Pr er , I tuJ 'Helen Mz rg k-. one Are Free [A Prevail" Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OFTHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 I dals printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Tears, BeraVoicc DEPENDING UPON your point of view, "The Helen Morgan E now playing at the State Theater, is either a musical melodrE a melodramatic musical. It depicts the exceptionally high and aby low points in.the life of Helen Morgan, a celebrated songstress twenties. As a melodrama, the film, like Miss Morgan's life,,is either down. The plot is hackneyed and a familiar one to movie-goei might recall "I'll Cry Tomorrow," the film about Lilian Roth, a singer turned sot. Many of the dialogue sequences are composed of nothing b most worn movie cliches. Ann Blyth, portraying Miss Morgan, is OCTOBER 17, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS BLUES I A Dedication Is A eginning, Not A Completion LN ONLY HOPE, now, that the cere- les are over, that the educators and 1 leaders who spoke so eloquently-. in dedicating the new North Campus ve and Aeronautical laboratories com- nselves fully to the ideals they ex-= ften, when the speeches are finished gone has gone home, the work of build- asidered completed and the "milestone" ered reached, providing good reason for - tion of effort. Until some crusader ong and points out that the present are obsolete and that they need not >bsolete, progress in further building s slowed to a trickle or stopped com-. fort that. lies behind the two buildings re dedicated should be 'applauded; the .on of the state's industries in doing n simply paying the required taxes for n ought to be recognized. The work of nts, tne state Legislature and Univer- inistrators should be praised. pplause, praise and acknowledgement, enough to insure that the "great be- we have made".will be a beginning aid mpleted accomplishment. Two labora- ye been finished, but there are others onstruction and more on designers' boards. Will these be finished as- ,s they must be,' and if they are, will a become obsolete for lack of continu-' energetic effort? ATIONS can be dangerous; they imply etion. Even as President Hatcher said seen a dream "now, at least, partly he had ,to add that the Legislature appropriated enough. funds for future This is enough demonstration that o time for a relaxation of effort by Icerned. Russia's demonstrated superi-f nany of the engineering fields in which icans have believed ourselves the lead. d makeit clear that we need not only e work laid out in the past few years, nd our planning as well. In existing physical facilities for engineering instruction, the University is second to none, and the Automotive and; Aeronautical labora- tories show evidence that it can excel in this field as well as keep up. Whether or not this leadership will continue is a question that will be answered only by those who have brought the University this far. The challenge is far greater than simply to raise funds to construct buildings; it is also to provide the sort of education which will give us the "technological statesmen" that Chan- cellor Clifford Furnas of the University of Buffalo. said the future would require. This is the greatest challenge, for the excellence of a technical training program, in itself, can do no more than provide us with human Univac's IT IS TO BE regretted that an engineering student can' still receive a degree with only shallow experience in the liberal arts; he has electives to be sure, but these can be taken in fields nearly as technical as his major. The superior student will, if he has ambition, en- large the scope of his education by "outside reading," but often the amount of time required for preparation of work in his major will pre- vent this. Graduating students who will become great men as (vell as great scientists or engineers will require changes in the educational prograins which can iot be accomplished overnight. If the administration of the engineering college is, as acting-Dean Stephen S. Attwood said at the dedication luncheon, planning on not only graduating more engineers but the best engi- neers as well, these changes will be made. Without continuing progress in the improve- ment and expansion of facilities, the milestone we have reached is insignificant; without a sin- cere dedication on the part of educators to supplement the new laboratories with a proper educational presentation this milestone will be illusory. -RICHARD RABBIDEAU 9 11 I' I !l 91 1T*+ wASH~t6--+rt,, .*r . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Khrushchev-Modern Hitler By DREW PEARSON LOOKING UP: I Vigilant Generatio n By JAMES, ELSMAN J. WASHINGTON-While the na- tion's capital is paying hom- age to the beautiful Queen of our leading Western ally, the Western world is haunted by certain omi- nous similarities between Khrush- chev's tactics in 1957 and Hitler's tactics in 1937. It was in 1937-38. that Hitler started taking over, Austria and large hunks of Czech- oslovakia purely by psychological warfare. He did it by exhibiting the might of the Nazi army, by showing fcr-' eign diplomats motion pictures of Germany's military might, and by subversion inside Austria and Czechoslovakia. He didn't have to fire a single shot. 'Today, 20 years later, awe of the Russian ICBM, amazement over the Sputnik, plus savage warnings, from the Kremlin are doing the same thing for Khrushchev. In the past week, the Arab world, much of it previously pro-West, has started swinging into the Soviet orbit. Here are the swings: * * * Swing No. 3-Col. Nasser has recently been making noises about a friendlier Egyptian policy toward the United States. But one week after the launching of Sputnik and' 70 hours after Khrushchev unloosed his savage verbal blast against Turkey, Nasser landed troops in Syria to support Syria against Turkey. All of this fits into a pattern- a pattern all too similar to that which Hitler used to terrorize cen- tral Europe shortly before the start of World War II. Last month, Allen Dulles, head of Central Intelligence, whose job' it is to know what's going on in- side Russia,. stated publicly that there was ferment inside Russia and that Khrushchev seemed to be .in trouble. He expbcted another political purge. . * * * RS THE SILENT GENERATION? 3 us comment has been directed to i from. all corners in recent years the article on this page today. a is a favorite one for campus deb merican Mercury Magazine, a m has invited students to write in, ans ether or not "the youth of today . thetic,. conformist generation." Indictment is that college students :ofessorsY are apathetic or vocally s ssues which should prompt respon by and acute society. Though I be some truth in this contention, I be .ation has been exaggerated and plained. great extent the lack of expression n this and other campuses- and a ion-results from what I believe t I of.reconsideration of personal be sm - the political philosophy w and spirited the country from Lon-is now being called into ques r and its emergent communism' harder to believe that man is r hat man's progress-spurred by s d psychology-has no bounds, and te is the refuge of freedom. Libera ioisy faith, something fit for impa s, something you felt you could t peed ahead with, ,so pething which 'ican as the Star Spangled Banner. Much ingly dependent upon government and the ir- this responsible bureaucracy which runs/it. Man, , in- Instead of becoming free as the Liberals guar- The anteed, is now more shackled and dependent. ates. The tragedy of the war turned minds more o n g than ever in search of God and away from the wer- scientism and psychology which the Liberals .. is say will save us. In short, Liberalism without a place to go is (and not Liberalism. The only place economic Lib- ilent ' eralism can lead us today is toward socialism se in and this offers nothing. Political Liberalism has lieve some cleaning-up action to do in the big busi- lieve ness, labor' and civil rights areas, but, in the not latter, the impatience and big government of Liberalism can best be restrained. Thus, what that this country needs now is more consolidation cross and less evolution. There is only one area, but to be a large one, where Liberalism can revive itself. liefs. This is in the international area where the hich Liberals" traditional concern for the poor, the hungry, illiterate, downtrodden, hind-most half tion. of mankind could manifest itself in a passion- have ate' internationalism. But this call has rallied eally few adherents for nationalism most commands cien- allegiance in today's world. SWING NO. 1-President Cha- _moun of Lebanon, hitherto a staunch friend of the United States and no friend of Syria, now is backing Syria and wants to re- nounce the Eisenhower Doctrine. This reversal came about one week after Khrushchev launched his Sputnik and 48 hours after Khru- shchev, growling viciously at Tur- key, warned that Turkey would not stay alive more than 24 hours in case of war. Swing No. 2-Simultaneous with Lebanon's rightabout-face, King Saud made a statement which just 'about tore up the Eisenhower Doc- trine. Saud had been wined and dined by Eisenhower, receives his total income from American oil companies, has no reason to love Russia. Yet he lined up with Syria, a country which is becoming al- iost wholly dependent on the Kremlin. OTHEIt ADVICES I picked up in Europe and the Near East bear this out. khrushchev not only has the old Kremlin leaders against him,'but the bureaucrats. Further- more, his much-ballyhooed farm program isn't clicking. Reports on crop failures are staggering. A dictator of Khrushchev's cali- ber, especially one who drinks 21 martinis before dinner, is capable of doing desperate, dangerous things-if he becomes overconfi- dent, or if pushed to the wall. i Russian scientific advances have made Khrushchev cocky. The poli- tical situation at home might make him desperate. I don't like to be a pessimist, but where the future of the free world is concerned, it's much better to be ready than late. FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover was relaxing with Vice-President Nixon and Gen. Nathan Twining, the Joint Chiefs chairman, the other day in the basement of Tom Webb, Washington representative of Tex- as Oil millionaire Clint Murchsion. Suddenly the voice of Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus blared over the radio and launched into a scathing attack on Hoover. The G-man squirmed in his chair, then flushed as Faubus's voice assailed him as a "Gestapo chief." Nixon and Twining were chuckl- ing at Hoover's discomfort when the radio voice lit into Nixon, who had befriended the Negroes during the civil rights debate. 'Twining was still grinning when he, too, came under attack. He was singled out as the nation's top military man, technically in com- mand of Federal troops in Little Rock. Finally, the voice . lashed out again at Hoover. "I'll bet," the radio boomed, "That Hoover is getting drunk in. some cellar right now." The three dignitaries, who had been sipping cocktails in Webb's basement, looked startled. Then they caught on to the practical joke. The "broadcast" had been,. faked at Webb's instigation by Gordon McClendon, Texas radio executive, who did a perfect imita- tion of Governor Faubis. * * * THE STATE DEPARlTMENT has issued a "protocol" warning against tinny renditions of the Star-Spangled Banner and the Queen's Anthen '(God Save the King) by outdoor bands . . . The White House had "no comment", on a London newspaper query about how the Eisenhowers would address their royal guests during their four-day visit. Apparently Ike and Mamie hadn't made up their minds. ,The State Department hopes there won't be any corny, un-pro- tocolish ad libbing by members of Congress as in 1939, when former Congressman Nat Patton of Texas loudly greeted the King and Queen of England (Elizabeth's parents) as "cousins." (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) into the difficult role of playing the innocent country girl who comes to the big city and makes good. Given this all too familiar role and many unfortunate lines, the quality of Miss Blyth's per- formance suffers considerably. The same may be said for Paul Newman. He plays the tough guy who is Miss Morgan's lover, neme- sis, and guardian angel. Newman's lines and the character he por- trays are so stereotyped that in many places his sincere efforts look foolish. * * * . FORTUNATELY, the movie has its high spots; there are enough of these to maintain an audience's interest. Newman and Miss Blyth do have some wonderful, moving scenes which they execute with considerable skill. Perhaps the outstandingpart of~ the film is, the music. Many famous tunes are sung by Miss Blyth. The actual voice belongs to Gogi Grant who gives a magnifi- cant performance of the tunes that Miss Morgan made popular; such songs as "The Man I Love," and "Bill," plus many others that have been ,old-time favorites of the American public. * * *d THE FILM'S background is the colorful atmosphere of the twen- ties, which provides the humor of "The Helen Morgan Story." A cast of bootlegging, cigar s m o k i n g mobsters, and traditionally irre- pressible flappers doe much to alleviate the slower moving parts of the drama. Unfortunately, t h e characters from the twenties are trite. They are the same old people who have appeared in many other movies. While they are enjoyable, they add to the overall feeling of unorigi- nality that plagues the film. This movie is not recommended for alcoholics as there is a very painful withdrawal scene. How- ever, it 'is recommended for high strung coeds seeking vocal and emotional catharsis. --Fred Marus DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN /The Daily Official Bulletin is an oficial publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily, assumes no ed- torial resonsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- inbeore 2 'pm. the day preceding publicati$i. Notices fQr Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1957 ' / VOL. LXVIII, NO. 26 ..General Notices Blue Cress Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical ServicePrograms for staff members will be open from Oct. 7 through Oct. 18, 1957, for .new applications and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to include surgical 'and medical serv- ices should make such changes in the Personnel Office, Room 1020, Admin- istration Building. New applications and changes will, be effective Dec. 5, with the first payment deduction on Nov. 30. After Oct. 18, no new applica- tions or changes can be accepted until April, 1958. It is expected that the Directory for 1957-58 will ,be ready for distribution (Continued on Page 8) LETTERS to the EDITOR The Difference . To the Editor' THIS LETTER is written to re: to the column,. entitled ": Caught Off Vanguard," publisi in the October 13 issue of '3 Daily and bylined James ElsIr Jr. In the first paragraph, Mr. man states "Sufficient facts available now" to criticize 1 shortcomings brought to light Sputnik's . succesful ascensi Then he proceeds to lst seve~i unflattering comparsons betwe Russia and America which, taken for apparent worth, wo' indlicate' that our scientists hi been goofing up. But a closer ev uation of available facts is nec "sary to gain a true picture of re tive progress. Since I know very little ab A-bombs and H-bombs, I quote another of Mr. Elsma statements: "We run second in air transport . . ." What is app ently meant is that since , Soviets have had an operative airliner in regular commer service for some time now, they ahead of us in this field. * * * THE SIGNIFICANCE of this f is greatly changed when one c siders that the Russian airlil carries fewer people a shorter tance with less speed and us; more fuel than any other jet a liner in the world today, flying planned. The reason that the Uni' States appears to lag behind in own jet airliner development in our competitive system of p duction. When an airplane is bi in America for commercial pi poses, it must be able to hold own in a competitive marke that it, its designers must be a to say to prospective customers, will carry just as many people j as many miles and with comf< safety, economy, and spee co parable to any "other simi plane." Yes, their plane is in the air and ours is only in initial asse bly, but ours will be economical operate as well as fast, dependal and comfortable. It is e sier a quicker to design an unetonomi but otherwise perfectly sound A plane than it is to include cost weight control at the design sta And having worked at Doug Aircraft for two summers on DC-8 jet transport, I feel quali to speak as I have. * * * PERHAPS YOU FEEL my 0c ments are minute and trivial, b hope it has become more clear you what the difference betwi Soviet and . American progi should imply. The TU-1&4 is powerful propaganda weapon s ply because most people do: take into account the differe between totalitarian and free cc petitive societies and product systems. In other words, compi tion produces quality at th pense of all-out speed. As far as the Soviet earth sal lite goes, it is unfortunate compi tive society saw fit to quiT among its own members and the fore lose the tremendous ril advantage it once had-over Rus As noted, this is not true comp tion, especially since Project vi guard was not made' up on o competitive basis among1 branches of the Service. The S iet's successful launching of satellite means two things:t have a powerful three-stage roc probably capable of carrying atomic warhead an3'where in world in a couple of hours, their satellite is strangely er and heavy compared to our 22- supersensitive, highly compact i sion. But again, its propagar value is terrific, even- though coded- messages may be mer American cigarette commere played back through a tape corder. -Reed Jenney; '5 Real.Rulers POWER is seldom more disp sionately evaluated than in social registers which, each seas coldly reshuffle their rankings, The newly-released SocialI that dictates Washington prot is no exception: Sherman Ada that alism tient care- was UT FOR THOSE who, after the war, noisily held the ,nature of man to be good, Dachau .nd' Buchenwald and Hioshima confronted ;hem. For those who noisily hailed "big govern- nent," now comes a realization that in bigness 'esides a latent power that could trample more reedom than it protects. This big government n an age of scrapping nationalism is all too eady to label its citizens either chauvinists or raitors. This big government reaches into a nan's pocketbook and his private life. The New deal of social security has made men increas- Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN. Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor ONNA HANSON ........... Personnel Director 'AMMY MORRISON ....... Magazine Editor DWARD GERULDSEN .. Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM HANEY.............Features Editor OSE PERLBERG ........ ......Activities Editor AROL PRINS.. ......Associate Personnel Director DAMES BAAD ..,... ...:.~.. Sports Editor RUCE BENNETT ............Associate Sports Editor OHN HILLYER .............Associate Sports Editor HARLES CURTISS ...... . Chief Photographer i?. -.. .. 0.4- SECONDLY AND INTERCONNECTED, the silence of the campuses is to an extent a result of a scarcity of real issues. I believe that the reason the Young Democrats and Young Republicans on this campus don't do much battle is because their parties (both wings of both parties) disagree on few basics. Some apathy on the part of students results from a rather understandable revulsion with politics, its power gamesmanship and its petti- ,ness. Though, for a while, students and the populous of this country tolerate bad situations in government they will have the ballot and still use it to effectively remove unwanted situa- tions. Togreat extent, it is this distrust of too much power in one party that presented the President with a Democratic Congress. Despite Gallup polls, the electroate still keeps the parties and politicians guessing with their vigilance and their ballots. On this campus, Student Government Council does not affect the average student much, but when it does, student apathy will certainly turn to vigilance and concern. Much of student silence can be attributed, I think, to a more sophisticated realization that boisterous debates on campus serve little prac- tical purpose; they don't solve the Little Rock crisis. Better, students adequately inform them- selves of the crisis-I believe this to be gen- erally true-by -news media, discuss it suffi- ciently in conversation and make up their minds as to the propriety of the actions of their elected representatives. Granted, people are becoming media-dependent, and possibly not THE SHATTERED SILENCE: 'Faculty, A rise-Take Up Our Challenge' (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is a reprint from the Ohio State University Monthly. The "Lan- tern" referred to in the' article is the Ohio State Lantern, the student newspaper. %A related editorial by a Daily Senior Editor appears on this page,) AS THE cacophony of com- mencement oratory slowly died in the distance last spring, it be- came apparent that the Class of '57 was fair game for the critics. Gist of the charges: too much silence, too much conformity, too great a desire to merge into the faceless crowd. President Abram S a c h a r of Brandeis University found' fault with "a growing cult of yesman- ship" in which "security becomes a craven disguise for servility." President A. Whitney Griswold of Yale foresaw "a nightmare pic- ture of a whole nation of yesmen, of hitch-hikers, eavesdroppers and peeping Toms, tiptoeing offstage with their fingers to their lips." THE CHARGES were heard and weighed by Lantern Reporter Fritz as he is said to be. The senior, in all humility, must be greatly dis- turbed when he hears his pro- fessors bemoan his dumb silence and glorious contentment. "When he is criticized for his silence he can humbly reply that few of his professors have been articulate personages of reaction themselves. Few have taken strolls outside their ivory towers and fought the battle against the blindman's - bluff game of con- formity they push the graduate into. "The senior is told to shake off his dullness, rise to insurrection, throw off "his heavy knapsack of conformity. But from where has he inherited his color and driving enthusiasm to plunge and rebel? "In four years he has seldom heard the theme that the fairest measure of a University's great- ness lies in its production of non- conformists. "THERE HAVE BEEN few noisy crusades launched from the Uni- versity outside the classroom to graduating class. But the Univer- sity has no 'Great Issues' course to orient student thinking on his great task of leadership. "Most professors have lost faith in us, andrshow us little enthusi- asm to help us recall our ideas and beliefs. Summing up the lack of enthusiasm of the Class of '57 is perhaps a strong indictment of the faculty's leadership and their in- fluence onus." The article in print, Reporter Nothacker and the rest of the staff waited for responses to pour in as they set about to get out the next issue. There :was no response. It was more than Lantern Editor Art Radwin of Far Rockaway, N. Y. could stand. He let loose with an editorial blast under the heading, "Speak Up, Professors." ".. We'd like to hear sorne of these educators speak their minds, once in a while. If professors were more frank and critical, maybe the Class of '57 wouldn't be so'silent. * T *s "TO TRY TO GET a professor "'Too controversial; don't know enough about it; talk to' Dr. X, he can tell you more than I can; read about it in the papers';- these were some of the answers we got from reluctant professors. "Ohio State seems to have its own peculiar problem, along with other state universities. Ohio State represents the State of Phi , and is supported by the state, with all its conservatism. Employees of Ohio State must conform, for the state dislikes non-conformity and will hire only those who go along -or at least pretend to go along. * * * "SO THE PROFESSORS who have their doubts and criticisms of the existing state of affairs, and we are confident there are many, keep their mouths shut-out of fear. Everyone watches his p's and q's about criticizing the wrong people or practices, and the ball rolls merrily along. "But when they see the silent, conformist monster they h a v e reated fhn educatorec hom in.