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September 24, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-09-24

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eg EDUCATION 1flqprn
lee page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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Enrollment Sets Record

Ann Arbor
Totals Rise
To 23,000

LAGOS, Nigeria (A"-- The
International Students' Con-
ference wound up three weeks
of meetings at Ibadan today
denouncingt racial segregation
in theUnited States.
A strongly worded motion
urged the United States gov-
ernment to persist in federal
efforts toward integration.
The motion condemned eo-
forts of groups contrary to the
spirit and goal of the United
States Supreme Court decision.
The motion asked national stu-
dent uniors to reaffirm their.
solidarity with the United
State National Students' As-
sociation in its efforts to
achieve racial integration in
colleges and universities.

Negro Students
Slip In to...Sehoo:
State Troopers Quell Mob Vioier
As Crowd Attacks Newspaperr
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. {)p- - The bloody assaults of ar
flamed crowd of white men and women thwarted an inte
tion attempt at Little Rock .entral High School yester
but President Dwight D. Eisenhower has warned that fu
er violence will be met with federal force.
Eight Negro students slipped into the school durir
wild brawl yesterday morning but were removed about r
when officials feared the fighting-mad crowd would
come an uncontrollable mob. It was a day of hate and
lence in which at least 11

Fifth Since


An all time record of 23,000 stu-
dents have enrolled in Ann Arbor
resident credit courses this fall,
Edward G. Groesbeck, Director of
the Office of Registration and
Records announced yesterday.
The increase over the 1956 fall
enrollment of 22,011 was part of
a total University credit course
enrollment rise to 27,035. Final
state wide registration last fall
was 25,810.
In addition to the 23,300 stu-
dents in Ann Arbor, 335 are en-
rolled at the Flint College and 3,-
700 are taking credit courses in
University centers throughout the
Women Increase
Last year's ratio of 2.12 men to
one woman was narrowed slightly
with 4.9 per cent more women en-
rolling at Ann Arbor this, fall
compared to a 3.2 per cent enroll-
ment increase for men.
Although the total Ann Arbor
enrollment rise was the fifth since
1952, when the post war veteran's
peak enrollment leveled and reg-
istration dropped 4,400 from a
1948 peak of 21,363, this fall's en-
rollment fell below the original es-
timate of 24,100.
Lit Hard Hit
University officials pointed to
fewer summer jobs plus higher
semester and living costs as the
explanation for the falloff in es-
timated enrollment.>
Apparently the hardest hit by
the financial situation were stu-
dents enrolled in the school of
literature, science and arts. Last
fall, enrollment rose over 500 to a
total of 6,995. This fall, as of Sept.
21, enrollment rose only 65 stu-
dents to bring the total to 7,059,
some 300 short of the estimate.
Garduates Lead.
Biggest increase was again in
the graduate school where 4,779
students enrolled this September
compared to 4,311 last fall and
3,959 in the proceeding year. En-
gineering college recorded the
next largest increase, with 3,327
students enrolled this month and
3,109 last fall.
The Sept. 21 tabulation also
showed the college of Architec-
ture 'and Design rising 634 to 645,
business administration school in-
creasing from 997 to 1,002 and
education school enrollment up to
847 from 825.
Decreasing enrollments were
noted in music school. Nursing
school and the pharmacy college
dropped. Public health school en-
rollment also decreased.
The other schools were virtually
the same although some registra-
tions forms were still untabulated.


In Arkansas
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. P()-Inci-
dents of violence between Negroes
and whites broke out here last
night in the wake of yesterday
morning's fighting at Central High
School, police reported.
At least one man has been hos-
pitalized after an incident several
blocks away from the high school.
A spokesman for the Little Rock
Police Department said, "A rash of
minor incidents of violence has
broken out all over the city and
we have jailed between eight and
10 Negroes."
"Negroes, armed with all types
of weapons including pistols and
razor blades, are attacking/whites
... throwing rocks at them, break-
ing car. windshields and throwing
bottles into doors of houses," the
police officer said. He said the inci-
dents were occurring in all parts
of this city of 110,000.
Yesterday afternoon, Dan Dink-
ins, of Little Rock was taken to a
hospital for emergency surgery
after he was struck in the head
by a rock. .
Witnesses told newsmen that
Dinkins, a white man, had jumped
from a car carrying a club, and
started to chase a group of young
Negroes walking in front of Arkan-
sas Baptist College-a school for
They said one of the Negroes
picked up a rock and threw it at
Dinkins, hitting him in the head.
Hospital attendants said the man
suffered a skull fracture.
The longest casualty list in the
battle at Central High was com-
posed of newsmen.
. * *
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (M)-Police
last night fired on an auto-
mobile full of Negroes on a down-
town Little Rock street and first
reports said at least one Negro
was wounded in the gunfire.
Ferd Kauffman, an Associated
Press photographer who witnessed
the shooting, said a city police-
man and a state trooper - both
afoot - fired a total of three
shots at the car which sped away
with three police cars in pursuit.
No reason for the shooting
could be determined immediately.
Little Rock officers at police-
headquarters confirmed that a
shooting had occurred but said
only that "no one was killed."

newsmen were assaulted.
The violence brought these swift
1) President Eisenhower said he
would use the full force of federal
power to deal with further vio-
lence and issued a proclamation
ordering the rioters to cease and
No Such Request
2) Gov. Orval Faubus, attend-
ing the Southern Governors' Con-
ference at Sea Island, Ga., said.
the President could not send fed-
eral troops into Arkansas without
the governor's request and "I
don't plan to make any such re-
Faubus said yesterday's violence
was what he had tried to avoid
when he encircled the high school
with National Guardsmen for
three weeks until a federal court
last week ordered him to stop in-
terfering with integration.
3) Mayor Woodrow Wilson
Mann of Little Rock said the
"seeds of hate, carefully sown and
tended, bore their ugly fruit this
Gov. Faubus Challenged
It was Mann who first chal-
lenged Gov. Faubus' contention
that violence was imminent when
the governor put Guardsmen
around Central High with orders
to keep Negroes out.
4) Lt.Gov. Nathan Gordon, act-
ing executive while Gov. Faubus is
away, said he would call out the
Guard upon written request from
5) Mrs. L. C. Bates, the Arkan-
sas NAACP president said yester-
day that the President's procla-
mation was "gratifying and a step
forward" but that "a little more
assurance would be necessary"
before the eight Negro students
go back to the school. 5
The day's violence started at
8:45 a.m. and continued until an
hour or so after the students had
,been removed.
Bloody fights broke out spor-
Ike, Urges Halt.
To .Inflation
WASHINGTON (W)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower declared
yesterday : that the "worldwide
phenomenon" of inflation must be
curbed before it spins into a de-
President Eisenhower set up the
warning in a sober talk opening
the 12th annual meeting of the
64-nation World Bank and Inter-
national Monetary Fund.

eans Dech
To Shorten

'U' Calei

The short week, a day
a half of classes following
Christmas vacation, has b'e
dropped from the school calen
A recent decision by the De;
Conference officially made
change in the University calen
according to trich A. Walter,
sistant to President Harlan Hat
Classes will be res'umed on Ja
ary 6, 1958, a Monday, rather t
on January 3, 1958, a Friday
originally scheduled.
Voted Sept. 12
Acting upon the recommer
tion of the Calendar Review C
mittee, the Conference voted S
12 to postpone ,the beginning
classes after the holidays.
The committee was appoi
by President Hatcher last Fel
ary, upon an appeal by the
dent Government Council in Ja
ary for an "exhaustive study
the University calendar. Cha
by Prof. John C. Kohl, of
engineering college and the 1
ate Advisory Committee, the c
mittee included representative
the faculty, students and admit
Since no suitable way was de
mined to make up the day an
half, the semester is a day at
half shorter.
Students Disliked
A poll of student opinion fc
that 80 per cent of the stu4
body preferred to return on 1M
day and 51 per cent said t
absolutely would not return
Friday even if classes were
dropped for that day.
The major' objection to rett
ing early was economic. Stud
felt that it was unreasonabl
be asked to return to the Uni
sity four days early and in
the additional expenses of r
and board for only a day or
most, a day and a half of cla
Expl-Wosion 1(1
jive Mirers
ers trying to make a mine
for fellow workmen were k
yesterday in a terrifying explo
in the bowels of the earth z
t h is southwestern Pennsylvy
Six others who were trapped
several hours were brought
safety in a delicate rescue opi
tion which began shortly a
dawn and lasted far into the ni
Officials of the MariannaflI
of Bethlehem Steel Corp.
nounced that the bodies of the
two of several missing miners
been found about 565 feet b
the surface and 2,000 feet fro
mine shaft.

Human Emotions Explode Into Little Rock Mob Rioting

ly, "they'll be here soon." "They
better," said another, "I got to get
to work."
Ordinary people-mostly curious,
you would have said-watching a

at ,the big Negro. Then another
jumped on his back and rode him
to the ground, forearms deep in
the Negro's throat.
They kicked him and beat him1
on the ground and they smashed

It was an unforgettable tableau.
They were carrying books. White
bobby-sox, part of the high school
uniform, glinted on the girls'
ankles. They were all nicely dress-
ed. The boys wore open-throat

A woman-the one with the
auburn hair and the green jacket
-rushed up to him. Her face was
working with fury now.
Her lips drew back in a snarl
and she was screaming. "Did they


.. w. V i .air ata iva f .

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