r "What Are You Going To Do About It, Chum?" Sixty-Eighth Year EDTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Then Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I ^+ ? II : I - ; Z __~ .., ti i wwiw 4 + E, ..i ' . .. . ..,,,*.. ,! : .' t .,; 4 i ta "'. ... "+ ; . FACULTY RECITAL: Frances Greer Delights Audience r FEW students know of the opportunity to hear outstanding performances of excellent music by School of Music faculty mem- bers and advanced students. All too often we are prone to scoff at these "free" recitals as being worth just what they cost-nothing. This is most unfortunate because it is so far from the truth. Many of these School of Music recitalists are of professional cali- ber and give performances equal and often superior to those we pay to hear in Hill Auditorium. Add to this the fact that the music per- formed on these programs is usually of more interest and far less hackneyed than we have in the professional concerts. Such was cer- Y, OCTOBER 9, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM BOW Franee Now Standing At the Crossroads of Ideology _ -- " i >.. _ L THE CRISIS in the French Cabinet, which came about last week when the government Df Premier Bourges-Maunoury fell in a confi- lence vote over a proposed settlement of the Algerian question, has still not been resolved. The present attempt of former Premier Mol- .et to form a cabinet has, so far, met with little mthusiasm and seems doomed before it can get underway. For this and other reasons, many observers eel this crisis may be the most serious France has faced since the end of World War II. They point out, quite correctly, that the people of France are becoming more and more fed up with weak coalition governments which are orced to compromise so much on most is- ues that whatever proposals they eventually settle on usually are too weak or ineffective to leal successfully with the problem at hand. A typical example is the reform plan which was recently proposed for Algeria by the fallen government. This plan, which could have brought a possible halt to a revolt annually costing France a billion dollars, would have plit Algeria into six autonomous districts. ALTHOUGH the plan fell far short of the demands on either side, there was much popular sentiment for passage among many Frenchmen who were tired of the ruinous in- flation and the heavy tax burdens which have grown out of attempts to quell the Algerian uprising. Unfortunately, the moderate leftist and cen- er groups which had long favored some con- cessions to Algeria did not have enough voting strength to put the plan over, and the govern- ment fell. This was almost to be expected, for a major- ity in the National Assembly must come from just two thirds of the delegates, because the over 200 Communists, Poujadists, and Gaul- lists nearly always vote against any construc- tive measure proposed by the cabinet. The end result of all this is that 23 govern- ments have been formed and fallen since the inception of the 4th French Republic in 1946. MANY PEOPLE now feel the present crisis will be the last straw, and that the French citizen is finally ready to do something about it, although no one is sure just what. Some suggest that the constitution will be changed to model closely that of the United States. This move, incidentally, has been ad- vocated for a long time by Charles DeGaulle who has been out of the political limelight since the end of the provisional government of 1946. Others say France is not yet ready for this move or for any. such drastic step quite yet. This seems more likely. . The situation as it exists today is certainly most serious, but it has not yet reached the stage where chaos is present and all govern- ment is impossible. When, and if, this day comes, France will be at the crossroads tottering between demo- cracy, anarchy, fascism and communism. Let us hope that day will never dawn and that it is not here. --JOHN AXE /mow' 4) t9 f ?PS t ' ' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: New Library System Explained LOOKING UP: The Moon"-A Tragedy M Y FRIENDS who are English majors and I have often gone about it and about as to whether reading English literature is a very useful allocation of time. They vouch for the "great truths" which Sophocles, Dickens, Dos- toevskiDrieser, O'Neill and such have tried to "express"-the tragedy of life, man's inade- quacy before fate's plan. As a social scientist, I, in semi-seriousness, argue that life as I see it 24 hours a day and as I read about it in the newspapers is tragedy enough. It is more real and contemporary than the legendary works of the Greeks and Shake- speare, more real, alone, than O'Neill's or Miller's fictional fabrications of the life drama. For me, life itself 'is a play, a long novel acted by strutting, fretting, living and real beings, acting a tragedy which Brooks Atkinson de- scribes like this: "The theory of tragedy is that man is not the master of his soul. The great decisions are made by forces beyond his control--by the gods, the fates or the con- sciousness of the universe. 'The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.'" Without necessarily agreeing with Atkinson about why man is not master of his fate and soul, I would like to speak only on the point that he is not, that all his progress brings an adjacent retrogression-as if, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, even in the social sciences. T HIS TRAGEDY of the real human drama played its most recent scene, of late, when the Russians launched the first earth satellite in man's journey to the stars. But, before this event, the progress-retrogression tragedy had been acted in so many other places. As man becomes more educated, his sinister use of knowledge becomes more disastrous. Be- coming educated, his greatest wisdom is the frustration of knowing how much he doesn't know. As he probes into the physical world, his discoveries don't exalt him and make him feel the greater and more ingenious for it, but he learns he's a speck upon a sphere rotating in space, which revolves around a star, which is a speck of a galaxy, which is merely one galaxy ad infinitum. As he learns more of himself, he finds himself to be a descendent from the ape and a bundle of psychological desires. As man uses his knowledge to make new things, these things turn upon him. The work- ing power of the uranium atom, potentially a boon to agriculture, industry and transporta- tion, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki snuffs 200,000 Editorial Staff PETER ECKSTEIN, Editor JAMES ELSMAN, JR. VERNON NAHRGANG Editorial Director City Editor DONNA HANSON...............Personnel Director TAMMY" MORRISON ... . ........Magazine Editor EDWARD GERULDSEN ...Associate Editorial sDirector WILLIAM HANEY.................Features Editor ROSE PERLBERG................Activities Editor CAROL PRINS..........Associate Personnel Director JAMES BAAD ........................ Sports Editor BRUCE BENNETT ............Associate Sports Editor JOHN HILLYER ...............Associate Sports Editor CHARLES CURTISS.............Chief Photographer JAMES ELSMAN JR. I lives. The plane, train and auto, speedy con- veyors of man from place to place, also snatch his life in accidental piles of twisted, smoking steel. And TV sets, those great pastimes, are just as great idlers of the active mind. As man lauds his new freedom, he's trapped in chains less obvious. Most men are free to choose their jobs, but really what freedom does the Organization Man have or the employe of a socialist board of directors. The passing of colonialism has freed many from the fetters of foreigners, turning them to the fetters of fanatic nationalism which tolerates little devia- tition. As came to the fore in Little Rock, politi- cal power in coming to exist in fewer men in fewer places-necessary though, for a force wanting segregation had to be opposed by an opposite force. AS MAN POSSESSES more leisure, his lot be- comes the more miserable and tragic. The unprecedented opulence of this country has been accompanied by soaring rates of alcohol- ism, dope addiction and the tranquilizer habit. Cigarettes, foremost of our luxuries, have prob- ably encouraged the lethal disease, cancer. While basking in our luxury, we have sent an increasing number of people to mental institu- tions-a happy, satisfied lot, We are. Because food is bountiful, men gorge themselves, their obesity causing heart attacks, their candied menus causing cavities. When man has& more free time to spend with his family and loved ones, he gives them less time-the TV, club and himself more; the family of Western society crumbles; divorce rates edge up in the long run; sexual morality is diving down. At times when men have been best provided for- at least in the United States most still believe God is to be thanked-the churches and syna- gouges grow taller, more dazzling, but the serv- ices colder and less significant. And so man acted his endless tragedy last Friday. Then, the Russians sent the first man- made moon 560 miles up to circle the earth. Man began to step feebly on his way to the moon, even to the stars. Scientifically, man stands to learn more about the configuration of the world he lives on, the air around it, the weather that affects it, and -most significantly - will come the groundwork of space travel. THE TRAGEDY OF IT all is from the military and political perspectives. Here man retro- gresses as he progresses. Are the Soviets ahead in the arms race? Can they bomb us from the moon in time? Does this prove anything about the efficacy of the socialist system and its educational program? These are the questions which preoccupy the tragic characters of the world stage at a time when man has just dignified himself. New Books at the Library Dexter, Charles, The Street of Kings; N.Y., Holt, 1957. Eiseley, Loran, The Immense Journey; N.Y., Random House, 1957. Farwell, Byron, The Man Who Presumed: a biography of Henry M. Stanley; N.Y., Holt, 1957. The Facts .. . To the Editor: SHOULD like to correct sever- al misconceptions and one er- ror of fact regarding the Univer- sity Library reported in Richard Taub's account in The Daily, Fri- day, October 4, of the proceedings of the Student Government Coun- cil meeting on the preceding Wednesday night. Apparently it was reported to the Council that "about 22,000 books are now lost or stolen from the generdi library each year." This is an exaggeration. We esti- mate that annually about 400-500 books are removed from the Gen- eral Library collections without being charged out and are not re- turned: Even this number of books lost is distressing, however. Despite the fact that book losses make serious difficulties for both students and librarians, all stu- dents will be given free access to the Undergraduate Library col-. lections. AS A deterrent to the absent- minded and forgetful who might remove books from the building without charging them out and to the misguided very few mem- bers of our academic community who might wish to build private libraries at the expense of their fellows, controls will be instituted simildr to those used in almost every large university or public library. Everyone leaving the 'wilding will be required to show the books he is carrying to attendants sta- tioned at the exits. Similar "checkout" stations will be in- stalled also in the General Library building. We hope eventually to extend free access to the stacks in that building to a larger per- centage of the student body. Such exit controls cannot be completely efficacious. To a very considerable extent we shall al- ways depend upon the intelli- gence and conscience of all mem- bers of the student body to en- force the regulations governing book loans and reserve books in open stacks. I am confident that the exten- sion of student library privileges offered by the new Undergradu- ate Library will reduce, not in- crease, the abuse of those privi- leges. According to the article in The Daily, it was reported that there would be "proctors walking about the study halls (of the Under- graduate Library) to answer ques- tions." This elicited the criticism that if the proctors are there sole- ly to answer questions, this type of program will be high schoolish, noisy and wasteful. "If, however, the proctors are there to maintain order and watch for people who might be interested in stealing books . . , open stacks then be- come little more than a shabby public relations facade . . . We don't need any more hypocrisy." * * * I SHOULD like to assure the Student Government Council and all students who have read the account of their recent discussion, of the following: 1) There will be no "proctors" in the "study halls." There will be clerks at the charging desks on each floor and a staff of reference librarians on the first floor who will attempt to assist all students who request aid in learning to use the catalog, indexes, bibliogra- phies and other reference ma- terials and, generally, in learning how to identify and find the books and periodicals they need for their work. There will be stack attendants, also, moving about unobtrusively to replace books on the shelves and to make sure that the books are arranged in proper order. Their assignment is not supervi- sory and the acoustics in the new library should make their work almost inaudible. 2) There will be no "study halls" in the usual sense. Each of the large reading areas is divided into numerous smaller areas by the book cases and by screens to afford a sense of semi-privacy and reduce the distraction of hav- ing many people walk by. 3) The entire purpose of ,the new building is to improve li- brary service to undergraduates and give the library a more im- portant share in the educational process. It has been planned and designed to make the use of books and journals as efficient, conven- ient, and pleasant as possible. If we have failed to provide this campus with the most inviting undergraduate library facility in the United States it will be as a result of human error, and not through intent. -Frederick H. Wagman Director, University Library tainly the case when Frances Greer of Music performed in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre last night. MISS GREER, a former mem- ber of the Metropolitan Opera, a well-known recitalist, and a won- derful personality, sang a program of less well-known, but splendid songs to her responsive audience. Appearing in a striking, close- fitting black gown with a large fuchsia bow setting it off, Miss Greer opened her program with two English songs. Mozart's aria "Al desio" from Le Nozze di Fig- aro (although not included in per- formance of the opera) was well sung with good spirit. A slight tremolo was notable at times in this aria, but seemed to disappear thereafter. A group of three Debussy songs entitled "Trois chansons de Bili- tis" opened the second portion of the program, and here Miss Greer began to cast the magic spell that binds the artist and her audience together in perfect sympathy. Few singers anywhere today can sing with such wholehearted feeling and yet not lose the musical value of the works. Miss Greer delves into the depths of every song she sings and brings out all the nuance possible in her interpreta- tions. Some people may feel that she is affected, but in my opinion her obvious sincerity rules out all affectation. The delicate atmosphere so oft- en associated with Debussy's mu- sic was superbly created by this artist and her magnificent ac- companist, Eugene Bossart. The French section continued with a splendidly sung, carefree song by Poulenc. Other songs by Hahn and Gaubert closed this section. * * * FOLLOWING the intermission, Miss Greer sang five songs in English, including the dramatic, recitative-like "I Am Like a Rem- nant of a Cloud of Autumn" by Carpented. Niles' lovely arrange- ment of "Go 'Way From My Win- dow" was given an almost popular interpretation which was carried out well. Personally, I did not care for this approach to the song, but credit must go to the artist for the excellent realization of her intentions. The program closed with five popular Argentine songs by Gin- astera. The mournful, sad feeling which permeates the first two songs was eloquently brought out by Miss Greer. The closing song of the group was given a spirited and enthusiastic performance by both the singer and the pianist. * * * MISS GREER was greeted by tremendous applause and was pre- sented with several bouquets, aft- er which she sang two encores. No review of this recital would be complete without applauding the splendid support the singer received from Eugene Bossart, also of the School of Music fac- ulty, at the piano. No artist could ask for more than he gave. -Robert Jobe of the voice faculty of the School DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi- torial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Build- ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1957 VOL.,LXVU, NO. 19 General Notices Senior Men planning graduate study (next year or after military service) toward a college teaching career, vitally interested in a religious faith, and not more than 30 years old, are invited to apply for a Danforth Graduate Fellow- ship for use at any American univer- sity. Renewable until Ph.D. completed, and may be held concurrently with Rhodes, Wodrow Wilson, etc., to take effect when latter expires. $1400 per year plus tuition and dependency al- lowances. Meeting in Room 3-Y of Michigan Union, Thurs., Oct. 10 at 4:10 p.m. If unable to attend, see Prof. Robert Blood, 5622 Haven Hall (Danforth Foundation Lison Officer at this University.) A Short Course in elementary pro- gramming for the IBM Type 650 Com- puter and an introduction of the IT Compiler will be given Oct. 14-25, Mon., Wed., Fri. 3-5 p.m., Room 2037, Angell Hall. Please contact Mrs. Brando, Ext. 2168 if you plan to attend. Agenda, Student Government Council, October 9, 1957. Minutes of the meeting of October 2, 1957 Officers' Reports: President: In- creased Enrollment Committee, Cam- pus Chest Allocations, Union Board of Directors, Exec. Vice Pres.: Pep rally conduct, Lecture committee, student representatives, Student Travel Con- ference, delegates. Admin, Vice President. Treasurer - Finance report, budget. Committee reports: National and In- ternational: NSA Tours, Bob Arnove, Connie Hill, NSA Congress report. Student 'Activities Committee: Resi- dence Halls financing, Activities' Cal- endar, Activities for consideration Elections Committee: Booth place- ment, Phil Zook, Residence Halls Rules. Office Manager, report Audrey Cook. Public Relations: post election con- lave. Education and Social Welf*.- Special Committee reports: Daily supplement, Honor System Referen- dun, Student Book Exchange. Old and new business. Members and constituents time. Adjournment. Next Meeting: October 16, 1957 Lectures All Lecture course Tickets on sale to- day. Single admissions to all the num- bers on the U of M Lecture Course go on sale today at 10 a.m. in Hill Audi- torium box office. Season Tickets are still available with students being of- fered a special rate of $3.50 for the complete course, second balcony, un- reserved. George Jessel, termed "Toast- master general of the U.S." will open the series tomorrow night, 8:30 p.m. Concerts Carillon Recital: 7:15 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 10, by sidney Giles, Assistant Uni- versity Carillonneur, the third in a series of fall recitals. Compositions for the carillon by W. Lawrence Curry, Kamiel Lefevere and Georges Clement; arrangements for carillon by Peter Be- noit, J. S. Bach, Leo Dilibes, and Franz Schubert. Faculty Recital: Frances Greer, so- prano, will be heard at 8:30 p.m. Tues., Oct. 8, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. in the first facultyrrecital of the cur- rent academic year. She will be ac- companied by Eugene Bossart, pianist. Compositions by Boyce, Leveridge and Mozart, Debussy, Poulenc, Hahn and Gaubert; a group of English songs, and Cinco Canciones Populares Argentinas by Ginastera. The general public will be admitted without charge. Academic Notices Law School Admission Test: Appli- cation blanks for the Law School Ad- mission Tests are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Application blanks for the Nov. 9, 1957 administration must be received in Princeton, New Jersey not later than Oct. 26, 1957, Medical College Admission Test: Ap- plication blanks for the Oct. 29, 1957 administration of the Medical College Admission Test are now available at 122 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N.J. not later than Oct. 15, 1957. Engineers: Campus interviewing and job placement will be discussed by Prof. John G. Young, assistant to the dean of engineering, at a meeting open to all engineering students. Wed, and Thurs., Oct. 9 and 10 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 311. West Engineering Building. German Make-up Examinations, Sat., Oct. 12, from 10 to 12 a.m. in Room 3 Tappan Hall. Please register with the departmental secretary, 108 Tappan Hall, by Friday noon, Oct. 11. Engineering Freshman Assembly Wed., Oct. 9 at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. in the Ar- chitecture Auditorium. Bring the two sheets on the slide rule. I A .i STRANGER IN THE SKY: The Soviet Satellite-How It Got There By ALTON BLAKESLEE Associated Press Science Reporter A STRANGE new moon stamped "made in Russia" is racing around the world over the heads of startled, puzzled people. The Russians calmly say they'll give this baby moon a brother very soon. They hint of bigger surprises to come. They even talk of landing on the real moon in fairly brief years to come. Questions flood forth in a tor- rent. What does it all mean? How can a moon be hung in the sky? Why? Does is spell good or evil? For one thing, it means mankind, has entered the space age of his destiny. Something created by hu- man hands has started exploring mysteries and secrets of space. It's the first step toward human travel in space, * * * RUSSIANS-delighted and tri- umphant-have won an unofficial race to do it first. A leading Soviet scientist frankly calls it a test moon. It may be relatively simple. But unquestionably it represents an enormous prestige and propa- ganda victory of the Soviet Union. Secretly, saying very little, the Soviets slammed ahead, and some reasons for their win are becoming clear. To many Americans, at least, Exploring space is a prime goal. And artificial moons, packed with instruments to act as man's eyes, ears, and hands and skin, can really tell us what space is like, what lies out there. About two years ago, Russia and the United States each said she would tackle baby moon programs. There's nothing mysterious in how you do it. You sling-shot the moon up, high enough, fast enough, in the right direction or angle. Powerful rockets, firing and then dropping off in stages to boost the speed, are the sling. The moon is cradled in the nose. The rocket first rises straight up. Then its flight is controlled so it curves, and flies parallel to the earth at a pre-selected altitude. A 4 e NOW THE FINAL rocket fires, shoving the moon forward, then letting it go. The tremendous speed keeps the moon going, with no more "gas" needed. The speed is critical. Shoot the moon forward at only 10,000 miles an hour, and gravity hauls it back to earth, as with a baseball. Shoot it 18,000 mph, and the moon gets in balance with gravity. Gravity tries to pull it back, but only succeeds in making it curve around the earth. That's exactly The fantastically thin amount of air finally slows the moon down- after days, weeks, or years-and it spirals down into the thick atmos- phere to burn up and disappear like a shooting star. Successfully hanging a moon in the sky is, of course, exquisitely difficult, Everything must work just right. From the outset, the United States openly reported all its de- veloping plans, for the benefit of all other IGY nations. Russia said very little officially. Until the stunning news last Fri- day that a moon weighing 184 pounds -, nine times the U.S. weight-was right then speeding around the earth at 560-mile height every hpur and a half. It's a ball 23 inches wide. * * * HOW DID they do it? Why no advance notice? "We do not brag about plans in advance. We wait until the experi- ment is successful," said Soviet IGY scientists. Until Russia discloses her story, there are only the guesses and viewpoints of U.S. and other ex- perts. Listing some: Russia undoubtedly has an ex- cellent corps of scientists. From the start, she wedded her moon effort to her military rocket program. Her success means she has ex- cellent rocketry and guidance mechanisms. Some observers think she waited until her moon was up before giv- ing any inkling of the attempt. A failure would be embarrassing, though certainly explainable due to difficult pioneering. Russia reports the very first attempt succeeded. The moon is broadcasting radio signals. These are being used to determine the exact orbit. With that known, scientists can tell you where and when to look at dusk or dawn to see this first space ex- plorer. You'll probably need binoc- ulars. One Soviet expert says it con- tains only batteries and the radio voice to track it. But another says that it is also counting the cosmic dust or meteorites it whams into in space. It could be radioing that knowledge back in a code. ACCURATE observations of the flight path can tell much about the thinness of air in space, something about the shape of the earth, and how to improve the launching or behavior of future moons. Whether Russia will report all this moon learns is somewhat un- clear. A Soviet spokesman says it