a. 4r Atdligan Battyg Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Those Crazy Egghead Scientists Hold 'Em Down They'd Want To Rev "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. .,: DAY, OCTOBER 11, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD TAUB Court Fits Law to Constitution And to Changing Public Opinion , d oF MANY BEA SCIE NTIFIC SJ~SId Ly PROBLEMS, LiS~SFOL NSAF PISCUSS B1t SMN SF THEM TM i wiTTHE TimEOt RMEBE SECVRArY HAPI'ENEV OFFICERS S*' r 1 PP'iHf NSR A ppo NSAVED NY SAV ~~Mjit -If You Didn't ach For The Mc p - low )oon'l AT THE CAMPUS: i - 'Torero '-Barbarism Beautifully Filmed BLOOD AND GORE run rampant on the screen of the Campus Theater this week in the production (more or less) of "Torero." This is the life story of Luis Procuna, a Mexican bullfiighter. Pro- cuna and his family portray themselves. The bulls also portray them- selves. They do a much better job, but come out on the raw end of the deal. For one who enjoys the cruel and barbarous sport of bullfighting, "Torero" would probably be a delightful picture. The emphasis is T THE STROKE of noon last Monday the Supreme Court of the United States began a ew term. From the quiet, dignified surround- igs of its Greek temple, the Court will m'ake ecisions during the year that cannot help gut invite criticism from different segments f our populus. Already the institution has angered conserva- ves who believe it is trampling the Constitu- .on and throwing America open to Communists. Lnd so the South believes the justices have aken away all the rights the states possess, iving them to the central government. And o will be the essence of the criticism this year. But the Court has experienced periodical orms of criticism in its 167 years and it has icely survived. This term the Court must, ontend with additional legal cases on racial itegration and Communist activities. T IS HOPED the majority of the Court will continnb the trend of recent years and par- .cularly of last summer. It has shown an in- reasing respect; for individual rights and per- onal freedoms as opposed to broadening use f authority. But it would be wise for both critics and upporters of the Court to reflect on just what it is they condemn or venerate-namely, one- third of our national government. A third that is, supposedly, equal in power to the Executive and Legislative. It is true, we think that its power exceeds the others' by the simple strength of being able to interpretĀ°the Constitution. Nevertheless, this should not permit it to be any less subject to criticism than the other two governmental branches. THE COURT is not infallible. Occasionally it will reverse itself, such as it did in the school segregation decision of 1954. And its political and social views change with its membership composition and the times in which it functions. But when the court does err or greatly vio- lates the wishes of the public, there must be critics and-more important-the passing of time, to set these mistakes right. It was well put by Justice Cardozo in 1921: "I sometimes think that we worry ourselves overmuch about the enduring consequences of our errors. They may work a little confusion for a time. In the end they will be modified or " corrected or their teachings ignored. The future takes care of such things." -DAVID TARR I k '' l , .- IAN I Fu ewJ9n7 Tpt- hs . tG .5.POT' C. t Dramatic Arts Revival WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: U.S. Losing Top Scientists By DREW PEARSON THE *FINAL CURTAIN that came down on the Drafiatic Art Center's production of Euripides' "Medea" lapt spring marked the untimely death of a cultural experience-a death Ann Arbor should mourn, DAC was an experiment. It produced the more philosophical works of great dramatists, works that deserve to be done but seldom are. It thought that in a culture-conscious com- munity like Ann Arbor, people would welcome the chance to see a professional job of Ibsen, Shaw or Strindberg. It tried new and revolu- tionary things with staging, scenery, lighting. It introduced a new audience-actor intimacy with the city's only arena theatre. Here viewers surround players, with the stage a platform in the middle of the room. For a while its backers thought that their experiment's seeds had taken root. After the usual first-year struggle for recognition, DAC enjoyed a fairly fruitful second season. But optimism was short-lived. Last year saw the beginning of a slump and from there on it was down hill all the way. When DAC breathed its last, its passing went relatively unnoticed. WHEN A SCIENTIFIC experiment fails, we try to analyze its content, find out what ingredient or ingredients were wrong, where the initial slip-up occurred. Often we can pin it down to one or two errors. In the case of DAC this is virtually impossible. DAC's critics are quick to point out 'the theatre group was setting the stage for its own suicide. They say that death was caused by 1) production of plays above the group's poten- tial; and 2) choice of material whose appeal was not guaranteed. Granted that both accusations have some ele- ment of truth, the fault of failure should not lie within DAC alone. It reflects even more on the people of this community. Understandably the commercial play-stand- ard sex-comedy that aimis primarily at enter- tainment-has a high appeal. Many people attend theatre just to relax and forget the prob- lems of the day. This explains why the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, which features such an "entertainment bill" was selling standing- room-only when DAC struggled to fill its ground floor, BUT IT WOULD seem theatre can and should serve another purpose: It should stimulate, challenge and make you think. In this com- munity, where intellectual pursuit is continually stressed, it is to our shame, not credit, that the opportunity was neglected. What is needed now is interest-the interest from profesosrs in the University who are con-_ cerned with dramatics, from those who can procure the necessary financial backing, from those who can give a fledgling group adequate backing, and most important, from a potential audience, theater-goers who want another DAC and whose attendance at its plays would prove this desire. -ROSE PERLBERG . Activities Editor WASHINGTON - One of the least talked about, but very real reasons why the United States is lagging behind Russia in scien- tific development, according to top scientists, is the witch-hunting tactics of United States govern- ment agencies. Scientists have been investigated, hounded, and discouraged from working for the government. Most notable case was that of Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, in charge of the government's atomic pro- ject at Los Alamos, N. M., who did such a notable job of speeding production ofithe Atomic Bomb. He was publicly investigated on the order of Chairman Lewis Strauss of the AEC and his gov- ernment security clearance re- moved. Oppenheimer had been en- trusted with the most vital secrets of the war, yet after the war, he was considered a security risk. His inventive brain is now lost to the government. * * * WHILE THIS is a loss, a much greater loss was the effect on other less-known scientists. An un- told number have either got out of government projects or shied away from working for the government. It happens that scientists tend to be inquisitive free thinkers. They have challenging minds. If hey hadn't, they probably wouldn't be able to develop such revolution- ary projects as the A-Bomb, H- Bomb, and earth satellites. And they don't relish the prospect of having their ideas scrutinized by Admiral Strauss, Senator McCar- arthy, or Vice-President Nixon when the latter was master-mind- ing the House Committee on Un- American Activities. The public has little conception of the lengths to which witgh- hunting has been carried. When Dr. Harold Urey of the University of Chicago, one of the original builders of the A-Bomb, was traveling through Europe last year, he found himself trailed by State Department agents. Finally. he demanded a showdown, called State Department officials into his office and wanted to know why they were hounding him. They apologized. Dr. Urey did the research on heavy water, on uranium 235, and discovered the hydrogen atom of atomic weight 2. He is one of the most eminent physicists in the world. He had contributed greatly to the defense of his country dur- ing the war. And if he was trailed by State Department agents,- you can get some idea of what may happen to younger, less-known scientists. * * * HERE IS the roll-call of younger scientists, some of whom made mistakes, but all of whom were hounded out of government with repercussion which discouraged other scientists: Frank Oppenheimer, brother of Robert, who worked on the A- Bomb project at the University of California, was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee, and lost his govern- ment clearance. Oppenheimer ad- mitted he made mistakes in his political associations. A brilliant scientist, he is now unable to get a scientific job and is working on a scientific job and is working on Bernard Peters, a refugee from Hitler and a naturalized citizen, worked on the atomic project dur- ing the war, was investigated for his political associations, lost his government clearance and is now teaching at the Tata Research In- stitute in Bombay, India . David Bohm of the University of California is one of the leading authorities on the behavior of thermonuclear gases. This is of vital importance right now. After a congressional investigation, he lost his security clearance, and is now teaching in Israel. Some of these scientists were in- discreet. Some unwise. Some were naturalized citizens. Some were possible security risks. But whether they were right or wrong, the government policy of witch-hunt- ing has discouraged innumerable other scientists from working for the government. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) on the ring and the sport itself. The story is secondary. Procuna does only a fair job as the bullfighter who suffers many injuries and defeats at the horns of the bulls, but finally comes out on top of the heap. The viewer might well come to believe that his life was much more interesting the first time he lived it. His wife and children move through the film saying nothing, but do supply a little of the appropriate emotion as the case demands. * * * THE MOST interesting and ar- resting part of the picture could well lie simply in the study of the style and grace of the different bullfighters. The wrist and body action with the cape is a sight to be appreciated. What comes after is the blood of either the bull or the man. There seems to be a plen- tiful supply of both. , The camera work is excellent. The crowd shots and the prancing footwork of both toreador and bull are magnificently caught by the camera's roving eye and thrown on the screen in a seemingly casual but very artistic manner. In particular, the crowd scenes can well serve to make one realize just why a man, who could choose so many ways of making a living, turns to the art of the ring for his quite lucrative livelihood. * * * THE ARDENT approval afforded by the crowds to the toredor who does his cruel job well could draw many a lesser man to risk his life and pit his craftiness against a huge, wily animal. For those who consider bull- fighting a worthwhile art; for those who like blood and gore and have a strong stomach; or for those who would simply like to see a well-filmed picture chronicling a toreador's life with the emphasis on ring shots, I would heartly recommend this picture. "Torero" is not for the lesser souls who like a good story, prefer a palatable fare, and are disturbed by cruelty, barbarism, or blood. -Le-Anne Toy LETTERS to the EDITOR - From Princeton . . To the Editor: LUCKIL, a copy of John Weich- er'seditorial concerning the Halton controversy reached the Princeton campus. It is amazing that Mr. Weicher wrote on a 'bject that he seems to be fully uninformed about. De- fending - ral tendencies is one thing, conde"iming them on un- substantiated "rounds is another. It is true that ather Hugh Hal- ton is persona non grata here at Princeotn. In a statement which you very liberally quoted, President Goheen also made it quite clear that such - situation as a "Prince- ton" often arises in affairs of state. A member of a foreign embassy is declared persona non grata when he has committeed a treasonable action or has caused discredit to ! 3 up - ' "f and those con- nected with his legation. Nonethe- less thr ^"' 11 reconnized and alowed the f""" diplomatic privileges extended to the other embassies. * * * - ~" case at Princeton. The Aquinas Foundation still has fl - - _-sity r -- without th. Reve"nd Father Halton. Father Halton has spoken against "excessive liberalism" here at Princeton, but has himself been excessively liberal in being totally unable to prove any of his claims. -For three years these claims, or accusations against Princeton Uni- versity were ignored by the admin- istration. In those three years, he has suc- ceeded in splitting the Roman Catholic students on the campus to such a degree that many have lost their direct interest in their Aquinas Foundation. Only after President Goheen had asked the Bishop of Trenton to relieve Father Halton and had been refused, did he act. * * * GOHEEN himself must suffer acute p e r s o n a1 embarrassment aside from the nationwide notor- iety it has brought to the school's doorsteps. His children and his wife are all devout Roman Catho- lics and he holds a deep respect for the teaching of that church. In a university such as Prince- ton, where traditional liberalism and democraby have always freely nr. ailr~4 s.,,..c...cal har ..sh 0 Impressive T HURSDAY e v e n i n g tenor Richard Miller, ably assisted by pianist Charles Fisher, pre- sented one of the most taxing, most musical and most tastefully arranged programs to be heard on this campus in recent years. In the seven years since Mr. Miller was last associated with the University, he has established sional standing in Europe, and himself as an artist of profes- by this concert, also in America. MR. MILLER is a very versa- tile singer despite the fact that for several years he was the "Ital- ian" tenor for the Zurich opera. He switches easily from the ora- torical style of Hayden to the bel canto of Bellini to the Lieder style of Pfitzner and Wolf. InH his opening number from Haydn's "The Seasons" he dem- onstrated that his voice is not only rich but flexible. In the three Bellini pieces he proved to be ex- tremely at home in the very deli- cate melodic line of the typical Italian art song, performing them simply, but with an engaging lilt. As his tour de force of the evening, Mr. Miller sang "Quando le sere al placido" from one of Verdi's lesser known operas, "Luisa Miller" (no relation). This is an extremely difficult aria rarely performed to perfection even by the most adept tenors, and while it was an extremely brave attempt, one could have wished for a less ambitious choice, THE SECOND half of the pro- gram consisted of Vivaldi, Wolf, and a miscellany of English songs, includingsone by that eminent English composer Rachmaninoff. Although Antonio Vivaldi is best known for his small orchestral pieces, he wrote some beautiful vocal music that displays some of the same moving chromaticisms and melodic lines. These Mr. Mil- ler performer very competently. In the five songs by Hugo Wolf, the recital reached its interpretive and musical peak. The German Lieder is the most demanding of all vocal music to perform, for in the course of two or three pages a singer and his accompanist must create a mood, intensify it and bring it to its natural close. This form is the most intense condensation of expression and must be very cautiously handled. Otherwise it degenerates into mere lushness. In these pieces Mr. Miller and Mr. Fisher were as one interpret- er, as was superbly demonstrated in "Ein Standchen." Throughout the concert Mr. Fisher performed with great finesse,,but in the Wolf he demonstrated that he was ev- very bit as professional as the man whom he was accompanying. -Allegra Branson DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michiganfor which the Michigan Daily assumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices forSunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1957 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 21 General Notices Blue Cross Group Hospitalization, Medical and Surgical Service Programs for staff members will be open from Oct. 7 through Oct. 18, 1957, for new applications and changes in contracts now in effect. Staff members who wish to include surgical and medical serv- ices should make such changes in the Personnel Office, Room 1020, Admin- istration Building. New applications and changes will be effective Dec. 5, withthe first payment deduction on Nov. 30. After Oct. 18, no new applica- tions or changes can be accepted until April, 1958. The Office of Religious Affairs will hold its Coffee Hour jointly this week with the Protestant Foundation for International Students. This event for all students will be Fri, 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall, downstairs assembly hall. College of Architecture and Design, Main Floor Corridor: "The Graphic Works of Ben Shahn," exhibition cir- culated by the American Institute of TENOR: Miller i . INTERPRETING THE NEWS:I ,A Priming the Pumping By J.M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PLANS FOR PUMPING economic aid into the Middle East and Africa are mushrooming all over the lot. For years, of course, the United States and Russia have been busy trying to convince these underdeveloped countries that there is more butter on one side of the bread than on the other. First this developed an effort in the area to play both ends against the middle. Now it has produced just what the Russians hoped it would, a division among the countries them- selves creating instability, and a leaning by a minority toward Moscow. THE EISENHOWER DOCTRINE comes as an additional effort by the United States and, while well received in some spots, has been shunned in others as containing imperialistic strings. Despite the division thus created in Arab attitudes, the United States and Britain con- tinue to cling to the idea that their major efforts to help underdeveloped countries must be kept under their own control. Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON .......... Personnel Director TAMMY~ MORRISON................ Magazine Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN . .Associate Editorial Director WILLIAM HANEY......Features Editor ROSE PERLBERG..................Activities Editor CAROL PRINS .....,.....Associate Personnel Director JAMES BAAD........................ Sports Editor BRUCE BENNETT ............Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER .............Associate Sports Editor CHARLES CURTISS.............. Chief Photographer ,-'. , France, however, has called on her colleagues in the European Economic Community for a jointeffort in Africa, particularly in North Africa and the Sahara region, since she no longer is very active in the area usually termed Middle Eastern. FRANCE IS ALSO supporting a movement for a greater effort on the part of the United Nations, and made it a part of her major policy presentment before the General Assembly this week. This came only one day after the Public Affairs Institute, a nonprofit research organiza- tion, suggested in Washington that the United States help set up a billion-dollar development agency to counter Societ activity in the Middle East alone. This suggestion is for cooperation between the United States, the oil-rich countries such as Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia, and the other oil-developing countries such as Britain, France and Holland, to help the whole area lift itself by both loans and bootstraps. The institute says such a program should be conducted on a no-strings basis, since Russia, until her hooks are fixed, makes a great show of objective aid. THE REPORT SAYS the Eisenhower Doctrine is not reaching down to the people, and that "Russia's capture of the region is being accomplished now without firing a shot." Great stress is placed in this survey on development of natural resources, such as irrigation systems easily possible along some of the larger rivers, to take care of increasing populations. In these developments, Israel would have to be included, and there is the. rub. The Arabs will not participate in anything which benefits Israel or which tends to accept her permanence pending a settlement of the Palestine refugee and boundary problems. Until some progress is made in these fields stability in the area will COUNCIL COMMENTARY: A Ride on the Merry-Go-Round By RICHARD TAUB Daily Staff Writer 'MICKEY MOUSE,' which means excess interest in trivia and detail, used to be the big Student Government Council by-word. This year the word is "josh," which means the same thing, only with excessive verbiage added. Wednesday night's Council meet- ing was little more than a great deal of josh over Mickey Mouse. The meeting took about five hours and at least three of those hours were spent debating and redebat- ing almost trivial -points. The meet- ing was, in a word, poor, and not the kind of event that could gener- ate much campus respect for the Council. The first issue to take a great deal of the Council's attention was the calendaring of Hillelzapoppin, the Hillel skit show, which involves most of the Jewish affiliated groups and an independent group. Hillel scheduled its show for March 29 at Ann Arbor High School. How- ever, the high school had to can- cel because of its own show, and Hillel was without a date for the program., THE CALENDAR committee had come up with two alternate dates, Dec. 14, which is the same weekend as MUSKET and the same day as quad dances, and March 15, which conflicted with sorority rush. Then the merry-go-round began. Don Young told the Council four times that the Union had $10,000 2 - +- A ~-.L . 2 TTCQT lrr .- A ..h. - dates. These were discussed at length. After almost an hour of this, the alternate dates were referred back to the Calendar Committee, a move which should have been made a half hour earlier. The next debate topic was SGC elections conduct. Scott Chrysler moved that the Council make plans to move voting booths into the nearest building if it rained, but with the voting booths closed dur- ing the lunch hour in the quads. Last year, Chrysler said, "kids practically voted as they punched their meal tickets" and a great many more voted in the quads than would have had it not rained. This biased the vote in favor of independents, he claimed. ** * THE MERRY-GO-ROUND be- gan again. If more people vote, it will be good, somebody said. We can place the booths a long way from the lines somebody said. "But students still mill around," was the answer. And on and on it went' with some claiming that closing the booths in the quads would bias the election in favor of. affiliates. Finally, Joe Collins amended Chrysler's motion to say that a1 booths be closed during lunch hour. This might have put a brake on the discussion, except that people then couldn't understand whether the motion meant the election booths were to be closed every lunch hour or just rainy ones This tooks ome time to would it be the Council members who were elected but not up for re-elections, or would it be the ex-officios? Then, if the Councl decided to make up the questions, all of the above must be worked out again. This took more than an hour. The Council finally approved a motion which set up space for three ques- tions and space for the candidate to say anything he wants, with The Dialy submitting five ques- tions to be approved by a five-man committee made up of the execu- tive committee members not up for re-election, the elections direc- tor and Councl members. The Council meeting was high- lighted by snipes at various other member's personalities and infer- ential attacks claimed at the Ex- ecutive Committee, which is elect- ed by the Council. * * * WELL, THIS is Student Govern- ment Council at its worst. It should be noted here that this type of behavior characterizes not every member of the Council and no member of the Council all the time. It's just that on some days things get bogged down. The merry-go-round does not take off every week; often meet- ings are efficient and the Council accomplishes worthwhile tasks rea.sonably. Below is a copy of part of the test Panhellenic Association gave to sorority presidents yesterday, at a Panhel delegates meeting: 1), m17 a is lip fn. msh-rch ; i