TS ON THE FLU Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ~E~ait1 CLEAR, CONTINUED C See rage4 f No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1957 EIGHT eporter Finds School Calm: ~w' S v y Reverses -4., 4? 4 )setting' Order >ops Falsely Told To Prepare Riot Duty and Civil Disorder NGTON (A') - Amid confusion in the Pentagon, Secretary y Wilbur Bruckcer last night countermanded an order to in the South to train for riot duty and get ready to speed civil disorder. der, issued by some unnamed high sources in the Penta- nt out Wednesday and was prompted by the Little Rock tion riots which caused President Dwight D. Eisenhower high school integration there with the bayonets of para- tie existence of the order was revealed yesterday, high dffi-' .sly felt it would lead to a belief that the Army was ex- pecting widespread violence in the 4 'DIPLOMAT': Dag Gains. Top Post Once More UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)- Dag Hammarskjold, Swedish prac- titioner of "quiet diplomacy" was named yesterday to a second five- year term as secretary general of the United Nations. 'The bachelor diplomat won the unanimous recommendation of the 11-nation Security Council yester- day morning and the 80-0 approval of the 82-nation General Assembly in the afternoon. Israel was absent because of the Rosh Hashonah holiday,.but sent word it endorsed his re-election.. One ballot' was invalid. Hammarskjold's reappointment proved he. had kept, the friendship of nations large and small, Com- munist and nion-Communist, through conlnued cold, war, the windup of the Korean conflict and last fall's Middle Eastern and Hungarian hostilities. It also reflected his success in getting 15 United States airmen out of Chinese~Communist prisons in 1955 and in reaching agreement witli Egypt for the , N to send in an Emergency Force and clearing the Suez Canal after the British- French and Israeli invasions in 1956. There were no other candidates for his job. His new term starts next April 10. Gains With Entry to Class Student Paas oon Hits Y, Base Authorities, Take Elsman From School wit South. After worried huddles. with oth- er officials, Brucker issued this statement last night: "I learned today of a precau- tionary' training directive sent yesterday to certain regular Army units directing an increased em- phasis on training for riot duty under Field-Manual 19-15 and for organization and training for air, and motor movement. "The issuance of this order was suggested by the recent emergen- cy employment of units of the 101st Airborne Division in Little Rock, Ark, "Realizing that this order might be subject to misinterpreta- tion, J have directed that it be revoked immediately." wa (')-Treacher- 'aye unexpectedly sleeping American a yesterday. Le winds smashed >uses, overturned ;hing vessels and Jnited States ser- (EDITOR'S NOTE-: The following is the personal account of Jim Els- man's experience as the only news- paperman to get inside the newly- integrated Central High School.) By JAMES ELSMAN, JR. Daily Editorial Director Special to The Daily I was in my seat at 8:45 for my first class at Little Rock Central High School. Ironically, this, was a history class. But while thesestudents were studying history, they were also making it. Two seats to my left sat Jefferson Thomas, one of- the Brave Nine. When I told him I was an imposter - a reporter from the North-he smiled -like any adolescent when someone is putting something over on the teacher. He answered two questions with a good-willed pattness; well. coached by the NAACP. "Have any trouble today?" "No sir." "Expect any trouble any more?" "I don't expect any." Sold Picture Jefferson then bored into his textbook and I proceeded to snap his picture with a borrowed $15 camera. (Time-Life later bought this shot--sight unseen-after bid- ding a top price of $200 on condi- tion that they mail The Daily a print immediately.) A click of my shutter set the class buzzing over my presence, a situation which caught the teach- er's attention when she walked into class. This time I answered two questions: "Do I have a new student to- day?" (Looking at me.) "No Ma'am." "Do you belong here?" "No ma'am." Whereupon followed a beckon and a reminiscence -filled trip to the principal's office. The woman asked four soldiers-there were between 50 and 80 in the school's corridors-to guard the integrated class during her absence. We chat- ted, and she told me she had once worked in Ann Arbor for Survey- Research Qenter. For Union Election the pep rally "had the effect of turning what barbaric feel- ings exist away from the Ne- groes and toward the Istrou- ma High "Indians." Attendance Higher WASHINGTON (AX) - The Senate Rackets Committee yesterday excused James R. Hoffa from testifying before it until he has won or. lost his battle for the presidency of the giant Teamsters Union. Chairman Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) said the committee also has decided to delay the questioning of Benjamin Franklin Col- lins, indicted with Hoffa Wednesday on perjury charges brought: by a federal grand jury in New York. But Sen. McClellan said the committee has no intention of halt- ing its investigation of Hoffa, already accused by witnesses of'mis- using union funds and powers. It had been planned to call Hoffa on Saturday, but George Fitz- gerald, his lawyer, pleaded for a delay until after the Teamsters' election in Miami Beach, Fla., 1 GOVERNOR FAUBUS MAJOR GEN. WALKER .".". we want peace .f. .to keep the peace RACKETS COMMITTEE: Senate Excuses Hoffa Cooperati Called for By YFaubu Soldiers Replai Student Monito Cheerleaders Dart from Room To Room Arousing School Spi Special to The Daily LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Football and dances-noti or even integration - were in the-minds of the' stud( Little Rock's Centrarl High School yesterday., More than 50 soldiers guard its halls in place of thi student monitors, a grim reminder of what has gone and what may come. But the atmosphere isn't military of the soldiers are under 21 years of age, and they : exchange smiles, small talk and laughter with the only ly-younger students. Throughout homeroom period the school's cheer were darting from room to room, rousing the spirits of preparation for today's football game. Although it m have been planned that way,Q government re- wans dead, 17 11 missing, 417 and 855 dam- Lose Homes her sources said up to 2,200 awans lost their homes. ie unidentified American Ma- hit by flying debris, was in cal condition at Ryukus Army 3ital with a skull fracture. ,n other Americans were hos- ized for uts and bruises. An- r 24 were treated and released. ye, only a tropical storm with ile winds most of Wednesday, been expected to pass well off Okinawa coast. Becomes Typhoon I t about midnight it suddenly oned into a major typhoon, ed sharply and raged up the ile length of this strategic ed States base, 400 miles off ted China coast. struck at . about 3 a.m., and ,ll clear was not sounded until J J SA UD ARBITRA TES: Top Arabs Fear Syria, s Future Tinder BoX DAMASCUS, Syria () - A new Arab summit conference was re- ported In the making yesterday as King Saud of Saudi Arabia took up the role of middleman in an effort to prevent a blowup over leftist Syria. A dramatic sample of Saud's intervention as peacemaker was the arrival here yesterdayby Premier Ali Jawdat of Iraq, a member of the anti-Communist Baghdad Pact. The cousin kings of Hashemite Iraq and Jordan have been feud- ing with Syria and- Egypt over policies which seemed to be opening "the gates to Soviet penetration of the Middle East, and have had a Eisenhowef' generations-old feud with the Saudi Arabians as well. Takes C rsBut the Hashemite-Saudi quar- rel appeared patched up last spring when Saud openly sup- In Atom ie Sub ported Jordan's -King Hussein in ridding his kingdom of its leftist NEWPORT, R. I. (JP)-President pro-Egyptian government. Dwight D. Eisenhower took' an A strong anti-Communist, Saud underseals cruise at a depth of 60 has cooperated with President feet in the atomic submarine Sea- Dwight D. Eisenhower's policy in wolf yesterday, the Middle East, but is reported President Eisenhower made his- deeply disturbed 'at the split in tory in being the first president to Arab ranks over Syria's leftward ride a nuclear-powered sub. trend. He was not the first president, If convinced that Syria's accep- however, to dive in a submarine. tance of Soviet arms and eco- President Theodore Roosevelt nomic aid still leaves her capable made the first trip down, on Aug. of warding off threats of Soviet 25, 1909, and President Harry S. domination, it appeared he would Truman. later made a similar voy- try to smooth over that quarrel as age. well. next week. The 44-year-old Hoffa is the front-runner for the presidency but some of his opponents claim' he has beenlosing ground because of the Senate hearing and the criminal charges made against him recently. Hoffa, retiring President Dave Beck and other members of the Teamsters' hierarchy have been ordered to show cause infederal court here today why the union's election should not be delayed. A group of rank-and-file mem- bers from the New York area al- leged the election has been rigged in Hoffa's favor. WorkerNetis $7 Weekly WASHINGTON () - James R. Wadlington, of Detroit, said yes- terday he averages about 7 dollars weekly pay from a car wash oper- ated on a non-union basis by Ziggy Snyder, a Teamsters Union organizer employed by James R. Hoffa. After Wadlington gave t h i s testimony to the Senate rackets committee Chairman Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark.) remarked: "I can't understand people go- ing around and. picketing other folks' places paying that kind of Gyirard :Says. He Bid Not WarnVictim MAEBASHI, Japan (AP)-GI de- fendant William 8. Girard denied yesterday he had: shouted "get out" at Japanese shell pickers the day he is accused of killing a woman at the Somagahara firing range. . His denial surprised his own, chief counsel and complicated his defense in the eyes of listeners at his Japanese trial on manslaugh-' ter charges. Itsuro Hayashi, his chief lawyer, had been preparing to make a point of the testimony of a prose- cution witness, Hidetsugu Onozeki, another scrap collector, that Gir- ard shouted "get out" or "get out of here" before' firing his rifle grenade launcher and killing Mrs. Naka Sakai on Jan. 30. Hayashi said this indicated Gir- ard's state of mind at the time of the shooting and that he was act- ing under orders. ',Maj. Stanley Levin, the Ottawa, Ill., soldier's Army adviser, said, however, that "Girard told the truth as he knows it." The court heard only one of six scheduled prosecution witnesses, and Girard yesterday then sched- uled the next session of the on- again, off-again trial for Oct. 3. parents. $ome Stay Hone 'he Okinawa Star reported the and was caught completely off ard. Planes at Kedena and Naha bases were picked up and hurl- together. 'eXas A&M 1 y Asian Flu DALLAS, Tex. UP) - The super- endent of the Texas A&M Col- e hospital said yesterday the -outbreak among Aggie stu- ats has been diagnosed as Asi- flu. Of the approximately 1,600 >es treated since last. week, the jority were Asian flu cases," dI Dr. C. R. Lyons. -e said 1,200 cases of flu among dents are being treated. )r. Lyons said the State Board Health at Austin diagnosed cimens sent there as Asian flu. Mhe flu outbreak continued to ead over Texas. One school in uston was closed yesterday. afore than 1,000 of Baylor Uni- sity's 5,000 students at Waco e ill with an average of 200 orting on sick call daily at the krmary. f " - + r r. oar Attendance was somewhat higher yesterday than the day be- fore. About 1400 students came to school, as against the 2000 who normally converse in the halls lined with dance posters and ath- letic trophies and sit politely in the crowdec classrooms. But the nonchalance of the stu- dents in Central High, which makes them seem remarkably like those in Western State High in Kalamazoo, may oe deceptive. The school's prettiest girl may devote several minutes to helping a shy Negro boy in the back of the room with his schedule. The white students may act quite natural as they sit all around him in the small room. And they may seem to reflect on their faces and in their answers to questions that they are answering history's call to be something greater than their i t 1 Irate Words After irate words from the prin- cipal, I was escorted casually out- side by a soldier, to be dressed down by anofficer. Not willing' to let me go, he harangued me about how I had endangered the lives of all involved and had further jeop- ardized press privileges-the privi- lege of standing outside the school. My entrance to the school began in Ann Arbor Tuesday when my editor and I discussed such a move. After being repulsed at one en-' trance by a soldier for not having an identifying library card, I moved on to a corner drugstore where I made arrangements with a hookey-playing girl-Katherine Thornton - to borrow her card. But the students now staying home are apt to be the potential trouble-makers. If the troops were to leave the inside of the school, given the present student body, there might not be trouble. But if the troops were to leave and the trouble-makers were to return, what then? There is some apprehension mixed in with the excitement over tonight's big game, to be played on a field which for several days has been off-limits to the stu- dents of Central and home to the soldiers stationed in Little Rock. If the football crowd doesn't maintain segregation, the pattern in Little Rock *or decades, can incidents in the stands or whole- sale rioting be prevented? Big Dance And anticipation of the upcom- ing dance is a mixture of the en- thusiasm of youth with forebod- ings more normally found among those many years removed from high school. If the new Negro students attend the dance - even if accompanied by Negro dates - will predictions of "trouble" cir- culated yesterday come true? These are the questions which keep reporters in Little Rock, waiting outside the brown brick building called Central High School and ready to barrage with Questions anyone who comes out with word from the inside. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (A)- Orval Faubus, in sorrowful surprisingly conciliatory to last night urged a prudent c ness in a state Capital now o pled by fLederal troops. "We are now an occupied t tory," Faubus said in a natior televised and broadcast ABC dress. " ... There can be no ques of the suprema'y of the Ui States Army, when used age a defenseless state." Maintain Peace Faubus continued: "It always becomes quiet u military rule ... The federal ernment has made a grave .grievous error, in the federali of 'the Arkansas National Gi and the use of federal troops "This constitutes a serious ger. The impetuous or though act of a white student could suit in his penetration by a onet. "Therefore, we must cunt our peaceful pursuits of life, ing good citizens as the c whelming majority of our pe have always been .. . To the ple of my state I now ask a for calmness and a law abi approach to all our problems. Gov. Faubus' first detailed ply to President Dwight D. Ei hower's historic dispatch of tr to enforce school integra came less than six. hours a nine Negro students finished uneventful second day with w students in strike-beset L Rock Central High School. In Newport, R.I., during the President Dwight D. Eisenhc arranged a Washington con ence for Tuesday with a conm tee of five Southern governors Seeking Withdrawal They are seeking the withdr al of federal "troops from I Rock'. They had requested a con. ence in a message Wednesday The chief executive in a t gram to Florida''s Gov. Leroy lins, chairman of the Souti, Governors Conference, said would be pleased "to discuss p: lems of school integration." This apparently went beyor limited discussion of the L Rock situation, to which the c ference restricted its commit Free Discussion Gov. Collins 8aid, however, t as individual governors the c mittee, of which he is a mem "will be free to discuss any pI of the integration problems. Besides Gav. Collins, the p mittee includes Govs. Lu Hodges, North Carolina; TY wages in their own places of busi- ness. If that isn't exploitation of labor by people who profess to help labor I don't know what it is." I ' 1 - _.. . ... ... . .. I A t FLU STILL RAMPANT: Health Service Exhausts Supply of Flu Vaccine By WILLIAM HANEY An estimated 700 doses of pre- ventative Asian Influenza vaccine were administered yesterday to University students, according to Dr. Morley Beckett, Health Serv- ice director. "Although dental students were given priority," Beckett said, "any students that came for a shot were not turned- away." Innoculations were begun at 8 a.m. and the supply was exhausted ' by 2 p.m., said Beckett. Beckett, patients would have to be taken care of in their residence halls, sorority or fraternity houses and doctors would call on them there. Patients who develop com- plications would be sent to the hospital. Patients at home could be taken care of by their families," he said. 'The great majority of cases don't need much medical care. It's mainly a matter of rest, fluids and aspirin for the fever and aches." "But," he added, "we haven't reached that see wt nd mmavh can Asian Flu be correctly diag- nosed. Beckett reports that this labora- tory diagnosis requires many tests and takes several days. Of labora- tory diagnoses already in the pro- cess "only one Asian Flu" possi- bility has been located. He added that no complications have de- veloped from those patients con- fined in the infirmary. And, he added, cases as yet re- ported have not been in such high proportion to what an epidemic of the Asian Flu would reach if it did strike. We are not overly excited be- cause the current complaint lasts only two to three days," reported Beckett. There have been several cases in the infirmary, but they are out in a short time. Beckett said that the University -has been much better off than other schools as far as vaccine supply goes. Most of 'the schools have had no supply to amount to anything. Since the beginning of the se- mester 4,337 shots have been given with the breakdown in order of priority as follows: food service EX.Governor its Speech special to The Daily LITTLE ROCK - Sid McMath, former governor of Arkansas and Influenza Attacks Spread Rapidly l WASHINGTON (W) - Asian flu it hnt.. rnnn 9r in ,+T-n nna _ be spreading from west to east, the Hei~ alt Prvie.. nnkQmsm rm.d I I