h 9 A+' ; S.. 34 Iowa ..... .. 21 Ohio State . . Mnno . . . Minnesota 0 State 13 ... 13 Wisconsin .. . 7 Aw.. Oklahoma . . . 4 Kansas . .. . Indiant.a 7 Arm.. . . . .29 Texas A&M . . .o7 UCLA 0 Pittsburgh . . . 13 Texas Christian 0 Oregon State . p i I I NGHWAY AID 'NEFITS NATION 1 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ait FAIR, COOL See page 4 No. 29, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1957 FIVE CENTS SIX ,..asar. in Severs Ties LbYugoslaviat 's Recognition of East Germany vokes. Decision by Adenauer rermany (R)-The Bonn government unhappily broke off lations yesterday with Yugoslavia, one of West Germany's s-, ia reaction ranged from anger to sadness. on was prompted by, Yugoslavia's recognition Tuesday unist East German.. regime. Not Hostile to People, Government' Minister Ieinrich von Brentano said his government does le either to the Yugos'lav people or its regime, headed by ef Tito. veder, Yugoslav ambassador to Bonn, looking more sad old newsmen the' move amounted to senseless pressure Russia Asks Conference At 'Summt x LOND3:ON (P--Moscow suggested yesterday that Britain' and the United States call Russia into an East-West summit conference aim- ed at restoring calm along the troubled border between Turkey and Syria. Moscow radio timed its sugges- tion to coincide with a call by British Communist party Secre- tary John Gollan for summit talks "to stop war breaking out" in the Middle East. % The Communist strategy was unfolded only three days before 'Prime Minister Harold Macmillan flies to Washington for talks with President Dwight D. Eisenhower on a variety of world topics, in- cluding the Turkish-Syrian crisis. A commentary in Moscow's Eng- lish-language service asserted the two Western statesmen cannot solve the problem alone. "If they really want to bring the Middle East back to normal; why don't they invite other coun- tries to , confer?" the broadcast asked. "After all," Moscow radio said, "there is not a single international. problem now that can be settled, singly. But Prime Minister Mac- millan's meeting with the Pres- dent hints at a separate plot by one group of powers against others, against the Soviet Union in par- ticular." The British Foreign office is cool to the idea of a summit conference. A spokesman said it was unlikely to be discussed by President Eisen- hower and Prime Minister Mac- millan. Wolverines Trip Wildcat II fourth Quarter, 344-l ro J ' , WASHINGTON RP) Secretary f State Johp Foster Dulles is re- orted to be'making a careful re- bpraisal of United States support or Yugoslavia. > The question is whether that Dommunst country has kept rnongh independence of Russia to ustiy continuing American aid. The United States and its British 0ud French allies may be ap- 'oaching the brink of another old war defeat at the hands of mart and aggressive Soviet lead- ersliip on the Yugoslpv issue. It would be a political-diplomatic ;riumph for Soviet party boss Rlikta Khrushchev if hA could pull lrugosav Presdent Jose Tito back into the Sovit orbit completely-or ~cbteve virtually the same result by creating a situation 'in which }Ito had no other place to go. , Th'e Yugoslav problem was spot- Lighted yesterday by West Ger- many's break In diplomatic' rela- bons with the Tito regime over its reeognltion earlier this week of Communist East Germany. Sen. Styles /Bridges (R-N.H.) called yesterday for' an end to all aid for Yugoslavia, calling such aid "a travesty on sound diplomacy and a waste of the taxpayer's money." , Sen. *idges, top Republican on the Senate Appropriations Coi- cinttee, said the United States has riven Tito nearly one and one-half billion dollars orth of military and economic aid. Some of the most informed offi- cials here think Tito has no inten- tion of cutting his ties with the West. His interest would seem ,to lie. in trying to play both sides. But he may hhve gone so far in playing the Russian side recently that it will make it impossible for the State Department to sell his aid program to Congress. World 'News Roundup By The Associated Press SOUTH BEND, Ind.-A recorded speech criticizing Walter Reuther and the United Auto Workers has been ruled unacceptable byNu tual Broadcasting System attor- neys for broadcast today. The sp eechas recorded several days ago by Herbert V. Kohler, president of the Kohler Co. of Kohler, Wis., which has been in- volved in a bitter three year battle with the UAW. Mutual lawyets auditioned the Sunday program featuring Koh- ler's remarks and said it was "un- acceptable to the network, princi- pally because there is serious dan- ger, in our opinion, that various poriions of the address-by Kohler -may be held defamatory." * * * . CAIRO-The American pilot of the Air Jordan passenger plane reported last night an Israeli jet fighter fired on the plane five times over Jordan territory in a vain that could do no one any good. The Belgrade News Agency Yugo- press called the decision unreason- able, adding that "no move of Bonn officials can deny the fact that two German states exist." U.S. Approves In Washington and London, the United States and Britain ex- pressed their sympathy with the West German action. They said they fully understood the reasons for Bonn's move. France approved in advance. What would happen to the bus- tling trade between Yugoslavia and West Germany, ampunting to 100 million dollars a/ year, re- mained to be seen. Both Von Bren- tano and Kveder said the question of economic relations remains' wide open. West German industrialists op- posed a break, fearing i loss of income. The average , Yugoslav worried that otherwise scarce- con- sumer goods, bought by large credits from West Germany, might vanish from shops.' May Hurt Travel Yugoslavia also wondered how the rupture will affect the profit- able tourist trade. West German tourists -are the most numerous visitors to Yugoslavia.; West Germany appeared in no' mood to halt its payment of war reparations to Yugoslavia. This is in the form of a 67 million dollar long-term loan, interest free. In addition to the, industrialists, the opposition Socialists and Free Democrats and even some of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's Christian Democrats stood against the move. But Von Brentano told reporters West Germany would be abandon- ing its foreign policy if it took the Yugoslav diplomatic slap lying down.. 'U' Reactor /i ON SYRIA: UNPl1ans Sessionls UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (A))- The United Nations General As- sembly, it was said yesterday may hold day-and-night debate next week for quick disposal of Syrian- Soviet charges that Turkey plans to attack Syria with United States help.. Meanwhile the idea of sending a commission to investigate the situation seemed to have won wide acceptance. Various delegations consulted on the terms of a reso- lution to set up the commission. A usually well-informed diplomat said the prekident of the 82-nation Assembly had in mind to call morning, afternoon and, night meetings Tuesday and Wednesday if necessary to reach a decision by Thursday. The new Middle Eastern ques- tion seemed headed for action in little more than a week. Meanwhile, travelers reaching Istanbul from the border said large numbers of Turkish infantry and armed units were occupying de- fensive positions along the border. They said the troops. were well equipped with United States-made bazookas and recoilless rifles. They. said, however, that frontier cities and villages were calm. Two travelers said they saw about 30 United States officers and non-coms, apparently advisers sent to train Turkish units under the United States defense aid program. Ankara, the Turkish capital, was calm and Turkish newspapers gave only scant mention to the crisis. Allege Fims Illegally Block :labor Unions- WASHINGTON (R) -Senate rackets probers reported evidence yesterday that "some of the larg- est companies" used illegal means to block labor unions out of their plants. The investigators also said there was evidence of deals to get "sweetheart" co nt r a cts with friendly unions. Such contracts give workers few if, any benefits. Chairman John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) announced his special Senate Investigating Committee will explore allegations against more than a dozen companies *in 11 states. He'said the public hear- ings will start Tuesday and run for two weeks. Suspect employers will be the main targets of the inquiry, he said. Pace. Scores WinnngTI Byers Stars Late Victory Driv( Directed by Van I By BRUCE BENNETT Associate Sports Writer Michigan rallied from a - period slump which saw it bli 14-0 lead and came on to apj three touchdown fourth qu blitz against Northwestern's and injury-ridden Wildcats f 34-14 Big Ten victory before 7 yesterday. The win was the 'Wolves first in the Conference this fa against one defeat. Coupled yesterday's Michigan State Minnesota losses, Coach BT Oosterbaan's team is again i thick of the Cpnference battle "Anything Can Happen" Oosterbaan succinctly sun up the amazing afternoon's a ity with one terse comment i locker room following the g "As I've said all, along, anyi can 'happen in the Big Ten," the maxi who should know. been around the Conference player and coach for 33 seaso The Wolverines completely miated the first half of the g holding Northwestern to a ii five yards rushing ,one first and permitted the Wildcats 16 plays from scrimmage or fense. -Daily-Charles Curtiss THE BIG ONE-Halfback Jim Pace (43) takes a pass over his shoulder from quarterback Stan Noskin to score Michigan's third, and decisive, touchdown yesterday against Northwestern. He is being chased by Wildcat center Jim Andreotti (56). This touchdown broke a 14-14 tie early in the fourth quarter, and enabled the Wolverines to go on to a 3 4-14 win.4 Open Today The facilities of the University's North Campus, including four lab- oratories, a nuclear reactor, two service buildings and three North- wood apartient buildings will be open to the public from 2 to 4:30 p.m. today. Buses leaving Alumni Memorial Hall at 2, 3and 4 p.m. will provide transportation to and from the campus which is holding its first open house since construction was begun in 1952. The campus structures are val- ued at more than 11 million dol- lars, 'NO INTEREST': Ann Arbor Police Report Lack of Ticket Scalping ONLY 65: Less Flu I SpeechDlaybill To Present Variety of Plays No scalping of tickets at yester-r day'9 Michigan-Northwestern game was reported. Police attributed the lack of scalping activity to $reports that . you couldn't even give tickets away yesterday." Four persons were arrested last night for drinking in a public -place. Cecil W. Van Alsburg, 20 years old; Mark DeVelder, '58, 21 years old; Barbara Roeser, 20 years old, a Michigan State Uni- versity student; and Katharine Kohl, 20 years old, a Northwestern University student, were arrested by city police at Observatory and Washington Heights roads. Van' Alsburg and De Velder were booked for drinking in a public place. The girls were released to appear Tuesday. Destruction of Homecoming dis- plays was also reported to city police. During the evening, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Xi, and Lloyd House, in West Quadrangle re- ported destruction of displays and fighting in their vicinity. An arrest for drunk and dis- orderly involved resisting arrest. Nabon Kodama, 220 North 5th Street, was observed pushing a man in a restaurant. The arrest-, ing officer was then pulled to the ground and the assistance of an- other officer was required to sub- due Kodama. Russi ,ans Say' ,Moon' Spurs British Drive WASHINGTON (P)-The Soviets said yesterday their satellite suc-. cess is inspiring a drive by Britain to get nuclear weapon information from the 'United States. Without remarkingon this par- ticular statement broadcast by Radio Moscow,. Army Secretary Wilbur M. Brucker said Soviet Communist Party boss N i k i t a Khrushchev had started "a clever campaign of exploitation to get all the propaganda value out of the Russian satellite." By. ,IANE FRASER The 1957-58 Speech Department Playbill is geared to combine variety and entertainment along with practical experience of play production. The Playbill opens with Joseph Kesselring's "Arsenic and Old Lace" on Nov. 7-9. Two old ladies decide to "cure" the loneliness of old men by ad- ministering arsenic, in this comedy. Thirteen bodies buried in the cellar are the result.. O'Neill Play NextX On and off Broadway the talk centers on Eugene O'Neill, whoI has been called America's greatest playwright. His "Desire Under the Elms" will be presented Dec. ' Re ported By SUSAN IIOLTZER' Only 65 students reported to Health Service yesterday w i t h symptoms of Asian Flu, and only 14 were admitted to the infirmary, but authorities are still concerned. Dr. Morley Beckett, Health Serv- ice Director, warned that the de-r crease in cases, as it relates to the; epidemic itself, is deceptive. There were 240 cases reported at the clinic on both Thursday and Friday, while two or three times yesterday's number were put to bed. "These figures don't mean that there are fewer sick around," Dr. Beckett said. "Even if they're sick they don't come in on a day like yesterday." He said Health Service is braced for a "tremendous number" of stu- .dents tomorrow-those that were determined to attend the football game and the various Homecoming festivities.' Dean of Women Deborah Bacon was concerned enough about tle problem to address an open letter to all undergraduate women, on the subject of "World Epidemics' and the Individual." In 'it she describes the symptoms of what she calls a "dis-ease." That is, "you feel 'lousy'." The letter goes on to prescribe the general treatment offered by doctors, emphasizing the fact that time will do most of the healing. "Like rain on the day of the pic- nic, this too will pass." "When one and a quarter mil- lion Americans all are in the same boat," the letter reads, "the im- portant thing is-don't rock it; we assure you, it's not sinking." Galens Review Set for Today The Board in Review for Stu- dent Government C o u n c i l will meet at 10:30 a.m. today in the Conference Room at the Union,. It will hear an appeal from Ga- lens, medical honorary, on SGCis Two Early Scores The Wolverines chalked up two second quarter touchdowns, an blew three other, scoring chances when they were forced to relin quish the ball on downs in North western territory. Michigan threatened the firs time it got its hands on the ball The Wildcats received but wen nowhere with three cracks at th spirited Michigan line and wer forced to punt. With Stan Noskin at the helm Michigan took over on its own eight and drove all the way to th Wildcat one. From there, Myer bucked for the score on fourt] down, but it was nullified by Michigan offside penalty. Shove back to the six, a pass to Jim Pac failed to make the necessary yard age and Northwestern took ove on its own two. 'M' Controls 'all The Wildcats again couldn' move and following a third dow: punt, the Wolverines moved 5 yards in 13 pl ys to pay dirt. Jix VanPelt passed to Dave Bower: for the final 14 yards and th score and then converted to giv Michigan a 7-0 lead. See McKEIVER, Page 2 United Fund Drive Totals 19%, of Goal By PHILIP MUNCK Individual contributionsto thl year's Ann Arbor United Fur Drive are higher .than last yea according to N. ,Edd Miller of th University's placement office ar general chairiian of the Unive sity division 'of the United Fun drive. According to figures received a The Daily, the drive'has collecte $63,657 or 1c per cent of the tota The drive began Oct. 7 in th University and Monday for / t] city. It will end Oct. 28. The fund supplies the sole con tributions in, Ann Arbor for 4 local, state and national agencie Total goal for this year's'driv i 5-7. Ephriam Cabot, 76 years old, is the monarch of the soil in "Desire Under the Elms" who keeps his sons subjugated on the farm. Com- plications set in when Ephriam's youngest son falls in love with his father's third -wife. On Feb. 26-28 and March 1, the speech department will join with the music school to present Gui- seppe Verdi's opera "The Masked Ball," based on the assassination of 'King Gustav III of Sweden. To Be Sung in English A king in love with the wife of his best friend spells intrigue in this production which will use the Swedish setting and be sung 'in English. J. M. Synge's "Playboy of the Western World" will be the pro- duction on March 20-22. At its 1907 Dublin opening, the play incited riots because it teased MAJOR, BOLTON AMONG DAY'S WINNERS: Students, Alumni Soak -Up "Mythign' spirit S.*B By LANE VANDERSLICE r "Mythigan" became history today. But before it did, it crammed a lot into 24 hours. For the alumni, this 1957 version of- Homecoming was a chance to see the University again, renew old friendships, and soak in the atmosphere provided by the displays, events and the football game. The students had a harder time of it. Many students saw both the beginning and ending of Homecoming as they struggled to get displays up before the sun and then later as they struggled to get back to women's residences before the 1:30 curfew. And in between, students watched and participated in everything under the sun-for the sun was one of the surprise features of the day. At 10 a.m. the Sigma Alpha Epsilon yard was the scene of the 18th annual Mud Bowl game as Phi Delta Theta trounced SAE 19 to 0. At half-time the winner of the preceding beauty contest was an- nounced as Robert Bolton, '60A&D. The half-time soccer match, between Kappa Alpha Theta and