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October 16, 1957 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-10-16

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Hatcher Opens North Campus Labs


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inued from Page 4)
sembly, auspices of the De-
.Speech at 4 p.m. today in
cture Hall. Dr. Robert T.
ssor of speech and chair-
e Department of Speech,
a State University, will
peech in International Af-
Examination for Bruce
r, Chemical Engineering;j
*Effects of Gamma Radia-
ral Polysulfone Reactions,'
16, 3201 East Engineering
3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. J.'
isitors: The following for-
are to be on the campus
a the dates indicated. Pro-
ements are being made byj
ional Center: Mrs. Miller.
am Tambunan, Director,
Ichool, Indonesia, Oct. 7-18._
arlosMilano, Director, Pac-
icine, Univ. of Rio, Grande
0 Alegre, Brazil, Oct. 14.
ba VanDenBosch, Head of
dcasting, Free Protestant
: Company, Netherlands,
rs. Jotaro Kawakami, Chief
an Socialist Party, Japan,
ne, Chief Planning Bureau,;
alist Party, Japan, Oct.
Moroishima, Chief, Inter-
anizations, Japan Socialist
, Oct. 16-19.
nasa Fuse, Interpreter for
ist Party, Oct. 16-19.
Sperantsa, Director, Dept.
nistry cf Education, Greece
rs. Rodolfo Rencoret, Dean
.001, Santiago, Chile, Oct.
cesco Barberi, Inspector
ries, Italy, Oct. 16.
rnent Notices
wing schools have listed
ancies with the Bureau of
is for the 1957-58 school
will not be here'to inter-
[ichiigan - 5th grade.
ity, Michigan - Industrial
Michigan -- Librarian.
higan - Girls' Physical Ed-
Michigan - Special Edu-
tally retarded).
t, Illinois - Physical Se-
ichigan - Permanent sub-
Junior High until moving
D English at second semes-
ihores, Michigan -- Special
sight saving).

For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., Oct. 16
Parke, Davis & Co, Detroit,' Mich. --
B.S. & M.S. in Ch.E., Ind. and Mech.
E. for Development, Design, and Pro-
Republic Steel Corp., Massilon, Ohio
B.SI' ini Ch.E., Civil, Elect., Ind., Mech
and Metal for Research, Development,
Design, and Production.
Technical Operations Inc., Mass.,
Calif.,& Wash., D.C.-B.S. in E. Math.,
E. Physics and Science, M.S. & PhD in
Nuclear, and PhD in Elect., Ind., E.
Math. for Research, Development, and
Operations Research.
.Melpar, Inc., Alexandria, Va. - all
levels in Elect., Mech., and M.S. in In-
stru., B.S. In E. Physics for Summer
and Regular R esearch, Development,
and Design.
The General Tire .and Rubber Co.,
Akron, Ohio - B.S. & M.S. in Ch.E.,
Ind., and Mech., and B.S.. in Civil and
Elect. .for Research, Development, De-
sign, Production and Management.
Thurs.; Oct. 17
General Tire and Rubber Co., Akron,
Ohio - eSe above.
Atlantic Research Corp., Alexandria,
Va. - all levels in Ch.E., Elect.,- and
Mech. for Research and Development.
The Babcock & Wilcox Co., New Tor,
New York - all levels in Ch.E., Ind.,
Instr., Mech., E. Mech., Metal., & Nu-
clear, B.S. in Civil, Elect., Materials,
E. Math., E. Physics, Nav. & Marine
for Summer and Regular Research, De-
vel., Design, Prod., Contr., and Sales.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.,
Baltimore, Md. -- B.S. & M.S. in Civil,
Constr., Elect., Ind. and Mech. for
Summer and Regular Research, Devel.,
Design, Const., Maintenance and Train-
Los Alamos Scientific Lab., Univ. of
Calif., Los Alamos, N.M. -- all levels
in Ch.E., Elect., Instr., Mech. E. Mech.,
Metal,. & Nuclear, B.S. in E. Math., E.
Physics, and Science for Research, De-
velopment and Design - Summer and
Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.,
Detroit, Mich. - B.S. in Mech., and
Mptal. for Research, Development, Pro-
duction, Sales, and Manufacturing.'
Kalamazoo Vegetable Parchment.Co.,
Kalamazoo, Mich. - B.S. & M.S. in
Elect., Ind., and Mech., and all levels
in Ch.E. for Summer and Regular Re-
search, Development, Design and Pro-
The Lubrizol Corp., Cleveland, Ohio-
all levels in Ch.E., Ind. and B.S. in.
Sci., for Summer and Regular Research,.
Development, and Production.
Metal & Thermit Corp., Rahway, N.J.
-all levels in Metal., B.S. & M.S.In
Ch.E, for Research, Development, Pro-

duction, and Sales & Mgt. Training
Outboard Marine Corp., Johnson Mo-
tors in Waukegan, fll. and Evinrude
Motors in Milwaukee, Wis. - .S. in
Mech. for Development, Design, and
SylvaniaElectric Products, Inc., New
York, New York - all levels in Ch.E.,
Elect., Ind., Mech. and Metal for Re-
search, Development, Design, and Pro-
WestPenn Power Co., Greensburg,,
Penn. - B.S. in Elect., Ind., and Mech.
for Design, Production, Constr., 'and
Fri.,'Oct. 18
Clark Equipment Co., Buchanan,
Mich. -- B.S. in dInc. & Mech. for De-
velopment, Design and Production.
Gulf Oil Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.- all
levels in Ch.E., Elect., Mech', E. Mech.,
Metal. and Nuclear and B.S. in E.
Math, and E. Physics for Summer and
Regular Research, Development, Pro-
duction, and Prospecting for Oil.
Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Hunts-
ville, Alabama -- all levels i~n Aero.,
Elect., Instru., Mat'Is. E. Math., Mech.,
Metal., Nuclear and E. Physics for
Summer and Regular Research and De-
Tappan Stove Company, Mansfield,
Ohio -B.S. & M.S. in Elect., Ind.,
Mech. for Summer and Regular Re-
search, Development, Design, and Pro-
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W.E., ext. 2182.
Summer Placement:
For summer opportunities see Mel-
par, Inc., Babcock' & Wilcox, B & O
Railroad, Los Alamos Labs, KVP, Lub-
rizol Corp., and Gulf Oil, above.
Personnel Interviews:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:'
during the remainder of this week:
Thurs., Oct. 17
The Adjutant General, Departmen
of the Army, Special Services Depart-
ment, Washington 25, D.C. Graduates
-February, June, August. Personal
qualifications: 1. United States Citizen-
ship. 2. Excellent mental and physical
health. 3. Pleasant personality, initia-
tive, tact, salesmanship: demonstrated
ability to supervise, instruct, inspire
and work successfully with people of
varied backgrounds. 4. Restrictions as
to maximum age, sex and marital sta-
tus may be imposed by the military
commanders 'and are based on situa-
tions peculiar to their geographical
rea and the duties and responsibilities
of the position concerned. All female
employees must be single. 5. Minimum
age: Librarian - 21; Recreation Lead-
ers and Crafts Directors - 23; Sports
and Entertainment Directors - 24.
Recreation and entertainment for
troops in the U.S. or foreign. Women
with degrees in Arts and Crafts, Drama,
Speech, Music, Physical Education, and
Library Science, for Librarians, Service
Clubs, Arts and Crafts, Sports, Enter-
tainment. Men with PhysicalEduca-
Read and use
Daily Classifieds

tion degrees for Sports, Arts & Crafts
and Entertainment.
Kalamazoo Vegetable P a r c h m en t
be given Wed., Oct. 16 at 7:00 p.m. in
Room 2004, Natural Science Building.
Company, (KVP) Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Graduates -- February, June and Aug-
ust. One of the leading manufacturers
of food protection paper in the U.S.
Established 1909. KVP has grown from
60 employees to 4500. Manufactures
and converts pulp and paper products
primarily for packaging bread, meat,
frozen foods, other fgod prodcts. Cre-
ates and prints own package designs.
Men with degrees in Liberal Arts or
Business Administration for Sales, Pro-
duction Trainee, Other Staff and Ad-
ministrative Functions.
Technical Operations, Inc., Fort
Monroe, Virginia. Graduates -- Feb-
ruary, June and August. Manufacturer
of transistorized power converters, of
radiography equipment, of tracer
chemical for medical use, operations
research, physical research, chemical
research, electronic research, applied
mechanics, nucleonic research. Men
and women. with Masters or Doctors
in Mathematics for Operations Ana-
lysts. A few outstanding research per-
sonnel for basic work in physics and
chemistry and electronics.
Fri., Oct. 18
The Adjutant General, Special Serv-
ices Department - see above.
Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.,
Detroit, Michigan. Graduates-- Febru-
ary, June, August. Manufacturer of
sleeve type bearings, roller bearings,
ball bearings, oil seals, shims and flex-
ible hose for mechanical application.
These products arewidely used In mo-
tor vehicles, trucks, farm implements,
machine tools, aircraft -and many oth-
er products. They employ 8,188 em-
ployees. Men with degrees in Liberal
Arts and Business Administration for
Manufacturing Management and Sales.
' In addition to the regularly sched-
uled and announced interviews for
this" week, a representative from the
WAVES will talk to women interested
in officer training at the Michigan
League, Wed. and Thurs., Oct. 16 and
17. There will also be a Naval Avia-
tion Information team and an Offi-
cer Candidate team at the Michigan
Union on Wed. and Thurs., Oct. 16 and
17, to talk with interested men and
women, and with veterans interested in
a commission in the Reserves.
For further information and ap-
pointments. contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext.
Personnel Requests:
City of Nashville, Tenn., needs an
experiencedNBusiness Manager for the
Nashville General Hospital.
Boy Scouts of America is interested
in young college graduates to work as
fuiltime leaders.
Spencer Stuart & Associates,. Inc.,
Chicago, Ill., is looking for a man with
supervisory, experience in a printing
operation to train for Plant Manager
position as Assistant to the Production
Travelers' Insurance Co., Hartford,
Conn., has business positions open for
women with sopial science backgrounds
and math, aptitude.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.

(Continued from Page 1)
of the mechanical engineering de-
partment was presented to the1
University by H. J. Gibson of the
Ethyl Corporation on behalf of
more than 400 of Prof. Lay's
former students. The bust was
acceptedi by President Hatcher and;
has been placed in the second-
floor lobby of the automotive lab-
Civil Libertiaes
Group Finds
Maryland's Attorney General's
office has been charged with fur-
nishing information aiding the
House Un-American Activities
Committee to charge disloyalty and
subversion without giving the ac-
cused a fair hearing.
This accusation was made . by
the Maryland affiliate of the Amer-
ican Civil Liberties Union.
Law enforcement officers from.
the attorney general's office gave
the committee information reflect-
ing on the loyalty of Maryland
residents without the benefit of an
indictment, a procedure in viola-
tion of the state's Ober Act.
The Obert Act includes a restric-
tion on the attorney general and
the grand jury from reflecting on
an individual's loyalty except by
indictment and provides for a full
hearing on charges.
The ACLU also charges the com-
mittee with holding the hearings
"to indict individuals before the
public and exhorting the public to
punish them by depriving them of
their employment and other sanc-
The ACLU charges were denied
by C. Ferdinand Sybert, Attorney
General. However, a law enforce-
ment officer on his staff Contra-
dicted his statement and said the
staff had developed a large part

Prof. Attwood, main speaker at
the luncheon which was attended
by more than 400 educators and
industrialists, said that the two;
laboratories which were dedicatedr
were "unique in the field of educa-
tion, and place us in a very favor-
able position to assert leadership
in the training of engineers in
these areas."
The college will not only produce'
more engineers in the future, but
will also strive to make them "the
world's best," Prof. Attwood said.
The problems that these en-
gineers will have to face in the
transportation field were outlined
by Chancellor Furnas, who spoke
on "Transportation and its Future
Technology" at the convocation.
Traces Developments
"Man has worked hard to avoid
work," the Chancellor said re-
ferring to, man's early progress
with m e a n s of transportation.
Tracing the developments in this
field as man searched for a, "beast
of burden to replace women and
animals," Furnas noted that only
four new power sources have been
found: steam, internal combus-
tion, electricity, and nuclear en-
The problem of transportation
has more than a technical mean-
ing to the world, however. Mass
transportation can be a key to
"mutual un erstanding and sym-
pathy amonag the peoples of the
U T eachers
T'o V isitStte
School Forum
Three University faculty mem-
bers will attend the regional con-
ference of the Michigan Educa-
tion Association in Grand Rapids
tomorrow and Friday.
Donald W. Dolan and Donald C.
Weaver, both of ,the education
school, will take part in a sym-
posium on "Mental Hygiene in the
Classroom." They are consultants
in' the University's Bureau of
School Services. .

The questions facing, the en-
gilleer who will work with trans-
portation are both technical and
social; before we can develop high-
speed air travel for men and goods,
we must learn how much speed is
worth to human beings. This, he
said, is as much an economic as a
sociological question.
The day-long dedication ended
'wit~h the first Ann Arbor meeting
of the Detroit Section of the So-
ciety of Automotive Engineers in
Hill Auditorium. James C. Zeder
and Dean Attwood addressed the

The f1;st of two lectures cc
memorating the 200th annivers
of Alexander Hamilton's birthv
be given at 4:15 tomorrow in Al
A of Angell Hall.
Prof. Broadus Mitchell of 1i
gers State University, N. J.,
speak on "The Alexander Hal
ton Nobody Knows." A seconde
Sdress will be delivered Nov. 7
Prof. Harold Syrett of Columl




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Organization I
[ Notices
(Use of this column for announce-
ments of meetings is available to of-
ficially. recognized and registered
student organizations only.)
International Students' Assn., mem-
bership social and dance, Oct. 19, 8:00
p.m., Lane Hall.
Junior Girls' Play. The Central Com-
mittee meeting for tonight has been
ULLR - Ski Club, first meeting, Oct.
16, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-8 Union. Every-
one Invited.
Generation, Poetry Staff meeting,
Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m., Student Publications
Political Issues Club, meeting, Oct.
16, 8:00 p.m., Room 3-LMN Union.'
Panel discussion: "Science, Democracy,
and the Cold War." by Professors Hen-
ry Gomberg, Nuclear Engineering; Mor-
ris Janowitz, Sociology; and Kenneth
Boulding, Economics.
* * *
Riding Club, co-ed, organizational
meeting,- Oct. 16, 5:10 p.m., WAB.
U of M Folklore Society, meeting,
Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-B Union.
Elections, organization of standing
committees, projects and workshops.
* r*
SGC, National' and International Af-
fairs committee, organizational meet-
ing for all interested stuients, Oct. 16,
7:00 p.m., 3545SAB.
French Club, meeting, Oct. 16, 8:00
p.m., Room 3-R Union. Talks in French
of summers spent in France. Old and
new members invited.

tions section.
Prof. Field is director of the
Michigan Interscholastic Press As-
sociation; which will send four
other representatives,

Prof. John V..
professor 'in the
partment, will acto
the conference's

Field, assistant
journalism de-
as consultant to
school publica-

515 East William . . . Mon.-Fri. 7-6 . . . Sat. 7-5


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