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February 16, 1958 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-16

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orthwestern Fall


'M' Swimmers

Hanley, Tashnick Break Records;
Wolverines Whip Hoosiers, 65-40

sity exhibition pool and easily
Michigan's powerful swimming defeated them both.
team took on two Big Ten conten- In a rare double dual meet, the
ders at once yesterday at the var- Wolverines defeated Indiana, 65-

Swimmnug Sununaries
(Cook, Honda, Yap, Nakamura); 2. sing, Matin, Pongracz, Bro
Mich. Time-4:02.1Tim:02.,.
220-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Hanley (M);
2. Fries (M); 3. Kennady (I). Time- 220-YD. FREESTYLE-1. E
2:09.7 (New Pool Record: Old Record- 2. Fries (M); 3. Shutt (N
2:10.0-Hanley, 1957) 2:09.7.
50-YD. FREESTYLE-i. Woolley (M); 50-YD. FREESTYLE-1. W
2. Jones (I); 3. Lewis (I). Time- :23.1- 2. Foster (NU); 3. Browne
200-YD. IND. MEDLEY-1. Tashnick :23.1.
(M); 2. Hopkins (M); 3. Miki (I). Time 220-YD. IND. MEDLEY-
--2:10.8 (New School Record; Old Rec- (M); 2. Hopkins (M); 3. Ald
ord-2:11.6-Hopkins-1957). Time-2:10.8.
DIVING-1. Gaxiola (M); 2. Cole (M); DIVING- Gaxiola (M);
3. Blann (I). Points-247. Points 247.
200-YD. BUTTERFLY - 1. Tashnick 220-YD. BUTTERFLY --
(M); 2. Pongracz (M)( 3. Honda (I). (M); 2. Pongracz (14); 3. Fa
Time-2 :11.4. Time-2 :11.4.
i0-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Woolley (M); i0-YD. FREESTYLE-1.
2. Nakamura (I); 3. Browne (M). Time 2. Browne (M); 3. Foster (N
-:51.4 :51.4.
200-+D. BACKSTROKE-1. Cook (I); 200-YD. BACKSTROKE -
2. Reissing (M); 3. Hori (I). Time- (M); 2. Schadt (NU); 3. H
2:17.5. Time-2:17.5
440-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Hanley (M); 440-YD. FREESTYLE-1. I
2. Kennady (I); 3. Parks (I). Time-- 2. Shutt (NU); 3. Fitzhugh
4:53.2. -4:53.2.
kins (M); 2. Maten (M); 3. Yap (I). kins (M); 2. Maten (M); 3. S
Time-2:26.1. Time-2:26.1.

-1. M. (Reis-
ne); 2. NU.
Hanley (M);
U). Time-
oolley (M);
(M). Time--
1. Tashnick
erson (NU).
Cole (M).
1. Tashnick
armer (NU).
Woolley (M);:
NU). Time-
1. Reissing
andler (M).
Hanley (M);
(M). Time
- 1. Hop-
Smith (NU).

40, and walloped the Wildcats of
Northwestern, 78-26. All three
teams swam in the same races, as
in a triangular meet, but both
Indiana and Northwestern were
pitting their strength against
Michigan and not against each
Dick Hanley, Carl -Woolley and
Tony Tashnick were double win-
ners as the Wolverines took eight
out Df a possible 11 first places in
the one-sided meet. Other winners
for the Wolverines were Cy Hop-
kins and Alvaro Gaxiola.
Break Records
Tashnick, acting captain, and
Hanley broke records in their win-
ning efforts. Tashnick swam the
200-yd. individual medley in 2:10.8
to clip eight-tenths of a second off
Hopkins' former school record.
Hanley knocked three-tenths of a
second off his pool reCbrd as he
churned the 220-yd. freestyle in
Pull Surprises
Michigan swimmers pulled sev-
eral surprises in the meet. Al
Maten finished second to Hopkins
and thus beat out Indiana's great
Barry Yap in the 200-yd. breast-
stroke. Yap, who finished second
in the Big Ten and third in the
NCAA last year, was leading Maten
until Maten came from behind to
win' in the final 25 yards.
In the diving Dick Kimball and
Tony Turner performed in exhibi-
tidn only, but Gaxiola was still
able to outpoint NCAA champion


Cindermen Last in Triangular


second place with a vault of 13'4",
which tied his personal record set
last week at MSU.
Davis Wins
Ohio State's Davis won the indi-
vidual scoring honors with 16%
points. He won the high hurdles,
anchored the winning mile relay
team and took seconds in the low
hurdles, broad jump, and 60-yd.

Mitchell settled for second place
with 12 points, via his record-
breaking run, first place in the
60-yd. dash and a third in the
broad jump. His teammate sopho-
more George Kerr, from Jamkica,
was the only other double winner
with victories in the 440- and
880-dash runs giving him third
place with 10 points.

Track Summaries

HIGH JUMP-1. Haisley (I) 2. R.
Mitchell (I) 3. (tie) O'Reilly (M) and
Nourse (I). Height-6'5%"V.
POLE VAULT-1. Lyone (O) 2. Gibson
(M) 3. Bowers (O) 4. Weaver (0);
BROAD JUMP-1. Williams (M) 2.
Davis (O) 3. B. Mitchell (I) 4. Skim-
ming (M). Distance-23'3".
SHOT PUT-1. Stewart (I) 2. Deskins
(M) 3. Crownley (M) 4. Eubel (O). Dis-
MILE RUN-1. Bowers (I) 2. Imrie
(I) 3. Hedgoock (I) 4. Dollwet (M).
440-YD. DASH-i. Kerr (I) 2. Payne
(C) 3. Lattimore (I) 4. Simpson (M)

880-YD: DASH-1. Kerr (I) 2. Robin-
son (M) 3. Tjarksen (I) 4. Varian (M).
70-YD. LOW HURDLES-1. B. Mitchell
(I) 2. Davis (O) 3. Stanger (M) 4.
Hauck (O). Time-:07.7 (American in-
door record)
70-YD. HIGH HURDLE-1. Davis (0)
2. Hauck (O) 3. Stanger (M) 4. Trow-
bridge (M). Time-:08.7
60-YD. DASH-1. B. Mitchell (I) 2.
Davis (O) 3. Watkins (M) 4. Parker (M).
TWO MILE RUN-I. Kielstrup (M) 2
Blackburn (O) 3. Harris (I) 4. Trued
(M). Time-9:32.I
Lame, Storer, Payne, Davis) 2. MIOHI-

..star erjred


Gagnier Injured as Blue Gymnasts
Defeat Maize, Central Michigan


The Michigan gymnastic team
suffered a terrific loss yesterday
when Captain Ed Gagnier was
injured while practicing for a meet.
with Central Michigan.
Gagnier was the all-around Big
Ten champion last year and the
top event winner on the squad this
year. He suffered his injury, a
partial separation of a chest mus-
cle, while practicing a stunt on the
high bar.'
Out for Four Weeks
Gymnastics Coach Newt Loken
said "Gagnier will be out for
approximately four weeks and
during this time he will, be sorely
With the Big Ten Champion-
ships only six weeks away Michi-
gan's chances of winning will
depend quite a bit on how soon

and how well Gagnier can recover.
Gagnier was practicing for a
triangular meet involving Michi-
gan and Central Michigan. The
Wolverine squad was divided into
two teams, Maize and Blue. Each
competed individually with the
Central Michigan squad.
The Blue team led by Nino
Marion and Al Stall garnered 101.5
points, the Maize team 51.5 points
and the Chippewas from Mt.
Pleasant 26 points. Wolfgang
Dozauer of the Maize squad was
the only double event winner, tak-
ing firsts in parallel bars and still
Warmup for Big Ten
The meet was little more than a
warmup for the coming Big Ten
season, as many members of the
Michigan squad did not deliver top

performances. Notable exceptions
were Marion and Dozauer, who
performed very well.
Another bright spot for the
squad was the performance of Bill
Skinner. The Canadian tumbling
champion, appearing for the first
time in a Michigan uniform, won
the tumbling event.
FREE EXERCISE: 1. Marion-B, 252;
2. Dosauer-M, 249; 3. Kuehn-C, 237;
4. Stall-B, 218.
TRAMPOLINE: 1. Kimball-B, 266; 2.
Cole-M, 261; 3. Newman-B, 244; 4.
Stall-B, 235; 5. Clarkson-M, 226; 6.
Forsythe-C, 202; 7. Goetz-C, 180.
SIDE HORSE: 1. Hayslett-B, 247; 2.
Marion-B, 240; 3. Dozauer-M, 232; 4.
Feinberg-M, 228; 5. Stall--B, 219; 6.
Huber-C, 201; 7. Kuehn--C,194;.
PARALLEL BARS: 1. Dozauer-M, 250;
2. Marion-B, 245; 3. (Tied) Feinberg-
M and Hayslett-B, 230; 5. Kuehn-C,
224; 6. Anderson-C, 216; 7. Stall-B,
HIGH BAR: 1. Stall-B, 251; 2. Hays-
lett-B, 247; 3. Marion-B, 242; 4. Fein-
berg-M, 237; 5. Dozauer-M, 223; 6.
Kuehn-C, 200.
STILL RINGS: 1. Dcjauer-vi, 265; 2.
Larson-M, 254; 3. Stall--B, 248; 4. Mar-
ion-B, 242; 5. Hayslett-B,223; 6. Fein-
berg-M, 215; 7. Kuehn-C, 201.
TUMBLING: 1. Skinner-B. 258; 2.
Hayslett-B, 251; 3. Kimball-B, 237; 4.
Kuehn-C, 233; 5. Forsythe-C, 199; 6.
Stall-B, 196.

depend quite a bit on how soon Michigan squad did not deliver top


Williams 27, Winchell 26
Greene 35, Huber 29
Wenley 54, Allen-Rumsey 24
Van Tyne 50, Gomberg 26
Michigan 57, Chicago 22
Taylor 44, Kelsey 19
Cooley 47, Lloyd 29
Reeves 2, Hayden 0 (forfeit)
Strauss 2, Scott 0 (forfeit)

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