THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATI v lal ali /V1 V1Vl'IaV ROFESSOR: Recalls Legal Research Career JUNKER ed back in his j emember a de- career. . a very colorful School may not r of big-game Sworld, but in.. . .. g and legal re-hyF< nce has been d at the close of mic year, Prof. x taught at the .>.< as. His field of .. ... and future in- in Research more in research ,ching," he said "I'm certainly al .n research in ad- :ience of law." f his research Prof. ten a bookshelf of ally in the field of s. (Future interests ings as trust funds eirs.) These books 'ealing their tech- - "Cases on Future ases on Fiduciary '." has been so identi- field that when he itmertat the Uni- rado he was known re Interests." Legal Research professor served as ector of Legal Re- 942 to 1954. In this aturally came into much of the legal Adcock, Tells Of, Struggles Within Rome The slow fusion of the patrician aristocracy and plebeian gentry, leading to a new mobility, was a major factor in keeping the two groups from becoming "states within a state" in the Roman Re- public, Prof. Frank E. Adcock of Cambridge University, England, said yesterday. In the second of the current series of Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures, Prof. Adcock noted that the institution of the tribunate, and the election of one executive magistrate from each group, also kept the 'state from developing along sharp class lines for several centuries. After the patricians led the re- volt against the Etruscan 'kings in the late Sixth Century B.C., they asserted their claim to lead- ership through the Senate, Prof. Adcock said. In time, however, the plebeians in the assembly of all able-bodied fighting men came to acquire a measure of power in government. In this, the Tribunes, the defenders of the plebeians, were largely instrumental. Within a century of the expul- sion of the kings, the patricians recognized the growing power of the plebeians, and permitted them one of the two executive magistra- cies each year. Prof. Adcock termed this "an act of self-abnegation on, the part of the patricians." At the same time, the peasantry: in the area around Rome, Prof. Adcock said, were gaining a share in the government through a spe- cial vote-counting system. "The peasantry, therefore," Prof. Adcock said, smiling, "could make their votes count for a great deal, if enough of them were willing to walk to Rome and vote." BOOK OFFERS SOLUTION: Haber Sees Railroad Unemployment St udent A To Be To Of MeetiE Prediction of a continuing down- ward employment trend in the' railroad industry and methodsof meeting this threat have been given in a new book by Prof. William Haber of the economics department. In the book, "Maintenance of Way Employment on United States Railroads," he notes a steady de- cline in railroad employmenttsince 1946, "primarily as a result of mechanization, including automa- tion of some types of operation." Because "automation and more rapid mechanization are becoming of general concern," the economist says, "the steps suggested to reduce the effects of technological .un- employment in this industry (rail- roads) may have general applica- bility." Published by Union The study has been published by the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, at whose re- quest it was made. Six of the recommendations deal with job displacements caused by changes in Machinery and methods in maintenance of way operations. These are: 1) Notice by railroad manage- ment and joint consultation be- tween the carrier (railroad) and the Brotherhood should precede introduction of new methods or machines. Preferential Hiring 2) Current maintenance 'of way employees should be given prefer- ence in biddin for new positions within the sane company and in getting necessary training for such openings on company time at com- pany expense. 3) Prompt, effective, and appro- priate reclassificaton of new jobs and their salary scales should be determined by joint agreement of the railroads and the union. 4) Railroads should compensate workers for any deterioration in job conditions, particularly for the extra travel and away-from-home living required of specialized, highly mechanized maintenance gangs. Severence Pay 5) Regular maintenance of way men who have been displaced should have preferential re-em- ployment rights in other crafts and classes, and on other railroads. 6) Regular maintenance of way employees whose separation can- not be avoided should receive dis- placement compensation or sever- ance pay, extending the benfits already established by policies of the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion and agreements between the union and the railroads. Prof. Haber has these recom- mendations on short-term, cycli- cal variations in employment. . Establish Work Guarantees 1) Establishment of minimum individual work guarantees, so that any person hired or recalled to work would be assured a minimum expectation of steady employment and income. 2) Start of supplemental unem- ployment plans or, as an alterna- tive, expansion of the public Rail- road Unemployment Insurance program. 3) Joint study of short-term in- stability, especially in relation to maximizing the available work during seasonal lows. Defer Maintenance In the book, Prof. Haber says that deferring maintenance, which can be done within wide limits without immediately endangering safety, is a major cause of short- term fluctuations in unemploy- ment.,. By stabilizing maintenance oper- ations, the authors say, railroads can 1) achieve long-term econo- mies by planning on the presump- tive life of materials rather than repairing or replacing them only as tests show this is necessary. Can Save Money 2) Realize important saving by doing maintenance work in periods of light rather than heavy rail traffic. 3) Make more efficient use of mechanized equipment. Co-authors of the book with Prof. Haber are Prof. John J. Carrol of St. Lawrence University, Prof. Mark L. Kahn of Wayne State University, and Prof. Merton J. Peck of Harvard University. A forward to the text is authored by Sumner H. Slicliter, Lamont Uni- versity professor at Harvard.. Financial aid to students will the topic of discussion for reps sentatives from the Big Ten, League, and Pacific Coast Conf ence schools neeting at the UT versity Monday and Tuesday. Financial experts from corpo tion scholarship programs, Educational Testing Service, vi ous scholarship foundations a the U.S. Department of Hea Education and Welfare will i take part in the Sixth Anni Conference of Scholarships a Financial Aids Officers. Primarily a workshop to stu present methods and policies selecting scholarship winners, conference 'will also discuss new Big Ten Aid to Athletes R gram which became effective year. Scholarships for married s dents and foreign students will considered by the group, as a as the administration of 1 funds. The conference will begin a a.m. Monday, Oct. 14, in the' Mi igan Union. LU -Daily--Norman Jacobs PROF. SIMES-"Mr. Future Interests" is the name -applied to this Law School professor because of his research work in the field of future interests. Simes has written a bookshelf of volumes on this field and related subjects. it ,especially the younger men in the field," he said firmly. One of -his largest research, projects led to the three volume "Law of Future Interests" pub- lished in 1936, and Prof. Simes was the co-author of the four volume revised edition which ap- peared in- 1952. Developed Probate Code His writings hiave also included numerous articles in the Michi- gan, Harvard and Yale Law Re- views, and in other periodicals. Another of his large projects was serving as draftsman of the Model Probate Code developed by the American Bar Association. Parts of this law code have now been adopted in many states. Among the honors Prof. Simes has received is the Cooley Lec-{ tureship which goes each year to an outstanding member of the bar. His 'lectures on "Public Pol- icy and the Dead Hand" have been published with the others in the lecture series. Will Study Conveyance is Come, to Church research my- ig I enjoy as g others to do Sunday ors, Scientists Present on Biology, Medicine, on bi rere pi and last [edicine held their ere under the aus- hairman, Dr. W. J. he University. "Vi- i the Transpbrt".of nto Cells"' was the Nadolski of the Upjohn Company; and "Comparison of Pituitary Gonadotrophin Suppression and Androgenicity 'of Synthetic Ana- logues of Testosterone," by R. B. Leach, C. A. Paulsen and W. 0. Maddock, of the departments of {Medicine Wayne State University were the other papers read at the society's fall meeting. The Society for Experimental Biologyrand Medicine is a nation- alsorganization with the Michigan section being organized last year. The winter meeting will be held jointly with the Detroit Physio- logical Society in Detroit. One of the majdi' purposes of the Mich- igan section is to provide stimula- tion in biological research for stu- dents by permitting them to hear scientific papers presented. H EN. sity's nent. Spe-. gy; "Plasma : 17- Level in the Dog Administration of Derivatives," by Florist and E. B. Although he will retire from .teaching in a few months, Prof. Simes will continue with his re- search. He will undertake a proj- ect supported by the Law School and the American! Bar Found'a- tion to study the improvement of conveyance procedure, that is, the transfer of real estate. Prof.'Simes estimates the proj- ect may take tvo years, and he hopes to prepare publicatiols and legislation on 'the subject. ' After receiving his education at Southwestern College and the University of Chicago, Prof. Simes was! a member of a law firm in MissoulaMontana, before becom- ing a Sterling Research Fellow at Yale in 1926. Plays Violin He taught at the University of Montana and Ohio State Univer- sity before coming to the Univer- sity in 1932. He was named the Floyd Russell .Mechem Professor of Law in 1947, one of the original five "name" professors en cam- pus. In addition to his research, Prof. Simes plans to continue his hobby of playing the violin. He likes. to join in ensembles 'md string quartets, but, characteris-, tically, he terms his playing "strictly amateur." Flyers' Club- o ,Organize A preliminary organizational meeting of a new university flying club will be held tomorrow. This first meeting will be for the purpose of defining the club's goals and drawing up a tentative consti- tution Interest in the club has been revised by Jonathon A. Sles- singer af-ter a lapse of nearly ten years since the club was disbanded around 1947. Mr. Slesinger has recently made trips to Purdue University and the University of Illinois to visit their clubs and study their organization. By RALPH LANGER The University of Illinois reports that a Model Education Practices Standards statement has b e e n adopted by the student senate. The policy statement is designed to prevent discrimination due to race, creed, or national origin in such areas as admissions, scholar- ships, classroom procedures, stu- dent teacher training, college em- ployment policies, student place- ment, social organizations, campus housing, health facilities, physical education, and recreation. It is designed as-a statement of policy and a guide to action. * * * "Men Veto Chastity" is the in- triguing headline appearing in the University of Toronto's newspaper, Actually an overwhelming ma- jority of a literarysociety approved the proposal that "Chastity is Outmoded." Proponents of the mo- tion stated that ". . . chasty is an artificial virtue imposed on society." They also stated that the verse, "Little Miss Muffet," repre- sents an overly-chaste woman and the spider,, a man in this case, "the apostle of our age." The opposition maintained chas- tity makes women more attractive and pointed out that the mass of society continues to uphold churches that support chastity as a needed ingredient in civilized living. "Anti - Intellectualism, Medioc- rity Characterize Student."- Taken from the Trinity Tripod of Trinity College, the article says the intensity of our intellectual curiosity can be seen in;the sniall numbers of students turning out to _hear authorities on various topics and the large number who pay to see second-run movies. The danger is nationwide in scope. Everything in life is greatly simplified in terms of short slogans by such teachers as Norman Vin- cent Peale and the Reader's Digest. The author further states that three measures could aid in a cure for "anti - intellectualism." First, departmental oral and written comprehensive examinations could be given in the major field of each student. Second, an honors system in which competent students could do advanced work by the tutorial or seminar method, and third, a rigorous re-evaluation of the fra- ternity systemare suggested. * * * A raise in the standards of ad- mission, higher grade standards, and improved student advisement procedures are being put into effect this semester at Roosevelt Univer- sity in Chicago. The new policies are designed to raise the overall standards of the university until the student body will be well qualified and able to take advantage of the opportunity afforded them by a scholastically high university. 'U'Publishes, Poet's Work The University of Michigan Press yesterday published a book entitled "Poems" by Prof. Richard Lattimore. Prof. Lattimore is a professor of Greek at Bryn Mawr College and a former Rhodes pcholar. He has also studied at Dartmouth, Oxford and the University of Illinois. The volume is his first book of original verse. Besides new mia- terial, it includes poems which have appeared in "Nation," "New Yorker," "Saturday Review" and other magazines. Prior to this, Prof. Lattimore was distinguished for his verse translation, which includes "The Odes of Pindar," "The Iliad," and "Oresteia. Counsellor I 9:45 Church School. "What a Student Can Be- lieve about Jesus."' 11:00 Morning Worship Sermon. "David-a"For- given Layman." 6:00 The Roger Williams Fellowship will meet ink the Chapman Room of the First Baptist Church for a snack and recreation hour. Followed at 7:00 by Prof. Kepneth Boulding interpreting "The Friends' Silence." College Roundup FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 502 East Huron Dr. Chester H. Loucks, Minister Mrs. Beth Mahone, Assistant Student ! TODAY S HANDIEST' *ODORANT STICK FOR MEN! nplete protection in- an unbreakable, push-up case; foil to fool with; easy to pack; he-man size. $1 t GRACE BIBLE CHURCH Corner State & Huron Streets. William C. Bennett, Pastor, 8:30 A.M. and 11:30 A.M. Morning Services. 10:00 Sunday School. 5:45 Student Guild 7:00, Evening Service. Wednesday-=7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting. WE WELCOME YOU! THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN ANN ARBOR. New Quarters: 106 East Liberty, 2ND FLOOR Listen to Radio Theosophy: Sundays, 1215 P.M. WPAG (1050 kc) PRESBYTERIAN STUDENT CENTER at the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH' 1432 Washtenaw Ave., NO 2-3580 S Rev. William S. Baker, Campus Minister Miss Patricia Pickett, Assistant Sunday Morning Worship at 9, 10:30, & 12. Seminar-"The Significance of the Church" at 10:30. Coffee break from 11:30-12:00. WSF Forum at 7:00 p.m.: "Religion and the Labor Movement." Wednesday: Vespers at 5:10 pm.' preceded by coffee hour. Friday: Grad Supper at 6:15 p.m., WSF Game Night at 8:00 p m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenaw Ave. 9:30 A.M. Sunday School. 11:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Service. 8:00 P.M Wednesday, Testimonial Service. A free reading room is maintained at x39 South' Main Street. Reading room hours are: Mon- day 11:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tuesday - Sat- urday 11:00 A.M. tb 5 P.M. Sunday 2:30 to 4:30 P.M. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Edward ,H. Redman, Minister 10 A.M. Church School. 10 a.m. Adult Group.1 11 a.m. Service of Worship with Rev. Edward H-. Redman.preaching on "Living With Liberal- ism." 3 p.m. Student Group Conference with Dr. Tracy Pullman. ST. ANDREWS CHURCH and the EPISCOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION 306 North Division Street 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and sermon fol- lowed by breakfast and discussion in Canter- bury House.. 11:00 A.M. Morning prayer and sermon. 4:00 PM. Grpduate Canterbury.. 5:30 P.M. Canterbury Evens6ng in Chapel. 6:00 P.M. Canterbury buffet supper. 7:00 P.M. Speaker, Dr. Arthur Carr, Prof. of Enlish, University of Michigan, Topic, "Musi- cal Banks." CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1131 Church St. Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister 9:30 Sunday Schools. University Bible Class with Prof. G. Van Wylen as its teacher. 10:30 Worship Service. "The Great Biblical Truths of the Reformation. 11 Justification by Faith." 7:00 Worship Service. "The Exclusiveness of . UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL and STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue (The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Ronald L. Johnstone, Vicar Saturday, 4:15 to 5:30: Open House after the Game. Sunday, 9:15 and 10:45: Worship services, with sermon by the pastor, "Before You Marry." Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45: Bible Study Groups. Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, Supper and Program. Open Forum en Religious Questions. IUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council) Hill ct S. Forest Henry Q. Yoder, Pastor. Sunday-- 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Worship Services. The Rev. Donald R. Heiges, Guest Preacher. 10:00 A.M.'Bible Study. 6:00 P.M. Anniversary Dinner, Michigan Union. Tuesday- 7:15 P.M. "Influence of the Classical Cultures on Christgndom"--Prof Bruno Meineke. Thursday-9.30 P.M. Vespers. CAMPUS CHAPEL (Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches of Michigan) Washtenaw at Forest Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director Res. Ph. NO 5-2665; Office Ph. NO 8-7421 10:00 Morning Service. 7:00 Evening Service. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Edgewood SUNDAYS: 10:00, 11:00 A.M., 7:30 P.M. WEDNESDAYS: 7:30 P.M. L. C. Utley, Minister. Television: Sundays, 2:30 P.M., Channel 6, Lan- sing. °/ Radio: Sundays 5:30 P.M., WXYZ 1270. For transportation to services Dial NO 3-8273. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED, CHURCH 423 South Fourth Ave. Walter S: Press, Pastor Herbert R. Lowe, Student Assistant Pastor. 'SUNDAY PROGRAM 9:45 A.M. Discussion and coffee hour. 10:45 A.M. ,Morning Worship Service. 7:00 P.M. Evening program: "Religion and the Arts: Architecture," Prof. Herbert Johe, School of Architecture. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Rev. Leonard A. Parr, Minister. At }0:45 a.m. Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on "The Satellite & Your Religious. Faith." 7:00 p.m. Student Guild meeting at Bethlehem Church with Prof. Herbert Johe. speaking on "Religion and Architecture," I I . j :: :" ::" / "r/ " ... :. is r . ti,: i .:.{:5::.. ti V y ,::: { : ti11.:"i.:Y.:: ' ':. . . . ]: .; :: : ' , O O 1 1 f , , SOMETHING?? LOSE (ARDLEY OF LONDON, INC. ey products for America are created in England and finished in the U.S.A. from the ai English formulae, combining Imported and domestic ingredients. 620 Fifth Ave~, N.Y.C. Use the ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL 5*uI. I I I I I