3ER 16, 1957 THE MCHIGAN DAILY ~ER 16, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY iternational Center Provides Services Open to Students from 67 Countries By PHIL MUNCK tudents from Ceylon, the Phil- ines, Liberia, Argentina, Ger- ny, Korea and 61 other coun- s studying at the University t one another and American dents through the services ofa International Center. ocated on the first floor of the th wihg of the Union, the. ernational Center works both h individual students and the ationality clubs of the Univer PREPARES LONG-RANGE PLANS: Council Promotes Developing of 'U' Resources International Center is a serv- e organization for international idents that works with the Uni- rsity adminitration. The international studeit's first ntact with the Center comes Lien hQ arnivea on campus. enter rsonnel tielp him get living ac- mmodstlons axed begin orienting m to the campus. Counseling Available The Center is available for unseling - the student in prob- ms ranging from class elections d financial difficulties to dating oblems. Each Thursday afternoon from 30 to 6 p.m. the Center holds a a where international and Amer- a' students become acquainted th one another. In addition, the Center helps ident organizations plan and rry out the many picnics, plays d dances held on Campus by terinational students each year. Directing the activities of the nter is Prof. James M. Davis, ternational Center director, and s staff. ISA Works The Center works with the In- rnational Students Association SA) and groups such as the dian Students' Association to ovide activities for international idents. The Center contains, in addition staff offices, a lounge, ping pong om, television room, and "'ISA Ices. These rpoms bre open dur- g the day and in the evening r the use of students. During the year the many for- gn visitors to the University are sisted by Janice Miller of the nter. Mrs. Miller helps find using for visitors, acquaints em with the campus and ar- nges meetings with University -Daily-Richard Bloss INTERNATIONAL CENTE I-Many services for international students are provided in these first floor rooms of a Union wing. ISA Organizes Students From Foreign Nat ions TOM 0TelR a.O'. By RICHARD SALO Just five years ago, in the spring of 1952, a valuable addi- tion was made to the campus com- munity - The Development Coun- cil of the University. For many years Michigan alum- ni have favored the establishment of a permanent organization to coordinate and promote long range development of the University'sj resources. This led to formal recommen- dations for such an activity voiced by the Alumni Association as far back as the 19201s. Planning Halted The depression and World War II postponed, for several years, any advanced planning. In the immediate post-war period, the University launched the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, a re- search program in the construc- tive uses of atomic energy, and the first concerted alumni-wide appeal for financial assistance ever made by the University. Finally, in 1951, various alumni groups and the Phoenix National Executive Committee submitted a resolution to the Regents recom- mending the establishment of a continuous development, and, la- ter the Regents adopted a char- ter authorizing the establishment of the Development Council. Council's Objectives The three-fold objectives of the Council are: 1. To assist in the public rela- tions of the University, especially in those aspects which will lead to the improved financial support through gifts, grants and bequests. 2. To stimulate further the in- terest of alumni and friends of the University in its development and to facilitate this development by a study of the institution's needs. 3. To coordinate the University's special fund raising programs. The Board of Directors, repre- senting alumni, administration, faculty and students, governs the program under authority of the Regents. The executive committee, com- posed of the officers and sub-com- mittee chairmen members of the Board, meets periodically and di- meetings of the Board. The various sub-committees un- der the executive committee func- tion as operational groups as- signed to specific areas of devel- opment, such as the Alumni Fund, Capital Gifts, Public Relations,' University Needs and Student Re- lations. Fund raising aspects of the pro- gram are divided into two cate- gories: the Michigan Alumni Fund' and the Capital Gifts Program. The function of the Alumni Fund is a simple one, namely, to receive annual gifts from alumni and friends of the University "which will develop the Univer- sity's general resources and sup-' port special activities," to quote the Fund's Charter. In its three-and-a-half year ex-' istence ,the Fund has collected more than $635,000 and initiated; a program of annual giving en- tirely new to the University. Fund Solicits The Fund solicits from more than 100,000 degree alumni and, if only 30 to 40 per cent of these were to give annually, their com- bined annual contributions would be better than a half million dol- lars / 31 used strictly for non-operating projects, such as scholarships, fel- lowships, special research pro- grams and items of specialized equipment. Money has been allocated to provide distinguished f a c u I t y awards, to furnish out-of-state freshmen with tuition scholar- ships, to purchase a bone and tooth cutting machine and ultra- microtome equipment for the den- tal school, to help construct the new University Press Building and to aid students in financial need. Projects Added For 1957, several vitally impor- tant new projects have been added: 1. To underwrite a Foreign Stu- dent Exchange Program between University students and students from various campuses in Eng- land. 2. To assist the Alumnae Coun- cil build additions to Henderson House, a co-operative women's residence. 3 To help the Phoenix Project continue the peacetime develop- ment of atomic energy. Gifts and grants from corpora- tions and foundations, bequests and special gifts are handled by rects the program between full Money received by the Fund is the Capital Gifts Program, set up to advance certain objectives. These objectives have been de- termined jointly by the adminis- trative officers of the University, a special advisory committee of alumni and the Council staff. Provides Fellowships Though the Program has been in existence formally less than two years, it has already provided considerable fellowship funds for graduate students inclined to an academic career., This was necessary because of the prospect of a severe and poten- tially crippling shortage of com- petent teachers to provide quality instruction. Upon completing the undergrad- uate degree, the potential future college teacher faces the option of accepting a well paid position in business or of foregoing practical- ly all inc6me until a doctorate de- gree is attained. These fellowships are designed to help future teachers complete their education. Deans of the schools and col- leges and directors of the other University departments and units submit statements of needs which could not be supported through operating funds to the Council. Administrative o f f i c e r s an staff then determine when need can be met by the fund raisir programs. These recommendation are submitted to the Committi on University Needs. The approved list is returned t the University for review and ree ommendation to the Regents fo final approval. University needs as seen by th committee composed of membe of the Board and of the Admin istration can be generally class fied as follows: student aid, ex pansion of facilities, research, an capital improvements. One of the most dramatic an inspiring advances made durir 1954-55 was in the inauguration c a full-fledged, active student reli tions program. Committee Centered The organizational framewor supporting student activity re volves around a newly create Student Relations Committee. This group is composed of th two student Board members (oR a junior and cne a senior); th presidents or alumni chairmen c the five housing organization three representatives from the Se nior Board and several member at-large. r B'nai* B'rith HILLFoundation International Students Associa- tion seeks to promote better un- derstanding between the nearly 1500 international students at the University and other ,students studying here. During the year, ISA sponsors social events, cultural displays and discussions to acquaint University and international students with the varied background of cultures and opinions on campus. The membership of ISA is com- posed of every international stu- dent at the University Students Represented. These students are represented' through an executive cabinet and a house of representatives elected by international students. The executive cabinet is com- posed of five members, two elected by the students and the other three appointed. The president and vice-president are elected while the secretary, treasurer and activities (social) chairman are appointed. Each country represented at the University is represented on the ISA house of 'representatives. The representation is proportional. Thus a country having less than 25 students on campus has one representative, a cquntry with 25 to 50 students has two representa- tives andsall countries with more than 50 students here has three representatives. Reps Chosen The representative for each na- tionality group are chosen among themselves. ISA helps arrange schedules to avoid conflicts and provides a more extensive publicity organi- zation than would be possible for any of the smaller groups. ISA sponsors two widely known campus dances'; the Monte Carlo Ball in the fall and the Interna- tional Ball in the spring. The International Ball is held during Festival Week when ISA honors international students with a fashion show, speakers and movies in addition to the dance. ISA Sponsorship Throughout the semester, ISA sponsors discussions about world affairs and crises. These discus- sions, in which American and in- ternational students participate, enable students to clear up mis- understandings about the true na- ture of events in the world. ISA also maintains an emer- gency fund which individual in- ternational students and nation- ality clubs can draw from in times of temporary financial difficulty. From its office in the Interna- tional Center, ISA does much to acquaint the campus about the lives and customs of people in countries other than the United States. University of Michigan 1429' H ill Street P "When a physicist visits us," Mrs. Miller explained, "we arrange for him to talk with people in the physics department." Students Traveled During ast year's spring vaca- tion, three, groups of. interna- tional students traveled through Michigan and the surrounding area under the guidance of the International Center. These stu- dents presented plays and dances from ther native lands and talked to their audiences. The Center arranges for inter- national students' to spend vaca- tions and holidays with American families. These visits enable the students to learn more intimately about American domestic life. A directory published by the Center is another of their services. The directory lists international students at the University and the countries represented by stu- dents here. The PARROT, Restaurant GOOD FOOD at reasonable prices Sabbath Services Membership Mixers Forums - Films Boys Hillelzapoppin Speakers Newsletter Hillel Players Choir Purim Carnival Interrel igious Activities EARLY MEMBERSHIP BY MAIL Avoid Standing in Line FILL IN AND MAIL TODAY-(no later than September 10) -to: Sid Jackson, 1429 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Membership Fee-$3.00. Make checks payable to: HILLEL STUDENT COMMUNITY. r.------------.------ --------------------------.,..,.------- I I Name.__ Home Address__ I I Ann Arbor AddressI If I Date of Birth Class '{ { Name of Parent__ - -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ Wel fare' Weekend Gil Judaic Pastrami Dances Passover Seder MEALS Art Exhibits Athletics Projects Retreat's 'is Classes -Salami BREAKFAST . LUNCH. DINNER 7:00-11:00 11:00- 2:00 5:00- 7:30 * S " " ! f S Hanuka Hop 338 South State Street Singing. I- - - --- - i I EVERYONE IN SHOP! ANN ARBOR iAT ti d y d r~ .v r y w " aid .. Z - ' 4 i - - - U