Sixty-Seven. Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iaii4 CLOUDY, I COOL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1957 FIVE CENTS FIVE CENTS a-.ate as i U.S. In Will Launch atellit larch, President Sa .1'~ b egration crisis is withdrawal of nine Red Sputnik rs are attending integrated classes ssent into Little Rock Sept. 24 by h ri , n Wov. Faubus.rhasdemanded-and the W hirls On of the soldiers. eience, in discussing the possility T VieHouse; Voice Louder this time with the Negroes in the :rawal of the Negroes from school *the core of a "cooling off" plan he WASHINGTON (W) - Sputnik espouses as a solution to the great sped around the world on a steady integration crisis. He added: course yesterday, speaking to Need Time earthbound scientists with a "We need a chance for tense- strong new radio voice. ness to be allayed, time for litiga- The Soviet satellite was eti- tion and time for the people to mated by the Naval Research acceptpeacefully what ithroats beingat Laboratory here to be circling the bayonet point." h. globe once in every 96.1 minutes In Washington, President Eisen- at an average altitude of about hower told a news conference at 400 miles. about the same time he is hopeful May Be Slowing Down ' Little Rock soon will have the Some observers believe the situation in hand to the extent man-made moon is slowing down that he can withdraw regular and descending toward a fiery Army paratroopers and federalized finish in the' friction of denser National Guardsmen now on inte- atmosphere. But a spokesman for gration duty at Central. the naval laboratory said: Gov. Faubus Blamed "Our figures just don't support The President indic ate d he this', thinks the crisis never would have The satellite's radio signals died developed if Gov. Faubus had not out mysteriously Tuesday night, originally called out the Arkansas but they came back after a six- National Guard. hour period and the Navy scien- Gov. Faubus used the Guard to tists reported they were strong keep the nine Negroes out of Cen and clear on one pass over Wash- tral. He withdrew the guardsmen ington yesterday. Sept. 20 after a United States District Court ordered an end to Signal Steady interference with Central's inte- Instead of the original beep- gration program, the first in this beep, however, they were now get- capital city. ting more of a steady signal. White adult mobs rioted outside As the satellite r o c k e t e d the school three days later.Presi- through its fifth day in the heav- dent Eisenhower then sent in units ens, President Eisenhower said at of the 101st Airborne Division and a news conference: of the federalized National Guard. The American program to put The school has been outwardlyupeTheaeitesrrtdut serene for several days, with rest- up an earth satellite started out lessness among its 2,000 white stu- as a 22-million-dollar job. Then it dents apparently waning. Jumped to 66 million to cover in- strumentation. It soared to 110 million to pro- Undo Senate vide special observation stations. And the figure still may have to go up. The Vienna, Austria, Obsera- tory agreed yesterday with the Being M ade United States Naval scientists that Russia's sphere was still in its original orbit and going strong. Final plans are being made for Further confirmation came the first meeting of the Union from Dr. John. Hagen, director Senate, October 24, according to f Oraton Vagur, he Fred Wilten, '59, executive vice- of Operation Vanguard, the president of the Union. United States satellite proect. Eighteen of the 49 men's hous- Photographs Thwarted ing units contacted so far have Efforts of a Cambridge, Mass., named their representatives. moonwatch team to photograph The agenda is not yet estab- the satellite yesterday morning lished for the main meeting but were thwarted by cloudy weath- Wilten says that many of the er. Fourteen telescopes had been topics discussed will be about pro- manned to try to get some pic- cedure of the Senate. tures. Other independent men will not A photograph was taken in be represented at the first of the Auckland, New Zealand, however, monthly meetings of the Senate, Reports from Auckland, coupled but Wilten says plans are being with the photographic evidence, made to include them in the sec- indicated the Soviet sphere might ond. be wavering slightly in its course. Teamster Election Records.' Given 1to Senate Committee WASHINGTON (AP)-Subpoenaed election recods of last week's Teamsters Union convention in Miami Beach, rescued from a hotel's waste paper, yesterday were turned over to the Senate Rackets Investi- gating Committee. A cardboard packing box full of records was delivered to Robert F. Kennedy, the committee's chief counsel, by Joseph Konowe, secre- tary of the convention Credentials Committee. Konowe was accom- panied by a Teamster lawyer, Gerard Tranor. Konowe said that 'STORY OF BROADWA while a few of the election records he was directed to produce might be missing, "I believe we recovered ssO Kennedy, in accepting them for the committee, said, "It doesn't mean we certify they are all here George Jessel, named "Toast- or that they arehtrue and accu- master General of the United rate." States" by former President Har- Some Missing ry Truman, will open the Univer- Kennedy had said earlier that sity Lecture Course with "The officials at Teamster headquar- Story of Broadway" at 8:30 p.m. ters here had told him some of the today at Hill Auditorium. records "definitely are missing"toaatHlAuirum but had indicated to him "not very Master of word-weaving and many" had been lost. story-telling, Jessel's 47 years of A subpoena for the records was theatrical experience include per- served on Konowe last Friday, im- formances on stage, screen, radio mA lnf. PTa ps . ff. and television. He has also writ- MRS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT speak at"'U' Mrs. FDR To Give Talk At University Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, the world's outstanding f e m i n i n e globe-trotter who recently re- turned from a trip to Russia, is scheduled to speak at Hill Audi- torium, a spokesman for the Stu- dent Government Council an- nounced yesterday. Her appearance, slated for 4 p.m., Nov. 8, is in connection with the International Week, Nov. 49, an SGC sponsored event. Plan Banquet A press conference is planned for Mrs. Roosevelt, upon her ar- rival at the University from Wil- low Run airport. Following her appearance at Hill Auditorium, a banquet, limited to, 100 guests, will be held in her honor at the League. Mrs. Roosevelt returned to the United. States Sept. 29 from an extensive tour of Russia. Waives Fee A $1,000 speaking fee, which Mrs. Roosevelt customarily re- teives, was waived in accordance with her policy of speaking with- out reimbursement at colleges belonging to the Collegiate Coun- cil of the United Nations. The University is a member of this, organization. Reds Weaken In San Marino SAN MARINO M)-The Com- munist regime here, in power 12 years, wavered yesterday on whether to continue resistance against an anti-Communist gov- ernment. . A secret parley early today may give the final answer. Red Interior Minister Dominico Morganti told reporters early last night that his communists were ready to step down "any time our oppenents want to take over." But a few hours later he said the party still had not decided what to do. After a party meeting,. strong- man Morganti said only, "There is still hope for a peaceful solu- tion." OVERESTIMATES FEES: SGC Suffered Deficit In Last Year's Budget BY RICHARD TAUB Student Government Council operated with a $2,196.10 deficit last year Maynard Goldman, '59, SGC treasurer told the Council last night. He attributed the loss to an overestimation of student fees when budgeting, the fact that the Council had paid for the 'M' handbook for a two-year period without pro-rating the cost and the purchase of a new electric typewriter and new ditto machine by the Council. At the same meeting, Goldman presented the budget for the com- ing year of $11,850.10, with the douncil absorping last year's loss. The new budget was approved.4 Fred Wilten, '58E, Union vice- , president, requested the Council Ike R e ts again take over the Student Book Exchange. The Council had dele R i T r gated this project to the UnionR ed-NU ...Bid which had had difficulty, according to Wilten. He estimated that aver- M n age gross sales of the SBX had® .Mo usually been $10,000 to $15,000. -. This year sales have been about WASHINGTON, (A) - President $2,000, although second semester Dwight D. Eisenhower ruled out sales are much higher than the yesterday any joint Soviet-Ameri- first semester. can "attempt, to dictate to the Find Difficulties world." Wilten said the Union had found His declaration at a news con- three inherent difficulties with the ference offered assurance to Amen- SBX: students have to wait*for ica's allies that this country has money; large introductory course no intention of abandoning close texts are the only ones that can cooperation with them in exchange be sold effectively (this year 80 for an exclusive effort by the two per cent of the texts for these superpowers to settle major world courses were changed); and the issues bilaterally. only person the SBX really bene- It . also amounted to rejecting fits is the seller. an evident bid by Soviet Com- He thought the book exchange munist party boss Nikita Khru- should be placed on a strictly shchev for a two-way deal between business basis, with a paid staff. Washington and Moscow to order The Union gave up the task, be- the state of international rela- cause it was not consistent with tions. the Union's policy of "Learning In response to questions at his/ for Leadership." news conference, the President did Wilten's report came after Ira not rule out talks with Soviet Bernstein, this year's SBX man- leaders under any and all circum- ager, had presented his report, Enc when such talk's may ap- which was greeted with almost pear desirabe, however, he made unanimous laughter. pe ea h v eade clear thn t allied ounntriP ws ld h Will Surp Red Sphe Scientific First Test 'Moon. Will Be Sent Ala During Decembe No Action in Honors No action was taken at the meeting on an Honor System ref- erendum program. The honor system committee report was tabled because of the late hour. The meeting ended at 12:40 a.m.. The Council also voted to give the program for sale of National Student Association tours to the League. The Union held the re- sponsibility last year for the tours, but had not made any sales. The Council voted for the move after Linda Green, '59, of the League reported on plans for pub- licity and education that would accompany the sale of these "economical" travel plans. Appoint Committee Janet Neary, '58, executive vice- president of the Council reported that Joe Collins, '58, Council pres- ident and treasurer Maynard Goldman, '59, had been appointed by Vice-president for Student Af- fairs James A. Lewis to the Uni- versity Lecture committee. Phil Zook, '60, elections chair- man announced that one more candidate had taken out a peti- tion for student government Council. He was Mort Wise, '59. This brings the total of people petitioning to five. 11. U1MaC u bliub L S&.LC e wou eJl44 L consulted. He also indicated that they would be kept fully informed of the course of any such talks. Uro a Students To Keep Own, Game Tickets University students have been urged by the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics not to transfer their football tickets. The use of a student ticket is reserved to students only and tickets are clearly imprinted "not transferable." - Student Privilege Issuance of reserved seat stu- dent tickets for the entire season is done as a privilege and a cour- tesy to the student, according to Don Weir, ticket manager of the Board. At many Big Ten schools the students must pick up their tickets before each game. In others, sep- arate student sections are assigned and the students "rush, in and fight for the seats," he said. An additional courtesy is the. sale of sp use tickets to the wives of students. For Orderly Conduct "At the University the students are invited to attend the games and every effort is made to facili- tate their easy entrance to the stadium. Such controls as are used are only those necessary to the orderly conduct .of the contests." "Everyone concerned with the Board hopes that the students will avail themselves of this invitation . and that the students them- selves recognize the efforts made in their behalf and cherish the invitation as a personal one," Weir said. U Insurance 17endfu-n"eNear WASHINGTON (A') - Presic Dwight D. Eisenhower gave surances y e s t e r d a y that United States will launch r March a satellite scietific superior to the one the Russi now have spinning through sp The first of a series of sma- preliminary test satellites will up even earlier," in Decemn President Eisenhower told a ti conference. Could Have Beaten Reds The President said the Und States. "could have produced orbiting . . . satellite before ni and beaten the Soviets In' first conquest of distant sp But he said this country rsn't any satellite race. To have been first, Presid Eisenhower said, would. :h meant merging the satellite military missiles projects, "to detriment of" scientific goalsi military progress." He said missiles had, and . have, tog priority;--someth never' accdrded the satelte g gram. No Threat Ito U.S. Speaking' as a militaryn1 President Eisenhower discou the Soviet satellite as offer any i m m ed i a te or incres threat to American security. .Nor did he speak with conc of -Russia's progress on inten diate and intercontinental n sites,,' The chief executive conce that on missiles: "I wish we w further ahead and knew more to accuracy and to the eros and to the heat-r sIstant quail of metals and all the other thi we have to know." Was Calm, Compose B'ut he said that "I an t that I am dissatisfied." . He Si too, that, "I don't know what could have done more," While .,President Eisenho spoke with an air of compos and calm, obviously the sate] and missile questions' had b receiving, deep, detailed study the White House and elsewl in the administration. This was apparent, for thing, from the fact, that President was ready with a lc formal statement at the n conference and personally i it later for television and ne reel cameramen. Lod ge Wants United ,Natio Missile Contr( UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (A The United States stressed yeai day the need for United Nat approval of a disarmament I which emphasizes control of o space missiles. United States Ambassador He Cabot -Lodge will go before UN General Assembly's'82-nai Political Committee today to l oft debate bound to be influer by Soviet developments in the f of space;missiles. Push Western, Plan Lodge will ask endorsemeni Western proposals for starting world on the path toward disar, mnent. On the eve of the debate, Pr dent Dwight D. Eisenhower s the United States is prepared enter into multination talks control of outer space missiles neAr Ini nncom vr.mhk niAA 1 LYl )PI a co accl know gifte en 'U' Lecture Course median, Jessel has also won aim as a serious actor and is wn as one of- America's most d after-dinner speakers. His autobiography "So Help Me" be- came a best-seller. During his years on stage, Jes- sel has given much time to the study of speech and speech de- livery. Much of this is incorpor- ated into his book, "You, Too, Can Make a Speech," in which he gives advice and counsel from his own experience. "Dancing in the Dark," "Oh, You Beautiful Doll" and "Tonight We Sing" are among his successes