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October 13, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-13

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tern .

6 1 Purdue

n .. . 23 Ohio State
. #. ...14 Illinois,.f.

. . . 21 Iowa . .


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Notre Dame

..23 Oklahoma...21 Navy......
. 21 Texas .. .... 7 California .. .


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6 India]


. . . .




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See page 4

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedm

I No. 23






edict Sputnik
Stay in Orbit

s Say Satellite to Keep
for at Least One Year

HINGTON (P)-Experts at the Naval, Research Laboratory
I Saturday that Russia's satellite Sputnik would stay up for
i year.
Le same time they said reports were true that the rocket
i the sky with Sputnik has lost altitude and is speeding up.
they added: "Reports that the rocket shell is disintegrating
hly unlikely at this time." ,. '
Project Leader Makes Statement
statement was issued by 'Dr. John P. Hagen, director of

s Project Vanguard at




- missile control was seen
esterday'as a possible point
akthrough toward the long-
world disarmament treaty.
-nation resolution submitted
e UN General Assembly men
it only as one point of a
int Western "package" dis
aent program which the
tion would have, the As-
y endorse.
both United States and Po-
aders were on record in favor
ae kind of discussion of con-
space objects prior to con-
1 of a general disarmament
the possibility was held out
ne quarters at the.UN that
Western resolution ran into
going, the United States
push this idea as one way
the big powers out of their
ick. over disarmament.

the laboratory. "We ,estimate the
" satellite will stay up for at least a
year," Dr. Hagen said.
He said it, appears to remain in
a fairly constant - orbit with an
around-the-world flight- period of
96.1 minutes, with the closest point
to the earth 170 miles and the
most ' distant 570 miles, and
"should remain aloft for some time
to come."
Low Density ,
E Dr. Hagen said the empty rocket
shell's density was low compared
with the small dense mass of the
One American scientist reported:
that he got a photograph-.faint
and blurry-of the rocket that had;
been accompanying Sputnik on its
And from London came an esti-
mate that the rocket is 100 times,
as laige as the satellite, which
the Russians have described as
r weighing 184 pounds and measur-
ing 23 inches in diameter.
Dr. J. Alan Hynek of the Smith-
sonian Astrophysical Observatory
said at Cambridge, Mass., that the
rocket and the cone that helped
carry the: satellite into its orbit
Oct. 4 now appear to be breaking
up. .

To Speak
A t Meeting
Sen. William F.Knowland (R-
Calif.) will speak on "American
Foreign and Domestic Policy, 1957-
58" at a mass political tally here
It will begin at 8:30 p.m. in Hill
Auditorium. Tickets, which will be
25 cents, will be on sale at the
Currently mninority floor leader
in the United States Senate, Sen.
Knowland recently announced his
candidacy for the California gov-
ernorship. He has been mentioned
as a possible candidate for Presi-
dent in 1960.
Sen. Knowland,. leader of the
Republican right-wing, will be in-
troduced'by Sen. Charles E. Potter
(R-Mich), Also on the program
will be State Sen'ator G e o r g e
Meader (R-Ann Arbor) and Wil-
liam W. Hanks, '56, assistant to
the state GOP chairman.
The rally is being sponsored by
the University Young Republicans
A reception for Sen. Knowland
is scheduled following the rally for
10:30 p.m. in the Union. It will be
open to the public.
Union Funds
Under Study
By: Senators'
WASHINGTON (M)-Senate in-
vestigators disclosed yesterday that
they are digging deeper into the
handling of union funds by Team-
ster locals in areas which, they
said, have been under James R.
Hoff a's dominatiuon.
All Teamster locals in the Cen-
tral and Southern Conferences
have been asked to supply a list-
ing of their cash assets, their
stocks and bonds, all of their loans
since January, 1950, and any ad-
vances or payments to o t h e r
Teamster units.
The request was made in let-
ters sent by Sen. John L. McClel-
lan (D-Ark.) chairman of the
special Senate committee investi-
gating racketeering in the labor-
management field.
Sen. McClellan said in a state-
ment his action was prompted by
"clear examples" already uncover-
ed of what he called misuse of
union funds by Hoffa, the newly
elected president of the Teamsters
Sen. McClellan said his commit-
tee wants to find out the extent to
which "this type of activity has
gone on in areas which have been
under the control and domination
of Mr. Hoffa."

-Daily-Fred Shippey
FUMBLITIS-Sophomore Fred Julian was one of three Wolverines to whom the Spartans' brusing
line gave cases of fumblitis. The fumble which State recovered in the first quarter stopped a Michi-
gan scoring drive on MSU's four yard line, breaking the Wolverines' backs early in the game.
Football Saturday 'Flabbergasting'


Spartans' Line
LeadsWay toW]
Currie, Kaiser, Kowalczyk, You
Ninowski Star in Lop-Sided Vici
Associate Sports Editor
. Michigan State's Rose Bowl express picked up a full
of steam here yesterday as the Spartans administered
shellacking to Michigan's beleagured ranks before 1
sun-bathed fans at the Michigan Stadium.
It was the worst defeat ever handed a Michigan teE
the Spartans in the 50-year rivalry which dates back tc
The widest margin previously came in 1951, when Stat(
25-0, while the most points ever scored by, a State
against Michigan was in the 27-13 victory in 1952.
Worst Defeat
It was also the worst Wolverine defeat most Mic

The Soviet Union's success in
,urching an artificial earth satel-
te Oct. 4 was taken as proof that
had the intercontinental ballis-
c missile it had claimed to have
,st August.
ritish Le .er
[erms Bomb
ey to Peae
B R I G H TO N, England () --
rime Minister Harold Macmillan
id yesterday that world peace
i11 hinges on the West's H-bomb
eterent despite startling devel-
pments in Russia.
"Nobody can deny that it has
een the West's possession of the
omb which has deterred and still
eters the Soviet Union from open
dression," Macmillan told the
onservative party at its annual
"Even the mostarecent develop-
ents, however startling, have not
tered this strategic fact. It is
ar will to retaliate with nuclear
rength which prevents t h e m
'om daring to launch their enor-
ous forces against us."'
He said Britain will go on work-
g for a disarmament agreement
"free, the world from the sha-
ow of the nuclear threat.
"Meanwhile, so long as we have
he retaliatory power I do not be-
eve that a mass assault of the
oviet forces upon us is practic-
oviets Expel
Danish Envoy
MOSCOW W)-The Soviet gov-
rnment yesterday expelled Danish
mbassy attache Leo Ranek in

"We may have a traveling junk
pile in the sky," he said.
Smithsonian officials hadreports
from Cambridge and Bedford,'
Mass., and Ft. Monmouth, N. J.,
of sightings of three bodies-the'
satellite is the third.
'Bright as Jupiter'
One Bedford sighting reported
one of the objects as bright as the
planet Jupiter, or almost 100 times
brighter than the first sightings in
various .parts of the world.
Dr. Hynek said this particular
brightness may have been caused
by the nose cone beginning to tear
apart, and added:
"This looks, like a terrestial cas'e
of comet disintegration, possibly
the beginning of the end as the
objects' sink lower and feel the
drag of denser atmosphere."
The rocket photograph was re-
ported by- Prof. Donald L. Menzel
at Harvard U.niversity who was
posted on the roof of the Harvard
Observatory at Cambridge early
yesterday. He is the director of the

(EDITOR'S NOTE-This year The
Daily thought it would be most
interesting if a guest reporter from
Michigan State University were al-
lowed to write the color story of the
football game, and so it was ar-
I was just plumb flabbergasted
a spendin' a football Saturday in
Ann Arbor. The size of It all. I
saw more git-mobiles than Clint
Hogshead-he runs a sellin' place
back home in Alvin's Breath, Mon-
tana-will peddle in a lifetime.
And the stadium; it must've stood
200 hands high and all prettied up
with flags and stuff.
And those city slickers. Walkin'
Sas Space
Travel ANear
Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker predict-
ed Staurday that within 50 years
interplanetary travel will be com-
monplace in atomic power luxury
spaceships carrying 2,000 persons.
He made other forecasts of
things to come within 50 years:
1. Airplane flights from Florida
to New York will be made within
half an hour. Transcontineptal
flights will take an hour and trans-
atlantic flights will be made in
less' than two hours. Passenger
planes will be traveling at 2,500
miles per hour.
2. Military aircraft driven by
ramjet engines will reach speeds
up to 3,000 mph. Such aircraft will
be stepping stones to guided mis-
siles zooming through the air at
25,000 mph.

the path down to the contest, I
was a. jumped at by 20 or more.
"Park here, park here," "Apples,
apples" they was a squawkin'. Just
like the midway o' the Jason
County fair, it was-people a sellin'
and, a hootin' and a hollerin'.
And walkin' in those masses of
people sure gave me the willies or
claustreephobia or sumpin'-Just
like ridin' herd amidst long horn
steers; you can't mope along or
you get trampled from behind or
gored by the prongs of a Cadeelac.
Well, I gits inside this bowl and
I-sees-down in the center of it the
nicest kept pasture I ever spied,
no mor'n two stone throws long
and with the grass all cropped
close like goats were kept there
except on fall Saturdays.
Now, my seat ' was midst this
Michigan crowd but soon as they
tells me their colors were -maize,
Five Fliers
Die In Alaska
KODIAK, Alaska (P)-The Navy
set the death toll of a patrol bomb-
er crash in the Bering Sea at five
after a fruitless search yesterday
for two men previously listed as
unaccounted for.
Headquarters of the 17th Naval
District at Kodiak said surface
craft searched waters at the crash
scene near Adak Island in the
Aleutian chain but found no trace
of Bart R. Avenell, Grand Rapids,
and John E. Hardy, Birmingham,
Three were killed when the
twin - engined Neptune crashed
Thursday night while attempting
a landing at Adak Airstrip.

and blue I felt right at home and,
sure 'nough, when this Michigan
prime stock came a chargin' on the
field, they was wearin' shirts color
o' July corn.
My school has got the cutest fil-
lies 'around about a leadin' our
yells, but the Michigan side's -got
men hog callers and they can't
hardly get a yipe out o' their folks.
Struck me peculiar when some
fellow shouts over the speaker-
phone, ."Dillan Foss, please come
to the press box." Now we folks'in
the seats never did get a chance
See CROWDS, page 2
Ask Rockets
STRASBOURG, F r a n c e (AP)~
Worried members of seven Euro-
pean parliaments urged their gov-
ernments yesterday to take im-
mediate steps to counter Soviet
"giant steps" toward scientific.
They also called for independent
European production of guided
Many of them denounced the
United' States for letting Russia
beat her to the intercontinental
ballistic missile and an artificial
earth satellite..k
'Helped Enemy'3
A Dutch delegate'said the United
States had "helped our enemy" by
its failure to move more quickly in
the missile field. 4
The men, all members of their
national parliaments, met here for.
the assembly of the Western Euro-
,pean Union. They have no author-
ity to take decisions but their
words carry weight with the gov-
ernments which appointed them.
Britain, France, West Germany,
Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium
and Luxembourg were represented.
Words Unexpected
Unexpected accusations that the
United States let its Allies down
were the first 'shock of the As-
sembly. If this group is any cri-
terion, the United States is in for
a very rough time on missile and
satellite tardiness from its Allies.
They have hitherto considered
American retaliatory power their
first shield of defense.
It was Col. J. J. Lens of Hol-
land who accused the U n i t e d
States of aiding the enemy by its
missile failure.
F or Forbes

undergraduates have ever Witnessed. Army gave Mi
26-7 setback in 1954 and Illinoi "
was a 25-6 winner in 1955, mark-
ing the hardest Michigan has bit-
ten the dust in, the last four years. Q e n L
The game went the way most
State opened an early lead, but A t O ttaw i
the Wolverines fought tenaciously
and were actually in the game un- '
til the late stages..A id aI
Art Johnson's.62 - yard jaunt
around left end in the fourth
tiuarter was the 'breaking point. OTTAWA, Canada (A'
This touchdown made the score Elizabeth II and PrinceI
28-6 and put the game out of the Tived here Saturdaya
Michigan team's reach. booming of'a 21-g n sal
Inability to capitalize on key first North American v
plays and take'advantage of Mich- reigning monarch. '
igan State errors cost the Wolver- The Queen's fouir-ngi
ines dearly. landed at 4:21 p.n., fou
Thwarts Drive ahead of schedule on its1
Gene Snider's pass interception flight from London.
thwarted Michigan State's first However, clinging to t
drive, but after five plays, Mike schedule, the aircraft's
Shatusky fumbled and State re- not opened until exactly
covered on the Wolverines 37. ' 'God Save the Qu
N i n e straight running plays A Royal CanadianA
later, Walt Kowalczyk bucked one Band p 1 a y e d "God
yard for the score and the Spar- Queen."
tans were on their way. The 31-year-old Queer
Another key play for Michigan quickly from the plane \
came on the ensuing sequence cheer went up from a
after the kickoff. Michigan, drove
See. IMPRESSIVE, page 6 -

1r n
13 1
he :
n s
as a

GOP. Group
To See, Ike
On Birthday
WASHINGTON (')-Vice Presi-
dent Richard Nixon and several


volunteer GOP fund-

Public Library .edication Scheduled For Today
.:..;.......* .........:...f ........ .,:.
.................,....... .........,:.....,..:............ ......;.....:... .................A nn A rbor's new public library
will be dedicated at 3:30 p.m.
" today.
K £ The building, located at Fifth
and William Streets, is only the
second library in the city's history.
- . ~It was built only after a long con-
troversy as to where the new build-
ing should be situated.

raisers will spearhead a "Happy
Birthday" celebration for Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower at the
White House tomorrow.
.They will present a cake, and
if the weather is good they may
get a few presidential remarks out
in the White House rose garden.
The President, who will be 67
years old, has made no special
plans of his own to observe the
day, the White House said. There
is a good possibility a fafnily din-
ner tomorrow night will take some
note of the anniversary.
President Eisenhower is describ-
ed by his doctors as in good shape
with his weight around 172 pounds.
SGC -To Hold
Mass lMeetuh g
Student Government Council
will hold its first administrative
wing mass tryout meeting at 4
p.m. tomorrow at the Union. *
There are jobs available on the
Student Activities Committee,.Na-
tional and International Affairs
Committee, Public Relations Com-
mittee, Education and Social Wel-
fare Committee; and there are
other positions on the office staff,
elections and calendaring commit-

. . arrives in Canad

about 39,000 persons at th
lands Air Base, many of
school children waving small1
A'step behind her was he
blond husband. Philip was
less In the bright simshine.
Official Hello
Elizabeth, looking pert in
skirted red afternoon dress
a mink collar, stepped fc
smartly to receive the officia
from Canada's governor g
Vincent Massey, and Prime
ter and Mrs. John Diefenbal
Elizabeth and the 36-ye
Philip go to the United
Wednesday. There, they wi
the Jamestown Festivalanc
liams)airg in Virginia, spen
days as President Dwight D.
hower's guests in Washingto
in New York City one day a
back to London Oct. 21.

Prof. Howard. H. Peckham of
the history department, director
of Clements Library, will be prin-I
cipal speaker at the dedication'
ceremony. An open house will also
be held from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., to
which the public is invited.
Moving operations will delay the
opening of the building, however,
for about a week. Books and
materials have not been complete-
lu, +,.ncfn,.,.A frnmh. 4.k nisi A t4-' .nn

WASHINGTON (I )-Vice-Presi-
dent Richard Nixon announced

Povin fnll V71




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