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September 24, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-24

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sixty-.Eigt hYear
in The Michigan Daily exp ress' the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

24, 1957


Pre-College Educational .
osophy Begs Reconsideration'

kRT of the American lower edu-
term in recent decades has been
to principles of change and
entary and high schools through-
ry have changed considerably
er and primer days of this pen-
ast; these schools have ev6lved
red brick buildings, to the most
-form structures, while teaching
taken on shillar appearances of
he archaic toward the modern.
and progress in themselves are
synonymous. Although change
6t vaguely, describes the growth
>gress can safely be attributed
rocedural aspects of teaching,
rowth and spread of available
ies in areas once neglected or
there may be a very serious
there has been any "progress"
lege educational system. More-
growing feeling' that we might,
loving in the opposite direction
he intelligence levels of students
rades, from senior high school
,DUCATION has long been criti-
oducing students who, at college
erage of two years behind stu-
ime age in Britain, France and
a countries in intellectual' ma-
cational ability. Educators have
t so consistently and repeatedly
almost axiomatic; yet the same
continued to urge the "pro-
>ds of education in this country.
>r this criticism lies in the "pro-
in American education, some-
y be described as a steady move-
n the early-day, rigorous meth-
and learning where memoriza-
cal studies formed the basis for
n the lower elementary grade
the "modern" philosophy of
meant a greater emphasis on
day facts of, life in continually
ead and easier - to - understand
At is that the once-wise writers
ur so-called literary heritage go

unread and unexperienced by students until
much too late in their education.
Concrete manifestations of the current trend
in American education can easily be seen to-
day. In the elementary schools, more playtime
activity is integrated into classroom periods
while lessons place much less emphasis on en-
forced study and laborious memorization. In
high schools, social activity has become a more
recognized part of the school's activities.,
Throughout all lower education, and even in
freshman college courses, textbooks have been
re-issued in consistently larger sizes of print,
with more and more pictures and less and less
difficult contents. Where elementary school
pupils used to read classical writers in essays
and graded short works, they now read ad-
vanced editions of "Dick and Jane." High school
freshmen traditionally read "Ivanhoe"; now
they read volumes of collected modern short
stories and simple poetry such as "Enjoying
THE RATIONALE for the "progressive" trend
is twofold. The system is supposedly designed
to approach the education of children "psycho-
logically," i.e., with the intent of subtly gaining
the student's attention and interest and then
driving home the important, basic, simple facts
of the particular study. No longer can the
individual be trusted to attain, on his own, the
wealth of meaning in the great writers of the
Most serious of all is that school is becoming.
"easier" for students. Even the layman is aware
of this, as indicated in a recent Trendex cross,
country poll wherein one-third of the parents
questioned indicated they thought high school
courses today are indeed "watered down" and
easier for their children.
The possible consequences of this progressive
program, projected over the next twenty or
thirty years, could be serious enough for the
general educational level of the average Ameri-
can as to necessitate an immediate reconsidera-
tion of the philosophy of lower education. The
aspect of such an intellectually sterile future
for this country should suggest a quick return
to the more substantial teaching methods of
past years. ;
City Editor

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Watery Wonderland
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE once remarked in conversation to a frie
"You've got to be a damn fool to make a movie without act
a plot and a scenerio."
The producers of the "Sea Wife," the picture now playing at
State Theatre must have been ... uh ... fools.
Don't misunderstand; if you like water, large expanses of it, d
pass up the "Sea Wife." The picture abounds in water - salty sea w8
You can see it shimmering in the sun, tossed about angrily, of
casually lolling about.
On the water is a tiny raft. It came from a ship that was torpec
off Singapore in 1942. There are four people in the raft and the stox
about them. They float about for a long time sweating and grimac
for the technicolor cameras and at the last minute they. sight an isla
The standard Sears and Roebuck
0000 desert island complete with
bananas and coconuts.o.ILY
They are very happy on the
island and everyone puts on the OFFICIAL
weight that they somehow didn't
lose after all those days at sea BULLETIN
with nothing but biscuits and ran-
cid water.
But there are complications. The Daily Official Bulletin is
One of the men loves the one girl officii publication of the Univ
in the party. The man doesn't sity of Michigan for which V
know it but the girl is a nun. You Michigan Daily assumes no e
see, she left most of her things on torial responsibility. Notices shol
the burning boat-the one from be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form
Singapore that was torpedoed. ,Room 3519 Administration rul
Singpor tht wa topeded.ing. before 2 p.m. the cday precedii


Crackdown on Cigarette Ads

Open Season on Witches

SECRET court martial of Captain
ge French, coming as it did on top of
case, should suggest to.the Air Force,
government in general, that security
es be studied and revised. The careless
or leaving of a note on the lawn of.
sian embassy appears to have' led to
ure, according to the information the
e.has deemed fit to release; this is sheer'
teffective security.,
entagon has been at pains to emphasize
was a "lone wolf" in his attempt, that
no Conmunist affiliations, that there
reason to suspect him of anything
s. This, hdwever, is not the central
the case. The crux of the mat'ter is
an- Air Force captain-bombardier gain
> classified military documents?
essmen charged by their constituents
tional security have trouble enough
lassified material. Yet an Air Force
working in the Strategic Air Command
e to procure information which the
aas tacitly admitted to be valuable,
uis price of $27,500 was "not much,
u consider what he had to sell."
nably French took the documents from
,but the Air Force must have security

checks for all personnel entering or leaving a:
building. If not, it should have.
A PPARENTLY, no harm was done, and the
case may even result in some good if security,
procedures are revised. The affair should point
up once more what has been re-emphasized;
twice recently in the Abel and Stern cases: that
attempts are constantly being made to under-
mine national security; and it is essential to
be able to counter such attempts. To this end,,
protection of Federal Bureau of Investigation
and Justice Department files, lately handcuffed
by the Supreme Court, should be secured by
Congress as soon 9s it reconvenes next Janu-
ary. Further security steps should be considered
then by Senator Eastland and his Judiciary
committee; 'a full-scale investigation of the
French case, and related security measures,
would also be in order.
The requirements of national security call
for overhauling procedures so that no future
Frenches will get even as far as he did. A strin-
gent investigation and reorganization is needed.
To those who would call this "witch-hunting,"
the reply must be: there still are witches.

(Editor's Note: While Drew Pear-
, son is touring the Meditterranean,
his column is being written by his
junior partner.)
WASHINGTON -The H o us e
subcommittee which has been
investigating the tobacco-cancer
controversy will definitely crack
down on cigarette advertising.
Chairman John Blatnik (D-
Minn.) has ordered the staff to
draft a strong report, scorching,
the Federal Trade Commission for
its , failure to protect the public
from harmful cigarette advertis-
Blatnik rejected a proposed staff
report that simply called on the
FTC to consider the "scientific
evidence" as to whether cigarettes
cause lung cancer. He 'sternly of-
dered the staff_ to rewrite the re-
port and put some teeth in it.
Meanwhile, another committee
member, Congresswoman Martha
Griffiths (D-Mich.), has asked the
radio-television networks to offset
their tobacco advertising by tell-
ing the other side of the story.
She wrote identical letters to the
four big networks, which make
millions from cigarette commer-
cials. .
* * *
quested," she wrote, "That you
authorize public service time . on'
your network-radio and TV-for
the United States Public Health
Service to present its findings to
the American public on the rela-
tion of smoking to lung cancer."
All except the Mutual Broad-
casting System turned her down
on the excuse that their news pro-
grams had already covered the
public health findings. However,
Mrs. Griffiths hasn't given up:. She
believes the networks have a duty
to the public as well as to their
commercial sponsors.
Mrs. Griffiths believes President
Eisenhower himself should intro-
duce Surgeon General Leroy Bur-
ney for a nation-wide report to the
public on cancer and cigarettes.
P o c k e t b o o k pressure - The
White House tried to bring finan-
cial pressure on Gov. Orval Faubus
to settle the segregation crisis in
Arkansas. So confided presidential
spokesman Jim Hagerty the other
day to friends. Ear-witnesses quote

him as saying the White House
counted on its big-business con-
nections to break Paubus' resist-
ance. Here's how it wassupposed
to work: Ike's Wall Street friends
would bear down on Arkansas
businessmen who could influence
Faubus ,
MOON OR BUST - The Air'-
Force's plan to shoot a research
rocket 4,000 miles into space will
be a preliminary jump toward the
moon. The Ford-built rocket wilt
be launched from a balloon 20
miles above Eniwetok Atoll in the
Pacific. By beefing 'up the rocket
and using a larger balloon, Penta-
gon scientists hope to send the
rocket the full 239,000 miles to
the moon. They believe they can
deliver" scientific instruments on
the moon by the end of next year.
No pessimism allowed -Secre-
tary of State Dulles has hushed
up trouble-shooter Loy Hender-
son's gloomy report on the Middle
East. To disclose Henderson's find-
ings, Dulles told subordinates,
would only publicize Soviet suc-
cesses. The public has a right to
know, however, what Henderson
reported. He warned that our
three stanchest allies in the Arabt
world-Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon
-are in grave danger of being
overthrown by the Soviet-Syrian-'
Egyptian underground. Unless the
United States acts urgently, /he
said, the West will wake up to
find Russia firmly entrenched in,
the Middle East in a position to
choke off oil to the West.
. The railroad lobby is behind
the move to transfer the St. Law-,
rence Seaway project from the
Army engineers to the Commerce
Department. This would permit
Secretary of Commerce Sinclair
Weeks, past director of the Pull-
man Company, to set the shipping
What the railroads hope to do
is sabotage the seaway by setting
the tolls so high that shipping
companies can't afford to use it.
Then the railroads wouldn't have
to worry about cargo ships com-
peting with freight trains along
the seaway route.
* * *
THE ARMY engineers are now
in the middle of c6nstructing the

great canal. But the railroad lobby
is pulling strings with Assistant
President Sherman Adams to
transfer the project to the com-
merce department before the tolls
are fixed.
Adams has circulated a secret
memo among Cabinet officers to.
get their views on the proposed
transfer. This has touched off a
feud between Weeks, who favors
the move, and Secretary of the
Army Wilber Brucker, who is
against it.
The final outcome depends on,
who can put the most pressure on
President Eisenhower, who didn't
even know what was going on until
last week.
Noted The backstage wire-pull-
ing has been done chiefly. by
Pennsylvania, New York Central,
and Baltimore & Ohio railroads..
They fully expect Weeks to do
their bidding if he ever gains con-
trol of the seaway.' Not only is
Weeks close to the railroad inter-
ests, but the railroads have long
dominated the Commerce Depart-
ment's transportation d i-v i s io n
through the Chamber of Com-
* * *
Emanuel Celler (D.-N.Y.) will
hound the Treasury Department
for Currency Comptroller Ray
Gidney's resignation. Celler does-
n't like the way Gidney handles
bank mergers ... Morrison-Knud-
sen, the giant construction com-
pany, hopes, to bore a gigantic
tunnel through the Andes for the
Venezuelan government. The pro-
Ject may qualify as the eighth
wonder of the world. Morrison-
Knudsen is trying to bluff com-
petitors out of the bidding by:
spreading the word that it has
already sewed up the contract
with Venezuelan insiders. M
The House antimonopoly report,
charging antitrust violations tby
the big airlines, may stir up a le-
gal hornet's nest. Several little
lines may file antitrust suits;.
A. J. Rome, representing four
small airlines, is summing up the
House charges in a formal com-
plaint which he will submit to the
Civil Aeronautics Board.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

* * '9
THE GIRL, logically enough,
decides they should leave the
island. They do, but now there
are only three. One of the three
men, the scoundrel of the group,
tricks two of his companions into
getting on the boat, which he
shoves off while the fourth fellow
is in the woods looking for his
knife. Honestly, that's how it hap-
Well, back aboard the raft with-
out a fourth for bridge, things are
rather rough. After the party runs
out of all those bananas and coco-
nutsi they took from the island,
and after t e t'(vomen have once
again grown! beards (the girl tried
but couldn't make it) there is;a
terrible five - minute stretch of
sheer despair. However, the girl
prays and sure enough, a boat'
soon appears over the horizon.
** 9, *
WHEN THEY get back to Eng-
land we pick up the thread of the
story where it began. The man
who fell in love with the woman
is trying to find her by advertising
in newspapers. All he succeeds in
doing, however, is finding the
scoundrel, who is vacationing at
a rest home for the mentally dis-
turbed. The villain tells the hero
a lie about the woman. It would'
ruin everything if I repeated the
Although the acting is inferior
and the dialogue poor, 'there are
some excellent shots of all that
---Fred Marcus


Associated Press News Analyst
IT MUST BE pretty tough to be
a future king and a regular ltitle
boy all at once.
Eight years are mighty few to
prepare for a march away from
the cloistered halls of a British
castle, from the arms of warm if
busy parents, into the cold rooms
of a preparatory school where
they will be determined to make a
man of you, or else.
Already pioneering for the House
of Windsor, the little Prince
Charles is the first of his rank to
go away to school so young.
In a changing and dreadful
world, none can foretell the prob-
lems of- a future king. So his par-
ents want him to grow up in self-
denial and adaptability for what-
ever his job may demand.
The princes and princesses of'
the - Windsors have always been
raised to a sense of responsibility.
But they have had cookies and
jam, too.
There will be few cookies and
few pence for the future king now.
Mostly cold toes. And, for a while
at least, those lonesomely empty
spots in what may be a perfectly
well-filled tummy.

publication. Notices for Sunda:
Daly due at 200 p.m. ~rday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Oct. 18.. Co
munications eforconidera'tion at t.
meeting must be in the Preside'
hands not later than Oct. 9.
Closed Social Events (for memb
and invited guests only) sponsored
student organizations must be reg
tered in the Office of student Affal
Application forms may be scred
the office of Student Affairs ReqAue
for approval mut be submitted to t0
office no"later than noon of the Tu
day before the event is scheduled.
list of approved social event will
published in the Daily Official Bulle
on Thursday of each week.
In planning socia programs for t
semester, social chairmen are remind
that the calendar is closed seven d
prior to the beginning of final exan
nations. For the present semester,
aminations begin Jan. 17.
Change in Christm Vacation Da
At its meeting September 12, the IN 'g
Conference approved the recommienc
tion of the Calendar Review Comm
tee to change the date for resui
classes after Christmas fronM F, J
3, 1958 to Mon., Jan. 6, 1958.
Fall Tryouts for the University
Michigan Men's Glee Club will be h
Tues., Sept. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in t
ballroom of. the Michigan nio.
Male students are invited.
Veterans who are enrolled in t
University of Michigan underPub
Law 550 (KreaG.I. Bll) :for the fi
time must report to the Office of V
erans' Affairs, 555 Administration Bid
before 3:00 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 28.
All Students who expect educati
and training aowance underPub
Law 550 (Korea, G.I. Bill), or Pub
LAW 34 (Orphans' Bill) 'must get i
structors' signatures at last class met
inga in September on Dean's Mont
Certification form and turn the oot
plted-;orm in to Dean's office by5
p.m. Thurs., Oct. 3.
Applications for Phoenix Project
search Grants. Faculty members w
wish to apply for grants from t
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Proe
Research Funds to supporto resear
in peacetime applications and imp
cations of nuclear energy should I
applications in the Phoenix Resar
Office. 118 Rackham Building, by We
Oct. 2, 1957. Application forms will
mailed on request or can beobtain
at 118 Rackham Bldg ,Ext. 2580.
Fulbright Awards for University Li
turing and Advanced Research he
been announced for 1958-59 for the i
lowing areas: ,Europe, the Nearal
the Far East, Africa, and Latin Ame
ca. Those applying for lectureships a
expected to have at least ne year
college or university teaching expre
ence. Applicants for research awar
are expected to have a doctoral deg
at the tme of application or recc
nized standing in respective profa
aions. Applications may be obtain
from the Conference Board of Asso1
ated Research Councils, Committee
International Exchange of Perso
2101 Constitution Ave., Washington
D.C. The deadline for filing an app
cation isOct.d 1, 1957. Further Inf
mation may be obtained in the C
fices of the Graduate School.
Applications for Fubright Awa
for graduate study during the 1958
academic year are now available. Cou
tries in which study grants are
fered are Australia, Austria, Belgium
Luxembourg, 'Burma, Chile, Denma
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, I
dia, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Neth
lands, New Zealand, Norway, Phill
pines, and the United Kingdom. T
grants are made for one academic y
and include round-trip transportatic
tuition, a living allowance and ,a iam
stipend for books and equipment.
grants are made In foreign currenci
Applications for -Buenos Aires Co
vention Awards for gradte study
Latin America during the 1958-59 ac
demic year are now available. Countr
in which study grants are offered s.
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Co
Rico, :'Cuba, ' Dominican ° Repubi
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexic
Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, and Veal
zuela. Grantees are chosen by the- h
goVernmenteof eachtcountry from.
panel presented by the Unitd sta
Government. The United States O
ernment pays travel cost and the hc
governments pay maintenance ao
ances-and tuition fees. Grants gee
ally are for one academic year, b
some may extend for twelve monti
Interested students who hold an A
Degree or ,who will receivehsuch a d
gree by June, 1958, and who arepr
ently enrolled in the University
Michigan, should request applicati

forms for a Fulbright Award or Buep
Aires Convention award at the Offi
of the Graduate School. The closiz
date for receipt of applications is Oc
28, 1957.
Persons not enrolled in a college
university in the spring of 1957 shou
direc't innaltrieR and requests for ai

Berlins to Baghdad'

O, Egypt (M) - Western diplomats here
a~r the West Pnay suffer another setback
e Arab world if West -Germany recognizes
y are concerned that recognition might
off a chain reaction which would lead
lusion of West German influence from
Editorial Staff
-itorial Director City Editor
A HANSON...............Personnel Director
.Y MORRISON..........Magazine Editor
RD GERU DSEN ...Associate Editorial Director
AM HANFY ..............Features Editor
PERLBERt.G ............. Activities Editor
, PRINS,.........Associate Personnel Director
BAAD ...................... Sports Editor
BENNETT...........Associate Sports Editor
HILLYER . .........Associate Sports Editor
£5 CURTISS ...:...........Chief Photographer
Business Staff
'MRR1 WrAer. nRivlnpc ?a-_w

Since Britain and the United States are al-
ready in a weakened position, the removal of
the West Germans. from the scene would deal
a crippling'blow to the Western economic and
political position in the area.
Reports that West Germany is planning to
establish diplomatic relations with Israel have
been circulating for some time, but the Ade-
nauer election victory is believed to bring the
possibility much closer.
West Germany now has diplomatic relations
with all Arab states and has resident diplo-
natic missions in all the Arab capitals except
that of Yemen. The West German minister
in Saudi Arabia is accredited to Yemen.
West Germans often have had to carry the
ball for the West in the area recently. Of all
Western powers, the Bonn government is the
least tainted with colonialism in Arab eyes. At
the same time, West Germans have sufficient
economic and commercial capacity to appeal
to the Arabs.
DESPITE WEST German efforts, however,
the East Germans are steadily increasing
their trade with the Arab world. The trade ex-
change between East Germany and Egypt grew
from $2,800,000 in 1954 to $16,800,000 in 1956

Troubled Sea Rises, Around. Jimmy Hoa

(Editor's Note: This is the first in
a series of articles dealing with
Jimimy Hoffa the man and James
R. Hoffa, the Teamster Union boss.)
Associated Press Writer
THE SEAS are- rising around
James Riddle Hoffa, the be-
leaguered crown printe of the
International Brotherhood of
But Hoffa still clings to a unique
philosophy which could ultimately
drown him-the thesis that a man
can serve two masters.
This belief has thrown Hoffa in
deep water before, but it was never
hotter. He must still square him-
self personally with the law, this
time on a wiretap conspiracy
charge. He must face the Senate

He also faces the rising /wrath
of his own union brethren. A few
weeks ago Hoffa was an odds-on
favorite to succeed Dave Beck
as Teamsters president. But the
odds have been falling since then
in the face of rising opposition
from various locals.
And now in Washington, a fed-
eral court has ordered .Hoffa and
other Teamsters. bosses to show
. cause Friday why the union con-
vention, scheduled to start Sept.
30, should not be temporarily en-
joined from electing new officers.
The court acted on the plea of a
rank and file group which con-
tended the Teamsters election al-
ready was rigged in Hoffa's favor.
* * *
THE SEA RISES, the ~wind

Jimmy Hoffa would see nothing
wrong there either.
"Either you're honest or you're
'dishonest," he says. "This con-
flict of interest thing doesn't mean
a damn thing unless it means a
man's judgment is affected."
Hoffa thinks he will be elected
to succeed the indicted Dave Beck
when the Teamsters convene in
Miami starting Sept. 30. Unques-
tionably he is the front runner.
B * 9
BUT THERE are signs of grow-
ing opposition - from locals in
such cities as New York, Philadel-
phia and Chicago - as the con-
vention nears. Whether it will
reach the stage of an organized
movement to head off his selec-
tion remains to be seen.

of a night club rather than ob-
serve a strip act,
But in union matters, the pre-
sence of temptation that might
sway, corrode or collapse a man's'
judgment evidently doesn't wor-
ry him. He insists his judgment
hasn't been affected. This is his
. defense of the fact that he, a
T e a m s t e r s vice-president, bor-
rowed big sums from and joined
in private business ventures with
people on the management side of
the trucking industry.
* * *
HIS VIEWS on this and other
questions raised by the Senate
Labor Rackets Committee were set
forth by Hoffa at an interview in
his Detroit headquarters. It was

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