le Investigation Urged ep. Senator Knowland 'EAKS AT RALLY: Know land Proposes- Labor Union Controls cuedl from Page 1) e to a question, Sen. fused to say that he n against Vice-Presi- M. Nixon for the Re- -sidential, nomination xon were a candidate. hat he had supported ice-presCdent against ry of State Christian ear, and was a per- of the vice-president. rila's Gov. Goodwin [arold Stassen worked 1," he added. his impending flght iight for California's ial nomination next nowland said he ex- rt from the rank and as he had been sup- e workers in previous SENATOR KNOWLAND - for rank and file " .. Too much security? ated his advocacy of a, ork law in his hom'e ng that national union ve too much power, and embers of unions should ger share of control over ns. However, he did not ,ional right-to-work law. ator, who is now draft- o regulate the spending ney by unions for politi- es, did not. know if the apply specifically to a ram sponsored by the to Workers in Detroit, t he was unfamiliar with ituation. trying to avert the use i favor of one candidate : the other," he said. the senator would not favored brin'ging Com- speak at universities, under university auspices. "That's out of my province," he said. Pn the international scene, Sen. Knowland felt that Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia always had been and would be a communist with close ties to the Soviet Unior;' and his break with Russia hadI been more apparent than real. (Tito offered to recognize the govern- ment of East -Germany earlier yes- terday.) "Tito has always opposed -collec- tive security measures with the West," he said. "He voted with the Communist bloc on the Korean question in the United Nations, and agair-on the Hungarian. issue. Perhaps we should have spent some of the money we spent on Tito on our missile development," he added: (Continued from Page 1) He pointed out that laws were necessary at the turn of the cen- tury to protect the public from concentration of power in indus- try ",that acted in restraint of trade." The senator went on to say thpt power to control the economic life of 168 million Americans is "too much power for ally .respionsiblb group in business or labor to want and it is far too much power for any irresponsible group in either business or labor to have." He warned that the' "goldfish bowl" nature of the United States enables the Comipunist press abroad to give emphasis to "cer- tain local events" in this coun- try and make them "appear as be- ing representative of our entire nation." ~Reading fromh a prepared text during most of the address, Sen. Knowland reviewed accomplish- nMents of the recent Congr ss and the Eisenhower Administration since it came to power in 1953. Significant Legislation Sen. Knowland described the civil rights legislation passed in the last session of Congress as "historic" and only those who re- alize that it is the only such measure enacted in 82 years "can appreciate its significance." "It seemed to me that the time had come to give the 48 states .. . and the 96 senators ... a chance to debate, to vote, and to deter- mine this great question of public policy . . Saying the problem was not easy because the Republicans, be- ing a minority, did not control the machinery' of Congress, he said the key issue came on placing the issue on the Senate calendar. The issue before Congress, Sen. Knowland exclaimed, was wheth- er the Constitution applies in all, sections of the nation and wheth- er the 15th -Amendment can be nullified in certain areas. "Basically, the states, have the right to determine voting quali- fications but once the qualifica- tions are established they must be applied equally and to all the citi- zens," he explained. In international affairs, Sen. Knowland said the Eisenhower Administration "with bi-partisan cooperation by the Congress, has strengthened the collective de- fense system which had its start under bi-partisan sponsorship un- der the previous Administration." Increase in Communists' He noted the large increase in Communist dominated peoples since the end of World War II and said that the executive and Congress have made attempts at not permitting the free world to be "nibbled away bit by bit." He cited the Mutual, Defense Pact with the Republic of China on Formosa and the Southeast Asia Pact as examples of the Ad- ministration's action In this area. Actions of the present Admin- istration were contrasted with previous Administrations by the senator. Administration of Integrity Since President Dwight D. Eisenhower took over, he said, "We have had live years of peace with honor, three successive bal- anced budgets, our economy out from under OPA controls, a tax cut in 1954 of seven billion dol- lars, ....an Administration of in- tegrity, the largest peacetime em- ployment in th'e nation's history." BRITISH PROF.: Sir Adcock Cites Rome Senate Role The Roman senate gained con- trol of the republic's foreign pol- icy by effectively exercising power at its disposal when Hannibal's armies threatened Rome, Sir Frank E. Adcock told a lecture audience yesterday. Prof. Adcock, former professor of ancient history at Cambridge University and well-known author of books on Greece and Rome, was presenting his talk on "The Authority of the Senate," third in a series on Roman political insti- tutions, this year's Thomas Spen-' cer Jerome lectures. At the time of the war with Carthage, Prof. Adcock explained,' it was necessary for the senate to control diplomacy, finance and troop movement. Since the war lasted 60 years, senate control of these areas became accepted. Independent generals and war- ring families complicated domes- ic politics and were the objects of a popular reaction bolstering the senate's power. Scipio needed sen- ate support to prevail over oppo- nents of his eventually success- ful tactics for winning the war with Carthage. "No legislation was ever en- acted to thus increase the power of the senate in matters of poli- cy," Prof. Adcock pointed out. , Prof. Adcock's fourth lecture, to be presented tomorrow at 4:15 in the Rackham Amphitheatre, will continue where yesterday's left off. It will be entitled "The Age of Revolution." 'U' Regents Attend Colorado Meeting Four-members of the Univer- sity Regents are attending a meeting of the Association of Governing Board of State Uni- versities and Allied Institutions at the University of Colorado, in Boulder. The Association's 35th annual meeting deals with the problems of state universities and colleges. Over 150 members of governing boards, coming from 30 states, are attending the four-day conclave. Michigan's representatives are: Carl Brablec; Alfred B. Connable; Eugene B. Power, and Mrs. Irene, E. Murphy. SRC Finds Importance Of Attitude The traditional business maxim that teamwork pays off in the of- fice as well as on the playing fields must now be qualified. A report from the University's Survey Research Center discloses that the attitude of the group to- ward their company is equally im- portant. When a closely-knit group feels the company has their best inter- ests at heart they demonstrate ex- ceptional productivity. On the other hand, when a co- hesive team felt insecure in their jobs production tailed off. Another finding of the center concerns the value of getting along with others. Often, the social scientists dis- covered, supervisors who show little real concern for their work- ers still achieve high production totals by demonstrating their ability to get things done with higher management. The result- ing 'respect can be far more con- structive than friendly relations with the workers. However, Prof. Robert Kahn; human relations program direc- tor, points out the responsibility for hearing supervisors' com- plaints and recommendations lies with the management. Delegation of authority was likewise . investigated. Research disclosed that little difference need occur between the produc- tivity of a group where authority is delegated down and one in which tight control is exercised. The primary benefit to delegation of authority would appear to be an increase in morale. Kahn explained,? "Those in the tightly controlled group produced - despite resentment - because they felt they had no other, al- ternative." Rent a TYPEWYRiTER IOLLETTS State St. at N. University ltZ 0 We can SATISF any ol' GROUCI DRTHANDI G OPtIONAL R 400 schools in U.S. will assist you in review or placement. ENROLL TODAY IN NEXT CLASSES AILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE M 1915 Phone 8-7831 State & William Sts. TROAJ LAUNDRY &4 DRY CLEAN __- ANN ARBOR - 721 N. University Phone NO 2-5200 i ENGINEERS - PHYSICISTS MELPAR NEEDS MAN TO TACKLE PROBLEMS NEVER SOLVED BEFORE At Melpar our engineering staff is primarily concerned with the charting of courses into areas heretofore unexplored. The nature of our work ranges from the development of complete sys- tems for fadar, counter-measures, data reduc- tion, computers, and communications to basic research and weapons systems analysis. To encourage free, unhamipered activity, Melpar has developed a unique basis of organ- ization. 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