ium Give Visitor from State 'Willies -DaIly-Eric Arnold niversity's marching band, shown here in the midst of "Blues in the Night," nee routines which have included in recent years "The St. Louis Blues,"."The e Varsity Drag," extsnged its unbeaten string yesterday by rolling over the, their half-time encounter. (Continued from Page 1) to find out who this guy was; must've been somenody pretty im- portant though. And my jaw plumb dropped when the speaker says, he says, "Doctor 'No. 310"; I never would've guessed there'd be that many vets just to take care of the dogs -at the game. Now I might mention that folks around me was mighty much in a tizzy about some dude down on the field named "Benny." They was a cussin' through their teeth all that second half a sayin' "Bennie must go"- and ya know, that Bennie stood right there the whole time, 'cept when he knocked off for lunch at halftime. Only thing I saw Benny doin'! wrong was atakin' this rambunc- tious, stallion, No, 43, out of the! game too much-ya know ya don't change a horse when he's a gettin" to know the furrows. Once durin' the shindig I looked up and thought the Russians had caught us nappin'. There was air- planes all 'round the bowl, but guess they vas friendly. Funny thing happened just about third quarter. This Michi- gan boy, Ptacek, he catches a pass and right away one of his kin runs over to shake his hand-course the play wasn't over yet and they both hit the ground like shot pheasants. Well, we feel we came to totn and showed you city slickers a trick or 'too in football. For us, it was a pretty fair country day. hahn's Art Ehibited "The Graphic Works of BenI Shahn" is the art exhibit which opens today at the College of Architecture and Design. Under the auspices of the Mu- seum of Art, Mr. Shahn's posters, magazine illustrations, record-al- bum covers, Christmas cards, newspaper advertisements, illus- trations for book, pamphlets and{ brochures may be seen on the main corridor until October 31. His works, circulated by the American Institute of Graphic Arts to various schools, colleges and museums, show his appeal for human beings in bondage, under totalitarianism, in short all social, problems. Political satire and car-i icature are found in numerous magazine illustrations. S Doors Open of 12:45 (aI p NO -Daly--Eric Arnold BOOM! BOOM!-In its review of music from other countries, the band displayed some syncopated drumming talent, particularly, in the selection representing Hawaii, the "Hawaiian War Chant" Here the drummers' got one of their rare chances to star in a number. Who were the women who twisted his life and love-igr the flame of his genius, driving him to immortal fame r 1 i Adcock To Give Third Lecture 0A p At eache'6 & etudeftj ARTIST SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS ! v Drawing Board Oil Colors Charcoal Paper Water Colors Charcoal Pads. I Pads Brushes Canvas Panels, Picture Frames PaintingOutfits Canvas Stretdhe WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE 316 SOUTH STATE STREET Phone NO 2-5669 ' c cUcot o< m o<=c>oooo oony, under Munch, will oral Union Chursday in ogram are 1 G minor," "artes," and o. Four." ,pects of the its Tangle-f it the 200- Aass. These 'U1 Nrganis t Sets Recital. Robert Noehren, University or- ganist, will present the first or- gan recital of a series of four at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. This series will conclude the performance of the complete works of Bach which Noehren has been presenting throughout the last two years. The next three concerts will be on Oct. 20, Oct. 27, and Nov. 3. Included in tomorrow's program 'will be, "Trio Sonata No. 5 in C Major," "Prelude in Fugue in C Major," "Prelude in Fugue in G Major" and eight choral preludes from "Orgel Buchlein." The performance' of the com- plete works of Bach Is a task rarely done, according to Noeh- ren. ,The 'concerts are open to the CS F if ti n F. "The Authority of the Senate" will be the subject of Prof. Sir Frank Adcock's third lecture on "Roman Political Ideas and Prac- tice" to be presented at 4:15 to- morrow in Auditorium B, Angell Hall. Prof. A4cock is this year's Thom- as Spencer Jerome lecturer. He is presenting six speeches in the cur- rent series. He was formerly Professor of Ancient History at Cambridge Uni versity, and served as president of the Classical Association. Negroes Sue; Charge Bias In Pontiac DETROIT (P) - Five Negroes filed suit in United States District Court Friday asking an injunction to prohibit seven Pontiac bowling establishments from allegedly dis- criminating against Negroes. They alsoasked $1,000 damages. Pontiac PoliceaChief Herbert W. Starley and patrolman Clarence Smith were named as co-conspira- tors with the seven bowling estab- lishments. The Negroes contend the policemen . refused to prevent discrimination. The suit charges that .bowling alley operators refuse to accept Negro bowlers "without exposing them to different requirement from those of other bowlers." The Negroes said the terms were "limiting and degrading" and al- leged "ridiculous schemes" such as restricting Negroes to the use of alleys, at a particular time and limiting them to wall alleys with faulty equipment.I TONIGHT at 8:00 "GENTLEMEN'S AG EE1ME NT" with GREGORY PECK DOROTHY McGU IRE JOHN GARFIELD ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents with MARJORIE RAMBEAU * JIM BACKUS'" ROGER SMITR * ROBERT also "CUCKOO CLOCK~ Color Cartoon THURSDAY A Rendezvous With Romance "ROMAN HOLIDAY" and "SABR On One Tremendous Program UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL. Presents JAMES CAGNEY DOROTHY MALONF JANE GREER. lk Premieres TODAY! bed copies of the entire of organ performances for esent school year will be le for distribution at the In the morning an Englishman gook8 forward to breakfast... F- 6.- but a Frenchman has something to look back on! : ': __ i1 I #: Ann Arbor Civic Ballet Presents ELL. part mimic, part satirist, all hilarious" -WASLT ERRY Mass Meeting Hillel Players needYOU! p unce- ble to stered 1 S "JusT FOR THE LA Fanny Race __._.. R-C Tri-Uni- 3:00 p.m.. ker: Tracy TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 8:30 P.M. AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE -h II Oct. 15, re- TICKETS $2.75, $2.20, $1.65 Box office open 10-5 " Bea Lillie and Anna Russell rolled together." -WASHINGTrON'POST isciples Guild, n., Evangelical Speaker: Dr. and Architec- isciples Guild, 9:30 a.m. Sec- Room in Con- ;ion 2 in Chris- ACTORS COSTUMING SCRIPT WRITERS SCENE DESIGN PRODUCERS STAGE CREW DIRECTORS MAKE-UP Old members, New members i FRENN ARE FUNNY RACE "WILD ALMOST TO THE POINT al and Disciples Guild, cussion on contemporary , :30 pam., Guild House, F IS * * * Interfaith Activities Commit- t 13, 4:00 p.m., Hillel. mass meeting of Hillel Play- 13, 4:30 p.m., Hillel. r Democratic Club, meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 3B, Union. U.S. Congresswoman Martha s, "Republican Fiscal Policy Repercussions." a Delta Lutheran Students' weekly Sunday supper and pro- lt. 13, 6:00 p.m'., University Lu- Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw. Open iiscussf-:n. ate Outing Club. hiking, Oct. p.m., meet in back of Rackham. ran Student Assn., 40th Anni- Celebration, Oct. 10, 6:00 p.m., Ballroom. .n Circle, meeting, Oct. 15, 8-10 ne Hall. Singing and music. * * * an Christian Fellowship, lec- ct. 13, 4:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Dr. Arthur F. Holmes, Ass't. r of Bible and Philosophy, [ College, "Miracles-Real or' - ---- --u - IR CONDITIONED W e IOWN ,JUG is OPEN MEETING for Central Committee Petitioning STues., Oct. 15 ... 1:15 Union Everybody Welcome HILLEL LOUNGE 1429 Hill Street Sunday, October 13, 4:30 l World Tel . N.VPost " CUE' ~ANY BRIGHTLY FRESwj HILARIOUS AMIUSINGI "WITTY.,'' ....--- CUEMagazme ~ - erTr b. Review PRESTON STURGES' *>? CONTINUOUS SHOWINGS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FROM 1 P.M. ' t MYTHIGAN HOMECOMING DANCE OCT.19 T I C K E T S N 0' w -I" Starting TODAY!' Schedule Information - NO 2-3 136 .s . t 40 / "In The Great Tradition of 'Shane' aid 'High Noon'!" -WORLD TELEGRAM and SUN 0 rw "HIGHEST RATING ! Excellent Highly Impressive" -DAILY NEWS Every tick of the clock... Every beat of your heart... brings the big moment closer -y N 0