I fadrligalt Daily Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "That Ain't My Style," Said Casey*.,. And The Umpire Said, "Strike Two !" Vhen Opinion* Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL KRAFT 3$J L 6J1s{ -~f To The Editor Action and Reaction . . To the Editor: MR. ELSMAN'S thoughtful article "The Moon - A Tragedy" trenches so much on my own vocation, history, and my own hobby, philo- sophy, that I feel I must try to answer it. His thesis is, briefly, that progress is impossible because "for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction, even in the social sciences," and that every scientific advance has brought as much evil as good, if not more - "As man possesses more leisure, his lot be- comes the more miserable and tragic." Practically all the concrete counts in his indictment are to be admitted, but they show only one side of the shield. The test of a sin- ARSHAL TI the West th end a Yugoslav ecent act alor entence dealt t resident of Y howing clearly ommunism and The book, "T Low a governing lace of the ol ountries. These ecome far more roups, since ti nd political po roup. His anal ,nd theory is; ystem. However, and Western pointc .ounces socialist plea for "der lete nationaliz s the first step rnment. Were .e pretends to1 Tito Shows His Colors With Djilas Sentence TO has demonstrated again to the Russian system, he could have reaped a at he is still a communist first harvest of Western friendship and, perhaps only slightly-if at all. His most funds, by permitting Djilas to dissent openly. ng this line is the increased o Milovan Djilas, former vice- INSTEAb, TITO has increased the -already- ugoslavia, for writing a book severe jail sentence which was imposed on what is inevitably wrong with Djilas last year. This is the act of a Russian- I socialism, as well. style communist, running a Stalinist country. Che New Class," shows clearly This latest action should make clear to the g bureaucracy has grown up in West, if it needs any clarification, that Tito d ruling classes in Communist is, as aforesaid, a Communist of the old school. e bureaucracies. Djilas proves, It is to be hoped that the State Deaprtment vicious and brutal than former and the Administration refrain from throwing hey possess complete economic good money after bad, and cut loose from Yugo- wer concentrated in the same slavia. Enough goods and money have already ysis of communism in practice been given to the Marshal, who has responded a searing indictment of that with a statement in "Foreign Affairs" maga- zipe: "We have never given anybody reason to at least as important from the hope that we would join the Western bloc." of view, Djilas in no place re- . To underscore the point, he has extended Djilas' m, and concludes his book with sentence. mocratic socialism" with com- It must now be finally clear, even to the ation of industry in the West government, that Tito is not on our side,- and toward a socialist world goy- will not be in the forseeable future. No more Tito the national communist effort should be expended on him. be, independent of Russia and -JOHN WEICHER Survival in the Corridors N A, r r 1 ,\.1IF owpmmw WWM~ 777 11 E -f- - -- -- - --. w 40r ,. WWI. ' " ' $ GO K~ IDiyS't trtt ; wtlcctM erT via 'Pc srcea« ,__. ._ WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Split Within GOP aidens By DREW PEARSON cere believer in retrogression is whether he would be willing to undo the alleged elements of progress. In spite of war, automobile ac- cidents, luxury diets, etc. the av- erage length of human life has about doubled in a century. Would it be well to return to pre-Pasteur medical practise? Many people, he truly says, misuse their leisure. Would he then wish to restore the fourteen-hour working day? Racial relations are not always satisfactory. Do we prefer the chattel slavery of a hundred years ago, or the more than two hundred annual lynchings of six- ty-five years ago? Life is hardly worth living? If, we really thought that way, we should reward murderers and punish life-savers. I fear that many fashionable pessimists are a good deal like Rousseau, taking full advantage of all the conveniences of civili- zation while shaking their heads at our "degeneration" from the noble savage. Mr. Elsman has the right to indite his sentiments with a quill pen, as his great-grand- father did, or even carve them on rock, as his remote ancestors did, but I would not be in the least surprised if he used a typewriter. The greatest critics of .the ma- chine age - the Thoreaus, Rus- kins, Tolstoys, Gandhis - used machines (the printing press, the railway, the. steamship) to scat- ter their attacks abroad. The truth of the matter is that every social advance has, indeed, an opposite reaction, but a reac- tion which is not equal. Some- times the reaction is greater than the progressive movement, and then we have decadence. Some- times it is less, and then we have genuine progress. For the United States in the twentieth century I think the net balance is on the credit side. Preston Slosson, Professor of History (Editor's Note--- r. Elsman replies he would not wish to turn back the clock. To say man has misused prog- ress is not to ,wish a reversion, but merely to blame man. As to being a "fashionable modern. pessimist," Mr. Elsman noted he would speak only to the point that man was not master of his fate, without explaining why. Since Prof. Slosson prompted the question, Mr. Elsman's "optin istic" answer to man's dilemma is an essentially re- ligious one. Mr. Slosson's last paragraph, how- ever, defines the matter more pre- cisely. Mr. Elsman agrees that man makes progress in some areas, but that a retrogressive step in one area (atomic energy) can negate many progressive steps elsewhere.) Cheers . . To the Editor: IF THE University students would make as much noise at the foot- ball games as they do at the local theatres on weekends, I am sure we would have the loudest stadium in the country. I really feel sorry for the "cheer" leaders as they are fighting a hopeless cause. They might as well sit down and enjoy the game. Maybe the students feel they are degrading themselves if they holler for the, team, yet theirs will be among the loudest voices criticiz- ing the team and coach if a game is lost. --Roland E. Schneider, Grad. Disneyland . To the Editor: IN ATTACKING my comment against girl cheerleaders and all other such nonsense, Mr. Norman Miller accuses me of being not "typical." I never looked at it that way; I guess I ofght to apol- ogize. Actually, rather than -be forced to wilt under Mr. Miller's devas- tating charge, I now will declare myself more typical than any- body else and come out for male cheerleaders and girl football players. Certainly, this would produce some lusty support. I'm not certain yet of how my original attitude would have con- tributed to making this place "the Plymouth Rock of the Midwest," but perhaps Mr. Miller will be pleased by my reversal of position in support of the trend toward "Disneyland." --Gordon Black, Grad, Betht of Luck . To the Editor: THAY! who ith the bright nerth- on who decided on "Mythigan" ath the theme of the 1957 Home- coming? While we at the Univer- thity may realith what ith meant, it is going to sound awfully strange without scme sort of explana A'in to those out-state residents who may hear of it (and I am sure they will). However, "nothing ventured, nothing gained" I've heard. Tho, betht of luck from: -Kenn Hildebrand, '58 #I "PHYSICAL SURVIVAL of the fittest" might even have its application at the University. Especially for LSA students who have to cross the Mason hall corridor and lobby. It can only take a strong individual to make it through these areas and arrive at class on time. For the small, puny student can only, resign himself to late classes, and perhaps poor grades, because of lecture time he missed. The Mason Hall situation is bad. Function- ally, the architecture is absurd. Four large auditoriums open into a narrow passageway, spewing forth tremendous mobs who really cannot go anywhere. UNFORTUNATELY, the building is there to stay. Changes in design are certainly not in the forseeable futtire. So the responsibility for any kind of student comfort or convenience lies with the students themselves. They certainly have not made very many efforts in this direction, although complaints have been numerous by these same people. In the first place, the auditoriums would empty very much faster after class, if the next class would wait for the students 'to get out, before trying-to make its entrance. As it stands now-yes it just stands-the students leaving the auditoriums push against the students trying to get in and nobody moves at all. THE REAL PROBLEM exists because of the throngs of people who have discovered the lobby and corridor are a good place to meet friends and discuss the day's events. So every- body does it. Nobody moves and the hall- ways are densely packed, with those who wish to get to class the losers. It might. be wished that people could be a little more considerate, a little less rude. Because of the people who do stand about to chat, a very great number of people are made incredibly uncomfortable. There must be other places to talk. -RICHARD TAUB .t INTERPRETING THE NEWS: WASHINGTON - Only a year after President Eisenhowers landslide victory, word has gone out to Republican congressmen of the GOP Congressional Campaign Committee: "Vote your district point of view and never mind White House orders." This means a widening rift in- side the Republican Party and in- creasing difficulty in passing any Administration program. As congressional campaign chief Simpson is largely responsible for electing a Republican Congress next year. He has warned GOP candidates that the ride on Ike's coattails is over, that his political popularity has dropped drastically. "Sure, this may mean a party split, but we're politicians. It is our job to get elected," he has told subordinates privately. "There aren't any politicians in the White House. We have tried it their way and we are losing ground." * * HE POINTED OUT that three Republican veterans-Congressmen John Taber of New York, John Vorys of Ohio, and Les Arends of Illinois-are in political trouble at home for supporting the Presi- dent's foreign aid program. All three will probably face primary opposition from anti-Eisenhower Republicans. In an attempt to head off a party split, GOP National Chair- man Meade Alcorn has held sev- eral secret conferences with Simp- son. All this has accomplished is prevent open Republican warfare. "There is no divorce yet," Simp- son remarked privately after a recent huddle with Alcorn. "We are living in separate bedrooms from the Eisenhower Republicans now. The divorce papers are drawn up and ready to sign." Note-In an off-the-cuff speech to Republican women at Colorado Springs last month, Simpson came the closest to an open public break with the Eisenhower wing. "The only way to elect Republi- cans," he told the ladies, "Is when Republicans run as Republicans and not as 'me-tooers'." The Air Force may have beaten Russia into space this summer with the first man-made satellite -- though it was an accident. A nose cone on a guided missile misfired and could still be whizzing around the Earth. The bullet-shaped nose cone, about 18 inches long and polished smooth as glass, was catapulted into space by the experimental X-17 which the Air Force has been using to blaze the way for the in- tercontinental Atlas. The Air Force has been shooting the three-stage X-17 to the edges of outer space. There the missile normally noses downward, and the third stage fires the cone down- ward at terrific speed into the Earth's atmosphere. Purpose of the experiment is to duplicate the conditions the Atlas's warhead will encounter when it plunges into the atmosphere. IN THIS particular case, how- ever, the nose cone was blasted upward instead of downward. Air Force scientists are convinced it was traveling at sufficient speed to launch it in an orbit around the Earth. Of course, it wasn't equipped with radio or instruments that would make it possible to track as in the case of the Soviet Sputnik. Meanwhile, Uncle Sam's official satellite project "Vanguard" has bogged down at Cape Canaveral, Fla. The American "moon" has to be boosted into the air with a three-stage launching device of which the second and third stages have been successfully test-fired. But the crucial first stage, which must lift the other- two off the ground, has been waiting a month for its test flight. General Electric built the cru- cial first-stage engines. They were accepted for delivery after under- going several two and one-half minute ground tests. The tests were successful and no parts had to be replaced. But this was only on the ground. When the rocket was loaded with dummy second and third stages, the Navy was not able to get it off the ground. The excuse is that a better fuel is needed. Radiologists now warn that thousands of people yearly are needlessly injured by incorrect use of X-Ray equipment. Worst offenders are dentists ai'd general practitioners who can buy X-Ray machines and fluoroscopes even though they lack special training in their use. Patients can absorb dangerous radioactivity, threatening their ability to have children and possibly even short- ening their own lives or causing cancer. * * * THE PROBLEM has always ex- isted, but it has been dramatized by public discussion of the dan- ger from nuclear weapon "fall- out." Fluoroscopes can be especi- ally dangerous. As a result, even trained radi- ologists are today re-examining their methods to reduce patients' exposure. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) I Created Altruism I By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News 4nalyst ON #THE SAME DAY Russia launched her space satellite there was, by coincidence, a conference at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology of people w];o hope to confine its use to the peaceful search of knowledge. They are trying to promote man's search for goodness through axiology, the philosophical science of values. They hope to establish meas- urements of human values by standards com parable to those used by the natural scientists to present the world with the means of its own destruction. Robert G. Hartman, former professor of philosophy at MIT and Ohio State, now State Department exchange professor at the Na- tional University of Mexico, calls it a "moral science for the atomic age." Philosophers have been talking about axiology for about 70 years. Now they have been goaded into a crash program by world developments. This group hopes to establish a world-wide chain -of institutes for its study, fashioned somewhat after the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. THEIR FIRST public meeting, which drew about 600 people, was held under the name of the Research Society for Created Altruism, which gives an idea of their objective. It is difficult for a layman to understand these "standards" which the philosophers hope to establish, making their institutes a sort of DONA ANSON.......Prsonnel Drector EW AD REditorial Di WILLIM PEER ECKSFeauNe Editor OEdtra DER re to CtivEitieo dio COA PRNS..... ..Assoiat Personnel Director JIAM BADY . ....... .. Spoatrts Editor BRUCE BENNETT ........... .Associate Sports Editor JOHN H:ILLYER .,. .,.AscaeSports Editor CHARLES CURTISS .. .. ,.. Chief Photographer V _ _ _ Ci z ', I bureau of standards for measuring human concepts. i Dr. Hartman gives an example: "Peace is just a word. We want to make it into a concept, and give that concept a meaning, and that meaning value, so that man can have a stan- dard 'by which to know he is approaching some- thing that is worth while." LIKE TRYING to help a man who wants something to keep him dry, but'who has no definitive concept of a raincoat. By systematic analysis and the establishment of such definitions, the philosophers hope to bridge the gap between moral and material knowledge which now plagues the world. NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV is now harping again on the old spheres of influence theme which Stalin carried to Yalta. It's in the expanded text of his interview with James Reston, Washington bureau chief for the New York Times. It represents one of the conflicts in Soviet policy as well as one of the most persistent facets. Everything will be all right, Khrushchev said, if the United States will just recognize the Soviet sphere as permanent. HERE'S WHAT he said: "One thing only is needed: To recognize what has historically taken place, that is to recognize that the USSR exists as a Socialist state, to recognize that China exists as a Socialist state, to recognize the existence of other Socialist states ... We for our part proceed from the realistic conditions of the existence of such capitalist countries as the USA, Britain and others and the social structures of these countries is the domestic affair of their peoples." Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Except that the boss of both Russian and International Communism avoids saying anything about the social structure of the Communist-ruled coun- tries being the domestic affair of their peoples. He also fails to rationalize, his statement about the capitalist countries with the funda- mental Communist line that they must be conquered by Communism, with the use of force to make it stick. It doesn't fit his own oft-repeated statements about the eventual peaceful victory of Communism, either. LI DAILY OFFICIAL. BULLETIN' ,r PERHAPS WITHIN TEN YEARS: Trips into Space Coming Soon The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p~m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 22 General Notices Late Permission: All women students who attended the lecture at Hill Audi- torium on Thurs., Oct. 10, had late per- mission until 10:35 p.m. College of Architecture and Design, Main Floor Corridor: "The Graphic Works' of Ben Shahn," exhibition cir- culated by the American Institute of Graphic Arts, shown under the aus- pices of the Museum of Art; Oct. 11 through 31. Hours: Mon. through Fri., 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed Sundays. The public is invited. Homecoming tickets will be sold at the Union and Diag, Sat., Oct. 12 from 10 to 12 p.m., Mon., through Fri., Oct. 14 to 18, tickets will be sold at the Union, Engine Arch, and Diag from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lectures The Third of the Thomas Spencer Jerome lectures will be given on Mon., Oct. 14 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Prof. Adcock will speak on "The Authority of the Senate." Academic Notices Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- plied Meteorology: Engineering. Mon., Oct. 14, 4:00 p.m., Room 307, West En- gineering Building. Glenn R. Justema will speak on "Natural Ventilation of Buildings." Chairman: Prof. A. B. Epple. Physiology 81 examination for non- dental students will be held in Room 1514, First Floor, East Medical Build- ing, Mon., Oct. 14 at 8:00 a.m. Freshman Testing Program: Make-up sessions for Freshmen who missed any of the Aptitude Tests given during Orientation will be held Tues., and Wed. evenings, Oct. 15 and 16. Please report on either night to 130 Business Administration Building on Monroe Street. Make-ups for the foreign lan- guage placement test or the engineer- ing English, mathematics and chemis- try placement tests will not be given. For further information call Ext. 2297. Placement Notices Personnel Requests: ..Kordite Co., Division of Textron Inc., Macedon, N.Y., has an opening for (Continued on Page 5) By ALTON BLAKESLEE Associated Press Science Reporter SOME BOY or girl now in school could well become the first earthling to set foot on the face of the moon. The girl, grown into a slim young woman, could be the first spaceship pilot, just because she weighs less. Space trips by humans are ap- parently comipg. ' This is the quickening promise of the space age, opened just six days ago by Russia's Sputnik, or baby moon. Sputnik marks the first break in the chain of gravity keeping mankind bound to earth. The success has expert scien- tists-Russian and American alike soberly predicting rocket flights to the moon within a few to half a dozen or 10 years or more. JUST HOW realistic are these predictions? What are the next solid steps? Why worry about space anyhow? At any moment, the United States Air Force will launch a new facts from space about cos- mic rays and earth magnetism. This rocket will either burn up from the friction in the earth's atmosphere as it plunges back from space, or it will fall harmlessly into the Pacific Ocean. It is not being aimed to become a satellite., But it and the baby moon flights are essential first steps before man can send rockets to or around the moon, or ride aboard them him- self. First, men want cautiously to explore the mysterious oceans of space. What are the hazards, what peculiar events go on out there? Sending animals up in moons is a next stage, says one Russian scientist, to see how life in the cosmos affects them. Pointing to sketches already drawn by United States and Ger- man scientists, he foresees creation of space platforms, circling the earth much as Sputnik is doing. These would be created by sending up cargo rockets, timed to become a train of closely bunched rockets. Then, men in self-propelled space suits, maneuvering in space need bigger, more powerful rockets to lift all the weight. They could come. Without humans aboard, a rocket might be sent to the natural moon very soon; even within a few months, if enough effort were spent on it, some United States rocket men say. It might land a radio transmitter there, reporting some of the con- ditions on the moon. Scientists already speak of har- nessing atomic energy to drive manned rockets on long trips or vacations into space. The Atomic Energy Commission is building a new nuclear rocket propulsion test site near Las Vegas, Nev. Out of this might come the reality of atom-powered space ships. HUMAN VOLUNTEERS, pro- tected by space suits, are already being subjected to conditions they will meet in space, to see whether the human body can tolerate them, or be protected against them. Psy- chological experiments try to dup- licate the emotional strains of long space voyages. Even if human space travel should never come about-if it 6:';:'Y::iGiS: :i:: 'i; :n : {Si"i:'>i: :;'; : : ;iii};:%"?1: iai:>:<;r,.o:::}>: >' :F{;: ::: ::;;i:};::o-::::":::"o-}: iSv :;::;t;">:;d:;' :":?{;}:y;i :.:; K :?i :i is ii?:i: is:;i iSii ii :: ;::i;:ii:: i:>;i ::i:: i:;:iiiik2 iRiov::{:>:ab:}:; ":::: {:.}v.;{: " :":::::.:. :". :::::::::::".+.:::::::::::::. ::::::"::."::::::,+:::::: ......................... 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