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October 10, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-10

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Es mtditgan Baffy
Sixty-Eighth Year

_ fy: F
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in The Mic
the e

an Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or
rs. This must be noted in all reprints..


U.S. Defaulting
Mideast to Reds
BEIRUT (P) - Victory in the Mideast is going to the Communi
-by default.
The United States is losing some of its last remaining Arab frienc
Only courageous, determined action shorn of defensive or apologe
overtones stands a chance of warding off future Western Disaster
this area.
Experienced diplomats in this part of the world are urging a lo
careful, thorough restudy of all United States policy regarding t
Disillusioned with the United States, Arabs have a new cha
pion waiting f6r them in the wings. For the Soviet Union way

0, 1957


'Size in Itself'
R Educational Danger in Itself

N ITSELF" may not be of concern to
University as President Hatcher says,
her look, indicates it may be time to
* revealing th'at at Monday night's
of faculty members numerous refer-
re heard 'that the size of the faculty
revents communication and contact
I the if is worth emphasizing, other
e held constant, size may not be worthy
n. But despite the University's historic
t of continual growth and position as"
e, largest-universities in the nation, we
e reached a point where the "other"
cannot keep pace with growth.
ual efforts tare made to keep the fac-
ent ratio constant and classes small.
time soon arrives when it's easier to
few more students in a class rather
d another instructor, or assign 50
a seminar instead of scheduling other
'BTEDLY throughout the University's
eriod of growth and expansion, there
n many who shook their heads and
'too big, too many." However, citing
D show that the University has always
ed to society's needs," (President Hat-
dI has been able to grow in both size
are does not mean we will be able to
me in the future.
nk the past's success can rationalize
'e's problems is to lack the flexibility
ht which President /Hatcher urged
iembers to use in seeking solutions to
ersity's problems.
ltiplying the number of operating units
swer, we are defeated by the arith-
?resident Hatcher warned.
there are 122 sections in freshman
when youpg faculty members admit:
I know colleagues in their own depart-
hen communication and exchange of
ween scholars in various disciplines
own, it appears evident that we have
feated" already.
hen the University becomes so large
vision is suggested by the President
f the solutions the faculty should be
nough to investigate, the very essence
ion as an interchange between person
on is destroyed. Already, thpe invaluable
1 contact between student and pro-
fading away, and the bright beams of
e tube.will not-bring them any closer.
D THE SIZE of an educational institu-
lull its ability to stimulate minds, en-
ideas and foster indeperndent thought,'
become only inefficient recording ma-
nd the school deteriorates into an ill-
factory that may be colorful in foot-

ball season, but woefully shabby at June com-
mencement time.
Yes, as President Hatcher suggests, it's time
for the faculty to be flexible and look for
solutions. But flexibility should penetrate all
levels throughout the University before the
bounds of precedent and the tradition of growth
strangle the intellectual life that remains in
Ann Arbor.
A solution for the pressures of size has been
suggested by the University's establishment of
Colleges in Flint and 'Dearborn. Other smaller
colleges already exist throughout Michigan
and in places where room for expansion is
available, the state should attempt to meet
whatever future requirements legislators think
they can afford.
If not, and if the University. along with the
other, two large state-supported universities
continues tb carry the burden unaided, Michi-
gan's auto factories will soon be replaced as
the state's chief claim to mechanized fame.
One Out of Three
U.S. Women Use 'Juiee'
NOWADAYS Mother Hubbard may find her
cupboard bare of food, but one item will
most likely always be present-hair coloring.
During 1956 one of every three women in the
United States purchased some sort of hair tint,
an increase in total- sales from 3 million dollars
in 1946 to 35 million ten years later.;
"Bkhausted" is not only an apt description
of the deflatea pocketbook, bgut also of a wom-
an's condition after the do-it-yourself process..
THE PHONE is the first to be exhausted and'
monopolized as the gray mare bothers all
her fad-following friends to find out the best
peddler from which to purchase a new "fix."
Next a map must be drawn designating a
route or routes the streaks will take and areas
patches will cover-all aid the dashing females
in winning friends and influencing people.
Every few minutes this ordeal requires the,
dunking of cotton into the 'juice' and splashing
it carefully over the two inch boundaries that
began as a one-quarter inch route.
With all the budget spent on light brown,
blond, then white coloring, the villian enters
the scene banging on the door for the overdue"
paynent on Peyton Place, the phone company.
removes the talking machine for too much use,
the mirror sags on the wall tired of answering.
"Who is the blondest of them all," and hubby'
enters saying . . . "Dear, must ,we have beans
again tonight?"
And then they ask what started the Yul
Brynner style.

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U.S. PrestigeWeakened

Western Europe now lies through
the Persian Gulf.
ALREADY strong Soviet In! lu-
ence has been installe In Egypt
astride the Suez Canal, and in
Syria astride pipelines carrying
oil which is the lifeblood of West-
ern Europe's economx. -
But Egypt's Nasser and even
the Syrian regime under strong-
man Serra) still keep the door
slightly ajar, apparently in the
hope they 1will iot be obliged to
slam, it completely.
Communist agents are busily at
work all over the Arab world ex-
ploiting hatreds and frustrations
which lodge in the Arab breast.
But it is not Communist activity
which is costingthe United States
its friends. It is a growing atti-
tide of hopelessness that Wash-
ington will make a real attempt
to understand the Arab world and
approach it with some show of
THE PRESENT period of calm,
in the Mideast may be brief. It
appears to have been purchased
by the pro-Soviet Syrian regime,
whiqh has bitten off more than
it can chew readily and needs a
little time for digestion. But this
sea of anxiety, needs tension as
an excuse to retain the dictatorial
measures which keep it in power.
Sooner or later the Middle East is
in for new flareup.
The United States, with its
present reputation, is in a poor
position to attempt to assume any
role of true leadership here.
It is virtually an act of heroism,
now for an Arab to express pro-
American sentiments. An editor-
ial favorable to the United States
can mean a bomb for a newspa-
per plant. A gesture toward
Washington can invite political
Once the most-hated name in
the Arab world was Truman, who
was blamed for the creation of
Israel. Now it is Dulles. He-is'coli-
sidered responsible for the Eisen-
hower Moctrine,'which the Arabs,
considered masked imperialism.
~* '4, * -
THE BEST friends the United,
States has in the Arab world -
where once America was vastly
admired - are falling silent.
. There is little time left. Of the
,Western powers only the United
States can save the situation in
the long run. Britain and France
are finished except in the sheikh-
.doms where Britain can still ma-
nipulate the rulers'.



The Daily Official Bulletin is ani
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices shquld
be sent in TYPEWRITT'EN formn to
{ Room 3519 Administration Buil.,-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. .
General Notices
Senior Men planning graduate study
(next year 'or after military service)
toward a college teaching career, vitally
interested in a religious faith, and not
more than 30 years old, are invited to
apply for a Danforth Graduate Fellow-
ship for use at any American univer-
sity. Renewable until Ph.D. corpleted.
and may be held concurrently with
Rhodtps, Woodrow Wilson, etc., to take
effect when latter expires. $1400 per
year plus tuition and dependency al-
Meeting in Room 3-Y of Michigan
Union, Thurs., Oct. 10 at 4:10 p.m. If
unable to attend, see Prof. Robert
Blood, 5622 Haven Hall (Danforth
Foundation Liaison Officer at this
A Short Course in elementary pro-
gramming for the IBM Type 650 Com-
puter and an introduction of the IT
Compiler will be given Oct. 14-25, Mon.,
Wed., Fri. °3-5 p~m., Room 2037, Angell
Hall. Please contact Mrs. Brando, Ext.
2768 if you plan to attend.
Blue Cross Group Hospitalization,
Medical and Surgical Service Programs
for staff members will be open from,
Oct. 7 through Oct. 18, 1957, for new
applications and changes in contracts
now in effect. Staff members who wish
to Include surgical and miedical serv-.
ices should make such changes in the
Personnel Office, Room 1020, Admin-
istration Building. New applications
and chang~es will be effective Dec. 5,
with the first payment deduction on
Nov. 30. After Oct. iS, no new applica-
tions or changes can be accepted until
Aifril, 1958.

ASHINGTON-Andrei Gromy-
ko got his first introduction to
Washington as the dour, uncom-
mun'icative Secretary of the Soviet
Embassy on 16th Street. He lived;
not far from the White House in'
the mansion once owned by Mrs.
Pullman of the Pullman Car Com-
pany, whose president was Robert
Todd Lincoln, son of Abe Lincoln:
T h .at residence, however, was
Gromyko's only connection with
American tradition.
John Foster Dulles first saw
Washington as a young adviser to
his uncle, Robert Lansing, Secre-
tary of State for Woodrow Wilson;
his grandfather, John Foster, was
Secretary of State in Benjamin
Harrison's cabinet; and John Fos-
ter was steeped in American tradi-
tion. His great ambition was to
become Secretary of State.'
* * *
1I DO NOT know what Andrei
Gromyko's ambition was, or
whether a Communist bureaucrat
is supposed to have ambition. But
I do know that Gromyko even-
tually worked up the Communist
ladder until he became ambassa-
dor in that old Pullman mansion
on 16th Street, and later Minister
of Foreign Affairs.
Simultaneously, John F'o s t e r
Dulles had come from one of the
oldest, most renowned law firms
on Wall Street to become a spe-
cialist in foreign affairs, then
Secretary of State. Both men offi-
cially were equal, but unofficially,
Dulles was always able to talk to
Gromyko from a position of pres-
tige and power-the prestige of his
background and the power of hav-
ing the H-bomb, the A-bomb, and
the greatest air force in the world.
Last week, however, that situa-
tion was reversed. As these two
men sat down in Dulles's colonial
mansion overlooking Rock Creek,
our Secretary of State found him-
self talking-to a man whose coun-
try had developed the intercon-
tinental ballistic missile, a new jet
transport, and an earth satellite
which electrified the world.
There could have been no worse
time for Foster Dulles to have held

this talk. But he had to. Events in
various parts of the world were
slipping away from his govern-
I do not know the specific de-
tails of what the two men talked
about, but I do know that before
they began talking, this was what
faced John Foster Dulles. This was
why he asked Gromyko to sit down
face to face.
1) The Turkish Ambassador had
been calling at the State Depart-
ment repeatedly to warn that
Turkey was not going to stand still
.while Russia built up a vast arms
base in Syria to the south, and
kept a Russian fleet three times
the size of the United States Sixth.
Fleet to the north in the Black
2) Turkish Prime Minister Men-
deres hinted to the American Em-
bassy in Ankara t h a t Turkey
might take things into its own.
hands regarding the big Russian
arms base in Syria unless Presi-
derit Eisenhower makes a bold
move to halt Russian expansion in
the Near East.
* * *
3) THE LEBANESE government
has informed the State Depart-
ment in blunt and vigorous lan--
guage that the Russian timetable
is scheduled to take over all the
Near East-within one'year. ,
4) The Israeli government has
told the State Department that
there will be little i'se having a
NATO army protecting western
Europe from Russia, if Russia
takes over the Near East and can
cut off oil to supply the NATO
army, plus oil to supply the fac-
tories of Europe.
These ambassadors and prime
ministers were not kidding.
When' the Prime Minister of
Turley talked about moving in on
Syria, the State Department knew
he meant it. For, one month ago,
Turkey almost marched on the
Syrian city of Aleppo. And the
American public never kioew how
close the Near East was to war in
One reason the Turks didn't
move is because they haven't been
able to get assurances from the

United States of NATO support in
case the Russian fleet started bom-
barding the Turkish coast in sup-
port of its satellite, Syria.
The State Department hasn't
said .yes, and it hasn't said no. It
j u s t hasn't said anything. It
doesn't want to see our good friend
and ally, Turkey, squeezed between
a Russianized Syria on the south
and the Russian fleet on the north..
But at the same time, it doesn't
want to risk a world war.
That's one of the reasons John
Foster Dulles had to talk with An-
drei Gromyko.
The Russian timetable in the
Near East has not been published,
but Arab diplomats friendly to the
West feel sure they know what it
It is first of all to consolidate
Russian gains in S:fria; develop .
airports, the harbor of Latakia,
highways, irrigation projects; and
make that country a model Arab
state, completely dependent on
Russia. Once Syria is certain of
Russian support, here is the sched-
*. * * - .
A) SYRIA WILL ..ork through
agents in Jordan to assassinate or
overthrow King Hussein. Then the
new government of Jordan will
propose a union with Syria. Since
this will be an internal move,. not
foreign aggression, it won't come
under: the Eisenhower Doctrine.
We couldn't intervene.
B) Six months later, King Saud.
will be assassinated. He was nearly
assassinated last Spring and an-
other attempt on his life was made
last month. Crown Prince Faisal,
the king's brother, who doesn't
particularly like the king, will suc-
ceed him and move for unity with
C) The tiny country of Lebanon,
half Christian, half Moslem, will
be relatively easy to take over
D) Iraq, bigger, richer, and a
member of the Baghdad Pact, will
be tougher to absorb, but the Rus-'
sian timetable calls for it to be
annexed to* Syria in about 18,
(Copyright 1957'by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

AssignnAt Inda

been making soundings in Washington with
a view to a formal request in the fairly near
future for a substantial loan. The Minister of
Finance, puts India's over-all needs at a credit
In dollars, sterling and German marks of about
$1,000,000,000 of which India would actually
need to draw down about $700,000,000 over a
period of some eight years before beginning to
repay the debt. The American share of this loan
could hardly be less than $500,000,000.
Evidently, a transaction of thast size would
require specific authorization from Congress.
Phis Congressional action would need to be
taken fairly early in the next session of Con-
gress-not later, it is said, than March when
the Indian reserves of foreign exchange will
have been run down to a critical point.
If this loan cannot be arranged, there will
have to be a serious cut-back in both private,
and public economic development in India.
The task of persuading Congress to vote such
a loan is, it might be said, one of, those things
which are impossible to do and yet have to be
done, The prospects could hardly be more un-
favorable. But, when the President has enabled
the country to understand what is at stake,
our people will, as they have done before, con-
clude that what is necessary, must be done.
WEY MUST IT BE:DONE? Because India is
the supreme testing ground for all of Asia
and of Africa of the question whether an under-
developed country can raise itself from extreme
poverty by democratic, as against Communist
methods. If India succeeds in her present plans
of development, it will have been proved that
backward countries do not have to follow the
example of Russia and of Red China.
If India feils, if her economic development is
strangled, it will be a fateful moment in the
history of the world. For it will have been,
proved by a practical test that the free world is
not willing to make any substantial sacrifice in;

trouble to explain thoroughly and patiently
why it needs to be done.
India has a population which is more than
twice as big as ours. She has a national income
which is only about one-twentieth as large as
ours. Her standard of living is one of the lowest
in the world, and at the present level of develop-
ment her resources are barely capable of
keeping up with her terrifying growth in popu-
lation. .
The Indian government is a free government,
based on free elections and the fundamental
- rights of a free society--freedom of religion,
of thought and of speech-are carefully re-
spected The Indian government, which often
differs with our own government in foreign
policy, is nonetheless a free government, as
free, it is fair-to sa'y, as any in the world of
It cannot, however, hope to survive on its
adherence to ideals and principles alone. It
must offer to the Indian people the hope, that
within the reasonably near future they will be
emerging from their present poverty. If " the
Indian government cannot hold out that hope,
there will surely be a reaction against liberty
and towards a totalitarian system.
10 MEET THE NEED of development, the
Indian government has drawn up plans of
investment, and it is now at the beginning of a
second plan which calls for an investment of
some ten to fifteen billion dollars in the course
of a five year period. This looks big. There are
some experts who think it is too big. But the
Indian problem is enormously big, and, even if
thie plan is carried out successfully, the best
that can be hoped for -is an increase of national
income at the rate of 5 per cent a year.
This plan cannot, however, be carried out
without capital assistance from abroad-capital
assistance from private corporations, from the
World Bank, from Britain, France, Germany
and the United States. The question before this,
country, which will be critical by the time Con-

Red Science Advances Rapidly

to thie-
Whhhew ...
To the Editor:
IT ISN'T that I'm in favor of
girl cheerleaders, but I'm defi-
nitely not In favor of the' recent
defeat of the idea by "our admin-
istrators." This defeat represents
.something more than just a girl-
shy dean or a tradition-conscious
alum, but rather it serves as an
example of the reactionary atti-
tudes held by these big brass and,
their respective "tools."
Not to be misunderstood, the
administration of this school isn't
completely against progressive
change: After all, didn't they insti-
tute spring sorority rushing, which;
has not practical value, and. a cal-
endaring system which almost re-
sulted in pint-sized Friday classes?
They're not completely "out-of-
But what happened to the dorm-
food sinee the food riots first pub-
licized the food's inferior quality
last year? Nothing! The adcninis-
tration, hemmed and hawed fo' a
while, and after we all forgot
about it, so did they-quite will-
ingly I'm sure. An the food hasn't
changed. ,
AND WHERE does all this stu-
dent-griping lead? Certainly noti
to reform; this school has proved
incapable of such action. Believe
it or not, we are attenaing a school
with ideas as reactionary as those
of Faubus. The administration is-
immobilized by their straight-
laced medieval tradition. Although
the campus appears to have
sprinklings of modern growth on
the surface, the underlying ideas
are older than Romance Language
building and colder than Angell's

Sneak Preview in color: The Univer-
sity Audio-visual ARducation Center
will present, '"The Strange Case of Cos-
mic Rays" on Thurs., Oct. 10, at 4:00
p.m., in 4051 Administration Building.
Public invited. This film is the third
in a sefies of science films produced
'by the Bell Telephone Company. You
may recall the first two "Mr. Sun" and
"Hemo, The Magnificent" both of
which were outstanding presentations.
The following students sponsored so-
cial events are approved for the coming
Oct. 11: Delta Theta Phi, Phi Delta
Phi, Zeta Beta Tau.
O't. 12: Alice Lloyd. Alpha Epsilon
Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Sigma
Phi,.;Alpha' Tau Omega, Beta "Theta Pi,
Chicago House, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Del-
ta Kappa Epsilon-Phi Kappa Psi, Delta
Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta
Sigma Pi, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Tau
Delta, Delta Upsilon, East Quadrangle,
Evans Scholars, Friends Center Coop.,
Gomberg, Helen Newberry, Kappa Al-
pha Psi, Kappa Sigma, Kelsey House,
Martha Cook, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha
Kappa, Phi qhi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi
Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi
Kappa Sigma, Phi.Kappa Tau, Phi Rho
Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Reeves, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu,
Sigma Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau
Delta Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta
Chi, Theta Delta Chi'.
Oct. 12: Theta Xi, Triangle Frater-
nity, Zeta Beta Tau. Zeta Psi.
Oct. 13: Delta Theta Phi, Phi Delta
A m e r i c a n Meteorological Society,
Southeastern Michigan Branch, Thurs.,
Oct. 10, 8 p.m., in the Rackham Am-
phitheater. Leslie M. Jones will speak
on "Scientific Uses of Satellites." The
public is invited.
George Jessei, theatrical personality,
opens the University Lecture Course
tonight at 8:30 p.m. in ifll Auditorium
with stosies and' impressions of Broad-
way. Tickets ire on sale today at the
Auditorium box office which is open
10 a.m.-8:30_ p.m. Season tickets for-
the complete course of seven attrac-
tions are still available with students
being offered a special rate of $3.50
(second balcony, unreserved).
The second lecture in the Thomas
Spencer' Jerome lecture series will be
given by Prof. Sir Frank Adcockc on Fri.,
Oct. E11, at 9:00 a.m. in Room 25, An-
gell Hall. The subject is "The Growth
of the Republic."
Fall Meeting, Michigan Section, 5o-
ciety for Experimental Biology . and
Medicine. Fri. Oct. 11, Rackham Am-
phitheatre. 7.45 pm. Open to publio.
Astronomy D e p a rtm e n t Visitors'
Night. Fri., Oct. 11,8:00 p.m., Rm. 2003,
Angell Hall. Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin
will speak on "The Surface of Mars."
After the lecture the Student Obser-
*vatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall-
will be open for inspection and for
telescopic observations of the moon
and double star. Children welcomed,
but must be accompanied by adults.
Concert s
Carillon Recital Cancelled: The re-
cital by Sidney Giles, Assistant Uni-
versity' Carillonneur, previously an-
nounced for 7:15 this evening, has been
cancelled because of illness.

Associated Press News Analyst
T HOSE GHOSTLY little beeps-
which have been coming out of
the heavens since last Friday offer
man more food for thought than
anything since he unlocked the
secrets of the atom.
It is impossible even to list at-
one sitting all the facets of the
advent of the man-made satellite.
In the world of practical poli-
tics, reassessments will be called
for in many fields.
What effect will new capability
for aerial inspection of the whole
earth have on disarmament and
the prospect of war?
Russia expects to have soon a
satellite which can re-enter the
earth's atmosphere without burn-
ing up. From that it will be only
a step to an atomic weapon which
nnn, .,aoir ,n,+ it-cnwn n:. ,ro* h

and abilities, keep on putting the
pressure on the United States,
which is so preoccupied with the.
maintenance of living standards?
If so, will America's allies begin
to doubt their reliance on her
strength and start trying to ap-
pease Russia in the economic and
ideological war?
Or will one crash program after
another be necessary to keep Rus-
sia from capturing the imagia-
tion of the world?
One thing Allied diplomats have
always feared is that Russia, once
in possession of advanced weap-
ons, would use them for diplomatic
bluffing; regardless of whether she
intended to use them for actual
This is beginning to happen.
.IT IS A particularly difficult
tactic to meet when used by a na-

coexistence, disarmament, inter-
national control of space missiles
and the like-on Russia's terms.
To the United States, he says
that she can have peace if she
will quit basing her policy on the
belief that Communist regimes in
Russia, Red China and elsewhere
can be destroyed.
Not a word about Russia drop-
ping international communism as
a weappn of expansion and a
means of overthrowing democratic
Instead, Khrushchev repeats the
old Molotov thesis, that in a war
between communism and capital-
ism, communism would win
through the acquisition of support
from noncommitted peoples.
* * *
THIS IS ONE of Khrushchev's
constantly, recurring themes'. Yet
there are spots in the Berlin

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