!j S. t , Sixty-Eighth Year : EDITED-AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1i Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 rinted in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. r!! ' "+#a 1 ,' , -- < :: e'1 ! OBER 1, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL KRAFT resident's Vacillation :: ., * .*1 itt PlesidencsVacillation Heps Prept te t'sese l S t A- AA a _ A . Z'RESID NT has presented his detailed ,ologies for his order sending troops to eRock, and It offers an interesting frame- for a discussion of his behavior through- be integration crisis. e President -rjected in a carefully-rea- I argunent the efforts of Sen. Richard 1ll pf Georgia to paint the incident as the ning of another Sherman's March, Re- ruction Era or. Nazi occupation.n must say," replied the President, "that I leteIy fall to comprehend you rcompari- If our troops to Hitler's storm troopers. In :ase; military power was used to further imlitions and purposes pf a ruthless dic- ; in the other to preserve the institutions ee government." e should remember, in considering Presi- Eisenhower's defense, .that for several . following the Supreme Court decision on al integration, he has .said, and he re- ned as recently as July 17, that he "would believe it would be a wise thing" to send .s "into any ;area to enforce te orders of leral Court." d also on the subject of civil rights, "If o too far too fast in laws in this delicate you are making a mistake." P weeks before school began in Little Gov. Faubus notified the Justice De- ient he hiight call out the National d. The response, undoubtedly in line with re ident's expressed feelings, was o6vious- f' vigorous enough to deter the ambitious nor. !N CENTRAL HIGH School opened, and 'bus went through with his threat. The lent,. faced with an "Obstruction of Jus i the State of Arkansas" on Faubus' part, as great as the one posed by Little Rock three weeks later, declined to seek imme- implemeptation of the court order by ex- ng his po er as commander in chief to, alize the Arkansas National Guard and Ing it to perform Faubus' mission of keep- ,he peace, but at an integrated school r t;lan a segregated one. This delay may aluated using the President's own words: hen a state, by seeking to frustrate the i: of a Federal court, encourages mobs of *n'sts to flout the orders of a' Federal ,and when a state refuses to utilize its e powers against mobs, to protect persons yre peaceably exercising their right under ionstitution, as defined in such court or- . .-.the oath of office of the President re- 4 that he take action to give that protec- Failure to act in such a case would be mount to acquiescence in anarchy and ltion of the union.' t; are both conditions necessary, or is not al force required under the first alone, hen a state "encourages mobs of extrem- o flout the orders of a Federal court"? 't as the President himself points out, the police powers of the State of Ar- is," which were, after all, at the imme- disposal of the commander-in-chief, utilized, not to frustrate the 'orders of ourt, but to support them, the ensuing' ice and open disrespect for the law and ie federal judiciary never would have oc- ." s e.President, then, is pinpointing his own nsibility, for in refusing for so long to troops or to utilize existing forces in "any to enforce the orders of a Federal court," even refusing to threaten Faubus with action when the governor first proposed ramatic move, Eisenhower was failing to ai a way which was "tantamount to ac- eence in anarchy and dissolution of the 3 PRESIDENT'S vacillation on the Little glk integration question is the more slng because 'it fits'so neatly into a pattern ed earlier in his second Administration veral Washington observers, a pattern of Of An Art Form nie raj BEFORE ONE BEGINS to discuss the pictorial version of "Th Also Rises," there is a very important decision that must be What kind of a picture is it? There are two.main types of films. First, the film that ente taking the most vigorous stands of his career too late to prevent much of the damage done by his vacillation. It began with the budget, when he failed to censure George Humphrey for his statements against the Administration budget and then added a few of his own. Within a matter of weeks he was breaking all Eisenhower prece- dents by "taking his case to the people" in two television addresses and threatening a special session of Congress, 'all in an effort to restore budget cuts he himself had encouraged. He admitted he didn't understand the vig- orous civil rights bill passed by the House as an Administration measure, and then was re- ported very angry and "bitterly" disappointed when the Senate cut out most of its substance. His representative at the London disarma- ment talks presented the Administration pro- posals on nuclear testing, and for weeks the President was still debating out loud with him- self on tieir merits. The long delay in the pre- sentation of a complete disarmament plan, largely the result of a divided, unprepared and indecisive Administration, led the Soviets' to capitalize upon, and perhaps even to believe, charges of American insincerity. After the damage was done, the President came out strongly for his proposals." He refused to issue any statement in support of an aid-to-education bill which represented a compromise with Democratic proposals, een when Welfare Secretary Folsom publicly called for such' support, and he waited until the bill was defeated by a mere five votes to issue a statement expressing "great disappointment." NOW THE President has again taken an ex- tremely strong position -and has, as in most of the previous cases, been described in leaks to the press as being very angry. But all this righteous wrath seems at feast partially mis- directed.- Perhaps some of it should be turned inward against a man who has so often, by his inaction or indecision, permitted or even precipitated what he has attempted to act strongly against once the damage was done. N THE INTEGRATION issue, at least, the President may have been encumbered in his actions by some desire for "gradualism," as evidenced by his July 16 expression against going "too far too fast in this particular field." Many determined foes of segregation will agree with this sentiment, feeling that the bad will engendered by premature integration may do more harm than good for the cause of im- proved race relations in the deep South. But an important distinction -should be made in any, consideration of a "gradualist" policy: it is one thing for the courts, in applying the Su- preme Court decisions, to gradually and care- fully select areas which are ready for integra- tion, to allow school boards to cooperate with Negro groups in the working out of plans for partial integration and in the selection of Negro students to be introduced into white schools, to attempt in a number of ways to make the adjustment as easy as possible. But it is quite another thing to apply "gradually" federa court orders once they are given, to, say, as the President did this summer, that he would not use troops to enforce the law of the land once the courts had decreed it. G1RADUALISTS may well hope and urge that, the courts will not demand integration in areas where one would predict that military force would be reuired to enforce it. But they should not favor the undermining of the auth- ority of the courts, or hesitation in the appli- cation of their orders, only because enforcing those orders, once given, would necessitate the use of troops. Such inaction only diminish- es the respect for federal authority which in many areas is the only basis for the accep- tance of integration and encourages the dis- obedience of that authority as surely as does the action of an Orval Faubus. -PETER ECKSTEIN Editor : : a a l, . : -t r 9 M 1 .r { WA s~wG~~R'p-l S G ,. x N. f WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Hussein -King in Danger By DREW PEAR-SON The great majority of movies fall some that are meant to be taken something beyond an idle hour at must be judged as a serious film. It is based on Ernest Hemingway's novel of the same name, and de- pends upon the intentions of the author for its validity." Surely, if the movie industry is to; be taken as a sincere form of expression-and certainly this is what movie "makers want -we must regard "The Sun Also Rises" insofar as it compares to the novel it attempts to represent. , * * * WHEN READING a novel the calibre of "The Sun Also Rises," each reader goes through a rather personal experience. This personal response cannot possibly be dupli- cated in a theater where one is involved In an audience reaction. In judging a film it is only fair to realize this essential distinction. Ava Gardner in the role of Lady Brett Ashley is a mistake. Miss ,Gardner is far too much the healthy animal, and as such, was incapable of communicating the sick, disillusioned spirit of Lady Ashley of the novel. Even in her worst moments, Miss Gardner is just too sturdy and clear-eyed to look dissipated. Another miscast character is Mel Ferrer as Robert Cohn. There is more to the Cohn of the novel than the petulent, moody child of Ferrer's portrayal. TYRONE POWER as Jake Barnes does as good a job as Power could have done in' this role. Perhaps we are a little too aware of his efforts. His suffering is a bit too obvious and as.a'result, the impact of Barnes' suffering is partially destroyed. In the book, Jake's lack of self pity is the factor that makes the reader 'reach out and really feel the man's pain. Eddie Albert as Barnes' side kick Bill Gorton does a wonderful job. His performance, however, is overshadowed by the finest por- trayal of theĀ° movie, Errol Flynn, in the role of Mike Campbell, a drunken gentleman on the way down. The humorous scenes be- tween these two at Pamplona are high spots in the movie.. THE PAMPLONA scenes are faithful to the events'of the fes- tival. The scene of the final day when the festival has ended is out- standing and retained the essen- tial emotion of the book. In contrast, the fishing scene completely failed to catch the sym- bolic meaning Hemingway intend- ed it to have in the book. "The Sun Also Rises" is an honest attempt and must be recog- nized as such. The movie men un- dertook an impossible task.pTheir medium cannot possibly present the truths of' the novel as an art form. This is a worthwhile film and, might serve as a model to the in- dustry of what can be done with a serious literary work. --Fred Marcus, into this category. Then there seriously; that is, their purpo the theater. "The Sun Also R DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin i official publication of the Uni' sity of Michigan for which Michigan Daily assumes no torlal responsibility. Notices she be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form Room 3519 Administration Bu ing, before 2 p.m. the day preced publication. Notices for Sun Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 195 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 11 General NOtiCe Varsity Debate Team, under the pices of The Department of 8: will hold its first meetinig of ti mester for all former and proep members at 7:30 p.m. Tues., Oct Rm. 2040, Frieze Building. Meeting of all those intereste Rhodes Scholarships in Room Angell Hall, on Wed., Oct. 2, a p.m. Application forms for R Scholarships may be obtained a' Angell Hall and should be hand on or before Oct. 18. Anyone ested who is unable to attene meeting is requested to see Clark kins, 2011 Angell Hall, Chat Rhodes Scholarship Committee. Marshall Scholarships. Inforrr and application forms on the, shall Scholarship program may b tained at the Scholarship Divisio: fice of Student Affairs, 2011 St Activities Building. Applications be filed by Oct. 15. This progr open to application by those who to do graduate study in the I Kingdom. SiceLectures Science Research Club meetir the Rackham Amphitheatre at 703 on Tues., Oct. 1. Program: "Early Life in Michigan," Chester A. A -Botany; "Radiation Effects on C ical Reactions," Leigh C. Andez Chemistry. Dues for 1957-58 act after 7:10 p.m. Academic Noti Engineering Freshman Assembi begheldrinthe Architecture Au ium on Wed., Oct. 2 at 2:00 p.m at 4:00 p.m. Attendance of all semester engineering freshmen quired. Medical College Admission Test plication blanks for the Oct. 29 administration of the Medical C Admission Test are now availat 122 Rackham Building. Applic blanks are due in Princeton, N.J later than Oct. 15, 1957. Mathematics Colloquium: Dr. E pern will lecture on "Hyperalge But Topology" on Tues., Oct. 4:10 p~m. in Room 3011. Angell Coffee and tea in Rom 3212, Hall at 3:45 p.m. The Extension Service announce following class to' be held in An, bor beginning Tues., Oct. 1: Design and Development of Properties, 7:30 p.m. 141 SOho Business Administration. EightN $13,50. Prof. Harlow'0. Whittemor structor.: AMMAN, Jordan - King Hus- sein of Jordan is a youngster of 23 who has spent most of his life absorbed in sports cars, alr- planes, and women. Suddenly he has found the weight of the world upon his shoulders. His-grandfather, King Abdul- lah, was shot and killed as he prayed. in the great mosque of Jerusalem because he wanted to make peace with Israel. Hussein's father became mentally ill. And the young prince, a callow youth just out of boarding school in England, inherited the throne - one of the. shakiest, yet one of the, most important in the Near East. Those who know Hussein say he has aged 10 years in the last two. The American Embassy staff who entertain him at informal dances and barbecues say he is dignified, modest, has given up the women-chasing ways that brought him fame and caused his beautiful Egyptian wife to leave Jordan. THOUGH it's difficult to judge from quick impressions, I found him modest, sincere, and thor- oughly familiar - with the heavy burden weighing upon his royal head. . I also found him to be the most carefully guarded personage I in- terviewed in the entire Near or Middle East -- for understand- able reasons. At the foot of the hill on which stands the royal palace, your car is stopped while the guard phones the king's sec- retary. At the top of the hill, around the palace, pace the famed, color- ful Arab Legion, once paid by the British and trained by Glubb Pasha. Inside the palace are more guards dressed in the shiny black boots, the tight coat, and the tall lambskin hat of the Cossack." Inside, waiting 'for audiences with the King, was a long line of advisers, cabinet members, am- bassadors - the head of the Mos- lem Brotherhood which has as- sassinated Arab leaders when they leaned toward friendship with Israel; the very intelligent Jordanian Ambassador to Ger- many, Farhan Ishbailat, on his way to a new post in Iraq; the Chief of Staff, Habis Majali; the astute Turkish Ambassador, Mah- mut Dikerdem; and leaders of Parliament presenting the King with the ticklish problem of whether to call back into a ses- sion a parliament some of whose members, have been hanged for treason, some remaining in exile, and some by no means loyal to him. The room in which the King re- ceived me looks more like a mod- ern business office thanka throne room. A black mahogany table stood under a portrait of his late grandfather, King Abdullah. , he has accepted aid from the United States and England, both regarded as friends of Israel. "When I was in Israel," I told King Hussein, "I found that the Israelis were terribly worried about an attack from you. Yet you seem worried about an attack from them." "We have reason to believe that Israel-wants to enlarge her bor- ders," the King observed, "That she feels she cannot live without taking the high ground which we. hold along the mountain slopes. We have to protect ,ourselves from aggression and worry about it at all times. Unfortunately, the mili- tary drain is more than our eco- nomy can stand." I HAD LEARNED from others that the King, in private, is more reasonable toward Israel than most Arab leaders, but cannot af ford to say so, either politically or for his own safety. He can't. forget that his grandfather was killed for wanting to make peace with Israel. So I sounded him out on Harry Truman's plan to resettle the ref- ugees by a big irrigation develop- ment plan for the Near East, which might bring peace between Israel and the Arab states. Eith- er I did not explain the idea clear- ly, or the King wanted to avoid part of the question. "We had great hopes from the Eric Johnston plan for getting ir- rigation water from the Jordan River, but that failed of agree- ment in the end," he said. The development of minerals in the Dead Sea has been 'held up be- cause 'of the uncertainty of our boundaries, but we hope to go ahead there soon."- (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) "THE INTERNAL problems we - experienced last spring, the threat of Communism are over now." he told me when I asked how his desert kingdom- was progressing. "We still have some problems, of course -" he continued, speak- ing in excellent English. "Our, borders with Israel where we face the danger-of attack, and the fact that one-third of our population are refugees. This is more than a country of our size can handle, and would be a difficult element in any country." The King referred to the 400,- 000 Arab refugees from Israel liv- ing in camps in Jordan, most of them bitter against him because Pea ce? I T HE RESULTS 'of the Haitian election for president are not, yet official, but it seems clear enough that Francois Duvalier is going to be declared the victor. Whatever some Haitians may, feel about' the election, it is to be hoped that the whole 'country will now accept the verdict and 'settle down to a desperately needed peri- od of civic peace .. , -New York Times The tExtension Service annour that there are still openings in following class to be held in Ann bor r / Miarkpting, Principles- and PeRi 7:00 p.m. (Business Administratioh three hours of undergraduate _cret 170 School of Business Administrat Sixteen weeks. $40.50, Ross J. Wilhe instructor. REGISTRATION FOR THESE clan may be made in the Extension Se ice' office at 1610 Washtenaw Avei during' University office hours or Room 164 of the School of Busi Administration, from 6:30 to 9:30 p the night of the class. (Continued on Page 5) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Integration from Within Versus Integration by Force INTERPRETING THE NEWS: U.N s HammarskId By WILLIAM N. OATIS Associated Press News Analyst )AG HAMMARSKJOLD is going into his second five-year term as UN Secretary eneral with a bolder concept of his role than had when he started his first one. When he took office April 10, 1953, he told e General Assembly the UN's work "requires strict observance of the rules and principles d down in the charter of this organization." When he accepted a second term last week said the Secretary General ought to be ex- cted to act without guidance of UN charter UN decisions "should this appear to him cessary." He expwessed belief it was in keeping with e philosophy of the charter that the Secre- ry General should act "to help in filling any cuum that may appear in the systems which e charter and traditional diplomacy provide r the safeguarding of peace."' The 52=year-old Swedish diplomat-econom- ist, in his report to the 1957 Assembly, sug- gested "the primary value of the United Na- tions is to serve as an instrument for negotia- tion among governments." "In an organization of sovereign states," he declared, "voting victories are likely to be illu- sory unless they are steps in the direction of wining lasting consent to a peaceful and just settlement of the questions at issue." HE GAVE no examples. But the Assembly year after year has passed resolutions on the Arab-French conflict in Algeria, the Brit- ish-Greek disput over Cyprus and the Indo- nesian-Dutch quarrel on western New Guinea. All those questions remain unsettled. Hammarskjold observed that "in the diplo- macy of world organizationthe quiet work ... of conciliation and mediation, ... the winning of consent to agreed solutions" forms a basis canw. hich t he. TUN couild become ncj reasinglyv (EDITOR'S NOTE: The response to Robert Y. Drake's letter (The South- ern View) which appeared in The Daily of Sept. 27, has been consider- able and so far unanimous in oppo- sition to Drake's position. The Daily regrets that because of space limita- tions, we are unable to print every letter, Those reproduced below are representative.) Rejoinder . To The Editor: THOUGH I do not like to ask for space in the columns of the student newspaper, I feel that to- day's (Sept. 27) letter on integra- tion, written by a faculty member may merit some rejoinder. Having lived in India, where social change is now being legislated, as well as in the South and in the North in our own nation, I am struck by some of the comments included in the letter to which I refer. As is recognized in 'many parts of the world, it is not always fea- sible to wait for people to change themselves. One may have to re- gard as rather specious the plea that the nation ought to let the South solve integration. The South has had decades in which to pro- vide even "equal but separate fa- be upheld. There is nothing novel about this fact. Each society uses force to maintain its lawn Md we all benefit from orderly use of such force, as by the police force in our cities. The Southern quibble on the use of force in this case results from the fact that they don't like the law that is being upheld. I wonder if the responsible element of the South has stopped to realize what life would be like if force were not available to uphold the law? I must also react to the quaint phrase "the dark powers of Madi- son Avenue." One finds it difficult to understand how Madison Ave- nue gets dragged into the Little Rock problem. One suspects that, some people have so lost contact with reality that they can no longer perceive what is pertinent and separate it from what is not. If there has been anything like a-"dark power" which has mani- pulated people vis-a-vis Arkansas and integration it has been a lot closer to Central High School than Madison Avenue. * * * have waited until Doomsday for the South to work out its own salvation, as Mr. Drake puts it, in accordance with the laws of the nation. -Prof. Robert I. Crane History Dept. Rebuttal .. . To The Editor: WOULD like to consider a few of the arguments advanced by Mr. Drake in the letter which ap- peared in the Sept. 27 issue of The Daily. Space does not permit a de- tailed rebuttal of all the arguments in Mr. Drake's letter; however, I would like to discuss the following concepts which seem to have moti- vated this letter: 1) integration must come from within, 2). the Southern view, 3) integration can- not be imposed by force, and 4) the North is forcing the South to integrate. First of all, integration is coming from within; the decisions of the Supreme Court were the result of, legal action instigated by Southern people. These decisions would be the South are not being heard, except in their courageous deter- mination to secure their individual rights in the face of physical and economic reprisals. It is certainly true that integra- tion cannot be imposed by force.. However, Federal troops have not: been sent to Little Rook to force integration; they have been sent there to prevent forceful segrega- tion. They have been sent there to protect UnitedbStates citizens from physical violer . The" have been sent there to see that the legal structure of our society is not inpaired b;, illegal actions, a duty which the local government could not or would not fulfill. It certainly is not the attitude in the North (which has serious integration problems of its own) that the use of Federal troops will advance integration; such usage is at best negative, in that it ,pre- vents "de-integration." * * *t ONE OF the shibboleths ad-, vanced as the so-called "Southern view" is the picture of the naive Northerner "forcing" ,'e - th- erner to integrate. Presumably the Court. This moneY comes, for most part, in a trickle of penn nickels and dimes, from mo Southern homes, where memb ship in the NAACP invites ami by shotgun, or an -economic, b Cott. --A. Lang Plymouth, Midt Confused?, , To The Editor: ROBERT DRAKE, Jr., writ under "The Southern View' the 'Letters to the Editor' colu of the Sept. 27 issue of The Da has tried to make perverted jud ment appear the better rea thereof. With all the art at the comm of an instructor in English, he attempted to conceal vested in1 ests behind a subtle and ar camouflage of his totally confu notions of individual' liberty equality. According to Mr. Drake, pec are equal before' law only beca law does not recognize them persons in the fullest sense of word. And, therefore, some p sons (the Southern whites es