Sixty-Eighth Year 'EbITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ! ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 be Michigan Daily exp ress the. individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must he noted in all reprints. j _ s 1957 NIGHT EDITioR: RICHARD TAUB to ' Funny Indeed HERE ARE always problems to be solved in the process of ada a successful book to the medium of the film, problems tha greater when the book is more social commentary than exciting interesting plot. Fortunately, these problems are much more easily overcon such countries as France and England, where movie audiences entertainment of a more subtle and substantial nature than the many-peopled spectacles of Hollywood. The directors of "The French They Are a Funny Race" had difficulties in translating Pierre Daninos' best-selling "The Note re nc L I . Senior nowlandy' 'Uion Democracy' WLAND'S labor legisla-, ch he described in part uditorium rally, should ecause they may be mo- onsiderations, e.g., the ntiment resulting from btee hearings and Gov. tesitating support of la- Knowland outlined last for "union democracy,"' ze Teamsters Union cer- uch remains to be done' presentative unions be- American labor move-' wland may not have the e of labor's best friends es no criticism of honest islation designed to pre- ption which the McClel- vn to be at least possible alent under present laws along with efforts by them at domination and self-perpetuation of leadership. But it aims at a potentially dangerous situation, one which may well be at the heart of the Teamsters' problem, and Congress should give serious at.- tention to the question of "paper locals." Two proposals Sen. Knowland made may pose serious problems in effecting. No believer in democracy could quarrel with his proposal that minority members of unions be freed from fear of reprisal for their positions in union meetings. And enforcement problems should not stand in the way of attempts to secure this_ freedom. The suggestion that strikes be called only by secret ballot of the membership, while based on a worthy ideal, might prove too cumbersome and restrictive of union freedom to respond to changing situations for it to be of real bene- fit to/he rank and file. Perhaps the goal of such legislation would be better achieved through other of Senator Knowland's propos- als aimed at insuring greater responsiveness of union leadership to members' desires. -*. I ly' ".' P KQ f' < '' : 91 a yy T 4 iJ njF ' ft .,E3', x .t- 3Y . ,tiy': ,' '1 a ' l F one believes that romote the inter- that the merbers position to' know ts, with many of 1 by secret 1 not elim. of conven- opposed by. >ubtful cr- cent Team- ons for the ; insurance nds be obi funds rep-r to worker WHILE, on the whole, the Knowland "union * democracy" plan is a sound one, it should not be confused with other of the Senator's proposals in the areas of political contributions and the closed shop. These attempt not to make unions more democratic but to weaken their economic and pollitical power vis-a-vis business in a way which might give the latter an excessively strong hand. But we would add' to suggestions for "Union; democracy" another, thought - that laws which permit unions "closed shop" privileges are "unfair to employ- ers and to other working men when they are. accompanied by membership policies which re- strict the numbers and types of union mem- bers. Senator Knowland might do well to in- clude in his "union democracy" program some provision making unions open to all, with-. out restriction through high initiation fees, hereditary apprenticeship plans or racial bar-, viers. -PETER ECKSTEIN Editor WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Sittingf on A PowderKeg By DREW PEAR.SON al that national ie power to take. approval of the, Iged sword, pre- national unions Queen for a Stay 4 visit of ,ier Majesty, Quee s at a particularly fortuitot andpoint of Anglo-America viet satellite has servedf s and Americans more cor ed for a common defen reats, and there is nothin ung monarch to facilita 1 this modern egalitarian day an e is a sanctity, attached to royall was never able to attain in its he3 sands of citizens of the United Stat England expressly, for the purpose t Her Majesty's coronation a few yea several millions more watched it o Kings, so often termed remnants d age, are still 'revered throughoi 1; people follow their, hen King Paul and ~Queen Frederik visited this country recently, th e crowds in every city, and this in which prides itself on being a de Even'-so unlikely a monarch as En le Selassie of Ethiopia draws respe tion by the mere fact of his royalt 'ERESTING to note that those coui Europe which have retained the such as Britain, Belgium, the Nett nd the Scandinavian countries, ha most stable in recent history. The n be a restraining, stabilizing infli en ence emanating from even the most limited us constitutional monarch. In addition, a number n of new countries" have established monarchies, to Malaya being the most recent and conspicuous. n- example. se In fact, although the institution of mon- ag archy is regarded by political theorists and the te people in general as a rather useless symbol of bygone days, it may be serving as 9 rally- id ing point for the populace in crises. A visible ty person, who will' be titular head of state no y_ matter how the next election goes, is an ex- es cellent focus for national unity. Where Britons' of may split on Gaitskell and 'MacMillan, they rs agree on Queen Elizabeth; here, mere exis- n tence sums up 900 years of British history, re- of= calling that nation's past glory. In the United ut States, only former Presidents Herbert Hoover and Harry Truman in'any way serve this func- tion. Neither may be, said to excite the same ey kind of loyalty in the same degree as Queen a Elizabeth. e- .'Perhaps, as recent critics of the Queen have n- charged, she should improve her speaking style, ct should conform more to the popular will in y. this and other respects. However, it is more' likely that the Queen, being by nature "above" n- the British peoples, should instead serve a ,. higher use, gnd be a person serenely untouched h- by the pommon 'everyday cares, to whom all ve Britons can look for courage and strength, and re on whom they can depend. WASHINGTON - In any "re- appraisal" of American for- eign policy, no matter how "agon- izing," we have to face the fact that the Near East today is the most explosive area in the world. Anything can happen there. When and if it happens, the flame could. reduce the world to a cinder. A move by the Turkish Army on Aleppo, Syria, which almost took place six weeks ago; could be the Sarajevo to spark World War III. Or war could be sparked by a Syr- ian move to take over Jordan, act- ing covertly for Moscow. World War III, however, would not be a long, drawn-out affair, fought in trenches and foxholes. It would be.. over in weeks or days, and there might not be much left except the smoking ruins of civilization. * * * T H A T'S W H Y Khruschev's blunt warning that "If War breaks out we are near Turkey and you are not." is so important. It's also why the equally blunt warning of the State Department that "de-' spite distances he (Khrushchev) should be under. no illusion that the United States, Turkey's friend and ally, takes lightly its obliga- tion under the. North Atlantic Treaty." In other words, the chips are down. The two biggest nations in the world have served notice on each other that one move by the other means war. Having just come back from this crucial area, I can report that the chance of a covert move is strong. It might be made by agents pre- sumably acting for Russia. Or it might be made by agents presum-; ably acting for the United States. Right now, 10 Syrians are about to go on trial in Damascus for al- legedly conspiring with members of the United States Embassy against the pro-Russian Syrian military regime. I do not believe they did so, but a great many Ar- abs believe otherwise. If such an agent assassinated the leader of the pro-Russian Syrian regime- and assassination is easy in Arab countries-it might touch the match to the war we want to avoid. Or if King Hussein of Jordan, friend of the United States, should be assassinated by Syrian or Pal- estinian agents, it might also sup- ply the match. * * * IF HE TOPPLES, his shaky kingdom unquestionably would be united to Syria to extend the Rus- sian bloc right down to the Gulf of Aqaba near the Euez canal and not far from oil-rich Saudi Arabia. It might also mean a Russian- blessed union between pro-Russian Syria and pro-Russian Egypt by absorbing Jordan between them. Or again the assassination of King Saud might supply the match. Two attempts on his life have already been made this year. Retrospect " THINK it ought to be clear now," writes Harry Truman, . that the Communist rulers are more concerned with keeping themselves in power than with the peace of the world." Mind you, "now"; and who could write an entire book that would say more, in retrospect, about the foreign policy of the Truman Administration? .-National Review Reason why these i n c i d e n t s might involve the United States is, first, the "Eisenhower Doctrine/', which served notice that intrusion on these areas in tantamount to war. Reason for the Doctrine is oil- 70 per cent of the world's known resources. With that oil in Russian hands, Moscow eventually would control Western Europe, thereby, undoing years of American effort, millions in Marshall Plan aid, and carefully built-up NATO protec- tion from Communism. The United States would prob- ably fight in order to keep Near East oil out of Russian hands. And Russia says, in effect, that it :too would fight if Turkey 'starts any move to prevent that oil from. getting into Russian hands. That was virtually what Khrush- chev spelled out in his blunt warning that Turkey "would not last 24 hours." Turkey is 'the initial key to war and peace. Sitting astride the. Bos- porus, blocking Russian egress from the Black Eea, covetediby the Czars for centuries, Turkey has been bolstered by the Truman Doctrine. ' BUT LEAPFROGGING right over Turkey, Russia has now built up a new satellite-ally in Syria, where it has dumped more Czecho- slovak arms than the Syrian Army could use for 10 years-a poten- tial supply base for Russian "vol- 'unteers" on a drive toward the oil of the Near East. . There was a time, a few years ago, when our warning to Russia would have stopped further in- trusion. But today, Russia has the ICBM and the earth satel- lite, and is playing from strength. f (Copyright 1957 by Bell syndicate Inc.) of Major Thompson" to the screen; they overcame some of those difficulties, probably be- cause they were producing for a French audience. As a xesult, the average Amer- ican audience would probably find this film partially boring and par- tially hilarious - with the em- phasis on the latter. * * * "THE FRENCH They Are a' Funny Race" is indeed a funny film. It represents (or condenses) the observations of a proper Eng- lishman, living across the chan- nel in France, as he views the typical Frenchman's day-to-day existence. Major Thompson's commentary' is perceptive and often embar- rassing for the Frenchman-and certainly entertaining to - the French, for the original book was for several years one of the most popular on sale in France. As a result, the film is com- posed of short sections of Major Thompson's commentary, as dic- tated to. a secretary,. strung to- gether with a loose and somewhat unnecessary plot relating to 'the Major's home life - which, inci- dentally, leads him finally to a greater understanding of the' people he writes about and brings him to a wish that he might not have said so much after all. MOST enjoyable comment on the contemporary French is the discussion 'of the various types of impermeable windows (as a teller's window in a bank), some- thingewhich has to be seen to be believed. Jack Buchanan plays the major with some dignity, but his role- asks little from him other than in narration. Martine Carol is the major's wife; she probably finds this role the least sexy of all she has ever played in (unless the present version Is an edited one But the plot and the actors are only secondary here; the analysis of the Frenchman and his ways is the intriguing and thoroughly en- joyable highlight of "The French They. Are a Funny Race." -aVernon Nahrgang LETTERS to theI' EDITOR A Plea ... To the Editor:, A VOLKSWAGEN is not a play- thing. It' is not built to be lev- ered anywhere except at two spe- cific points-one on either side, where two small slots have been designed to receive a jack. Lifting a Volkswagen by either bumper injures the suspension sys- tem. The- poor little car has no frame to fall back on in self-de- fense. It has been designed for someone in neeu of reliable trans- portation, but unable to afford a luxurious home on wheels. Consequently, an owner, such as myself, suffers real injury when his car is needlessly injured by unthinking young men pursuing a prank. Friday evening, just as Michi- gan students were returning from the pep rally, I went to my 1r, parked on State St. near the Un- ion. I found a group of eager stu- dents 'lifting it over the curb and beckoning to the passing crowd for more help. Theirplay had been temporarily halted by a steel pole beside the car. They apparently were set on moving 'it somehow around the pole and higher onto the grass. As I approach the car, they joyously greeted me as a potential helper. They seemed stunned when I un- lqcked the door, backed it into the street and drove it away. I didn't wait to see if disappointment re- placed the empty looks. * * * NOT UNTIL I had parked my car in an all-night spot did I find that the running board on the right side had been bent in and up, so that the door would not open. Had I not interrupted these blythe young collegians, I might not have been able to drive the car away at all. I haven't had time to examine the underside of the car yet. Any other damage thatmay have re- aulted fromr' this prank will per- haps never reveal itself directly. But it may bring about an un- warranted expense later. My plea is directed, not to the reasonable beings who wouldn't allow a surging mass of humanity to excite them to unreasonable- . a -c.n+r n' a a h ._c ni ,,t+a1 w ATTHE STATE:' Hoss Op era With Kick. -* f "3:10 TO YUMA," now playing at the State Theater is a treat. This is especially surprising be- cause it is a frank, unpretentious western, compounded out of the standard cowbody movie ingred- ients. Yet the dramat tension that is generated in this film by the time goodness and justice finally triumph is extraordinary. The sophisticated popcorn muh cher who is normally unimpressed with the wild west may find him- self embarrassed at the excitement with which he views the final ex- plosive gunbattle scenes. There are- sufficient inadequacies in "3:10 to Yuma" to keep it for- ever out of the realm of cinema classics, but these shortcomings may be easily disregarded. The plot itself is contrived and uncon vincing when you think abut it. But no one does; the drama is en- thraling. Arizonian atmosphere Is provided by cardboard cactus, but even this artificiality of back- ground is overlooked because the action in the foreground is always arresting.; YUMA is about the struggle of several honest little people, chlefil Van Heflin, to bring a badman to justice. They've already caught their villain, Ben Wade, the .dan- gerous leader of a band of outlaws. Theji problem is delivering him to a jail-from which his loyal gang of disciples would be unable to rescue him. In order to accomplish this, they must somehow get Wade on the 3:10 train leaving for Yuma before his trusty followers find out where this small body of ineffec- tual keepers has him hidden. Ben Wade, played by lock-jawed Glenn Ford, is a captivating vil- lain with a heart of tarnished gold and a. keen sense of Yuma. Van Heflin shines in his portrayal of a struggling rancher faced with the problems of duty and conscience AT f iRST, his only interest in apprehending Wade is the 200 dol lar reward promised him. His posi- tion as a good citizen Is shaken considerably by Wade's tempting offers of a far greater bonus. All he need do is consent to lower him rifle long enough for Wade to es- cape from the hotel room where he is being kept until the Yuma train arrives. The pace never slows down un- til the very end, when Frankie Lame's -nasal intnation of the theme song gives the audience its first chance to catch its breath. -Beverly Gross DAILY OFFICIAL, BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- 'sity of. Michigan for which the ' Michigan ,,Daily assumes-no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRIT'EN form to Room. 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. Z4 Lectutres Dr. Jules H. Masserman, professor o neurology _and psychiatry at North- western University, will present a Uni. versity Lecture on Tues. Oct. 15 at 8:0( p.m. in the Auditorium of Children's Psychiatric Hospital. The title ilb Experimental Psychiatry" Sponsored by the Department of Psychatry. The fourth of the Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures will be given on Wed. Oct. 16 in the Rackham Amphitheater at 4:15 p.m. Professor Adcock's subject will be "The Age of Revolution." Academic Notices Schools of Business Administration Education, Music, Natural Resources and Public Health: Students whoareceived marks of I, X 0r 'no reports' at the end of their last semester or summer session of atten dance will' receive a grade of "E'' in the course or courses unless this work is made up. In the School of Music this date is by Oct. 17. In the School of Business Administration,Education Natural Resources and Public Health this date is by Oct. 19. Stude ts wish- ing an extension of 'time beyond thes dates in order to make up this work should file a petition, addressed to the appropriate official of their School with Room 1513, Administration Build ing where it will be transmitted. Admission Test for Graduate Stud: in Business: Candidates for this tes U- -JOHN WEICHER THE CULTURE BIT: Three Banjos, Nine Guitars By DAVID NEWMWAN rumah Brandof'Democracy ZTLY AGO, Prime Minister Kwame -umah of Ghana declared his intention >end his country's constitution and bring under martial law, if necessary, to main- vil order. action would, in effect, put ,the country 'arily under a dictator, the dictator being 'ime Minister himself. This threatened provides more than a little insight into siness of making a primitive democratic ment work in modern times, na and Malaya both received their inde- ice from Great Britain this year-Ghana spring, Malaya in August. Both face in problems. 'e is the problem of multi-racial differ- of opinion. In Malaya, the majority of pulation is Moslem. However, the non- a portion of the population, the Chinese, violently everything they can interpret ng biased against them. On the eve of granted independence, agitators in the y were attempting to stir up a riot n Chinese and Malayans. stand against the rest of the country. And faced with a violent expression of criticism from the. Northern Tribes, Nkcrumah set forth his position saying, "Even a system based on social justice and a democratic constitution may need backing up during the period following inde- pendence byemergency measures of the totali- tarian kind." If this thinking' is carried over to Malaya, which is now about four months behind Ghana, the world will be faced with two countries fallaciously believing themselves" demo- cratic. Nkrumah speaks of justice but neglects to realize that democratic freedom means justice under law and a constitution, and not justice as interpreted by the chief executive. He must realize that if Ghana's Constitution can be put aside by the whims of the party in power, it is not the constitution of a democratic country, but rather a guilded, but farcical, ideal set before the general population by a totali- tarian government. GHANA'S TROUBLE can be called one of having won their independence too easily. Had it come as the -result of fighting and blood- shed instead of diplomatic maneuvering per- haps the country as a whole would not take the is . ,..,« a.«.5..t .« . + ,;.1. noi - t la ;"t - THE FOLK-SONG addict is a -. peculiar creature, given to beards, banjos and ballads. He can be found in the dim stacks of the- library, pouring over ancient canon collections compiled by fifteenth century monks. He can be found hunched over his guitar chanting, "Fol-de-rol diddle," He can be found in dim corners of apartment parties, proclaiming gleefully that he ha's discovered nine surpressed verses of "Sweet Betsy from Pike." And now he can be found in a new University organization, the U. of M. Folklore Society. Before the formation of the So- ciety, folksingers on campus drifted around and about, meeting mostly at coops to share and swap their latest discoveries. The "community sing" spirit prevailed. It was fun, but apparently not satisfying enough for'the real folk buffs. The formal consolidation of all this activitiy is the Folklore Society. * * * WE TALKED to Bruce Bevel- heimer, a teaching fellow in math, and one of the original founders of +a c-l.. millh hPP- s n .t pe.5o- learn or to brush up on their tech- nique." The group has also made forays into the construction of odd but easy-to-make istruments, like the Israeli chalil (a bamboo flute) and the steel drum. This.activity will be stepped up during the com- ing months. Members occasionally do re- search into background materials, sometimes to illuminate their songs. Encouraging this kind of activity, the Society may utilize it by publishing a folklore journal, complete with music and annota- tion. The emphasis at all times is the finding and presentation of "new" songs. Students air their discover- ies, swap them for others, and teach them to the rest. * * * BOTH SOLO chortling and group singing have their place during the folk-sings, but mem- bers need have no experience in the field. "At a typical meeting," Bevelheimer explained, "we get about nine guitars and three ban- jos, all going together. Everybody joins in, unless soifie- nn is s1in oa na n nmhr At says to somebody, 'Do you know such and such a song?' 'No, I don't really,' is the an- swer, 'Just a few verses.' "Forty-nine verses later, the singer gets tired and quits. Then somebody else leads the whole group in a tune they've all learned. Every once and a while somebody will get up and start a dance. It's all pretty spontaneous." Certainly, good times are had by, all, and if this is your speed, you'll look hard to find a better outlet. Blues sessions, work songs, ballads, German lullabies-all have been aired in the past. At one recent meeting, someone offered 'up an authentic Voodoo chant. SO, FOR THE folky at' heart, everything is made to order. Fin- ally, in the works is a Pete Seeger concert later in the year. This is comporable to the Young Republi- cans getting Eisenhower to speak at a meeting. The Folklore Society holds its membership meeting this Thurs- day, October 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the ;Union. Business to be discus- sed: "fol-de-rol diddles" to follow. * * * ANA, the upcountry bout one--quarter of tribes, compris- the population, _