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October 08, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-10-08

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Y .

Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



See page 4




-Daily-David Arnold
HED PROFESSORS: President Harlan Hatcher congratulates recipients of the dis-
culty award, Dr. Fredrick Coller, Prof. Leslie A."White, Prof. Gilbert Ross, Prof Fred-
and Prof. H. Richard Crane.. '



support and scholastic phi-
' were underlined by' Uni-
President Harlan Hatcher
major problems facing the
dty this year.
rving in his annual "state
University" speech that
again, we have thelargest
, body ever assembled in
Arbor," President Hatcher
sterday night's meeting of
members and wives "the;
n of numbers has never
aswered in the history of the
ointing out areas of con-
on to those assembled in
am lecture hall, he noted
ary one year, the Univer-
s been one of the largest in
espect Society's Needs
er things given, size itself
a concern." The University
id to respond to society's
and as we've grow in size,
e grown in stature," he de-
ore we get too excited, we
remember that nothing is
ling in our times that hasn't
ins Hlted


Wolverine club has withdrawn
petitions for women cheerlead-
according to Lou Susman, '59,
Iverine club president.
n a letter to the Board in Con-
of Intercollegiate Athletics,
man said the group had de-
ed not to petition because of a
'he letter was written after a
,up of University administrators
ounced opposition Thursday to
use of women cheerleaders "at
present time."
'he club had believed these
ple to be in favor of such a
gram, and Susman had report-
this to Student Government
uncil Wednesday.
'he. administrators included
in of Men Walter B. Rea, Dean
Women Deborah Bacon, Vice-
sident for Student Affairs
nIes A. Lewis, gymnastics coach
vt Loken, Director of Bands
.liam D. Revelli, and general
retary of the Alumni Associa-
i T. Hawley Tapping.
'hey met Thursday to refute
;man's statements.
'he letter to the board also
lained that the club had been
favor of women cheerleaders
ause it felt they would add in-
est and spirit to the football
Vhite House
enies Charge

happened, relative to size, in pre-
vious years."
But later, in describing inade-
quate financial support that is
preventing universities from pre-
paring for even higher enrollments
in the futures President Hatcher
warned, "if multiplying the num-
ber of operating units is the an-
"Of Faculty,.
Get Awards-
The "best kept secret in the
University" was revealed last night
as five faculty members received
the distinguished faculty award
for service to the university.
President Harlan Hatcher pre-
sented $1,000 checks. and framed
certificates to Prof. Fredrick F.
Blicke, of the pharmacy dept., Dr.
Frederick A. Coller, of the Medical
School, Prof. H. Richard Crane, of
the physics department, Prof. Gil-
bert Ross, of the School of Music
and Prof. Leslie A. White, profes-
sor of anthropology and former
department chairman.
Recipients were c h o s e n last
spring by a special committee ap-
pointed by the Senate Advisory
Committee and the announce-
,ments were :made at last-night's
meeting of faculty members and
Alumni Fund Money
Made available by the Alumni
Fund of the Development Council,
the awards were given for the first
time last year. In presenting this
year's recipients to their' fellow
faculty members, Prof. Erich A.
Walterm, Assistant to the Presi-
dent, introduced:
Prof. B l i c k e, "internationally
r e c o g n i z e d as an outstanding
chemist in the field of synthetic
medicinals. Because of his efforts
on behalf of his students, many
have undertaken advanced studies
in pharmacy. '
Dr. Coller, "professor of surgery
and chairman of the dept. of
surgery, internationally known as
a surgeon, as an investigator, and
as a teacher. He is one of the
founders of the American College
of Surgeons, is a Fellow of the
Royal College of Surgeons in.Edin-
burgh. A brilliant teacher of his
subject, he has given it a propor-
tionate place in the History; of
Outstanding Teacher
Prof. Crane, "outstanding sci-
entist and inspiring teacher. He
has contributed to widely diversi-
fied fields of his subject, including
neturon physics, the synchrotron,
electron microscopy and biophys-
ics. Prof. Crane's contributions to
the study of archaeology through
radiocarbonanalysis have b e e n
outstanding. Graduate students in
physics and young members of the
teaching staff benefit' from his
generous and spontaneous aid and
advice. He has given marked direc-
tion to many of their careers."
Stanley Quartet Founder
Prof. Ross, "founder and first
violinist of the ,Stannie Quartet

swer, we're 'defeated by arithme-
Urging the faculty to be flexible
in though and to'look for other
varying solutions to accommodate
increased enrollment, President
Hatcher suggested television as a
possible approach.
Work on Calendar
He also asked if it wasn't pos-
sible to work out a calendar and
class schedules that would make
better use of the faculty members
and the University's physical
Increased enrollments and num-
bers of students are tied to the
problem ' of financial support,
President Hatcher said in discuss-
ing the second area of concern for
the University.
.Answering the current series of
advertisements that asks "When
your child is ready for college will
college be ready for him?" Presi-
dent Hatcher resounded with a
firm "No!"
In the immediate present, the
University is beeing squeezed be-
tween social pressures and the
higher cost of living, he said.
Lack of Funds
Mentioning the Legislature's lack
of funds to fulfill higher educa-
tion's needs in the state, President
Hatcher then compared the Uni-
versity's 30 million dollar annual
budget with the newly announced
state highway program that will
-spend one and a quarter billion
dollars in the next five years.
Besides social pressures of high-
ways, welfare, mental health, that
use the state's money, the rising
cost of .living is reqiring institu-
tions to spend "millions just to
stay where they were last year."
Scholastic Philosophy
Also connected with financial
support is scholastic philosophy,
he said. He warned that many
people throughout tie country
think a college degree is merely an
investment to increase earning
power, and if a student wants col-
lege, he should be willing to pay
for it through higher fees.
Pointing to the good students
who have been unable to return to
the University because of financial
reasons, he declared, "we should
take another look at this philos-
ophy that's couched in such busi-
ness terms."

Syrian Airs
In UN Talk
Syria's foreign minister charged
yesterday the United States had
used financial, political and mili-
tary pressure to try to bring Syria
under United States domination.
' Salah Bitar told United Nations
General Assembly the United
States engineered subversive ac-
tivities in Syria and sent the 6th
Fleet to nearby waters as. a threat.
The Syrian denied Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles' charge
that the shipment of Soviet arms
to Syria was a menace to its neigh-
bors, epecially Turkey.
He said Syria bought Soviet
arms for self-defense against Is-
rael, which he said received "great
quantities or arms" from Western
He spoke after Israel's foreign
minister, Mrs. Golda Meir, said
great power rivalry is pushing the
Middle East in a deadly spiral to-
ward war.
She declared that both the
Soviet Union and, the Western
powers are pouring arms into the
Arab countries, "which openly and
repeatedly express their intention
of attacking and destroying
Hotel's Maid
Burns Union
racket probers said yesterday a
Teamster Union attorney had told
them a hotel maid threw into a
hotel incinerator -documents re-
lating to the election of James R.
Hoff a as union president.
However, it was reported that
most of the papers-which had
been subpoenaed by the committee
-could be recovered.
And, the pirobers said, when they
requested the name of the maid;
they were told she had suddenly
died of a heart attack.
At Miami Beach, Fla., Hoffa
said "I understand they found all
the papers."
Hoffa also said "there's no truth
to the story they were burned.",
The Senate Rackets Investiga-
tions Committee had not said the
papers were burned, only that they
were reported to have been thrown
into the incinerator-but The As-
sociated Press erroneously report-
ed the committee had said it was
told they were burned.
-Also at Miami Beach, the Eden
Roe Hotel reported Mrs. Jane
Lockhart; 52, a day maid who had
worked at the Teamster's Eden
Roc office during their convention,
had died of a heart attack Oct. 3
while off duty..,
Petitioning Begins
For SGC Seats
'Petitions for Student Govern-
ment Council will be available to-
day' -,in the Student Activities
Building. .
Five positions Will be open on
the Council when elections take
place in November. Petitioning will
close October 18.
They may, be picked up in the
SGC section of the SAB.

'Moon' PathA
By Exets
WASHINGTON () - American
scientists, working with complex
mechanical brains, reported vary-
ing results last night from their
efforts to establish the orbit of
the Soviet earth satellite.
The Navy reported:£
"The Naval Research Labora-t
tory minitrack system is now pro-
ducing very satisfactory data.
"Theyrare being fed to the IBM
computer machine at the comput-
ing center ... and the quality ofc
the resulting orbit information willI
enable us to give scientifically ac- a
curate minute-by-minute predic-
tions for alerting the optical andI
radio tracking systems."I
Good Progress
Moonwatch scientists 'at Cam-
bridge, Mass., first reported they,
too, were making good progress
with their computations, but later
said they had run into difficulties.7
They gave two possible reasons
for failure of t h e I r $2,742,000
mathematical brain, to hit uponI
the Red moon's orbit:
1) The reported sightings of theE
satellite, from which information
was fed to the machine, were not1
correct, or 2) the information from1
the sightings were not sufficientlyi
accurate." -
Trace Satellite's Path
They hope from the calculations
not only to trace the path of the
satellite but fix its position in out-
er space and possibly give its ex-1
act shape. .
A timetable worked out by the'
Navy scientists indicated the next
passage of the artificial satellite
over the United States would oc-
cur at, about 12:11 a.m. (EST)
The Soviet sphere is shooting
across this country in a south-
easterly direction.
junior Year
Foreign Study
The literary college steering
committee discussed the possibility
of the University establishing its
own junior year in Europe plan at
its meeting yesterday, according to
Leslie Dietz, '58, chairman.
The plan, whereby juniors in
good academic standing are per-
mitted to study their junior year
abroad, is administered by several
small colleges in this country,.
among them Smith and Sweet
Briar. No school the size of 'the
University has yet initiated a sup-
ervised program of its own, Miss
Dietz explained,
Mrs. Pauline Goodal of the ad-
missions office, who assists stu-
dents on' the present plan to ob-
tain the proper credentials when
studying abroad, spok at the
She explained that many stu-
dents want to study abroad but
due to problems of financing, get-
ting their courses accredited at the
University and the need of a pro-
ficiency in a foreign language,
many lose interest in the program.
The steering committee, consist-
ing of 15 students, has the official
duty of serving as a'liason be-
tween the literary college faculty
and students. This year they have
decided to study the problem of
the junior year abroad plan, going
beyond their former. role as pri-
marily a discussion group, Miss
Dietz said.

Senior Picture
Deadline Near
Deadline for Senior picture ap-
n p cis. n. niw t + 1 1 n-

A. C. Davis, George Keebler, Rus-I
sell Burns, and Ann Arbor's Mayor,
Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of the
political science department voted
in favor of the ordinance.
Three Opposed
Opposed were Councilmen Clan
Crawford, Jr., Charles W. Joiner,
Ronald E. Hinterman, and Carl A.
Brauer, Jr.
The question was immediately
brought before the Council again
by passage of a motion to recon-
sider by Councilman Davis. How-
ever, his subsequent motion, to
resubmit the entire:-matter to the
Planning Commission failed to
pass by a vote of six to five, and.
two attempts by Councilman Dwy-
er to hold the ordinance, in abey-
ance also were unsuccessful. In a
final vote, the ordinance once more
received only seven "ayes."
Prior to, the vote, the council
heard citizens voice- their views
on the matter in a public hearing
which lasted close to four hours.
In a show of hands, approximately
80 per cent of, the vocal, standing-
room-only overflow crowd, indi-
cated their approval of the zoning
Citizens Speak
Among the citizens who spoke,
William T. Brownson presented a
petition with 1,741 signatures in
favor of the ordinance.
Considerable debate was held' on
the traffic problem in the area.
The petitioners claimed that con-
struction of the center would cre-
ate a traffic density of one car
ever three and six-tenths seconds
on Stadium Boulevard, with a peak
load of one car every two seconds.
Proponents of the shopping cen-
ter contended that this could be
met by construction of a six-lane
highway on Stadium, as recom-
mended in the report of the Plan-
ning Commission. The commission
had reported in favor of the shop-
ping center-last July 31.
Property Owners Take Part
The owners of ,the property,
Northwest Park Construction Cor-
poration, in the course of the
heated debate, told the council
that "we will take action irrespec-
tive of what you decide tonight."
They mentioned the possibilit'y of
a lawsuit in a federal court if the
zoning change were passed, as one
course of action.
This brought the question of
City Council's legal jurisdiction be-
fore the hearing. City Attorney
Jacob F. Fahrner, Jr. held the
opinion, which he termed a.
"guess," that such a lawsuit-would
not be won by the corporation, as
it had not yet begun construction
on the property.




Stop Youths
In Warsaw,.
WARSAW (OP) -- Riot police
charged a crowd of whistling
youngsters outside the Warsaw
Palace of Culture yesterday night.
It was the fifth straight night of
street fightingdin this capital of
Communist Poland.
About 100 police scattered the
crowd with clubs after a teen.age
gang set fire to a wooden flower
Forty persons were reported ar-
Riot squad men with Alsatian
dogs stood guard at the intersec-
tion of Jerozolimska and Marshal-
kowsha streets, a focal point of, the
Monday night's crowd numbered
around 1,000. It was smaller than
those of previous evenings and
contained a high portion of the
rowdies the Poles call "chuligan-
Communist authorities whipped
up a press campaign demanding
severe sentences for the demon-

Court Begins

Of H1-Bomb


Council Defeats
Blocking Attempt,
An ordinance to block construction of a large shopping center
at Washtenaw and Stadium failed yesterday night to get the necessary
three-fourths majority for' passage, in a turbulent City. Council
The ordinance, which would have changed zoning of the areal
affected from "local business" to "multiple dwelling," received the
votes of seven of the councilmen, two short of the nine required to
change , zoning ordinances. Councilmen M. Alicia Dwyer, Richard
Dennard, Florence R. Crane, Frank'


New Term


Soviets C
New Wea
Blast Takes P
In Easternt Sil

In Washington
WASHINGTON (*)-In solemn
pomp,; the Supreme Court reas-
sembled in its white marble home
yesterday to open a new nine-
months term.
Certain to come are historic
decisions on racial relations and
Communist activities. In all, about
800 cases await consideration and
But yesterday, the nine men in
their long black robes sat only for
19 minutes to admit 49 lawyers
who came from 14 states asking
permission to practice before the
top court of the land.
Next week the couirt will hand
down orders and start hearing
arguments on new cases.
The court is expected to act this
month on an appeal involving Vir-
ginia Pupil Placement Act, which
is part of the ,state's pattern for
keeping its schools segregated.

MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet 1
announced yesterday it has'
a new type H-bomb.
In the midst of jubilatio
Russia's earth's satellite, th
cial announcement from
agency said:
"In connectionk with p
experimental work forl'he cr
and perfection of atomica
drogen weapons, in the
Union on 6 Odt. 1957 there
place a test of a mighty hyd
warhead of new constructio1
At Great Height '
"In the interests of safe
the population a d participa
the experiment, the explosioz
place at a great height.;
"The test was successful;"
Japan's Central Meteoro1l
Observatory first reported ti
plosion. It said the bomb waa
er than 10 megatons, repres
a force equivalent to 10 D
tons of TNT, or about the
as a United States bomb io
atBikini Atoll in 1956. The J
ese s'aid the blast took pla
eastern Siberia.
Sometimes Soviet Atomic
are reported in ther countri'
not announced in Moscow.
Satellite Creates uteres
Yesterlay's announcement
posedly sought to take ava
of interest whetted by the i
firing of a ballistics missl
Friday's satellite launching.
A Pentagon official speci
that the Russians 'had been'
to squeeze hydrogen bomb
smaller and more practical
ages-one of the aims of I
States experiments.
'Two years ago United i
workers brought the size do
it became practical to insti
H-bomb in the nose of a
range missile.
Pravda noted today that I
the satellite only 16 minuw
whip from New York to M
It said this means the ,
States will have to change it
in foreign affairs.
Some senators "are- sl
signs of hysteria," the Com
party newspaper said, with 1
States leaders facing "the i
able necessity of peaceful C
Pravda said United States
papers were recognizing relu
ly that "in numerous sphe
scientific research the Soviet
is often equal and sometim
perior to the United States.'
Flu Ei demi
Continues ]
Over Camei
Nineteen University sti
were admitted to Uni,1
Health 'Service infirmary y
day as the campus contina
suffer from Asian Flu.
Dr. Morley Beckett, :
Service Director, said that
200" persons were examir
the clinic yesterday.
"So far," Dr. Beckett sai
are ahead of the situation
infirmary because -e ha
many discharges as we do 0
sions." He said that' the-
Flu virus is mild and tho
tients who need infirmat
are discharged in two to
Negroes Ke
From Pool

WrldNw oundup-
By The Associated Press
SEOUL, Korea - Army Specialist 3.9. Raymond L. Bailey of
Brownsburg, Ind., was charged yesterday with involuntary man-
slaughter in the fatal shooting of a South Korean boy.
However, the Army said the charge does not mean the Indiana
soldier automatically will go to trial before a court-martial. It means
the'case will be formally investigated, the Army said.
The Army's preliminary report claimed the boy and four com-
panions were tampering with a 'boxcar Bailey was guarding and that
he fired when they ignored his challenge.
Korean police said the boys were just strolling by. South Korea's
foreign minister protested to the United States government and the
home minister demanded severe punishment for Bailey.
"The closest they (the boys) got to the car was three meters (10
feet)," the police report said, "and they were shot at when they were
20 meters away."
* . *

Moscow Radio Says
Rockt Cicles Earth
By The Associated Press
The rocket which carried the Soviet Union's earth satellite into
its orbit has become a satellite itself, and is circling the earth, too.
A special communique broadcast by Moscow radio told the Soviet
people the rocket, presumably the third stage or the stage which
finally kicked the satellite off on its own, was following the satellite
by 1,000 kilometers-about 620 miles-as it bulleted through space.
Both objects were 560 miles up and following to the split second

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