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October 10, 1957 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-10

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0 -

insCampaign i, AL FII

ty for Bummer, tion degrees for Sports, Arts & GOrafts
also, and Entertainment.
Apintmaton3528 Kalamazoo Vegetable Parc hmen t E
~ppintent, 328Company, (KVP) Kalamazoo, Michigan.;~
digNO3-51,Graduates - February. June and Aug- f
ust. One of the leading manufacturers '
- of food protection paper in the U.S. #.
FEstablished 1909. KVP has grown from '
loyers will be in- 60 employees to 4500. Manufactures <
office beginning and converts pulp and paper products .
primarily for packaging bread, meat,
frozen' foods, other food prodts. re-.
rauasc e bomp any caes and irints own package designs. F x'
~rauats -Febu-Men with degrees in Liberal Arts or
110 years old. As- Business Administration for Sales, Pro- ~
r About three bil- duction Trainee, Other Staff and Ad-
rMen with degree ministrative Functions. Ss.
slness Administra-' Technical Operations, lite.., Fort A
weer the ages of Monroe, 'Virginia. Graduates - Feb-
ruary, June and August. Manufacturer # _-..
eum Corporation, of transistorized power converters, of ~
graduates- Febru- radiography equipment,. of tracer .S e
Fifteen years inl chemical for medical use, operations #?
Iproducts. Largest research, physical research, chemical t:'
yq integrated. Men mechanics, nucleonic research. Men "
rts or Business Ad- and women with Masters or Doctors
the latter degree in Mathematics for Operations Ana-
Business Law and lysts. A few outstanding research per- BLCK orBR W
rnent for sales. sonnel for basic work in physics and , z
id Company, New chemistry and electronics.h
aduates - Febru- Fri., Oct. 18:4*
WCO, which is ob- The AdJutant General, Special Serv- 95
niversary this year ices Department - see above.
0 people in over 40 Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc., 3
les throughout the Detroit, Michigan. Graduates - Febru-F
were slightly over ary, June, August. Manufacturer of a
7ompany has over sleeve type bearings,, roller, bearings, a,'s
and women with ball bearings, oil seals, shims .and flea- :"
Arts with some ible hose for mechanical application. T
mistry for sales These product's are widely used in mo- }}(
f. f or vehicles, trucks, farm implements,;
machine tools, aircraft and many oth- {
:aI Company, Dlvi- er products. They employ 8,188 em-
de &c Carbon Coin. ployees. Men With degrees In Liberal:
N.Y. Graduates- Arts and Business Administration for r:;Teesntiglk rie ete ogv
sd 1898. 11,000 em- Manufacturing Management and Sales. ,x34ho}ha'ema"oo.Ad oon a
-Ferrol Alloys,. Al- For further information contact thesheta solid, h-a ok Adn n cnstye
zm Carbide, Acety- Bureau of appointments, 3528 Admin- rubqedl comfortable rn more~hnsml ta
In with degree in istration Building, Et. 371
amanss Administra- February Graduates Please Note: : French Shriner, shoemakers for three generations.
Relations. If you are graduating in February it >
tid Company, New might be to your .advantage to talk to Mim
ee above, someone' in the office about emiploy-z ::x
ment possibilities In yor ildo
,neral, Department Interest. If you are still undecided as '
al Services Depart- to what type of position you are in- . ..
25, D.C. Graduates terested in, we have a full time coun
August. Personal selor who may be of help to you. Also, r
ited States Citizen- we brought our contact file somewhat ...
rental and physical up to date this summer especially for ;h ' ' t I c
personality, initia- the West oCast, California, which may V a, ,e n S
ship. demonstrated serve your needs fotr contacts or em- .1,
,instruct, inspire ployment possibilities. ,'
Iy with people of 17 N kl A cd
y" " ""4. R estrictions as ? :.A,
m and marital sta- ...,.~
>d by the military PERSONALIZED < ~,
e based on stua- A. . . . . . . . . . . .... at, ,;1r"r v e 1 . + . . .yS!" >\ < A"4;." ..vS .,
their geographical HAIRCUTTING <.t.~'..A'A. . .................... ~.A
icerned. All female b'.... . . ....,...
single. 5. Minimum Our Staff of Fien dl y,.
tRecreation Lead-
fctors =23; Sports Courteous, HaircitterS s
Directors - 24. A ~ ma. ~
ntertainment for £ F f9,11410A04-014~
or foreign. Women ut *V ie mw-~ J~( . I~ .'~~1.~~~~
and Crafts, Drama,VV;..
tcal Education, and 715 North University
Librarians, Service
fts, Sports, Enter-
h Physical Educa-
n Daily .:
I ...
¢ 6.
S' a

v ''
3 wA'
19~ ~ frmf4
g. Ol yer f pcilzain nfie}alo"g:n:dsgnngi:taitoaluiv
The cnothseare thseifinestioducedfintheillrnadsignEngn radteiotagnier-o
'ci Scotland -- in selected patterns and weaves that best complement the jacket.

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