the Cam- Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
ard to solicit the deplored the "legalistic point of
view"' the students had taken. She
Asks Charge said that this type of issue was
of the- meeting Joe always a difficult one for students
IC president, asked to handle, because they "always
what charge it had demand a pound of flesh."
She explained that often "it is
Laing of the poli- better to be wise than right."
department and Dean of the music school Earl
ie Board,' answered Moore agreed with Dean Bacon.
ers "had shown He felt a great lack of wisdom was
t SGC's decisipns shown by the Council's action.
mpus Chest Board "You have already alienated a
lty. large group of important alumni,"
neets, according to he said.
-Rea Obiects

3C had dec
meeting to
Chest Boa
lty. / -
t the startc
ins, '58, SG
Board on
i called.
of. Lionel1
rman of th
ilty memb
ern" abou
ave the Ca
it the facu
he Board m
SGC plan,t
Council w
uestion oft
on" or req
ration ofr

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright
yesterday made a grand entrance
into Detroit, drove quietly into,
Ann Arbor, and sneaked into the
architecture college.
It was hard to say which he en-
joyed most.'
The occasion was a "lecture"
Lawyer Say ss
Hoffa Voters,
WASHINGTON (P)-Counsel for
a group of protesting Teamsters
members claimed yesterday that
over 600 delegates to the union's
recent convention were seated il-
legally to rig the election of James
R. Hoffa as president.
The attorney, Godfrey P.
Schmidt, told United States Dis-
trict Judge F. Dickinson Letts
there "never was a group of more
complacent 'yeah men' ever gath-
ered together anywhere."
Schmidt said at least 478 of the
convention's 1,754 delegates could
be proved by their own admission
to have been illegally seated, and
another 128 could be proved im-
properly qualified under union
Judge Letts recessed argument
in the case until this morning
when he again will hear from
Schmidt and Teamsters Union at-
torney Martin O'Donoghue.
Letts refused to dissolve a week-
old restraining order against Hoffa
taking office.
Wilitaims Firm
Tells Dealings
With Hoodlum
LANSING, (A) - Gov G. Men-
nen Williams today disclosed that
a firm of which he is a director
had dealings with labor racketeer
Johnny Dio.
Dio and his associates "victim-
ized" Mennen Co., a Morristown,
N.J., toiletries firm, and its em-
ployes, Gov. Williams said.
Writing to Sen.-John L. McClel-
lan (D-Ark.) chairman of the
Senate R a c k e t s Investigation
Committee, the governor said he
had decided to publicize the story
"because it shows how a busi-
ness firm, operating in good faithi
can find itself' dealing with
racketeers under the guise of la-
bor organization." Sen. McClel-
lan's committee, he said, already
has been apprised of the situation.

-Daily-David Arnold
TWENTIETH CENTURT ARCHITECT-Frank Lloyd Wright speaks to a group of eager architecture
students at the University's architecture college. He characterizes his orgaic architecture as the only
truly American twentieth century style in existence, and calls the campus he designed for Florida
Southern College "the only really American campus in the country."
Wrig Blasts Architecture Instruction

sponsored by the Detroit Town
Hall in that City's Civic Center,
but Wright, at his non-conforming
best, turned it into a ten-hour
marathon of pungent comments
on any and every subject.
The high point - for all con-
cerned - came late In the evening
when he addressed an awe-struck
group of about 300 architecture
students in the architecture build-
Students 'Waste Time'
"Addressed" is not quite the
word. What he actually did was to
tell them they were wasting their
time, that they did not know the
first thing about architecture, and
that not one of them would know
a great piece of architecture when
he saw one. They loved it.
"There is nothing I can do for
you," he said. "There is nothing I
can do for any school."
He was referring to his main
complaint, against architecture -
Euroe Study
]Plan Praised
By Director
"The junior year abroad plan is
wonderful; I'd like to see it at the
University," Prof. James M. Da-
vis, Director of the Interrational
Center, told the Literary College
Steering Committee yesterday.
For supervision of the year of
study in Europe, faculty members
would accompany any group
sponsored by the University, he
"This plan would ensble the
faculty to work and vacation in
Europe. This would give stimula-
tion and new life to their teaching
at home. The University could
thereby build up a rich resource
for improving its. total teaching
after a period of years," Prof.
Davis noted.
The junior year abroad plan
is "a revolutionary approach to
curriculum," Prof. Davis . con-
tinued. If conducted in Europe,
the plan would add to the Univer-
sity's' prestige, which now ranks
"relatively low in their conception,
of American universities," he
In talking of a junior year plan
in Asia, the director observed that
a plan of this type would be "a
unique contribution" to national
junior year programs since no
other school conducts one in Asia.
At their next meeting the
Steering Committee will discuss
-the information they have re-
ceived so far, and attempt to se-
lect the area in which the pro-,
gram the University might insti-
tute will take place, according to
Leslie Dietz, '58, chairman.

the way it is taught in the colleges.
Over and over, in the lecture, his
talk to the students, and in private
interviews, he emphasized what he
feels is wrong.
Wrong Teachers
"They teach by comparison," he
said, "and not the way they should
--by analysis. That's the only way
See FRANK LLOYD, page 6
Arab King
T o -Mediate,
Trk, Crisis
key and Syria last night were re-
ported accepting the offer of
Arabia's King Saud to mediate
their border crisis.
Saudi Arabia officially an-
nounced the two countries had
agreed the king should step in.
Turkey announced its accept-
ance here while the Syrians in the
United Nations still declined to
make it official on the basis of
what they had heard from home.
Meeting Today
This word came as Sir Leslie
Munro, president of the 82-nation
General Assembly, called a meet-
ing for this afternoon to begin
debate on the Middle East prob-
Turkish Anibassador Seyfullah
Esin said his government had in-
formed the Saudi Arabian mon-
arch that it was prepared to take
part in mediation efforts. Esin
heads Turkey's UN delegation.
But Syria denied published re-
ports that Damascus had agreed
to mediation now.
A statement from the Syrian
UN delegation said such reports
are "not in conformity with fact."
Accept Offer
In Washington, the Saudi Ara-
bian Embassy issued a statement
Syria had accepted the mediation
saying that both Turkey and
effort and that a Syrian delega-
tion would meet Saud within the
next two days.
A spokesman at the Syrian Em-
bassy said the embassy had no
direct word from Damascus, but
he 'considered the Saudi Arabian
information as accurate. United
States officials also said that
Syria as well as Turfcey had
agreed to the mediation.
Western delegates conferred
privately on the best way to coun-
ter Syria's Soviet-backed charge
that Turkey is about to start war
in the Middle East.
Diplomats at the UN believed
Syria wanted a full airing r of its
charges in the Assembly before
considering any other course.

to review action of
hich might involve
the Council's iuris-
uire "further con-
egental policy or

'Faculty Jurisdiction'
" Prof. Laing commented perhaps
the Council's action was a "reach-
ing out to take faculty jurisdic-
tion," and the Board should de-
cide "what are the Council's pro-
per limits."
See BOARD, page 2

/orld News

Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
"objected to the whole business."
He thought that it was possible
that next year the Council would
"push Galens back into the Hos-
pital. ?
However, he noted again, that
the Board had to follow the "letter
of the law" and should not over-
rule SGC.
Collins commented that SGC
also had to operate "within the
letter of the law." That is what
the Board is for, he-,continued, "to
see that we do. If we don't, it is up
to the Board to correct us."
Jewett Speaks
Collins invited Bob Jewett, 58K
Galen's president, to explain to
the Council why it thought it had
been denied the right to appeal.
Jewett told of Galens request last
March for a campus and city drive,
which was postponed by the Coun-
cil until the definite arrangements
had been made for Campus Chest.
He said that he had not received
a letter from Collins on the new
delineation of boundaries prescrib-
ed by the Council until six days
after the action had been taken.
Collins indicated this was standard
policy, since the action was not
final until the Board had had a
chance to review it.
See BOARD, page 6

By The Associated Press
PARIS - President Rene Coty
sought by personal persuasion last
Anight to get bitterly o p p o s e d
French political factions together
in the interests of forming a new-
The need to end the three-week-
old crisis was clear.
Coty was armed for his talks
with a pessimistic economic report
.presented to him by ex-Premier
Robert Schuman, a former fin-
ance minister who spent the week-
#end consulting financial experts.
- He first asked Schuman himself
to form a government centered on
Schuman's Popular Republican-
MRP-party.Schuman refused.
United States poised for an early
test firing of its satellite rocket-
the Vanguard-Britain yesterday
proposed the two countries pool
nuclear and missile secrets to
counter Russia's recent successes
in the space race.
- Britain's c a b i n e t authorized
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan

Senators To Discuss Atomic Energy Controls

Having recently returned from
the international atomic energy
conference in Vienna, Sens. John
W. Bricker (R-O.) and Albert
Gore (D-Tenn.) will present their
views on "Can Atomic Energy Be
Controlled?" at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium.

ate that he opposed any agree-
ment under which control of the
atomic bomb would pass to an in-
ternational agency because it
would mean "world government."
This interest led to intense study
of the value of nuclear energy and

in the House from 1938 until his
election as senator in 1952. Prior
to his election to congress in 1938,
Sen. Gore was Tennessee State
Commissioner of Labor.
Works Bill Author
Sen. Gore is co-author of the
1956 Gore-Fallon bill that consti-

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