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February 19, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-19

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom





Suspicion Shown
SOn Local Firings
Ypsilanti Board Meeting Brings
Charges on Deputies' Releases
Suspicion that recent suspensions and resignations of five Wash-
tenaw County sheriff's department employees were made for "political
reasons" was aired at yesterday's Ypsilanti Township Board meeting.
I The meeting was a lesson in the study of local town meeting
government-with clapping, booing, shouting and all the trappings.
Township supervisor Franklin J. Shepherd, still in office after
a successful recall election last Tuesday, attempted to explain to
spectators and Board members reasons why the township hired the
deputies after they left Sheriff

Riots Occur
Capital City

Residence Governors


Causes Street



Dubos Cites
Of Disease

Erwin L. Klager's department.
Due to lack of funds, Shepherd
said, the township might not have
any police force at all.
Shepherd, a graduate of Har-
vard University and a 1951 gradu-
ate of the University law school,
faced the comments of spectators
who said the hiring of the police
by the township was not provided
for in any ordinance.
One spectator, who had made
several comments during the meet-
ing, said that this was creating a
police force by "fiat." Another
person declared that the township
police car was "locked up" the day
after official appointment of the
deputies by township police chief
and treasurer Joseph J. Swope.
"The Township Supervisor must
hold the power to dissappoint or
re - appoint," another spectator
The six -member Township
Board voted to ask Sheriff Klager
to appoint two county deputies in
order to give the approximately
25,000 population township a po-
lice force.

KHARTOUM, Sudan R)- - A
wave of anti-Egyptian feeling
erupted in this capital yesterday
following reports Cairo has sent
armed men into disputed border
Photographs of Egypt's Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser suddenly
disappeared from shop windows,
and the anti-EgyptianUmma
party of Prime Minister Abdullah
Khalil issued a call for volunteer
national guardsmen to stand by
for any emergency.
Egypt's ambassador to Khar-
toum confirmed at a news confer-
ence that Egyptian "electoral com-
mittees" with bodyguards had
entered a disputed area in pre-
paration for Friday's plebiscite on
the United Arab Republic of Egypt
and Syria.
Later reports circulated that
Sudanese troops were moving to-
ward the northeast frontier, but a
government statement denied
Egyptian charges that Sudanese
forces had entered the disputed
The area in dispute is about
6,000 square miles of desert fron-
tier land bordering the Red Sea,
about 125 miles southeast of the
proposed site for Nasser's high
Aswan Dam project.
Despite the announcement of
the Egyptian ambassador in
Khartoum, Egypt's delegation
spokesman at the United Nations
in New York insisted "there is
and there was" no Egyptian
armed invasion of the Sudan.

-Daily-Robert Kanner
... goals of disease

Disease is the price humanity
must pay for certain goals, ac-
cording to Dr. Rene J. Dubos.
A great deal also depends on
the definition of disease, the Uni-'
versity biology consultant from the
Rockefeller Institute continued.
He went on to illustrate his points
to his audience last night in Rack-
ham lecture hall.
A certain virus causes variegated
coloring in tulips, Dr. Dubos said.
In the past a single tulip was-
worth the disease which made it
Applying the same idea to peo-
ple, the lecturer said under one
criterion men like Beethoven are
best gotten rid of-they are queer.
But if what they accomplish is
worth having, the disease is worth
There are many forces at work
on a disease,Dr. Dubossaid.hHe
then presented a few case' his-
Whenever industrialization
reaches a country, tuberculosis
mortality increases for 30 to 50
years, and then begins to decrease
This happened in the first half
of the 19th century, in Europe,
he said, and is now happening in
countries such as Chile and Japan.
These illustrations serve, ac-
cording to Dr. Dubos, to illustrate
the close relationship between eco-
nomic and social conditions and
Sallade Wants
Healthy' Race
For Governor'
EAST LANSING (m) -- Rep.
George W. Sallade (R-Ann Arbor)
tonight called for a "healthy" pri-
mary election race between as yet
unannounced candidates for the
Republican nomination for gover-
Challenging candidates to de-
clare themselves, Sallade suggested
a GOP election battle between
what he called an "Eisenhower
Republican" and a "state house
In the latter category, he placed
Sen. Edwards F. Hutchinson (R-
Fennville), chairman of the Sen-
ate Business committee mentioned
as a potential GOP governor nom-
"olio' Clinic
~ A e

U.S., British To Offer
Tunsian Peace Plan
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (W) - The United Nations Security
Council yesterday tossed the explosive Tunisian-French dispute into
the hands of mediators.
The action came after the United States and Britain declared
they had affirmative proposals for a peaceful solution.
Did Not Spell Out
Representatives of the, two Western powers, whose good offices
have been accepted by France and Tunisia, did not spell out what
they had in mind.
But there was speculation their efforts would be extended to
setting up machinery which could be used in an attempt to resolve
-the broad issue of the French-
Algerian conflict, now in its fourth
The council was called to hear a
Senior Dues Tunisian accusation' that France
committed aggression in the bomb-
In Fing of a Tunisian border village on
Feb. 8.

Offer Hope
To Lighten
Dorm Rates
Seek Aid to Students
To Ease Rising Costs
The residence hall rate study
committee said it could offer no
"easy solution" to rising room and
board rates but it offered s'ome
hope for lightening the effect of
room and board raises.
The committee report, released
yesterday, said "In an inflation-
ary period ... rates will continue
to go up as the cost of food, labor,
and materials goes up."
It eliminated the possibility of
relief by limiting building objec-
tives by citing the "need to main-
tain a continuing program of resi-
dence halls expansion in a grow-
ing university."
No Help From State
Until the state finds the finan-
cial resources, the report said, no
help can be expected from the
legislature in building residence
A rate rise can't be stopped,
committee member Jean Scruggs1
'58, said but the effect of the
rise could be lightened.
The report mentioned student
jobs, scholarships, awards and;
other forms of partial assistance
should be developed further. Not--
ing the decline of large endow-
ments, the report urged more or-
ganized effort to develop fre-
quent, small-scale and various
forms of aid.
Dormitory rates have doubled
since 1939, the report showed, but
the cost of food and labor, twor
big determinants of residence hall
rates, have increased even faster.
Costs of running dorms are
nearly equivalent to the average
of 12 midwestern schools. How-
ever, University residence hallsI
spent twice as much - five andt
one-half percent-as the average
of the other schools.t
Spent More Money
University residence halls alsoj
spent more for debt service -- 22.6q
per cent compared with 16.6 per
cent. Francis C. Shiel, Service En-
terprises manager, said this was
due to the greater expansion pro-i
gram of University residence hallsI
and that other schools hadn'tt
realized the rate of expansion4
they would need to keep pace witht
growing student enrollment. He
gave Ohio'State as an example of(
a school that had to increase
rates over $100 at one jump to(
provide for expansion.
Report Says <
Churchill Sick
NICE, France ()-Sir Winston}
Churchill, 83 years old, was re-
ported tired and sick last night
at his Riviera vacation villa.j
His physician, Lord Moran, an-
nounced in London that he will
take a plane today to see the!
former British prime minister.
Montague Browne, Churchill's1
private secretary, told newsmen a
medical announcement will be is-1
sued today.
This is an English procedure'
adopted only when the condition
of a leading public figure is re-

garded as worrisome.

The Detroit Red Wings made
life miserable for three Michigan,
goaltenders last night as they
fired a 58-shot barrage and
earned an 11-4 victory at the
Coliseum before 1700 fans.
Regular goaltender Ross Childs
was treated to 25 powerful shots
in the opening period, while three
Plan Calls
For Students
To Pay Costs
LANSING (P)-Should students
at state colleges and universities
pay a bigger share of the cost of
their education?
Lively debate over the question
today marked consideration of a
proposal to compel students to
finance a 100 million dollar build-
ing program for Michigan's nine
state supported institutions of
higher learning.
Rep. Willard I. Bowerman Jr.
(R-Lansing) came up with the
plan, suggesting it be submitted
to the voters next fall as an
amendment to the state constitu-
tion. It already has won approval
of the house rules and resolutions
It calls for students to retire
construction bonds, signing notes
agreeing to pay $90 a year for each
year they're enrolled. Notes would
fall due five years after issue.
"You might call it a delayed
contribution to the school alumni
fund," Bowerman told the House.
"Only the people who get the
direct benefit would pay the bill."
Fighting the plan, Rep. Joseph
Kowalski (D-Detroit) complained
it would "force a young fellow to
pay $600 in principal and interest
just after graduation, the years
when he can afford it least."
Rep. Adrian deBoom (R-Owos-
so), contended students would
gain "pride by paying for some-
thing they have acquired.
"When I graduated from col-
lege, I owed $2,500 to the bank at
seven per cent interest,", he said.
"I was earning $1,700 a year. To-
day's students get starting salaries
of $5,000. This proposal can't hurt
them much."

attempts, two of them lightening
shots by Gordie Howe, dented his
Reserve goaltender PetedKelly
followed Childs and made 15
saves, also allowing three goals.
The final netminder was fresh-
man Jim Coyle who received no
quarter from the Wings as they
aimed 18 shots at him and scored
five times.
The totals showed the Wolver-
ine goaltenders stopping 58 shots,
more than an adequate total for
two games, while the Red Wing
duo of Terry Sawchuk and Lefty
Wilson had to stop only 18.
Team Affair
Detroit scoring was a team af-
fair with .center Norm Ullman
scoring a "hat trick" on three
third period goals. Howe, Red
Kelly and Bill McNeill all scored
a pair, while Alex Delvecchio and
Tony Leswick picked up the re-
For Michigan, the evening be-
longed to freshman winger Pat
Cushing who scored a pair of
goals against Terry Sawchuk ear-
ly in the second period. His sec-
ond one narrowed the Michigan
deficit to 3-2, but three quick De-
troit goals soon stifled any hopes
of an upset.
Spirited Mood
The Wings started out the game
in a very spirited mood, contrast-
ed with Michigan's timidity. Howe
opened the scoring after taking a
pass from wing Jack McIntyre by
literally whipping the puck into
the net with his tremendous wrist
The force was so great, that
upon hitting the netting, the
puck catapulted back on the fore
ice. Throughout the period the
Wings continued to practice at
Childs' expense, and it was only
through his many spectacular

-Daily-David Arnold
FIRST ONE HURTS-Detroit's Tony Leswick (12) scores the first goal against Michigan's freshman
netminder Jim Coyle at 1:33 of the third period. Coyle took over from Pete Kelly during the final
period for his first varsity effort. Here he attempts to use the net as a support to block the shot, but
his strategy failed.
Red Wings Topple W olverines, 114

saves that the three goal margin
was held.
The second period found the
Wolverines beginning to step into
the pros, and the play improved
during the first seven minutes.
However, after Cushing scored
his second goal to narrow the
score, the play got a little rough-
er and the Wings became more
The next two minutes they bat-,
tered Kelly with numerous shots,
and scored three more goals. De-
See CUSHING, page 3
Red Troops
To Withdraw

Senior dues paid during Febru-
ary, 1958 registration amounted to
only $88, according to Michael
Jackson, '58, president of the
Senior Board.
The total amount paid by 1958
graduates is now $1,300.
Jackson said the Board will
make another request for all
seniors to send in their money.
Senior dues are two dollars.
As for the senior class gift,
Jackson said it had officially de-
cided on "some sort of sculpture."
However, he explained any large
sculpture would cost a minimum
of $5,000.
He also mentioned the immedi-
ate unfavorable reaction to one
piece of sculpture which was sug-
The Board is going to consult
with members of the administra-
tion, Jackson said. He explained
they will not know definitely what
their gift will be until they- have
sufficient funds.
"Students did not seem too eager
to help out," he said.



tWill Review

Harbored Rebels
France charged Tunisia with
harboring Algerian rebels.
United States Ambassador
James J. Wadsworth told the
council his country is gratified by
French - Tunisian acceptance of
the United States-British offer to
aid the two countries in settling
outstanding problems between
Hopes To Offer
He added that the United States
hopes to be able to offer affirma-
tive suggestions to advance the
objective of a peaceful and equit-
able solution of these problems.
In Paris the French government
proposed a "no man's land" be
set up on the Algerian side of the
frontier with Tunisia to prevent
border incidents.,
The French suggested also that
the United States and Britain
consider formation of a French-
Tunisian border watch-dog com-
Exploratory talks were already,
taking place in Tunis.

Fron Korea
TOKYO 01)-Red China Premier
Chou En-lai and 'North Korean
Primier Kim I Sung said today
Red Chinese troops will withdraw
from North Korea by the end of
this year.
Theannouncement was made in
a broadcast from Pyongyang, the
North Korean capital.
Chou arrived in North Korea
Feb. 14 for an official visit.
Would Begin
The two premiers said the With-
drawal would begin before April.
The broadcast said a joint com-
munique declared:
"The Chinese Government is
taking the initiative in withdraw-
ing its volunteer forces in support
of North Korea's demand for with-
drawal of all foreign troops in, Ko-
The broadcast contained no stip-
ulation that American troops
would have to withdraw simul-
Estimated Troops
The South Korean army esti-
mated last year there were 350,000
Red Chinese soldiers in North Ko-
rea and "not less than a million.
across the Yalu River' in Man-
The United States has two divi-
sions-about 30,000 men--in South
Korea, comprising virtually all the
United Nations Command forces
in that area.
South Korea has an estimated
600,000 men under arms.
The withdrawal announcement,
which the broadcast said was al-
so made in Peiping, climaxes a
communist campaign to bring
about what the Reds call free elec-
tionsato unite North and South
North Korea made its most re-
cent call for elections to unite the
divided peninsula Feb. 6, but In-
cluded conditions South Korea and
the West were sure to reject.
U' Postpones
TAh... T A .. ..n

To Determine Validity
Of Guild's Charges
Of Discrimination
A thorough look into dormitory
roommate "integration" policies
was instituted yesterday by the
Residence Hall Board of Gover-
nors. -
The survey was proposed by the
Board to gather facts for its study
of roommate placement policy,
initiated by a Congregational De-
sciples Guild petition signed by
about 800 students and presented
to the Board. It will encompass all
residence halls.
The survey is planned to deter-
mine how many residents do live
with a student of a different race
or religion, how students said they
felt about rooming with a student
of a different race or religion on
their applications and the validity
of Desciples Guild charges 'of dis-
criminatory roommate placement
Reports Claim
Director of Housing Peter A.
Ostafin says the report will be
made public.
Results of a student survey last
spring claimed that 97 per cent
of dorm residents room with some-
one of the same race, while 72 r
cent live with roommates e
racially, religiously and nationally.
However, Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon has criticized this sur-
vey as "meaningless."
"We never got the facts because
we were afraid of the reaction,"ViePeietfrSuetAfi
Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis said, explaining
the Board had thought parents
and students might get the wrng
impression of the Board's or resi-
dence hall administration's motives
in compiling racial or religious
Vice-President Lewis said there
was "continual intimation that
whole corridors are made up of
"Jewish students."
Details Not Worked Out
He said there was at present no1
way the administration had of
identifying the race or religion of
all the residents.
Details of the survey have not
yet been worked out, according to
]Peter A. Ostam, director of housa-
ing He is not sure when the sur-
vey will be completed.
The Board also directed the
three to compile past action on
integration, determine the basis
of criticism of the Desciples Guild,
and compile evidence of how other
schools handle the roommate
placement problem. eF
Lists Statement
Men's residence hall application
policy has been to ask for a pic-
ture, a statement of religious pref-
erence and the question "Are you
interested in a roommate of a
nationality or race other than
your own?"
The women's application asks
for two pictures and contains the
question. "Specify any preferences
or qualifications you have regard-
ing a rommate."
Both contain a statement by the
Board of Governors to the effect
each student or parent has differ-
ent preferences and these "insofar
as administratively possible"
should be respected.
Rushing Study
A preliminary oral report by the
rushing study committee of Stu-
dent Government Council will be

given at the SGC meeting at 7:30
p.m. today in the Council room of
the Student Activities Bldg.
The Council will also make an
apnointment to the SGC position

'U', State Hospital Dedicate ResearchCenter
- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Army Unveils
New Missile
CHICAGO ({P-The Army an-
nounced last night the develop-
ment of a new guided missile with
a range of about 100 miles which,
it said, "is invulnerable to any
known means of enemy counter-
mDr. William H. Martin, director
of research and development of
the Army, unveiled the new weap-
on, the Sergeant, at a news con-
It is a surface-to-surface mis-
sile which, Martin said, "can
deliver a nuclear blow deep into
enemy lines."
The Sergeant is a development
of the Army's first surface-to-sur-
face missile, the Corporal, has a
longer range, uses a solid fuel
rather than a liquid like the Cor-

The University and Ypsilanti State Hospital yesterday formally
dedicated a cooperative Research Center for the study of schizophrenia
and psychopharmacology.
The search for understanding of America's number one mental
disease is being financed by more than $1,000,000 in grants from the
National Institute of Mental Health, including $850,000 from the

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