"Yeah, But Look At 'The I.eautitul Sale We've liuilt " Sixty-Eighth Year ;.: EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. r .F , F, (/ I - y } .. t / CaOIKAL UINiOA SEMEWS: Boston Symphony Concert Outstanding THE BOSTON Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Charles Munch played before a capacity audience last evening at Hill Audi- torium. Munch, who conducted with his usual conservative style, di- rected an outstanding performance. The program represented a question mark. It began with the "Sym- phony in G minor" by Mozart, continued with "Jeu de Cartes" by Stravinsky and closed with the "Symphony No. 4" by Johannes Brahms. The first and last works were ones with underlying sadness. And what of the Stravinsky? This was the surprise, and quite a pleasant one. ' )AY, OCTOBER 18, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER -- - _ 'IL 4 Honor System Vote An Effective Compromise STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL'S deci-' sion to hold a kind of referendum on an experimental honor system in the literary col- lege later in the year was an effective "way out" for the group. The move is a compromise-a compromise which favors one SGC point of view, but a compromise nevertheless., One group on the Council wanted a referen- dum quite strongly. The reasons for this atti- tude varied, but on a vote for a referendum they would have banded together. Some of i he members felt the Council's job is to get student opinion . and, on this project, a referendum would be necessary to do that. Some may have felt that when put to a refer- endum an honor system would be defeated, and these people were opposed to an honor system. Others may have felt that a Council decision :n the subject might prove embarrassing in the future, and still others felt that such a program should not be crammed down peoples throats. They got their referendum. ] OWEVER, the other side-those opposed to the referendum-were also, at least some- what appeased. The major point of this group was that a referendum on an honor system would be invalid without students first having experienced it. But the group was also concerned about the proper dissemination of information on the issue in such a short time as one month, and it felt that the introduction of this issue as part of an election campaign would result in distortion. At least the second part of this group's desire has been realized.A vote will be taken, but late in the year, and it will be free from the distortions of any hot campaign. Also, because the elections will be held in class rooms, if the administrative board ap- proves, that atmosphere will certainly be more stable. The classroom also provides an effective means of distributing educational material and of learning faculty viewpoints. But the important thing is that on an issue over which there was strong disagreement, an answer was worked out which has something to offer everybody on the Council. It would be good to see problems worked out in a similar manner in the future. This method is infinitely superior to stubborn bick- ering in which nothing at all is accomplished. -RICHARD TAUB Tito Proving a Bad Investment LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Arms Aid Policy 'Myopic' The Mozart symphony is onec type written during the summer of] interpretation. Most recent per- formances emphasize its dramatic possibilities. This was the type of performance renedered by the Boston Symphony. THE orchestra played from the very beginning with a determin- ation and drive. The second movement, played after a long and distracting pause caused by late comers ,is Mozart in his best lyric form. The Minuet truly exemplifies the true spirit of this music. Munch's reading of this section emphasized the certain basic pow- er in the music, yet always had melancholy. This is not a delicate dance, but rather music merely set in this form and straining in its confinement. The interpreta- tion of this movement was one of the high points of the concert. The final movement of this symphony is based on a theme of almost folk song simplicity. But in the development section, inde- cision seems to take Mold as exem- plified in the constant repetition of one musical idea. * * * THE music for the ballet "The Card Game" was composed in 1936. The ballet is built around three deals in a game of poker. Th dances represent the cards. The music is in many ways typically modern, dissonant and y ct not atonal, light and humor- cus. Here is a composition that de- serves more playings than it has received. It is a pleasure to hear something played at Hill that is not an "old stand-by." The final composition is one which can only be. appreciated in a live performance. In defending this composition after a two-pi- ano performance, Brahms stated that it can only be appreciated in an orchestral setting. * * * THIS composition by the lead- ing symphonic composer of the last half of the nineteenth cen- tury was performed with great warmth and feeling. Charles Munch's reading of this music.left little to be desired. The performance of the third movement was most colorful, the finale, brilliant. Of special interest were a num- ber of excellent flute and bassoon solos, played by Doriot Dwyer and Sherman Walt. Munch gracious- ly acknowledged the former's playing. This reviewer felt that there was a certain lack of dynamic contrast. The soft passages were occasionally louder than one might wish. This was especially true of the Mozart., I -Leroy Jaffe YUGOSLAVIA'S recent recognition of Com- munist East Germany has set Western capi- tals buzzing and has given West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer the first crisis of his third term. Tito's policy break with Western nations, which have refused to open diplomatic relations with the Red puppet state, is another victory for Russia in the cold war. The Yugoslav gov- ernment now follows the Soviet line on all phases of foreign policy-abolition of all de- fense pacts, admission of Red China to the United Nations, disarmament on Soviet terms and the rest. Tito has now fallen into the Soviet line on Germany. As explained by Tito, the recognition of two German states will aid the reunification of Germany. Under this plan, reunification can best be achieved by negotiations between the two equal and sovereign nations. The fact that East Germany is still technically a Russian occupation territory and is not, in fact, free is overlooked in this argument. Tito, of course, did not alone make up his mind on this move. It is generally believed by diplomats in Belgrade that Khrushchev ex- erted strong pressure on the Yugoslav president to make this move at their meeting early in August. Wladyslaw Gomulka, Polish Communist party leader, and Communist China are both thought to have pressed hard for the action. HILE YUGOSLAVIA is, in fact, free of the Soviet influence as far as its internal affairs are concerned, it is not totally immune from exte nal Russian pressure, being an independent Conmunist country in the Red Satellite zone. Tito's reinstatement of diplomatic relations with Russia has forced him to listen to Khrush- chev with a more attentive ear than he used with Stalin. Yugoslavia's move has caused a major prob- lem for West Germany's foreign policy with ie- gard to East Germany. Thus far, the Adenauer regime has not recognized any nation which has maintained diplomatic relations with the Red sector of Germany. They feel that they are, in fact, the only German government. :Russia has been exempt from this double recognition policy since West Germany considers the USSR occupying the German territory as the West occupied the free German sector after World War II. Now that a non-satellite nation has recognized both German states, Adenauer's threatened foreign policy of breaking diplo- matic relations with any violator can be put to the test. Belgrade feels that Germany will not Co this and thus risked the move at this time, probably to strengthen Tito's position next month when he meets the Russian leaders in Moscow. The German choice then is either. to sever diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia or 'change its foreign policy. This task now faces the newly re-elected Adenauer government. WEST GERMANY is left still another alter- tative. When Tito threatened his recent action last year, West Germany promptly signed an economic agreement with Yugo- slavia, providing for a $58 million loan to Tito and a liberal settlement of Yugoslavia's trade debt with West Germany. Adenauer could now void this agreement since Tito has broken lis word on the East German issue. Since Russia has extended him $250 million in credit re- cently, Tito will probably risk the voiding of the German pact. Adenauer's probable action will be a mild reproof of the Yugoslav action, probably a long delay in replacing the ambassador to Belgrade who recently died. West Germany, being a world power, can afford to, and probably will, wait to see if the repercussions of the Yugoslav action are severe enough to demand stronger action. Since Tito's action in this affair now com- pletes his policy break with the West, the United States should give very serious con- sideration to cancelling aid to Tito. The $1,400, 000,000 he has received in the last eight years has given him enough strength to resist the West and drift ever further into the Soviet camp. If economic aid from the U.S. vere cut off, Tito would then be forced to choose between a pro-Western policy or Russian domination, a choice which, in any event, would clarify his foreign policy and his intentions. If Tito's game is, as it appears, to build a strong Russian satellite with American dollars, we might as well save our foreign aid for a better cause. -ROBERT UNKER To the Editor: UNITED STATES arms aid to "friendly" countries, either through the collective security pacts or individually, were no doubt intended to check or con- tain Communism. However, the global picture of today clearly in- dicates that the impact of such a policy with the conditions of the particular regions only gave rise to elements core conducive to Communism. The whole policy of arms aid proved too naive and myopic, when it failed to foresee how the oth- er countries in any region, at po- litical strife with the countries which the United States is arm- ing, will react. Whatever assurances the United States may give that these arms will be used only for defense against Communism, these other countries cannot instinctively rest at peace when their 'enemy' coun- tries are being armed, for what- ever reason it may be. Further, it will be a great blun- der if one fails to realize that the local animosity and hatred, fanned almost to fanatacism by historical and emotional awareness, sway these regions far more powerfully than any fear or threat of Com- munism. Under this phenomenon it looks, indeed, strange, nay even absurd, if these other countries al- so turn to the United States for arms help. The only other two alternatives are that these other countries ei- ther turn to Russia for arms or else try to build up their own de- fense independently. In the former case, Russia gets a certain amount of control over these countries which it is the aim of United States foreign poli- cy to prevent. The Arab countries, notably Syria, may be cited as examples of this case. In the lat- ter case, the country spends such a vast percentage of its budget on its defense that its national economy is soon shattered and the country becomes more vulnerable to Communism. India is a good example of this case. Had United States not armed Pakistan, India could have di- verted that vast percentage of her defense budget to stabilize her econonly and uplift her teeming millions. Then, that ugly victory of Communism in one of her states (where unemployment touched a peak figure) and her present eco- nomic plight could have been averted. Thus, United States arms policy is only silently and imperceptibly creating in these regions condi- tions more and more conducive to Communism. -Thomas S. David, Grad. Bad Scene . . . To the Editor: WHAT'S this? After the city ap- pealed by letter and cited a possible loss of $200,000 revenue from state allocations, the Census Bureau said it would probably in- clude University students in Ann Arbor's population count in 1960 as it did in 1950. Then why do we have such a hard job registering to vote come election time? Many eligible stu- dents are denied this privilege on the grounds that they are "stu- dents" not "residents." Moreover, though the Census Bureau is willing to accept us as Ann Arbor residents, the Univer- sity continues to demand out-of- state fees from the very people whose presence brings more state money to the town. It looks like a squeeze from several sides, and it's a bad scene, man. -Murray Melbin, Grad. of the three brilliant works of this 1788. It is a composition which chal- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding pubiication. 'otices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 27 - General Notices Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medicalfand Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from Oct. 7 through Oct. 18, 1957, for new applications and changes in contracts now in effect, Staff members who wish to include surgical and medical serv- ices should make such changes in the Personnel Office, Room 1020, Admin- istration Building. New applications and changes will be effective Dec. 5, with the first payment deduction on Nov. 30. After Oct. 18, no new applica- tions or changes can be accepted until April, 1958, Student Government Council, sum- mary, action taken at meeting held October 16, 1957. Heard report of Honors SystemStu- dy Committee and Elections Commit- tee relating to feasibility and possible wordings of a referendum in November regarding introduction of an Honor System. Approved motion providing that Honor System Study Committee nego- tiate with the Administrative Board of the College of Literature Science end the Arts to hold a school-wide vote on the possibility of having an honor sy- tem in that college, after having pre- sented to the student body a plan ap- proved by Student Government Coun- cil for such a system. Heard outline of plans for Campus Chest Fund Drive, including two day bucket drive, Oct. 28-Novn2. Approved motion instructing te Campus Chest Board to organize a so- licitation of the University faculty and authorized it to solicit in any section of Ann Arbor it deems desirable. Heard report on Conference on Stu- dent Travel, including plans to estab- lish an International Travel Study In- formation Service. ACTIVITIES: Approved change of date for "Hilel- zapoppin" from March 29-December S. Approved International Student As- sociation discussion program, October 23. Approved ULLR Ski Club, program November 6. Approved SGC program as part of In- ternational Week, speaker, Mrs. Roose- velt, Nov. 8. Approved International Student As- sociation, Monte Carlo Ball, Novem- ber 9. Approved Gilbert and Sullivan per- formances November 21, 22 and 23, December 7. Denied International Student Asso- ciation, request for presentation of monthly movies on October 30, Novem- ber 27. This was felt to be a conflict with the accepted policy proposal that "Cinema Guild shall be the only stu- dent organization authorized to pre- sent a regular program of motion pic- tures for an admission fee" Approved, revised constitution for Education School Council. Amended Election Rule No. 7 to read "No campaigning in meal lines in Uni- versity Residence Halls except by ex- press permission of the responsible body. Granted extension for filing of peti- tion for Student Government Council to Joan Knoertzer due to confinement. in Health Service. Extension applies to filing of signatures only, all other re- quirements to be fulfilled by the estab- lished deadline Friday, Oct."18, 6 p.m. Heard representatives of Galens in support of their request for reconsid- eration of the definition of campus area as accepted by the Council at the October 9 meeting. Motion to recon- sider definition of campus area failed. Lectures Jim Elsman will be the guest of the Office of Religious Affairs at a coffee hour, Fri., Oct. 18, 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall Library. Jim will speak about his ex- periences at Little Rock, and the far- reaching implications of the events there. Astronomy D e p a r t m e n t Visitors' Night. Fri., Oct. 18, 8:00 p.m. Rm. 2003, Angell Hal[ Robert C. Bless will speak on "Dust in Space." After the lecture the Student Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be open for inspection and for telescopic observa- tions of a double star and cluster. Chil- dren welcomed, but must be accom- panied by adults. Concerts Italian Music of the 17th and 18th centuries, performed by a String Or- chestra under the direction of Gilbert Ross, 8:30 p.m. Fri., Oct. 18, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Compositions by Corelli, Pergolesi, Vivaldi, Torelli; open to the general public without charge. Organ Recital: 4:15 p.m. Sun., Oct. 20, in Hill Auditorium. Professor Noeh- ren will continue his series of Bach re- citals with the following works: Pre- lude and Fugue in C major, Chorale Preludes 1) If Thou bu Suffer God to Guide Thee, 2) Hark! A Voice Saith: "All is Mortal," and 3) 0 How Cheating, O How Fleeting; Eight short Preludes and Fugues; Chorale Preludes: All Glory Be to God on High, In Thee Lord. Have I Put My Trust, and Jesus, * t vr 4 'Yt COUNCIL COMMENTARY: Committee Operations Must Be Improved { TODAY AND TOMORROW: Power Politics No More By WALTER LIPPMANN THERE IS NO OBVIOUS reason why Khrush- chev should be conducting such a big agita- tion about Turkey and Syria. He cannot really believe that the United States government is inciting the Turks to attack Syria and thus to precipitate a war which, once started, would involve the whole NATO alliance. Nor can we believe that the Soviet Union is looking forward for a pretext to attack Turkey, and thus to pre- cipitate a world war. There must be something less world-shaking at stake. It seems to be a plausible guess to say that what is at stake is the control of the Syrian government, and more specifically whether the military dictatorship shall be composed of officers and bureaucrats who are dependent on Moscow. If this is correct, then the story began last summer when the former government became infiltrated and then dominated by a group of men who had the support of the Soviet Union and also of Nasser's Egypt. To this successful intrigue Mr. Dulles reacted strongly. As the event has shown, in public at least he over-reacted, and deeply embar- trigue is in Turkey which would, of course, wel- come the overthrow of the present pro-Soviet government in Damascus. HERE IS SOME reason for thinking that the intrigue has been making headway and that its agents may have been coming across the Turkish-Syrian border, that they may have begun to penetrate- successfully the Syrian army on which the government depends. The best reason for thinking that this may have happened is Nasser's extraordinary action in sending a battalion of Egyptian troops into northern Syria. This action would be military absurdity if what Khrushchev talks about- Turkish aggression backed by the United States -were really in the making. For what on Earth could a few hundred soldiers do if it came to war? But if we think of the Egyptian soldiers as having been sent in to watch the Syrian troops and to strengthen the hands of the government in Damascus as against a counter revolutionary plot, Nasser's action in sending them is intelli- By RICHARD TAUB Daily Staff Writer WEDNESDAY night's Student Government Council meeting was again a rather shoddy affair, marking the second week that this has happened. It was so poor this time that several members of the Council saw fit to comment on it during members time at the close of the meeting. Perhaps an analysis of why meetings have broken down as badly as they have is in order, be- cause it is clear that action must be taken before things degenerate very much further. The first thing that seems to have had a disastrous effect on the Council is the breakdown or impending breakdown of the committee system. Committees don't seem to be able to handle responsibility any longer, and the Council finds it- self doing what should be com- mittee work. * * * "IT'S difficult to pinpoint the time when this first began. There was one time last spring when Scott Chrysler, chairman of the Health Insurance Committee, which had the right to make all negotiations in the name of the Council, used to ask the Council -without recommendationdfrom the committee - to decide on such things as where maternity benefits should be attached and what post-cards to students should say. These were clearly committee problems. Wednesday, the Council had to examined, and nobody had, both- ered to check on available halls. Most definitely, a Union re- port on the same problem was a great deal more comprehensive. But one can't help but wonder why the Union did not bring I he information to the Calendaring Committee instead of grand- standing before the Council and taking excessive time. The entire matter should have been worked out by the SGC com- mittee. The problem also exists with "ad hoc" committees. These are groups set up to investigate spe- cial matters. SGC's committee on its Daily elections supplement never even bothered to elect a chairman, and neither has the new supplement questions com- mittee. . * A CHAIRMAN is needed, if for nothing else, to call meetings. This committee presented to the Council the same alternatives the Council had discussed the week before, with nothing at all new except that it favored one of them. And then discussion on the Council floor was virtually identi- cal with the week before. The "ad hoc" committee set up last spring to study the Interna- tional Center is barely getting started. Another problem occurs because Council members only seem to be concerned about what the com- mittees are doing when the com- mittees report to SGC. It would seem logical that a member interested in a specific cil right now is a deep distrust on the part of some members of the Executive Committee. Some feel this committee has too much power and wish to whittle away at it. These people fight with the committee -and examine it closely_ at meetings, again taking a great deal of time. These discussions could be just as effective, in fact more so, in private. Ironically, the Executive Committee is elected by the Coun- cil - the president by acclama- tion. Another difficulty with the Council right now is excessive in- formality. The Council has de- veloped a tradition of informality which is fine. Unfortunately, this informality has degenerated into disrespect and a marked lack of courtesy. One ex-officio member of the Council now brings extra-curricu- lar reading matter to the meeting and sits back with it when the discussion bores him. ** MANY OF the members spend part of the time making nasty cracks about each other. Scott Chrysler, for instance, keeps snip- ing at The Daily, and Jean Scruggs snipes at Chrysler and Joe Collins. People very often don't bother to pay attention to what is going on. The question "What is being discussed now?" is heard all too often. There is no doubt that at this point a stronger chair is needed. As long as things could be ac- complished informally, this kind of meeting is ideal. But when it some precaution should be taken to be sure that something will be ,iaded by the discussion. Last night's talk on Hillel by a consti- tuent added absolutely nothing to the information before the Coun- cil on the problem, except that this person was sorely disturbed. The question might be raised about the length of time meetings now take, "What should anybody care? The only people's time the Council is wasting is its own?" Nothing could be further from the truth. In the first place, because meetings have been running late, issues and discussions have been postponed. One discussion on the expenditure of 440 dollars for the Public Relations Committee has been. postponed for two weeks, and since the Council ran a deficit last year, budgetary items, espe- cially ones that great, should be given careful consideration. * * * SECOND, the Council gets slop- py late at night. People wish they were home studying, and they're tired. Issues just can't be given proper consideration. Third, this time could better be devoted to either "ad hoc" com- mittee work, or even learning more about the Council. Fourth, constituents attending the meeting can only lose respect for the Council and, in a sense,' withdraw support.-Panhel's presi- dents, who have been attending the last several meetings, can only take back sad reports of the Council procedure to their houses, making any Council decision less effective. - t * I