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October 09, 1957 - Image 1

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Sir Ab




Se page

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


I11, NO. 19




i 1

Plans Debate
., Reds Agree on Need for Talks;
icussion Scheduled for Tomorrow
D NATIONS,, N. Y. (P)-At the urging of both the United
Russia, the United Nations agreed yesterday to begin im-
tailed debate on disarmament. '
tion was taken in the 82-nation Political Committee, where
tes Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge declarde "we want no,
in discussing disarmament, "the most urgent problem of
Soviets Urge Disarming
Deputy Foreign Minister V. V. Kuznetsov declared that

important, the most urger
[settSay Unis
Is- Stays arm
U Tr
ng at ' dia'
rent Jepidemic of Asian Hess
began Sept. 30, shows the
if decreasing. age.
tatistics, released',yester-
Morley Beckett, Health
rector, indicate that the
ll going strong on cam- C 01
en Sept. 30 and Oct. 3, agen
e of 227 persons were on
at Health Service on n t

nt issue before us is a solu-
of the disarmament prob-
while theSoviet. Unionand the
ted States were in rare agree-
at on procedure, they remained
apart on how to achieve dis-
he debate will begin tomorrow.
efore the committee acted In-
s V. K. Krishna Menon urged
he General Assembly that the
ted States, the Soviet Union
Britain express joint willing-
Sto suspend nuclear ,tests as a
t stp toward disarmament in
new "international planetary
U. S. Prepares Resolution
Menon said a suspension of tests
u 1 d be monitored by a UN
he United States and about 204
pr friendly. nations have pre-
ed a resolution reaffirming the
nciples of the, Western p ropo-
s made at the sessions of the
Disarmament Committee in
zdon and rejected by the Soviet
eliable United States sources.
I the resolution is being re-
rded to put additional emphasis
control of missiles and other
ect§ being sent into outer space.
Will be a general statement of
stern objectives on disarma-
nt, the sources said.

More Students Examined
)n Oct. 4, 223 were examined.
d 60 were seen in the clinic on
urday, Oct. 5, during half-day
lie hours. Monday was another'
y day with 265 patients exam-
d at Health Service.
Beckett said an estimated 200
re were examined between 8
a. and 4 p.m. yesterday.
Xr. Beckett reported that the
irmary is full and has been for
re than a week.
Substantial Turnover
Ee explained that there is a
>stantial turnover in the in-
nary because the average Asian
victim confined to the infirm-
, needs only one to, three days
'However," he commented, "it
s not been necessary as yet to
Ad patients to University, Hos-
al." Previously, arrangements
:re made to send students to the
spital if Health Service was too
wded to handle them.
He explained that directors in
idence halls, fra'ternities and
°orities have done an outstand-
job of caring for those patients
o did not require infirmary
atment but who needed some.
e at home.
Students Co-operative
'Taany students who were con-
ed in the infirmary were asked
leave," he added, "although
y still needed care that could
handled in their residences.
ey made no complaints."
Dr. Beckett seemed discouraged
r the prospects of a substantial
pply of Asian flu preventive vac-
e. "Pharmaceutical company
resentatives have given me
,le encouragement," he said,
nd all I know is that we are
t getting any vaccine."
Aampus Chest
eeks New
k n y University organizations
shing to participate in the Cam-
s Chest' Drive Oct. 27 to Nov. 3
>uld contact the drive office in
Student Activities Building,
e Sherman, 158, chairman of the
ye, 9,nnounced yesterday.
q. financial statement, descrip-
ni of the organization'sdactivi-
s, and the amount desired from
drive should be submitted at
time of application.
[he Allocations Board, .which
rsees all charity drives at the
iversity, will decide next week
various percentages which the
rticipating organizations will re-
ve. 4
)rganizations participating in
Campus Chest Drive" last
ing were World University Serv-
the Free University of Berlin
change student program, and
iversity Fresh Air Camp.
abel To Star

Red Chia
Hold VisasX
WASHINGTON (P) - Eighteen
American students who defied a
State Department travel ban to
visit Red China have refused to
hand over thei~r passports to
American Embassy officials.
Authorities who disclosed this
yesterday said embassy officials re-
quested the passports in order to
stamp them valid for return only
to the. United States.
Sixteen of theestudents were
contacted at the Moscow airport,
these informants said, but all re-
fused to hand over their passports,
even after an /explanation was
given them.-
Two others were located in Ran-
goon, Burma, by American Em-
bassy officials. These students also
spurned the request to hand over
the passports.
State Department offlpials said
that even though the students
have refused to hand over their
passports, the documents are auto-
matically valid only for return to
the United States.
Foreign governments will be
notified of this; if necessary, they
said, in order to make certain all
return home promptly.
Once they reach'American terri-
tory, the passports will be picked
up in line with previsious decisions.
'U Physicist
A 1erica's rather tardy space
missile was contrasted unfavor-
ably with Russia's by Prof. Rich-
ard Sands of the Physics depart-
ment last night.
Appearing on WCBN's "The
Third Programme" at 8 p.m.,
Prof. Sands declared that the
Russians have made some notable
advances toward the solution of
the main problem in getting rock-
ets into the air - that is, the
question of propulsion.
He explained that it requires
thousands of times more energy
to send up a 180-pound object,
such as the Soviet 'sputnik', than
it would to raise the United
States' 20-30 pound artificial
. The advantages, he continued,
are also greater. The 'sputnik' can
carry much more optical equip-
ment than the smaller American
model, thereby providing the So-
viets with more of the- informa-
tion they seek.
Radio Signals
Aain .Heard
From 'Moon'
WASHINGTON ()-Radio sig-
nals from the Russian earth satel-
lite began coming in again late
last night after being silenced for
about six hours.
The United States Naval Re-
search Laboratory said the signals
which faded at 4 p.m., EDT, began
coming in strong 'at 10 p.m. and
were still being heard after mid-
The laboratory said the signals
were the same kind of beeps that
had fascinated scientists and ra-
dio listeners since the baby moon

began whizzing around the earth
in outer space last Friday.


To Confer

With Russia*



of Missile

SX Back
To Council
The Union will recommend that
control of the Student Book Ex-
change revert from the Union
back to the Student Government
The recommendation will be
made by Union executive vice-
president' Fred Wilton, '58, at the
Wednesday, Oct. 15 meeting of
the SGC.
Wilton said that it was the
opirion of both he and the other'
Union student officers, president
Donald Young, '58, and adininis-
trative vice-president Duane Le-
Moreaux, '58E ,that it was against
Union policy to pay student per-
The officers said they felt that
the SBX could not be run suc-
cessfully without paying person-
During the two years in which
the SBX was handled by the Un-
ion, the SBX manager was paid.
Young said he thought that, in
order to nake the SBX a success,
it would be necessary to pay all
the personnel of the bookstore. He
said that the work of the SBX
was primarily clerical and not,
suitable for an unpaid extracur-
ricular activity.
The' SBX in recent years has
only done one-half of one per
cent of the total sales of text-
books, according to Wilton.

. . . To speak here Monday
Kinow land
To Keynote
Rll Here
Sen. William F. Knowland (R-
Calif.) will be the keynote speak'
er at mass political rally in Hill
Aud. Monday.
The rally is being sponsored by
the University Young Republican
Club and will also include Sen.
Charles . Potter (R-Mich),
State Senator George Meader (R-
Ann- Arbor) and. William W.
Hanks,'56, assistant to the state
GOP chairman.
Sen. Knowland will be intro-
duced by Sen. Potter, according
to YR president Davey Bray, '60.
Knowland to, Come Monday
Knowland, who has recently
announced his candidacy for the
California governorship and has
been mentioned as a, presidential
candidate in 1960, will arrive in
Ann Arbor at 4 p.m. Monday. He
will hold a press conference' in
the Student Publications Building
at 4:30 p.m.
Tickets for the rally, which
will begin at 8:30 p.m., will be,
25 cents and will be on sale at
the door.
The longtime GOP leader, cur-
rently minority floor leader in the
United States Senate, will be
guest at a dinner sponsored by
the YR's before the rally.
A reception for the senator will
be held following the rally and
be open to the public.
After spending the night at the
Union, he will fly on to New York
early Tuesday morning.
Knowland, who has not yet an-
nounced the title of his speech,
was born and raised in California.
He started his political career in
1933 when he was elected to the
Calfiornia State Assembly.
Served As Enlisted Man
In 1938 he was named the Re-
publican National Committeeman'
from California, and in 1940 he
was elected a member of the ex-
ecutive committee of that body..
He later became its chairman.
During World War II, the sen-
ator served as an enlisted man
and later as an officer.,
On August 14, 1945, he was
appointed by. Governor Earl War-
ren of California to fill the sena-
torial vacancy created by the death
of Sen. Hiram Johnson.
Since 1953 he has been Republi-
can floor leader in the Senate, suc-
ceeding the late Sen. Robert Taft
The rally is expected to draw
nearly as large a crowd as the one
which featured former governor
Thomas E. Dewey of New York
just over a year ago. The Dewey
rally was also held in Hill Audi-

Red Leader
Says War
Planes Dated'



Little Rock ourt Halts
Integration Riot Cases

MOSCOW (R)-Nikita Khrush-'
chev said yesterday manned war-
planes are no match for Russia's
intercontinental ballistic missile.
"The age of bombers is over.
"They might as well put bomb-
ers and fighters in the museum,"
he commented, citing Soviet scien-
tific achievements.
Britons Hear
"Our intercontinental ballistic
rocket shows that it is no good
sending humanly controlled ma
chines against missiles."
The Communist party chief's
words were reported by two Brit-
ish membersof Parliament who
talked with him 80 minutes.
They quoted Khrushchev as say-
ing "it is dangerous" for the
United States to take the view it
is dealing with a peasant country.
Planes Now Obsolete
The British MPS, Conservatives
Cyril Osborne and Capt. Henry
Kerby, said Khrushchev told them
ICBM is "only one of the many
things we are doing."
Asserting this missile has made
warplanes obsolete, Khrushchev
"This all points to the fact we
have even more things up our
sleeves. You can't send human
flesh and blood to fight things like
No Comment on U.S. Missiles
Osborne, who visited the United
States two months ago, told Khru-
shchev the United States has
rockets capable of hitting a base-
ball field from 3,000 miles. The
Communist boss made no comment
on that.
The Soviet leader, who returned
last weekend from his vacation
near Yalta, added his own words
to this thousands being piped
abroad 'by Moscow radio on the
Soviet success with an earth satel-
Holds Talks
On .Rockets .
WASHINGTON Cam) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower held two
hurriedly scheduled conferences
with civilian experts on missiles
and satellites yesterday.
The President and seven aides
met for an hour in the morning
with four government scientists.
Late in the day President
Eisenhower again sought sien-
tific counsel on the problems
faced by the United estates in its
race to unravel the mysteries of
outer space.
He met for half an hour with
Dr. Detlev W. Bronk, president of
the National Academy of Sci-
James C. Hagerty, White House
press 'secretary, would say little
except that the meetings dealt
with Russia's satellite launching
and United States plans to follow
He said he would prefer to let
President Eisenhower discuss the
matter himself at his regular
news conference today.
In reply to a question, Hagerty
said that so far as he knows Pres-
ident Eisenhower received no in-
formation that would lead to a
speedup in this country's satellite
SGC To Talk
On Honor Vote

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (A')-Some five criminal cases growing out
of last month's integration disorders at Central, High School were
postponed yesterday until late November.
"Stay away from the school," Municipal Judge Harry Robinson
cautioned five defendants before him Tuesday. All the cases involve
such charges as disturbing the peace, unlawful assembly and resisting

- Delay Granted
Robinson, an appointee of Gov. Orval Faubus, granted a delay in
the five cases at the request of defense lawyers. He set hearings for
Nov. 26 and 27 and said he would
do the same as other defendants
come before him.
The FBI, meanwhile, continued ven
to dig into the background of the
Sept. 23 riot by white adults out-Se np
side Central High. There have Y ear
been no federal indictments in
this probe.s
Announcement was made that a ail t erm
defense. fund is being set up to
"raise money for the legal defense
of those who have been arrested NEW YORK W) - Jack Soble,
and who may be arrested in con. who for a decade headed one of
nection with the Little Rock Cen- Russia's biggest spy rings in this
tral High School situation." country, was sentenced yesterday
Central High Campus to seven years in prison.
The "Freedom Fund for Little He could have gotten 10 years.
Rock" identified itself as anoff- But Soble, after his arrest last
shoot of the Freedom Fund Inc. of Jan. 26, underwent an apparent-
Nashville, Tenn. The latter was ly complete 'change' of heart. He
set up to aid defendants in the said he deeply regretted betray-
Clinton, Tenn., school integration ing his adopted country and
case. helped federal authorities trace
As the federal forces began their the far-flung web of the espion-
third week of integration patrol age ring.
duty, the Central High campus Soble's wife, Myra, 53, and Ja-
was as outwardly serene as though cob Albam, 64, another conspira-
the bitter dispute had never ex- tor, had previously been sen-
isted. 4r i;tofi a



of State John Foster Dulles
closed yesterday a f t e r me
with President Dwight D. E
hower that the United Stat
ready to talk with Russia a
international control of space
However, Sec. Dulles held t
United States position that
such talks would have to be
within the United. Nations.
Sec. Dulles told newsmen at
White House the United Stat
hopeful Russia will accept a V6
ern proposal to study mean
making sure objects sent thr
outer space will be used onl
peaceful purposes.
U.t S. Reyerses Policy
In what appeared to be a m
reversal of United States p
Sec. Dulles offered to cor
space control apart f r o m
highly controversial questio
the West's Aug. 29 disarma
package plan.
Sec. Dulles made this offe:
than six hours after State De
ment spokesmen had said
talks with Russia about inti
tional control of space mi
would have to be part of the p
age plan.
Khrushchev Suggests Coni
Khrushchev said in. a Mo
interview that Russia was w
to bring the earth satellite
space missiles under internal
control as part of a general U
States-Soviet agreement.
Except for agreeing to cut
control out of the disarma
package, Sec. Dulles clung t
United States viewpoint that
talks should be multilateral
within the United Nations.
He said Stassen will go bi
the UN General Assembly tod
outline the Aug. 29 disarma
Asks Speciv
Rocket Sta"i

West Seel
Outer Sp1
Parley in
P Depart ent of
Makes Policy C

SGC Offers
For Positions
Petitions are how available for
the five 'Student Government
Council positions now open.
Three of the five council mem-
bers who will be up for re-election
have decided to run again, while
one is uncommitted and one will
not run.
Joe Collins, '58, president, May-
nard Goldman, '59, treasurer and
Jo Hardee, '60, council member,
will run again.
Dan Belin, '59, council member
would not commit himself at this
time, and Janet Neary, '58, execu-
tive vice-president will not run.
Other people who have taken
out petitions to date are Gail Al-
len, '60, and Burt Getz, '59, BAd.
Petitions. can be picked up at
the Student Activities Building at
the SGC elections desk, acgording
to Phil -Zook, '60; elections direc-
tor. The desk will be open from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monday through
Petitions will close October 17,
and election will be held in No-

rencea w ive ana anau years
in prison.
Federal Judge Richard Levet
yesterday reduced Mrs. Soble's
sentence to four years, and Al-;
bam's to five.
Levet said "There is, I believe,'
strong indication of remorse on
the part of these defendants in
varying degrees . . . Rehabilita-
tion is not a factor here . . . In
this instance we must aim at pro-
tection of society and deterrence."
"I. have weighed these factors,
studied presentence reports, con-
sidered security.
I have examined a medicalre-
port regarding Jacob Albam, sent
from Lewisburg Prison, and he
does have physical difficulties, but
they can be capably treated while
he is confined."
Health Plan
Still Available,
Students still desiring Student
Health Insurance must register
before 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Student Activities Building ac-
cording to Scott Chrysler, '59 BAd.
Mail orders will be accepted if
postmarked no later than mid-
night of the same day. A total of
5,000 students are now protected
by the policy.

'Freedom of Irresponsibility' Debated

"Resolved: that the greatest
value of a university education
lies in one's freedom to be ir-
This was the subject or "mo-
tion" for debate for the year's
first International Student Debate
held last night at the League.
Speaking in support of the ques-
tion, which passed by an 11 to nine
margin in the vote taken at the
end of the debate, were Beverley
Pooley, Grad., from England and
Michael Bentwich, Grad., f r o m
Debating against were Virendra
Pathik, Grad., from India and
Le-Anne Toy, '58, from the United
The debate which was carried
nnin'{ri .h tvewia hereby all

Stdent Groups Set Plans,
For Forum Programs
Lectures and forums sponsored by student organizations are now
in the tentative planning stage.
Proposed programs are being considered for scheduling through-
out the school year by Student Government Council, Inter-House
Council, Young Democrats and Young Republicans.
In comparison with last year and the Sigma Kappa open forum,
the trend in lecture and forum programs seems to be toward political
talks and discussions, with further emphasis on religion.
SGC Plans Program
So, far, there have been few programs proposed to discuss cur-
rent University issues. Student Government Council is planning a

Mansfield (D-Mont.) calle
Congress yesterday to, strip
separate armed services of
sponsibility for developing
siles and satellites.
He said a new super-orga
tion should be created to do
'Complains of Red Advane
Mansfield joined other con
sional Democrats in a grc
chorus of complaints that ri
among the services may have
en Russia priceless lead in re
ing into space with deadly rc
and trail-blazing baby moon
The Montanan, assistant:1
ocratic leader of, the Senate,
in an interview that he ui
stands hundreds of millior
dollars have been wasted on
lapping projects- by the I
Navy and Air Force.
He said an agency like th
that developed the atomic
during World War II would
vide "coordination and conc'
tion" on the problem of mast
space for peace and war.
Demands New Approach
Mansfield demanded a nei
proach to the multi-billion
lar scientifichrace with Rus.
Senate investigators looked
the whole missile-satellite
Secretary of Defense Char
Wilson told reporters yesterd
hblieves the united States

program of four forums, covering'
areas in education, politics, and
One proposed SGC forum is en-
+4a mrrz tThpMatu enR1o ef Cnm-

SGC forums, and the programs
have yet to be approved by the
University Lecture Council.
'rENV.. rntodFumsn

The possibility of an honor sys-

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