rr. ! e , , , tea ...-r , ...{?.. - ','.'. +c. . t -#, ..e, . . s;. .-x. , .. ,At. Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE -Sunday, October 2), 1957 Sundav. October 20. :1957 1HE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE S IBrainwashing Battle for the Mind' Tells How It's Done ,Jul luuyf LANVIIN Once-a-Year Special' PERFUME and EAU DE LANVIN AI{PEGE MY SIN $5.50 BATTLE FOR THE MIND. By William Sargant. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1957. 263 pp. $4.50. By JOHN B. DALBOR IT HAS BEEN over four years since the end of the Korean' war, and the memory of it is fad- ing fast for most Americans. Occa- sionally one of the GI "turncoats" returns to the United States, and this temporarily raises one of the leading controversIes to have come, out of this war-brainwashing. Most Americans fail to realize that the successful conversion of supposedly loyal and intelligent American soldiers by the Chinese Communists represents one of the great potential dangers to the West in its current Cold War with. the Soviet sphere. Little but mis- information has been published of exactly how this amazing feat was accomplished, and even less of a satisfactory nature has been done about it. Public condemnation of these unfortunate figures is vehement and widespread, yet there have been few concrete findings on which to base these cries of right- eous indignation. The Army policy of castigation through court mar- tial seemed inadequate as a solu- tion to the problem at the time, but now it appears downright ri- diculous in the light of some very unusual theories presented by a., British psychiatrist. Dr. William Sargant, in his lat- est book, Battle for the Mind, con- tends that the more intelligent, "normal," and loyal an individual is, the greater chance he has of being converted or brainwashed to accept ideas which are often diametrically opposed to the ones he fervently held before with great conviction. how relative1y uncomplicated physiological and mechanistic methods - rather than intellec- tual persuasion - can be used to force the human mind to reject old beliefs and behavior and sud- denly grasp new ones which it had previously thought to be false and pernicious. This can occur in religious conversions, police confessions, and psychiatric treat- ment, as well as political brain- washing. The author cites case after case to show that any nervous system, when put under enough strain and fatigue, will eventually crack, and the brain will pass into a state of increased suggestibility. Dr. Sargant's theory of stress, b r e a k d o w n, suggestibility, and conveision-occurring even when the individual fights desperately to retain his serenity and integrity -is based on the experiments with dogs conducted by the famous Russian scientist Pavlov. APPARENTLY canine behavior bears a greater and more dis- turbing similarity to human be- havior than most of us care to animals. Yet the author counters, and apparently correctly so, that a large part of the world's popula- tjon is not only being reindoc- trinated but has had its whole medical system reoriented along Pavlovian lines - partly because the mechanistic and psysiological approach to what is more com- monly regarded in the West as the province of philosophy and reli- gion has achieved such politically convenient results. Dr. Sargant condemns Western psychologists, psychiatrists, a n d physicians for having too long underestimated the physiological aspect of the human brain and nervous system and for having dallied for centuries with irrele- vant philosophical and metaphysi- cal considerations which have re- sulted in shamefully little progress in our struggle to know the human mind and cure its ailments. If medicine had refused to compare human and canine glandular and digestive systems, he says, it would still be in the same backward state as modern psychiatry. J4e Quarr Jnc. v I RUSSIA (Continued from Page 14) can literature. The list of auth- ors was fantastic in its scope : Jack London, Theodore Dreiser, and 0. Henry. To this one girl added, "and Rob Roy, too." WE WERE given a rather elab- orate, yet revealing tour of their economic institute. At the library the only magazines on the display table happened to be back copies of the U.S.I.S. publication America; I found Russian peri- odicals on the shelves. The dormitory was completely co-educational - men's and wo- men's rooms being adjacent to each other. The exterior, its en- trance littered with garbage, was uninviting, but the room which we were shown was attractive. Luck- ily there were just enough chairs for all seven of us. While the radio played soft mood music (it was on when we entered), we were pre- sented with gifts - because "the Russian government, R u s s i a n people, and Russian students want peace. We are your friends." When the little ceremony was over, I am sure that our hosts felt they had been successful in impressing us with a true pic- ture of life at the institute. Every- thing had been arranged perfect- ly. A visit to a "House of Culture" provided another interesting view of Soviet life. Notwithstanding any implications the name may have carried, we found a place where young people came to dance. The small combo played traditional Russian music as well as such pieces as "Lullaby of Birdland." The place was ex- tremely crowded but everyone was having a good time. Apparently the Houses of Cul- ture give the girls an opportunity to show off their best clothes. To a Westerner, the results were amusing. Somehow it reminded me of little girls smudging on lip- stick and getting all dressed up in one of grandmother's dresses. Clothing . - - DURING our stay in Moscow several of us were approached and asked to sell articles of cloth- ing. This is strictly illegal and it is interesting that even some of our Komsomol acquaintances wanted to buy things. I was of- fered 100 rubles for a dacron shirt. An inexpensive American- made summer suit could bring about 1500 rubles. This was a phenomenal price at the current tourist exchange rate of ten rubles to one dollar. An enterprising businessman could make a good profit by picking up pink shirts See RUSSIA, Page 18 (Continued from Page 3) Josef Blatt was brought to campus to build an operatic school, and since that time Michigan students have participated in or seen four- teen complete operatic produc- tions, as well as numerous pro- grams of scenes from opera. Last year for the first time the opera class. went on a tour of the Upper Peninsula, and a similar tour is planned for this spring. These operatic efforts have re- quired the multiplicity of talents and skills which a university can provide so well. The productions have been as much the work of the speech department as the music school, and the physical education department has often trained- needed dancers. The Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra pro- vides players for the O p e r a Orchestra, which is an integral part of the complete productions. Many students gain entrance to this activity through the Opera Chorus, of which the membership is by no means restricted to stu- dents in the School of Music. OF COURSE one cannot help speculating about the future, and many questions arise. The principal question is whether or not this renewed operatic activity in the academic community will cause a renaissance of professional opera, thus providing a native out- let for the skill of those trained in our colleges and universities. All present indications seem to point toward such events. In the last few years opera has found its way into an increasing number of civic and professional affairs; some companies have expanded their seasons to a number of weeks and several productions per year. It may well be that in time we shall see the opening of profes- sional opera houses comparable with the Metropolitan in many other cities throughout the coun- try. But whatever the future may hold, it is not likely that the importance of the academic com- munity to opera will be lessened. A university, which is by defini- tion a seat of learning where the various disciplines enrich and complement each other, can pro- vide in abundance all the neces- sary elements to make up an operatic production, together with all the philosophical and historical background to make it a really meaningful experience to the par- ticipating student. And since our colleges and universities are spread throughout the length and breadth of the country, they can in this area, hope to make an in- creasingly valuable contribution to the life of the nation. OPERA How the Academic World Has Helj ALICE DUTCHER (The Witch), Mary Mattfeld (Hansel) and Svea from "Hansel and Gretel," performed at the Univer WHEN o LOVE Q IS o 6 FOUND... o 6 p CAPTURE IT FOREVER WITH IiIA\l lI RS 717 NoKTH UNmESrFrY West of Hill Auditorium f:<0<< CAMERAS ROLL on a kinescope of "Aida." The scene is Act IV, t (Amnneris) and Al Crowfoot (Rhadames). Kinescopes like this one, pa dents, are distributed to television stations around the country. Van Boven Sport Jackets Woven on the hand looms of the Shetland Islands and tailored without padding in the classic and conservative Van Boven lines. from $50 Pan IOevw DOBBS HATS OXXFORD CLOTHES BURBERRY COAT3 ANN ARBOR DETROIT