IAY, OCTOBER 8. 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAe.** IIIIM AY, OCTOER 3, 197 THE MIWIGAN DALY '±L'P~ irA 'JE4 'IAAA,.Ei ; 5 Yankees' Ford Holds Braves To Five Hits in Series Opener Unsung W. Johnson, 'The Other End'; Live Sequel to Kramer-Maentz Story 4 (Continued from Page 1) tant step for the Yankees. Most observers figured 36-yr.-old Spahn has to win two games to end the Bomber's reign. The Yanks took this operer in stride, although they lost the serv- ices of their slugging first baseman, Bill Skowron, early in the game. Spahn gave it the big try as the only Milwaukee pitcher with pre- vious series experience. But the crafty veteran just didn't have enough to match Ford. Manager Fred Haney took him out in the sixth after the Yanks had racked Up seven of their nine hits. All three runs were charged against Spahn although the last one scored after he had left the game. It was a beautifully pitched, scoreless battle for the first 4% innings until Jerry Coleman, who started at second'base instead of young Bobby Richardson, came through with his second hit - a ground single to left past Eddie Mathews. Coleman Scores Two infield outs had shoved Coleman to third when Hank Bauer bruised one of Spahn's. pitches for a long double to right center, letting Coleman romp home. Fdrd had just escaped after some anxious moments in the top of the fifth due to a dropped throw by Elston Howard at first base on a sure-fire double play. Howard a catcher-outfielder who never had played first in the majors until last Friday in Boston, had taken over in the third after Skowron had re- injured his back running to first base in the first inning. Wes Covington's single, Howard's error and a walk to Spahn put Ford in trouble. Covington had been wiped out on Crandall's boun- cer to Gil McDougald but Crandall was safe on the error. When Ford walked Spahn on four pitches, Milwaukee had men on first and second with two out but Red Schoendienst rapped sharply to Andy Carey for a force on Cran- dall at third to end the inning. The Yanks ripped into Spahn in the sixth and chased him. With one out, Howard grounded a single to center. A walk to Berra on a 3-1 pitch brought Manager Fred Haney ito the mound to talk with Spahn. He stayed with Spahn. Carey took one called strike, half attempting a bunt, and sing- led sharply to center, scoring Howard. Berra went to third. Haney came out again, this time to take Spahn with him. Ernie Johnson, a sidearming right hander, came from the bull pen to face Coleman. With the in- field pulled in tight, Coleman dumped a perfect squeeze bunt to- ward Johnson. The pitcher, never making a move toward the plate, whirled and threw to first in time to get Coleman as Berra came home. Ford, who had pitched himself in and out of trouble all afternoon due to his wildness, finally was scored on in the seventh. Covington, a left-handed hitter, doubled to the far corner in left and scored on Schoendienst's two- out single to center. With Logan representing the potential tying run at the plate, Ford caught the shortstop fishing on a low outside pitch for a third strike. From that moment on, Ford was untouchable. He retired the last seven batters in succession to win his fifth series game in eight at- tempts, Encouraged by the success of Ford, .Manager Casey Stengel named Bobby Shantz, another left-J hander, to work Thursday's game. Shantz has an 11-5 record. Lew Burdette, 17-9, a 30-yr.-old right-hander who once pitched for Stengel's Yankees briefly in the the fall of 1950, will work for the Braves. Another pleasant day for base- ball is in prospect for the second game of the World Series today. The forecast is sunny with pleasant temperatures, highest in the 70s. * * * MILWAUKEE R") - Rather than be charged with treason in this baseball-mad city, the man- ager of the Milwaukee Journal employes' c a f e t e r i a hastily changed yesterday's luncheon menu from "Yankee bean soup" to "Braves bean soup." By RUDE DIFAZIO Last year Michigan was blessed with two ends of All-American stature, Ron Kramer and "the other end," as many fans referred! to Tom Maentz. This year the Wolverines are again the proud possessors of sev- eral fine ends, maybe not All- Americans, but good solid ends all the same. 'The Other End' Most of the ballyhoo this season has concerned Gary Prahst and his understudy, Charles Teuscher. Sports writers have rolled off such reams of praise that the tag of "the other end" is about to be again hung on the other end, Walt Johnson. Ironically, Johnson spends most of his time at right end, the same position held down by Maentz. Johnson is 6'2", 215; Maentz was 6'3", 210. Johnson came to Ann Arbor with fine references. He was an All- State quarterback at Dearborn High School as well as an All- State basketball player. Shift to End The shift to the end'position has not been an easy one but Johnson has surprised many observers by not only making the switch, but also by being so successful as to be first string. During spring practice many sideline watchers doubted his ability to make the switch. John- son, however, kept plugging and erased their doubts. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan best describes Johnson "... a conscien- tious ball player . . * constantly improving." Johnson won a letter last year on his defensive play, this year Oosterbaan says, "Johnson is a solid blocker as well as .a strong anchor on the defensive line." Blocking Ability Johnson's blocking ability will come in handy for the Wolverines this season. If Michigan sticks to its practice of past years and de- ploys its line unbalanced to the right, Johnson at right end will quite often find a big hulking tackle playing over him. His ability to move the tackle could set Jim Pace or one of the other halfbacks free for a long gain around end. WALT JOHNSON ". .. the other end" I-M FRATERNITY TILTS: Sig Ep, Chi Phi Trample Opponents By HAL APPLEBAUM Sensational passing perform- ances by Larry LaVercombe of Sigma Phi Epsilon and Bruce Conybeara of Chi Phi highlighted the action in yesterday's Social Fraternity "A" football games. The game between Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Nu, both top teams last year, was rated as a toss up at game time, but the pin Enter Grid Picks Now! If you have and have been a gambling urge frustrated by the WHITEY FORD ... Brave beater Gagnier Chosen To Head Nine-Man Cheering Squad One of the most colorful parts of the Michigan football extrava- ganza every fall is the Wolverine cheerleadering squad. This season, as in the past, the M' cheerleaders will add glamour to huge Michigan Stadium. Cheerleading advisor Newt Loken selected his nine-man troop last week which includes Frank Stark- weather, Jim Hayslett, Phil Noggle, Dick Kimball, Terry Dierdorff, Dana Larson, Ed Gagnier, Tom Taylor, and Bill Skinner. Gagnier Leads Gagnier is the head cheerleader and Larson is his assistant. Gag- nier, Hayslett, and Kimball are also members of Loken's Michigan gymnastic team, while Noggle and Skinner were on the freshman gym team last winter. Loken states that the group has been working diligently for three weeks, and that they will be ready to perform -their diversified feats beginning this Saturday. same as in the past. They will per- form on the trampolets, do tumb- ling on the field and flips off the walls, plus various circus stunts including a unicycle gnd juggling act. Gagnier says there will be some new entertainment this year. As head cheerleader, the slim senior is a veteran of the 1956 Olympics and one of the best collegiate gym- nasts in the country. Seek Student Spirit The cheerleaders will work in close cooperation with the Michi- gan band and other campus organ- izations to get the greatest spirit possible from the students to back the team. Gagnier states that the troop will be going to the Illinois game and hopes to travel to Minnesota, too. WELCOME STUDENTS?* It's a Michigan tradition to have your hair styled by our tonsorial experts. Ask upperclassmen about us. "11 HAIRCUTTERS" The Dascola Barbers Near Michigan Theatre law of the State of Michigan, practice up on your skills in this week's Grid Picks Contest. Mail your entry or drop it off at Grid Picks, 420 Maynard. En- tries must be submitted or post- marked before 5 p.m. Friday. THIS WEEK'S GAMES 1. Georgia at Michigan (also score) 2. Michigan State at California 3. Colgate at Illinois 4. Indiana at NotresDame 5. Washington State at Iowa 6. Purdue at Minnesota 7. Oregon State at' Northwestern 8. Ohio State at Washington 9. West Virginia at Wisconsin 10. Alabama at Vanderbilt 11. Army at Penn State 12. North Carolina State at Clemson 13. Kentucky at Florida 14. Navy at North Carolina 15. Pittsburgh at USC 16. Rice at Stanford 17. South Carolina at Texas 18. Colorado at Kansas 19. Baylor at Miami (Fla.) 20. Texas Christian vs. Arkansas at Little Rock point passing of LaVercombe turned the contest into a 26-0 Sig Ep rout. LaVercombe was responsible for all the points as he threw four touchdown passes as well as two passes for extra points. Rich Crawford caught two and Ed Ny- berg and Chuck Turner each tal- lied once. The extra points were also caught by Crawford and Ny- Iberg. Conybeara Leads Attack Conybeara had similar success, throwing for three touchdowns and three extra points, while leading Chi Phi to a 27-0 victory over Zeta Beta Tau. Conybeara hit his receivers consistently. Tom Gaffield caught two touchdown passes and two extra points while Conybeara's third TD pass was snared by Ham Robishawd. Chi Phi's other touchdown was scored by Dick Schmuck who took a pitchout from Conybeara and went half the length of the field. Two long runbacks of inter- cepted passes were all Sigma Chi needed to defeat Phi Sigma Kap- pa by the score of 14-8. On the second play of the game Bob Young intercepted a pass on his own goal line and returned it the length of the field for a Sigma Chi score. Three plays later his teammate Ken Tippery repeated the maneuver and Sigma Chi held onto the lead the rest of the way. Norm Krecke scored three touchdowns as Delta Chi rolled over a relatively weak Phi Kappa Psi team, 21-0. Theta Chi with Jim Beck throw- ing three touchdown passes hand- ily whipped Zeta Psi by the count of 21-6. Other Scores Results of other "A" games played yesterday were Alpha Sig- ma Phi over Phi Epsilon Pi, 6-0; Phi Gamma Delta 6, Tau Kappa Epsilon 0; Triangle 7, Delta Kap- pa Epsilon 0; Alpha Delta Phi 14, Acacia 8; and Sigma Alpha Ep- silon won from Alpha Epsilon Pi by forfeit. The only two "B" games were forfeits. Winning in this manner were Tau Kappa Epsilon from Psi Upsilon and Delta Tau Delta from Phi Epsilon Pi. Tuesday night, in a "B" game, Kappa Sigma beat Alpha Epsilon Pi, 6-Q. Baltimore Upst ippery BALTIMORE (A') - Ken Tip- pery, former University of Michi- gan baseball star, has been pro- moted by. the Baltimore Orioles. The Orioles announced earlier this week that Tippery is to be moved up from Knoxville to Van- couver of the Pacific Coast League. Tippery, an infielder, batted .290 for Knoxville last season. * . . The Detroit Tigers have asked bonus rookies Steve Boros and George Thomas, two former Big Ten baseball stars, to play winter baseball in Mexico. The Tigers hope that the two will pick io valuable experience for next year. L is cad ;M . r s::.:; ::::::..:. yt ' .'ti::.: r.:, OM::- ., ~ FOR THE NEW AG OP \ f.1A "':. Quality built in... Great catch ... UMiversity Glen Shirt in exclusive new Arrow-Cambridge Cloth A Style-Mart 100% wool MICA-TONE suit can translate the new age of style into terms of your own personality. Exclusive MICA-TONE fabric has a crisp 7 lustrous look that will make you a stand out anywhere. Award winning 5 . tailoring and the most expensive materials available assure "BestBuy" quality in every MICA-TONE suit. In a wide range of colors. / $55 IQ'EVCH /HR/Ncje ME N'S SHOES :::; MFrench Shriner quality always roes deeper Your favorite button-down, the Arrow Glen; is now-styled in traditional collegiate fashion. It's offered in feather-soft Arrow Cam- bridge Cloth-a new partner in popularity to the classic Oxford. Collar buttons down, frnanArnterh1.. ,I rrAt,..«... in back. In solids, checks and pencil-stripes. "Sanforized" labeled. From $5.00. Tie $2.5Q. ARROW I