i'.0195'X ague Gives Women Opportunity ) Take Part in Campus Affairs THE MICHIGAN DAILYAE FOR DISCIPLINE, EDUCATION: Women's Judic Sits as Highest Authority on Coed Rule 4> '.°: - -esident's Welcome "On behalf of University wom- n students I would like to elcome all new students, fresh- man and tranfers to our cam- us and to the League. "The League on our campus unique in that it is a separate uilding and organization for 'omen, giving them an oppor- unity to become leaders and tke active part in campus fIairs." 67 Years Existence rhe Women's League, organized 1890, originally helped freshmen men find housing. It has devel- ed to include philanthropic pro- tAs and social events. First actual facilities for the ague were in Barbour Gym- sium. As the campus and the ague' grew, women started a lding fund to prvide a new me for their organization. Early in the 1900's the Regents appro- priated land for the League which moved into its finished building in May, 1929. - Purposes of the League, Presi- dent Marylen Segel says, are: 1) To encourage active cooperation in work of women student's self gov- ernment. 2) Provide for formation of an official body to give adequate and efficient expression to the opinions of women students. 3) Encourage womens' activities and provide facilities. 4) Cooperate with University administration in maintaining high social standards and scholarship. Rules for conduct of League affairs are formulated by the Board of Governors, composed of one regent, four alumnae, two members of the faculty, the Dean of Women and the five officers of the League. The administrative and execu- tive branch, Women's League Council include all League officers and committee chairmen, the pres- idents of Panhellenic, Assembly and Women's Athletic Associations and two members -atlarge from the Women's Senate. These coeds meet weekly to plan and coordi- nate women's activities. Senate, only representative and legislative body where independent and affiliated women meet and work together, is "a discussion group in which differences and compromises can be hammered out;, said Miss Segel It makes rules for campus prob- lems and projects that affect wom- en students and is the contact between the League and the wom- en on campus. Every woman's housing unit has a representative in the Senate., Judiciary For the first time this year Women's and League House Judi- ciary Council will combine in an effort to standardize and better enforce rules and to make the council more efficient and effec- tive, commented Miss Segel. Seven members of Women's Ju- diciary coordinate and review the work of House Judiciary Councils and conduct hearings for major disciplinary problems referred to it by Women's panel and House Judiciary Council. Interviewing and Nominating Committee, composed of two seniors, three juniors, and three sophomores, accepts all petitions and interviews all candidates for League posts, except class projects. By SARAH DRASIN Every Thursday from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Women's League, 10 coeds sit in session as the Women's Ju- diciary Council, highest author- ity on women's rules at the Uni- versity. The Council, an integral part of League structure, acts as the ju- dicial'arm of women's government on campus. In this capacity it has exclusive priority in deciding wo- men's rules and their application, says Chairman Alice Louie, '58. Acting as court of appeals, Council coordinates and makes policy for University women. Council functions are carried on inside and out of Thursday meet- ings. Review Discipline Reports At each meeting, Miss Louie ex- plains, members review discipline reports filled out at all undergrad- uate women's housing units. Pen- alties and the reasoning behind each action taken by house judi- ciary councils are thoroughly, checked for fairness and confor- mity to women's regulations. If a coed feels that she has been dealt with unfairly at her soror- ity, league house or dormitory ju- diciary, the Council will review her case. A friendly atmosphere pervades all interviews, Miss Louie con- tinues. "We always try to make ~the coed feel at home and want to tell her side of thecase." This is checked with a report from her house judiciary council; the case is then weighed. Right to Waive Women's Judic has the power to waive previous judgement if it feels, so justified, Miss Louie com- ments. "Our object is not to pen- alize a coed but to help her un- derstand women's regulations," she explains. "Because this is a large uni- versity," the chairman continues, "it needs many regulations to run smoothly. We are here to help interpret some of these rules and assist coeds who might be having difficulty adjusting to them." Miss Louie stresses that Wo- men's Judic is an educational rather than a disciplinary council." We want to explain the whys and wherefores of women's regulations, not primarily to punish people," she says. No Emotional Problems The Council does not handle cases of women who have emo- tional problems, Miss Louie adds. Women's Panel, made up of the Dean of Women, highest ranking woman on Joint Judiciary Coun- cil, and the chairman of Women's Judiciary Council consider such problems. Cases involving State or Uni- versity regulations do' not concern Women's Judiciary either but are referred to the coed Joint Judi- ciary body. Duties of the 10 Council mem- bers do not end at the Thursday meetings, however. Each member is also assigned a housing district In which she represents the Coun-' cil. She makes a point of visiting each housing unit council in her district, familiarizing herself- with their problems. She tries to main- tain a uniform understanding and application of women's rules. Women's Rules Council also keeps Women's Rules Book up to date. In this area it is especially sensitive to coed opinion, Miss Louie remarks. "We are only too happy to h women's opinions of the rules, a will gladly take into considerat any objections or' suggestions the making of new rules or the vising of old ones," she says. "All we ask," Miss Louie as "is that those who 'wish to se on the Council have a sincere fe ing of wanting to help their f low coeds." I, Start the Term right- Ut: Rich's Ann Arbor's. Busy Book Store Coeds Suggest Three Steps For Writing Activity Petition By CAROLYN MILLER Almost every campus office re- quires writing a petition but those interested need not get "cold feet" at the prospect. To the freshman, the process may seem bewildering, but old hands at it say that your first year is the best time to start joining activi- ties. Members of the various in- terviewing and nominating com- mittees are quick to look ast past experience in interviewing for up- per class projects. The veterans break the petition- ing process into three steps. 1) Research. Campus offers V many places you can obtain as- sistance. The present office holder or committee member is usually very glad to give advice and can offer help ..you 4write a more in- telligent petition. Old petitions are usually kept on file and available for reference. Knowledge of jobs in the organi- zation other than the one for which you are petitioning gives you more insight into prospective position and, a better background for interview discussion. Try to at- tend at least one of the committees which interests you before you write Your- petition. 2) The petition. Its length is un- important. You will be judged on what you say and how you say it. Your petition may include new suggestions-for running the com- mittee. If some present points are not being carried out as you think they should be, say what you would do if you had the position, what you think the duties are or should be. Include any past experience which you think would qualify you for the job. Julie Fahnestock, parliamentar- ian of the League, suggests putting down more than one choice for a committee. "If the interviewing and nominating committee has al- ready filled the office you want, but still believes you are a cap- able person, you may, be able to fill another post," she said. 3) Interviewing, Relax. Members of the committee are students just like you. They afire not there to Welcome trick you or make you self-con- scious. Questions interviewers ask have no right or wrong answers, but are phrased to see how quickly you can organize your ideas and how good these ideas are. If you're not asked questions about your peti- tion, bring up any points you think pertinent. Since every member of the committee may not have read your petition, it is very importantj that all know your plans.J to Mi chigan and. Campus Favorites in Shoes Various Religious Groups on Campus Offer Services, Ye Playing an active role in the life of the University are the reli- gious groups located on campus. During orientation week, fresh- men and transfer students will be invited to open houses at the vari- ous guilds to acquaint them with the programs of eafh. Various student membership in Ann Arbor churches have become a major element in campus religious life and these members have or; ganized into guilds. Representative councils relate the campus groups to each other and to the Univer- sity. Campus Student Religious Or- ganization, a newly formed group, is composed of representatives from each religious group on cam- pus. It is an inter-faith council, and serves to coordinate activities and bring understanding among the separate groups. ar-Long Projects University Christian Federation is a coordinating council of the Protestant groups. A national organization, Hillel, exists to satisfy the needs of Jew- ish students. Religious activities such as, services; holiday celebra- tions which include the serving of Kosher meals and courses in Jew- ish education, are offered. To answer the social needs of students, dances and clubs are of- fered in addition to a cultural pro- -gram, An active social and educational program is offered at the Newman club, which holds its activities in the new Father Richard Center located next to the chapel. The various Protestant guilds have regular Sunday evening pro- grams in addition to many week- ly meetings. FOR THE CO-ED- Flats, Saddles, Loafers Shags- Dressy Pumps, Sandals, Etc. in Skooter 1 Ii ,Il Dirty. Bucks, Saddles, Shags, Cordovans Grains, Smoke Elk, Dress and Sport Styles in FOR THE MEN- 0 I Florsheim Viner Pierre Weyenberg Bostonian Mansfield I Sebago Huskies "Keds" CAMPUS BOOTE RYI i ...304 South Sta te Street I :. "r Y a"st _ _ _ }.f}. '.'.a}. ^:'- K.: }... ,....... v .. ....:....7: L. ..:3 : CAS ............ __ _ ..?......... CU... .... ... .' J.-. ..f .. _ ..:...:.1 .... F. :}n-. v.;, x...K> "rer vn.:n'. \: is F...... ..n. T.1m:.v.}n:,n...:: ,' . \1...:..,. F........._^.+a.. ".C .... x.. .. .T........, .... ....:. ..:.....::.::.:::::::r .......... :...'\: :::::: ... ::::::::...:..... r:.... r 2'C 1. T. _ . -..... .. ..n. f....::.-.n-.... .. .... ':: ::::.::::::: ..k: :T .:u.:. -:::::: T..:S }f..# .:"i?:C: :-.i, i. 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