Exact Satellite Location in Space Could Be Hard Job
A Press Science Reporter
)RK (A)-Russia's baby
never be seen by human
Soviet. "
art 'of a seeming gamble
k to win the proud prize
sting space, opening, a
human destiny.
ct her m9on, Russia is
%inly on a §omewhat odd
radio signals from it.
nals could fade or be
making it hard to pin-
exact location of the
Sputnik -- Russian for
Learn Part -
's path has learned 4
it human observers could
ey'll have to know where
to look to glimpse it-
use binoculars.
ger Sputnik whirls, the
chance of tracking her.
batteries might go dead
y reveal her path.
orites-bullet-speed bits
and stone-might knock
as they rip throughI the
ams Watching It
is also relying on 66
h teams of paid observ-
ing the skies along the
xpected path of Sputnik.
roblem of wondering
he go?" after you launch
prompted United States
to set up a triple method
ng, and then learning
tails from her moons.
a picket fence of mini-
o stations all along the
idian. Our moons will
on 108 megacycles, to
through the earth's elec-
t in space without dis-
'hat chain 1s almost in
rder now.
Lower Frequency
an't find Sputnik. Rus-
mce been understood to
ed to use the same fre-
she chose lower frequen-
cies-20 to 40 megacycles-say-
ing this would permit amateurs to
help find and learn from Sputnik.
The minitrack chain can't receive
those frequencies.
American radio experts say
these frequencies could fade or be
bent in coming through the iono-
sphere, hence not give a precise
location of the moon.
The United States organized 100
moonwatch teams here, 50 abroad.
They can scan the sky along the
expected orbit, perhaps find the
moon if its battery went dead.
Third is a network-just.getting
started--of special camera tele-
These can zero in on the moon
when its path is known, for inval-
Russia's Earth Satellite
Reveals Research Lead
uable knowledge. Slight variations.
in a moon's path will give infor-
mation about the shape and size
of the earth, its pull of gravity.
Russia is reported interested in
buying such cameras herself-ant
indication she does not have this
Invited Observations
One of her scientists on Thurs-
day invited observations of Soviet
moons, especially by the revealing
telescopic cameras.
Sputnik, and following moons
can disclose, vital knowledge about
the thinning density of air high
above the earth. To get these facts,
its path has to be accurately
tracked to determine how much
.the air is slowing it down.
The official Soviet announce-
ment made no mention of instru-
ments inside Sputnik. But. Dr. A.
A. Blagonravov, Soviet scientist
now in Washington, said it was
also measuring temperatures in
Might Send Code
This data could be radioed back
in coded pulses.
It could be tremendously excit-
ing news, but Russia has not an-
nounced- any code key.
In the plans and .spirit of the
International Geophysical Year,
all data learned in any fields is to
be fully shared by all 64 partici-
pating nations.
Word is still awaited from the
Soviets as to how close Sputnik
comes to earth, how far out in
space she swings.
For the Russians mention an
elliptical' orbit, but give only one
height-560 miles. They don't spell
out whether that's the closest or
farthest swing around the earth.
Sallade Hits
Shop Center r
State Rep. George W. Sallade
(R-Ann Arbor) has given his sup-
port to a move to block construc-
tion of a shopping center in south-
east Ann Arbor.
Sallade sent letters Friday to
Councilmen Florence R. Crane and
Clan Crawford, Jr., of the Second
Ward, in whose district the shop-
ping center would lie, supporting a
change in zoning which would halt
the shopping center plans.
Sallade served as president of
City Council in 1954, when zoning
in the area was changed from
"multiple dwelling" to "local busi-
ness." He now supports the drive
to change the zoning ordinance,
stating in his letter that "School
housing and parochial building de-
velopments in this district have
considerably altered the neighbor-
hood pattern.
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(Continued from Page 1)
ponents of different experimental
Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman of
the department of astronomy, said.
Russia "obviously was going all
out" on the project.
"We (the United States) haven't
been running scared," he said. "All
the technical data was' at hand
and it was simply a question of
which nation would make the' big-
gest effort to do it first."
Prof. Goldberg also expressed
surprise at the size of the reported
weight of the satellite. "We've been
talking about a 20 or 30 pound
object," he said.
Nelson Spencer, research engi-
neer in the Engineering, Research
Institute, said the satellite launch-
ing indicated Russia probably has
the knowledge to support its claims
of possessing an intercontinental
ballistic missile. He added that the
rocket which propelled the satellite
Football Films
Featured Tonight
"Quarterback" films will be
shown at 7 30 p.m. today in the
Union according to Stewart Frank,
'59, chairnan of the House com-
mittee of the Union.
into space "probably was along the
lines of an ICBM."
Jones said that until the Rus-
sians revealed further information,
there was no way of telling whe-
ther a sphere was launched by a
three-stage rocket or a single'stage
ICBM which "certainly would be
capable of doing the job."
Both Spencer and Jones are
members of the Rocket andSatel-
lite Research Panel of the United
States, a gr6up of American scien-
tists which has been engaged in
rocket research since 1946 and
more recently, in satellite research.
The present schedule in the
United States call for launching
a test satellite this fall and a fully.
equipped instrument-jammed sat-
ellite next sprihng
Spencer said the United States
might get a satellite up very soon
simply by letting the third stage
of a multiple-rocket become the
But the problem of launching a
satellite, he said, is much greater
than just shooting a rocket high
into the sky..
"Once the rocket has reached
the 'desired height, it must then
give a tremendous thrust to the
satellite to get it moving in "its
orbit and' this thrust must be given
at just the right moment and
angle," he explained.
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