CONGRATULATIONS TO BOARD OF GOVERNORS See Page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 7E1ait4i vARTLY CLOUDY, COLD VOL. LXVIIIL No.98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1958 FIVE CENTS r SIX PAGES Ike Warns SAgainst Cut In Aid Funds Says Defense Costs, ' Taxes Would Increase WASHINGTON (A') -President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester- day higher taxes, big draft calls and a "massive increase" in de- fense spending would result if Congress sharply reduces his re- quefst for $3,942,100,000 in new foreign aid funds. He drew this grim picture in a special message formally request- ing "vigorous continuation" of the government's global aid program for an 11th straight year. The money figure was not new, having been disclosed in his budget message. Anticipates Fight Clearly anticipating a hot con- gressional fight, President Eisen- hower sought by unprecedented blunt language to jolt foes into considering what he called the menacing alternatives. The message was released at the White House and also at President Eisenhower's Georgia vacation headquarters. The sum requested was about a billion dollars more than an eco- nomy-minded Congress provided last year but 500 million dollars less than the administration sought in 1957. Nearly 50 billion dollars in foreign aid money has been sent overseas since 1948. CriticaI Need President Eisenhower contended this new program, for the year be- ginning July 1, represents "the Scritical margin of assistance" needed to assure American and free world security against Red threats. At the Capitol, House Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) called the message a strong one. Rep. Ray- burn also credited foreign aid with "saving a lot of our friends from communism." Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, the Senate Democratic leader, commented: "The mutual security program has become a major part of the foreign policy of the United States. With that thought in mind, the President's message will re- wire careful and thorough study." House Grouprw Nxn Dr-awsNixon, Into TV Prob e WASHINGTON QP)- House in- vestigators yesterday turned up a letter describing Vice-President Richard Nixon as the "right man" to approach in behalf of a Miami television applicant. The letter said a Nixon aide would "present it" to the vice- president. There was, however, no testimony as to whether the mat- ter ever actually reached Nixon. The vice-president refused to com- ment on what the witnesses did say. Other testimony before a special House committee investigating government regulatory agencies was that Sen. Estes Kefauver (D- Tenn.) had "incidental conversa- tions" with three members of the Federal Communications Commis- sion. A. Frank Katzentine testified that Sen. Kefauver told him he also had talked with Commissioner Richard A. Mack, a key figure in the investigation of the FCC. Katzentine is a Miami attorney and radio station operator who sought to obtain TV Channel 10 in Miami. An FCC examiner ruled in his favor, but the commission voted 4-2 to assign the channel to an air line's subsidiary. The House subcommittee cur-1 rently is looking for evidence of pressure being brought on behalf of various applications for the channel, The letter in which Nixon's name figures was written by Dow- ney Rice, a Washington attorney. Dated Oct. 13, 1955, it was ad- dressed to Daniel P. Sullivan of the Greater Miami. IHC To Meet in SAil Todav SGC Campaign Calendar Voted Petitioning Will Begin Tomorrow; Holland Named to Vacant Position By JOHN WEICHER Student Government Council last night approved a campaign calendar for the Spring Election March 25 and 26. Elections Director Roger Mahey, '61, presented the calendar by which petitioning opens tomorrow and closes March 4. Active cam- paigning, as tentatively established, will begin March 12. Seven seats will be filled in the election. Three incumbents, Execu- tive Vice-President Ron Shorr, '58, Jean Scruggs, '58, and Nelson Employment Drop. Sharp In City, Area The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area is "approaching the point" where it could be labeled a distress labor area and thereby eligible for fed- eral aid, Earl W. Potter, manager of the Ann Arbor branch of the Michigan Employment S'curity Commission said yesterday. Potter disclosed that between 5,000 and 5,500 persons in the area-7.3 per cent of the 68,400 man labor force-are jobless. Bernard W. Shaw, Ypsilanti brand h MESC manager, said he is certain Ypsilanti unemployment exceeds 7.3 per cent. He said he believes when a community's labor force is more than six per cent unemployed it can be considered for priority in the issuance of fed- eral contracts. Figures in Report The percentage figure quoted by Shaw is in an MESC report, "La- bor Force and Employment Esti- mates," which was compiled by the Commission's research and statistics division for the Ann Arbor area. The report, dated January 15, listed unemployment in the two- city area at 5,000. Potter believes, however, that the number of jobless has grown to "at least 5,500." Increase Noted A jump of 3.6 per cent between nov. 15 and Jan. 15 was noted in the report. Numerically, the num- ber of; jobless jumped from 2,500 to 5,00$ during the period. Not included in the report were the 1,800 workers who were laid off for one week from Ford Motor Company's Ypsilanti plant. Start- ing next week other area workers are expected to be affected when Ford shuts down its Livonia trans- mission plan, the Plymouth branch of the MESC said. Ann Arbor is not as "badly hit" as Ypsilanti, Potter said. He ex- plained that diversification of pro- ducts manufactured in local plants have held the number of jobless down. Daily Tryouts Meet Today The Daily tryout meeting will be held at 7:15 p.m. today in the Stu- dent Publications Bldg. Students interested in working on the editorial staff of The Daily are welcomed and encouraged to attend this meeting, according to Donna Hanson, '58. Personnel Director. ' Sherburne, '59, have decided not to seek reelection. One of the seven positions to be decided was filled until the elec- tion last night when SOC chose Carol Holland, '60, to fill the seat resigned by Linda Rainwater, '60, at the begining of the semester. Dan Belin, '59, told the Council the rushing study committee has sent out questionnaires to 500 freshmen women asking their opinions on various aspects of rushing, including preferences for fall or spring rush. All Answered All except 60 have been an- swered and returnedehe said. A second questionnaire will be sent to the same girls when rushing ends, after which the answers will be analyzed. Bob Whealey, Grad., told SGC the South East Asia Delegation has so far been unable to interest foundations in financing the dele- gation. He is financial director of the delegation. / He told the Council the delega- tion wanted to solicit alumni, corporations, and other possible donors, but did not know how much time the applicants for the delegation would be willing to spend to solicit funds. He said he would report back on this next week. Disapprove of Gates Administrative Vice - President Maynard Goldman, '59, told the Council the Lecture Committee had expressed disapproval of bringing John Gates, former Daily Worker editor, to speak at campus. However, the committee indicated it would allow Gates to speak, he said. SGC also reopened members' time to constituents and the press. Last December the Council had formally abolished the period, dur-' ing which members may express themselves on any topic. However, it was retained as an informal dis- cussion after the meeting. SBX Improves Yearly Sales Total sales of this year's Student Book Exchange amounted to $5,618, according to Phil Zook, '60, manager. The book exchange was con- siderably better this year, despite a few problems, Zook commented. The total profit will be tabulated after a count is made of the num- ber of books left over and the number of books lost or stolen. One of the biggest problems this year was the failure of students to bring books in during the exam period. Many contributed books during the registration period and con- sequently caused a great deal of confusion as well as a fluctuating supply of books. Another difficulty encountered was the temporary use of the SBX rooms by the Summer Employ- ment Bureau. SENATOR SAYS: Combine Education Boards State Rep. Charles A. Boyer (R- Manistee) last night suggested that eventually the board govern- ing state colleges and universities in Michigan could be combined. He pointed out that six different groups now govern these institu- tions. No other state has so large a number, he said. The chairman of a joint legis- lative committee to study higher education noted that 90 per cent of the college-age youth living in Washtenaw County are currently going to college. This figure is more than double that of any other county in the state. Rep. Boyer said this indicates many persons are moving into the county and establishing residence for the purpose of going to college. Student recruiting and extension courses were other areas in which coordination rather than compe- tition among state colleges and universities would be beneficial, Rep. Boyer said. He told a Student Government Council meeting his committee had discovered one institution in which available classroom space is only being used to 35 per cent of capacity. (University Vice-President Wil- liam Stirton told The Daily that the University was not the insti- tution in question.) He also said federal aid would be unnecessary and superfluous in providing more schools Principals Set Des-,.ign For Schools INDIANAPOLIS (R) - Ameri- ca's secondary school principals yesterday tentatively approved a bold, new plan designed to pull junior and senior high schools into the space age by their boot- straps. On the final day of their an- nual convention the educators agreed on the need for more stress on the teaching of mathematics and science in grades seven through 12. There was minor dis- agreement on just how this should be done. Special Committee A special 18-man committee of the National Assn. of Secondary School Principals put the blue- print before the convention Mon- day. After three days of point-by- point debate the educators agreed they liked it-with reservations. .The program set forth these stern standards: Both science and math should be required in the seventh, eighth and ninth grades. "Capable" stu- dents should be required to take both subjects in grades 10, 11 and 12. Condense Program Exceptionally talented students should condense this six-year pro- gram into five years, leaving their 12th year free for advanced col- lege-level courses in both fields. Students of "limited ability" should have at least one year of science and math during their last three years of high school. Many of the principals said the program should be "strongly rec- ommended," instead of "re- quired."% British Desire Of, East -West Series ..IL U.S. Attitude Made Firm On Meetings No Russian-Dictated Conference Rules WASHINGTON ()-The United States suddenly stiffened its atti- tude toward an East-West summit conference yesterday, ruling out a meeting on terms dictated by Mos- cow. The move was undertaken de- liberately to put the brakes on what the State Department con- sidered almost a runaway drive for an East-West meeting at any price. Authorities noted that the United States clarification of posi- tion was paralleled by a statement to the House of Commons in Lon- don by Prime Minister Macmillan. The British leader said he would sit down at a conference table with the Russians only if there were prospects of success. In Washington, summit confer- ence policy was discussed by Deputy Undersecretary of State Robert Murphy, top diplomat ad- viser to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. He said that under present cir- cumstances a summit meeting may or may not happen because it is not yet clear 'whether United States conditions will be met by the Soviet Union. When asked whether a top-level session might be held under the sponsorship of the United Nations, Murphy said the United States has had no "fixation about how a meeting should occur because we've not known whether such a meeting would occur." Variety Show Discontinued, 'No Interest' By ANN EICHLER After nine years of providing an opportunity for University students to display their talents, the annual Gulantics variety show has been discontinued. Prof. Phillip Duey of the music school, founder of Gulantics said, "I am fearful that the lack of interest shown Gulantics by the public is a strong reason for its discontinuance. The many radio and television shows have satiated the public with this kind of enter- tainment." Prof. Duey added that in the past two years the effort and time put into the presentation of Gul- antics far outweighed the financial, returns. "In fact," he commented, "the show has barely managed to break even in the past two years." Representatives from the Union, League and Glee Club, the three groups sponsoring Gulantics, met last fall and decided to discontinue the show. Prof. Duey said the show would be continued at "such a time as adequate student inter- est is shown." The initial performances of the show were successful. However, attendance improved and popu- larity and financial success reached their peak in the early 1950's. Profits from these shows were put into the Glee Club scholarship fund for awards given annually by the club. Gulantics was begun in 1949 as a result of the .opinion of Prof. Duey that many University stu- dents had talent which, if given a means of expression, could be en- joyed by many. He found that members of the Union and League were of the same sentiment and, accordingly, the three organizations combined their efforts to present an all- campus talent show. SPEAKS TO YD's: Sexton Criticizes Ike On Economc Policy Series f .-Daily-Eric Arnold BRENDAN SEXTON ... more purchasing power Reserve Board Eases Credit For Bankers WASHINGTON (A') - The Fed- eral Reserve Board lowered the re- serve requirements of member banks by one-half of one per cent yesterday, thereby creating a theoretical increase of three bil- lion dollars in lending capacity. It was a credit-easing, anti-de- flationary move aimed at fight- ing the recession. A spokesman said the action will release about 500 million dol- lars from reserves which the 6,400 member banks are required to hold against demand deposits. It will become effective Feb. 27 in two banking categories and March 1 in a third. Bankers figure that for every dollar released from reserve they will gain six dollars in lending capacity. There is no guarantee, however, that all of this theoreti- cal three billion will be taken by borrowers. As the new order on reserve re- quirements went out, William Mc- Chesney Martin Jr., board chair- man, was advising congress to give the national economy a chance to recover without major tax cuts or a massive public works program. If needed adjustments are promptly made, the current' re- cession may be moderate and short-lived," Martin told the Sen- ate Banking Committee. A Treasury spokesman said Sec- retary of the Treasury Robert An- derson regards the lowering, of bank reserves as "further evidence of proper flexibilit§ in federal re- serve operations, and in the best interests of the economy." United Auto Workers Education Director Brendan Sexton ldst night sharply criticised the Eisenhower Administration's economic policy during what he called a "very serious economic situation." Sexton told a meeting of Young Democrats that what this country needs most is "an injection of in- creased consumer purchasing power." "The classical way to fight a depression was to lower wages," he explained. "This was supposed to enable producers to lower prices, and result in increased consumer activity. Of course, it really lower- ed purchasing power." "Actually," he explained, "the basic reason for an unbalanced economy is the failure to give workers the kind of income which will enable them to buy back goods." Equating President Dwight D. Eisenhower's measures with those of ex-President Herbert Hoover's "Buy Now" slogan during the Great Depression, Sexton said these tactics will be no more ef- fective today than they were in 1929. Sexton said that while profits of large corporations enjoyed a tremendous increase, the prof its of small companies'actually de- clined under President Eisenhower. He called this largely the result of the current "tight - money" policy. One method of increasing con- sumer activity, he suggested, is the proposal by Sen. Patrick Mac- Namara (D-Mich.) to increase in- come tax dependency allowances. Councilman To Quit Post; Frank A. C. Davis, Third Ward Republican councilman said yes- terday he will submit his resigna- tion from his council post to the council tonight. . A forthcoming job change, that will take Davis to Philadelphia as director of medical information at the University of Pennsylvania, is the cause of the resignation. James F. Brinkerhoff, general manufacturing manager, is the most likely candidate to succeed Davis on the council and as a candidate in the April 7 election in which Davis was to have run for re-election. At a meeting Monday night of the City Republican Committee, its senior advisory committee and the eight Republican members of the council, Brinkerhoff was named to fill out Davis' term. Davis is now health sciences editor of the University relations staff and is in charge of public relations at the University Medical Center. He has worked for the University since early 1956, and been an Ann Arbor resident for seven years. Warn West To Maintain A-Weapons Macmillan Insists Careful Preparation First Requirement LONDON W) - Prime Minister Harold Macmillan proposed yes- terday a series of East-West sum- mit conferences if a first one pro- duced any modest success. He insisted that all meetings be well-prepared in advance. The British leader warned the West against throwing itself at the mercy of the Soviets by aban- doning nuclear weapons. He said Western abandonment of nuclear weapons would double, treble or even quadruple the military value of the Soviet Union's vast store of conventional weapons. Opens Debate Opening a two-day foreign af- fairs debate in the House of Com- mons, Macmillan spoke out in earnest for advance preparations for talks between Western and So- viet leaders. Banging on the table before him, he told a cheering house: "I want a summit conference, but I want it to be successful." "Perhaps if we had any modest success at the first meeting, fur- ther meetings might follow with similar preparation," he said. Disarmament in the widest sense, he said, might be a profit- able subject at any top-level meet- ing. But he said even the proposal for joint East-West abandonment of nuclear weapons must be ap- proached carefully. Reds Make Proposal Such disarmament, he added, must bring a corresponding edu- tion in the total military power of each side. As he spoke, the Soviet Union proposed taking its nuclear and rocket weapons out of central Eu- rope if the United States, Britain and France agreed to remove theirs. The Soviet statement, reesed,;" at a news conference in Moscow by the Soviet Foreign Ministry, said an agreement between the three Western allies and the Soviet Union could lead to an interna- tional ban on nuclear weapons. Egypt-Sudan Settle Border DisuteQuietly KHARTOUM, Sudan (1)-A set- tlement was reported yesterday in Sudan's border dispute with Egypt after a five-hour meeting in Cairo between President Nasser and Su- dafiese Foreign Minister Mohamed Abdel Mahgoub. Details of the reported settle- ment were not known. But dis- patches from Cairo earlier report- ed that Nasser and Mahgoub met in a friendly atmosphere and that Nasser was working for a com- promise. The Egyptian press and offi- cials in Cairo also sought all day to tone down the dispute over land which has been administered by the Sudanese for more than half a century. The area comprises 6,000 square miles north of the 22nd parallel The biggest part forms a triangle with a point at the 22nd parallel and spanning out 150 miles to the Red Sea. Senate Ar'gues Court Review WASHINGTON (P-A bill to strip ,the Supreme Court of au- thority to review certain types of. subversive cases was roundly de- GARG BY ANY OTHER NAME: Yellow Journalism on Sale Today That strange phenomenon - some call it nemesis - of campus life rears its ugly head again to- day. Gargoyle hits the newstands this morning with its annual satire on The Daily. While its cir- culation manager sleeps, blissfully unaware that he forgot to find someone - anyone - to sell under the Engine Arch, various and sundry characters will be pocketing shiny new quarters for copies of this local exponent of yellow journalism. world News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS - The United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals outlawed segregation on city buses and street cars in New Orleans. The action affirmed a decision by United States District Judge J. Skelly Wright, who previously granted an injunction stopping city officials and New Orleans Public Service, Inc. officials from enforc- ing segregation laws. * * * MARTIN, France - Sir Winston Churchill has pneurfonia and pleurisy, his doctors said last night. But he smoked two cigars yesterday and was described as com- fortable and in good spirits. LANSING - Majority Senate Republicans yesterday fired Russell