It's A N Trig Has yc u Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-6241 nted in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. :, 3, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER atellite Control Should Be it Noiw While Problem is Small S and 22 other nations ations, Friday, to make ament agreement which per atmosphere, now Russian earth satelliite. called for resumption of by the. UN's five-man the 23 made the same proposals Ac rejected at the disarmament London last summer-interna- of atomic bomb tests, nuclear ,he production of fissionable ma- he limitation of conventional ap agreed inspection system in ,t of the world's fringe of space. nry Cabot Lodge, head of the delegation to the UN, has said rol question could be taken up committee if there was "general e United States, with the advo- plan, assumes the responsibility again a plan that the Russians defeated. No matter how fair seem to the United States and sponsoring nations, it is fairly he plan is not one that will be e. Russians. [AN ,non-acceptance the inevit-r , nothing will have been gained, ths of haggling, arguing, and eeches. ill have :been lost. For lost, un- ver, will have been the chance, ontrol of satellites while there is only one in the air, before the skies-and thus the issues involved-become more crowded. The United States should be able to under- stand, with experience gained from the post- World War II Baruch Plan for atomic control and later attempts, that it is simpler to try to solve a question in the beginning. For the period of time is short, very short, before new satellites of either nation will be able to do more than rain only radio signals to the earth. And in that timedespite any justification the United States may feel in taking up, conven- tional disarmament questions first, it has a moral duty to make every effort to gain some workable kind of satellite control for the world. SATELLITE CONTROL should remove one 't obstacle that has plagued previous disarma- ment questions-the refusal of Russia to con- sider inspection of its.vast land areas. Satellites will be up in the air where, although there are problems of identification, there can hardly be a hidden satellite. But this advantage will only provide a slightly smoothed path. There are certainly many other obstacles ahead. The United States should not provide its own obstacle course by {insisting on the discussion of old disarmament questions first. Instead, by showing itst willingness to consider the satellite control problem alone, it will have taken the first step needed to provide a solution to the satellite problem, which is now only in its infancy. -LANE VANDERSLICE 11 f ,;4 1 i~ c t. e r Si~~r°' ,9' . 4.J Mr At- . "rzP4 ?' Or c.,. r- IN THE GREAT and dim mon- tage of Hollywood film biogra- phies that have been produced in the past several years, only a few particular movies can be accurate- ly described as distinct, three-di- mensinoal, or outstanding. Like "Moulin Rouge" or "Spirit of St. Louis," "Man of a Thousand Faces," the life story of Lon Chan- ,e is one of the few in this cate- gory that deserve adjectives of praise. It is not a great movie, but it is an interesting one. Lon Chaney, as most people even of this generation realize, was a famous character actor of the silent era. The son of deaf mute parents, he started his dramatic career as a vaudeville clown. After an unfortunate marriage with a singer, Cleve Creighton (Dorothy Malone), he began to take advan- tage of his somewhat unusual talents by playing bit roles in the silent films. His conceptions of characterizations were perceptive and unique; within a few years, he achieved stardom. ** * , A BALANCE between Chaney's personal history and his profes- sional one is not always achieved in this film. A portrayil of the man's marital difficulties and his devotion to his- son is perhaps, necessary for continuity in the movie, but much more might have been made of the connection be- tween his childhood background and the characters he splayed on the screen. His fascination with the grotesque was ont entirely commercial and a closer study of Chaney's methods and personality might 'have made this move more consistently worthwhile. James Cagney does an adequate job in the title role. The fact that the was able to play this curiously amorphous part at all is a credit to his acting ability, but he occa- sionally fals to .evoke adequate sympathy from the, audience a~t crucial noments. He is supported by a small cast whose acting is onnocuous and uninspirational, but since the main emphasis of the plot seems to be upon the facts rather than upon the friendships of Chaney's life, this' perhaps is unimpoitant. * , * DESPITE 'protests to the con- trary,, most biographies are not suited by nature to dramatic pres- entation. The fact that they must be narrative, and that events,-must LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Football Fortunes Forecast Chaney Bio grapl D~iverting, Worthw a. Q i Sheds Light on S. W. Africa ? NATIONS took an important; Vs ago to break, the stone wall of icles built by the Union of South ast few years. eda -Askembly's Trusteeship ed iday to establish a com- tiate with South Africa on the th-West Africa-a territory held m since it was taken from Ger- rld War 1. Shas denied the United Nations uncil jurisdiction of South West UN has been annoyed not only rica's boycott of discussion on ut also with her application of Icies to South-West Africa. The ses a percentage of native popu- han South Africa's. MrITTEE appointed to-negotiate Africa could succeed in re-estab-. Nest Africa with an international cJhomic value would be lost to South Africa for the territory is arid and unproductive. However, if the UN were to establish in South-West Africa a program of aid and education within the native population, South Africa's control over ier own nearby and related native populations could very well weaken. Undoubtedly South Africa realizes this, and if the negotiations committee succeeds at all it will probably first be forced to withstand fur- ther debates and further boycotts. WERHAPS the most* important aspect of the UN stand on the South-West Africa question is that the larger question of segregation in South Africa has been brought to the attention of the world.: In the words of Thanat Khoman of Thailand, chairman of the UN Trusteeship Committee, "We must be fully alive to the fact that we have now reached an important point in the history of South Africa." -JAMES BOW Not A Prayer? -. . (Editor's Note: The following let- ter continues what is becoming a Michigan tradition. -Charles Carroll, '56, presents his annual denunciation of Coach Oosterbaan and his fore- cast of Michigan's football fortunes.) To the Editor: SUGGESTION to the Michigan football fans: You'd better give up all championship hopes for .this Fall now if you want to avoid bit- ter frustration and emotional On- guish later. Bennie Oosterbaan is still the head coach, and as long as he is, Michigan will never win another football championship. It may seem strange to criticize a man whose teams have had the best record in the Big Ten since he became head coach. However, let it be noted that Bennie has had very good material during his en- tire tenure as head coach, while he has not won a championship since 1950. wasn't a question of a bad play here and there; we simply were not playing good football as a team. This year we don't have the same tremendous manpower ad-, vantage over all conference foes. Michigan State and Minnesota have material which is about equal to ours, so we don't have a prayer.' h Bennie will never get another chance like the last two years, and he even blew those two; so be hap- py if Michigan finishes third this year We shouldn't lose more than one , or two games, but if we lose three r four, don't feel bad. Things likethat, happen every Fall. S--Charlie Carroll, '56 e e j LOOKING UP: I Caught Of f V guard By JAMES ELSMANh JR. 'IN OTHER WORDS, since Bennie ran out of players trained by, Fritz Crisler, Michigan hasn't done nearly as. well. Every season since 1950 has been a big dis- appointment, with the sole ex- ception of 1954. In that year, a fantastic group of sophomores carried the Wolverines to a sur- prisingly good season. But the next two years were the greatest disappointment of all. We started both of these seasons with the most good players and fewest weaknesses of any team on the Big Ten. But somehow we couldn't make progress, while other teams caught up with and passed us. It The Rules .. . To The Editor: APPARENTLY t h e University has reached the size where it no longer feels it owes its students or alumni anything other than the education which they have, pur- chased. I can well realize the privilege we have in being able to house weekend guests in the residence halls. However, as a senior, many of my close friends are now alum- nae who wish to return to visit Michigan "at least this one last time." The incidents which has insti- gated this letter is purely repre- sentative to me and is by no means a personal affront; yet, when a graduate made plans to attend the Michigan State game but couldI not arrive at any other time ex- cept ih the middle of the night, the handling of her problem struck' me as illustrative or just how un- important the alums and the sen- iors are to the University. Under no circumstance could anl exception be made, permittin~g her entry into the dormitory at this time, and under no condition could the rule be relaxed for a person who once was a heavy contributor to the functions of women on campus. ' I am not requesting action or change by writing this letter. Only one major point do I wish to stress. The dorms recognize the importance of upperclassmen, especially to live damong the fresh- men, and they have attempted to maintain their presence whenever possible. It is because of this that I feel there must be something which will encourage seniors to remain in University housing, and this in- flexibility of regulations does not' seem to be the proper technique to encourage our voluntary presence. -Ann Rothman, '58 A Point... To The Editor: IT IS WITH great reluctance that I bring the following matter to your attention. A number of us consider that the actions of the cheerleaders .of the ,University's football games when a touchdown is being converted are a ,parody on a religeous ceremony! nd there- fore offensive.° We are sure that if the student body were aware of this, they would ask that this gesture be omitted.- -Mahmoud Haddad, Spec.E makes the achievement of any the impressive ironies 'that res from simultaneous action aim impossible. "Man of a Thousand Faces" I the good forrtune tox be' writi around a built-in irony: the ch of parents who Wyre nomat1 their emotional life but defec in their adult physical exsten Chaney developed into a man w although physically healthy; emotionally deaf and dumb. T opportune biographical fact sa' 'the movie from triteness and gi it a measure of intrinsic'drama worth. --Jean W11oughb LONG, COSTLY: Bride THE COSTLIEST \and long suspension bridge in the wo will soon link Michigan' two : ninsulas, bringing a new frc tier to primeval forestland. The 100-million-dollar span, b ing rushed to completion to meel Nov. 1 target date for openi stretches five miles across t Straits of Mackinac (pronounc ed Mackinaw, like the city Mackinaw, like the city is spelle Its towers reach upward as hi as a 47-story building above 't; treacherous, blue-blacks curren Beneath, they reach down almc half that far into bedrock, The straits, which stand betwe the Michigan peninsulas, are t: water bridge between Lakes Mict gan and Huron. With the adve of the Mackinac bridge, it b comes a sort of land apd wat crossroads. IN THE 120 years that Michig has been a state, the effects division have become accentuat In the Lower Peninsula populati has grown, swelling with the i dustrial complex created by t automobile industry. ' . In the Upper Peninsula,ison ti has helped preserve essentially pine woods wilderiness. The hunting and 'fishing attract steady stream of vacationers, a until .recently the major Indust has been -dwindling copper ai iron mining. Hunters will be the first to ben fit from the bridge. They beg flocking to the Uper Peninsula the coming weeks, for the de season dpening Nov. 15. On some openiig 'days, ca have been lined up for 15 mil and have waited 24 hours for fe ry space to get across the stral on the overtaxed and slow stat operated ferries. The fleet of five boats, emplo Ing some 400 men afloat a ashore, will pass out of operaitI when the bridge opens. ,All the feriies couldn't haul 5 cars -A once, but the bridge ci handle 3,000 each way per hot Where the ferry ride took. 30 '55 minutes, the bridge is a 1 minute drive. BRIDGE TRAFFIC won't" nonstop. There are toll booths the northern end. The fee0is $3. per automobile, regardless of t number riding. Ferries charg $2.75, plus 25 cents for the driv and each passenger. Financed by revenue bonds, t bridge was designed by Dr. Day B. Steinman, a New York. co; suti ng engineer who has drea up some 300 bridges on five co: tinents. He said the Mackinac bridge w built to withstand the most, j vere weather blasts coming out the Great Lakes. The bridge c take winds of 632 mph. The hig est winds in the straits are mph. From anchor block to anch block the ihackinac bridge is 8,6: feet long, compared with 6,450 f the San Francisco Golden Ga Bridge. The Mackinac's total su pension is 7,400 feet; the Gold Gate's, ,450. follow in chronological order [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Offieial Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of -Michigan for which the Michigan "Daily ass~umes no edi- torialresponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2, p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, OCTOBER .13, 1957 VOL. LXVIII1, NO. 23 Generat Notices Homecoming tickets will be sold Mon.. 'through Fri., Oct. 14 to 18, at the Union, Engineering Arch, and Diagonal from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tethird of the Thomas Spencer Jer- ome lectures will be given on Man, Oct. 14 at 4:15'p.m. in Aud. B, Angeli Hall. Professor Adcock will speak on "The Authority of the Senate." Concerts " ORGAN RECITAL: Robert Noehren, University Organist, will open his fall series of recitals at 4:15 this afternoon. in Hill Auditorium. During this series of programs Professor Noehren will complete the performance of the mu- sic written, for the organ by Johann Sebastian Bach. The recital todaywill include his Prelude and Fugue in C major, eight chorale preludes, Trio- Sonata No. 5 in' C major, and Prelude and Fugue in G minor. Printed copies of the complete series of programs will be available at the door prior to the re- cital. The general plblic will be admit- ted without charge. (Continued on Page "8) UFIFICIENT FACTS are available now for a sober criticism of the United State's, short- mings as revealed when the USSR launched e first successful earth satellite. I am particularly apprehensive over the atti-, de the President has taken toward the Soviet hievement. The 'New "ork Times quotes him his press conference: "The Soviet success, said, does not increase his apprehensions er the national security of this country by. ze iota'." Neither the known facts, the com- mts of informed Americans close to the scene" the actions of the United States government em to support the President's assessment. The facts are that the Soviets are at least one ar ahead of the United States in the develop-' mt of an ultimate weapon-the rocket mis- e Russia has also taken the first step toward base that has considerable military signi- ance-the moon. These facts should also veal something about the relative states of estern and Soviet science. Since 1945, the viets' progress has been astounding, and we e now to a point where, while we are gain-' ', too, the Soviet is fast catching us. We ploded the first atomic bomb in July of 1945; st atomic pile in 1942; the Soviets followed sely. We tested the first hydrogen bomb in vember of 1952; the Soviets detonated one year later. The Soviets beat us, however, by a ar in dropping the first hydrogen bomb from airplane. Our largest cyclotron has a 6 bil- n volt capacity; the Soviets top us with a 10 lion volt machine. We run second in jet air nsports, and likely, fighters and bombers. .yone who, knowing these facts of science d with an awareness of science's application the military, can view the Soviets' latest entific coup as not militarily significant is her pitifully naive or speaking with tongue cheek. HY ARE THE SOVIETS besting us in some scientific fields and making general gains ross the board? I believe too much credence, put on the explanation that a totalitarian defense. While this has some basis, there are, other explanations of our failings in the sci- ences. We must not forget that for the past sever years fear has crept into almost every corner of. this country's intellectual life. One man -a nol-deceased senator from Wisconsin -can be. blamed for this retarding stifling of scientists, academicians and government em- ployes. On top of the fact that fine minds are not honored in the United States as in Europe, that an egghead's role is a defensive one, now brilliant men are stifled by the subversive- hunters. Also, as Walter Lippmann observes, the American people labor under a belief that a good political-economic system is one which provides the maximum of consumer goods and only some public goods - defense, education, science, technology, the arts. MORE SHORT-RUN answers to why toe Soviets are fast catching us center around the Administration's failure to see ahead and ,act accordingly. As Press' Secretary Haggerty admitted, the Soviet Sputnik "did not come as a surprise" in Washington. Thus, the Ad- ministration saw the impending crisis and did nothing. constructive, many things destructive. The President's economy budget has made crucial cuts in basic research budgets. To strike a close note, read this New York Times report' "The spending limitations are threatening to curtail some of the United States projects in the International Geophysical Year... The Air Force contract with-the University of Michigan for instruments for several high-altitude re- search rockets, for instance, is in an uncertain status." It was the 'President's Secretary of Defense who once said of basic research, "I don't care what makes fried potatoes brown or grass green.", In addition, most observers now admit it was a mistake to sever the United States satellite program from our miissile program and give it to the Navy last year. What we need in these critical times is not competition among the services for primacy, but cooperation and CHANNEL VIEWS: f T"' odTraics? By CHARLES EWELL Daily Television Writer SOME OF YOU have probably wondered, as I have myself, what usefilpurpose this column serves. It certainly doesn't b'enefit anyone for me to comment on an. outstanding presentation and ad- vise them to tune in on it last week if they get a chance.' ,Though for some reason; a re- viewer feels compelled to assume an air of authority, I don't fancy myself a connoisseur and don't hold with "culture dictatorship," even as practiced in the English department. Aside from feeble stimulation of television aficionados, I m i ght, justify my efforts as a prolonged editorial 'addressed to the snobs who pride themselves on their eschewal of the medium. Not the discriminating who feel that the, time investment just doesn't offer a sufficient return, but profes- sional art appreciators who con- . demn it entirely because it isn't respectable. THE SAME ELEMENT remain- ed aloof from the legitimate thea- tre when Shakespeare's greatest plays were being produced (they are now its staunchest adherents). But they were comparable in every way tq the present TV upstart, obvious types, and the supporting characters stereotypes. We eagerly accept- the consequences of this in Shakespeare, but will not tolerate it in a contemporary. Without attempting to under- stand the psychological basis, I would ascribe this to the greater, generosity we afford anything in a slightly foreign idiom. Sophisti- cation gives way, with much re- lief, to an alien setting. We can enjoy star-crossed lovers in Japa- nese films, the Italians can be as bombastic as they please, and sen- timentality 'is welcomed in Walt' Disney. Since I also suffer from this brand ;of cynicism, it is gratifying to have it occasionally overcome, as it was last week by Studio One's presentation, The Morning Face. * -* * IT IS DIFFICULT to convey the merits of a drama that deals with the sentimental in unbroken Eng- lish, for it' can only escape being corny through artistry, and that is impossible to reproduce. Nor did this piece escape the aforementioned ills of the TV treatment. You could level a bar- rage of adverse criticism against it, but when the barrage has lift- ed there remains a lyric, poignant and sincere exercise. The story concerns 4 young teacher (Barbara Bel Geddes) in finds the math teacher a sensual, inconsiderate boy, and discovers a slumber of valuable qualities in the English teacher. The ending inti- mates high hopes for their mutual felicity. The play leans heavily on the development of the English teach er's ,philosophy, 'but. it is injected so unobtrusivefy, and with such nice touches of introduction and relief that far from objecting to it, I enjoyed it. His views would probably fail to imipress anyone as remarkably astute or original, but I'm not sure they have been aired before, aid doubt that they have been re'ndered with more facility. They achieved ,auniversal sig- nificance rather-than being limited to the peculiar circumstances of a small group, as has been the rule with most of the good -TV work. Marty's problem, after all, was only applicable to an ugly Bronx butcher. * * * THE ENGLISH teacher was a creep, but by ho means a carica- ture. The role, which received an admirable interpretation, avoided the stiff, prim cliche and produced a v e r y human and individual creep, who compelled a sympa- thetic response not through a justification, but a defense of his' creepdom. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUSa by Dick Bibler ,. rye,: . l ._ I: ' , ' # 'I s ,)4 I ' 'b F, 1 III TI I''"" I ;. F _ YuZ