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February 15, 1958 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-15

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Feb17 2nd lB ~Krw

: .

J', State Join To Evaluate'
ighway Service Economy

University and State Highway
Department engineers will join
next month on a project designed
to provide the most economical
highway service possible through
the elimination of all inadequate
highways in the state road sys-
Prof. William Housel of the en-
gineering college told a meeting
of manufacturing, commercial, ag-
ricultural and trucking industry
leaders at the Civic Center in
Lansing that the long-range study
Six Leetures
On State U''
Religion Set
"Religion and the State Uni-
versity" will be the topic of six
lectures to be delivered at the
University during the spring se-
The series commemmorates the
Centennial of Student Religious
Activity at the University, 1858 to
1958. It is sponsored by the Of-
fice of Religious Affairs and the
Committee on Studies in Religion
of the literary college,
The 'Rev. Fr. John Courtney
Murray, S.J., will open the series
next Tuesday with "A Roman
Catholic View of State University
Education.". Father Murray is a
theology professor at Woodstock
College, Woodstock, Md., and is
editor of "Theological Studies."
"A Jewish View of Education in
the State University" will be de-
livered next Friday by Will Her-
berg. Herberg is a professor of
Judaic Studies and Social Philo-
sophy at Drew University. He is
author of the sociological study
"Protestant - Catholic - Jew" and
bas edited a collection of writings
by Martin Buber.
Prof. Paul Kauper of the law
school will deliver the third lec-
ture in the series on Feb. 27. He
will speak on "Law and Public
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the
ecoromics department will speak
March 11 on "Religion and the So-
tial Sciences."
"Religious Centers" will be pre-
sented by Glenn Olds on March 18.
Olds is director of Cornell United
Religious Work at Cornell Univer-
sity and was recently named pres-
ident of Springfield College.
Concluding the series will be
Prof. Roger Shinn of the School
of Religion at Vanderbilt Univer-
sity. He will speak on "A Protes-
tant View of State University Edu-

will evaluate the combined effects
sections of Michigan's highway
of design, weather and traffic on
pavement behavior.
Engineers will first locate those
system which are capable of car-
rying the full legal truck loads all
year and those which cannot. Aft-
er locating particularly strong or
weak sections, the engineers will
make detailed examinations to de-
termine the underlying reasons.
A total of 9,300 miles of road will
be checked.
Recommendations to Com
From this research, Prof. Housel
said, will come design recommen-
dations to be used by the High-
way Department in its five-year
construction program.
The research projects will be
conducted by the University's
Transportation Institute In coop-
eration with the State Highway
Department. It will be directed
by Prof. Housel, who will act as
research consultant to the De-
partment. The Michigan Trucking
Association, the American Truck-
ing Association and the Automo-
bile Manufacturers Association,
donated $45,000 to finance the re-
Institute engineers are equip-
ping a two-ton truck with sensi-
tive equipment to measure and re-
cord the "profile" of the road, the
total pavement irregularities per
mile, and the "roll" of the road,
or difference in elevation between
the wheel tracks.
Compare Profiles
By comparing the profile of the
road with 'those: to be taken at,
later dates, the strength of the
road can be measured, Prof.
Housel said. If the profile remains
the same, the road's subgrade is
stable; if the profiles vary, the
subgrade is not stable, and the
pavement will have to be re-,
placed eventually.
It was also pointed out that
the survey of actual roads in serv-
ice will show how variations in
soil conditions, drainage and con-
struction are affected by local
weather conditions.
Prof. Housel added that In an-
other phase of the study: the
Transportation Institute will sup-
plement Highway Department in-
formation and the added shipping
costs caused by seasonal restric-
tions on truck loads and on the
relative cost of maintaining or re-
placing inadequate highways to
permit year-round use by com-
mercial vehicles.
The University truck will begin
surveying 3,200 miles .of primary
truck lines announced Wednesday
by State Highway Commissioner,
John C. Mackie, Prof. Housel said.

State Senate
Tables Bible
Study Issue
A proposed resolution to require
Michigan's public school children
to read the Bible was tabled by
the State Senate Judicipry Com-
mittee yesterday.
The resolution, suggested by a
Battle Creek school board member,
proposed a constitutional amend-
ment requiring students to read
ten verses of the Bible in school
each day.
It was also proposed that pupils
be made to memorize the Ten
Commandments and the Lord's
Prayer by the sixth grade. Pupils
could be excused from the re-
quirements, on written request of
their parents.
Commenting on the bill were
three Ann Arbor religious leaders
who testified in Lansing. All were
The Rev. Merrill Abbey, pastor
of the First Methodist Church,.
declared in Lansing that "churches'
believe best results are to be ob-
tained through voluntary effort
rather than compulsion." Rev.
Abbey represented the Michigan
Council of Churches.
Undermining the separation of
church and state was the objection
raised by the Rev. Edward Red-
man, pastor of the First Unitarian
Church. "The state would have to
make a choice as to which version
of the Bible would be used.
"There are too many editions of
the Bible to actually make a
choice," Rev. Redman said.
Supporting Rev. Redman's two
points was Rabbi Julius Weinberg
of the Beth Israel Community
Center. Rabbi Weinberg also ques-
tioned the competence of teachers
to handle the course material.
"Teachers are trained and hired
for teaching course matter in their
specific fields. None has been
trained in theological seminaries,"
the rabbi said.
Hitting, the resolution on the
grounds of practicability was Rev.
Fr. John Bradley of St. Mary's
Student Chapel..
Fr. Bradley said that in order to
teach the course fairly, it would
seem there would have to be a
separate course for Protestants,
Jewish and Catholic students. This
just could not be done under to-
day's circumstances, he declared.

...few new diseases"
Crane To Hold
Asia Seminar
A seminar on the "Background
History of Modern South East
Asia" will be conducted by Prof.
Robert I. Crane of the history de-
partment at 2 p.m. today in Rm;
3B of the Union.
While designed to prepare can-
didates for the South East Asian
delegation scheduled for this sum-
mer, the seminar is open to the
public, according to Dan Slobin,
'61, of the South East Asian pre-
paration committee.
The seminar is the first in a
series of programs on South East
Asia. "Current Trends in South
East Asia" is the title of the sec-
ond seminar by Prof. Crane to be
held Feb. 22.
Prof. Russell Fifield of the poli-
tical science department will also
participate in the program.
Rushing As Usual
On Monday-Trost
Fraternity rushing will be held
the regularly scheduled hours
from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, the
night of the Michigan-Michigan
State basketball game, according
to Rob Trost, '58, Interfraternity
Council president.

"There ire very few new dis-
eases; man is still suffering from
the same diseases of past cen-
turies," Dr. Rene J. Dubos said.
Dr. Dubos, microbiologist at the
Rockefeller Institute of Medical
Research, made this statement at
Rackham Auditorium, where he
spoke on the "Evolution of Infec-
tious Disease."
Although each civilization had
its particular diseases, Dr. Dubos!
said, the most common infectious
diseases, such as tuberculosis,
scarlet fever, and leprosy can be
traced through these civilizations
to the present.
These diseases follow large nat-
ural cycles. They begin with great
severity and spread quite rapidly,
but after dying out they may not
appear for two or three genera-
"The sweating sickness, which
was so prevalent during Tudor
England," Dr. Dubos pointed out,
"brought catastrophic events."
Within a few days it killed one-
half the population in many com-
munities. However, the disease
disappeared suddenly with no
evidence of where it came from.
Some scientists believe it was a
form of our present day virus.
Dr. Dubos explained these in-
fectious diseases are most preva-
lent and severe when contracted
by a newly exposed population.
"During the first spreading of the
disease, he said, "the population
dies young, leaving no children."
The survivors of the epidemic
bear a stronger generation and a
resistance to the disease develops.
With America's protective medi-
cation and successful sanitation,

the United States has eliminated
much of the disease common in
childhood. However, the doctor
brought out, the adult popula-
tion will suffer more with these
diseases than would the children.
Dr. Dubos said that much to
the disappointment of many bi-
ologists, we are not decreasing our
supply of diseases.
"Once a disease disappears an-
other quickly takes its place," he
concluded, "because as long as
man lives and continues to adapt
to new environmental conditions
infectious diseases will continue."

Dubos Lectures on Infectious Diseases

Emphasizing that relocation
plans for residents who might be;
displaced "must be fair to all con-
cerned," the Ann Arbor League of
Women Voters Wednesday voiced
support for the city's projected ur-:
ban renewal program.
Group members called an urban
renewal program the "best solu-
tion" to the problem of improving
Ann Arbor's north central area.
In agreeing upon the program's;
desirability, the women's organi-
zation approved plans of supple-;
menting local efforts with federal;
support in both planning and;
funds, after a one and one-half

Women Voters Group Voi
Support for Urban Renew

infectious diseases will continue." funds, after a one and one-half


to Church

year study of possible sc
civic-improvement probi
Calling attention to ti
entry into a new phase
concerning urban rem
League announced its in
work with citizens' comi
other groups on proble
ciated with implementini
gram. -
League spokesmen not(
planning provision of 1
newal information for
and the public, the grout
at achieving coordinatic
agencies involved and cc
of residents in affected






Petitions to fill vacancy on Student
Government Council are available from
Mrs. Callahan in the Student Activi-
ties Building. Term to expire with
campus elections, March 26. Petitions
due 12 noonTues., Feb. 18.
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, hiking, Feb.
16, 2:00 p.m., meet in back of Rackham.
Unitarian Student Group, meeting,'
Feb. 16, 7:00 p.m., First Unitarian
Church. Speaker: Dr. Palmer Throop,
History Dept., "Humanism and Liber-
alism" Transportation provided at 6:45
from Stockwell, Union. Martha Cook.


(Continued from Page 4)
28,000. Manufacturer of iron and steel
products including iron ore, coal, zinc,
and lead. Men with degrees in Liberal
Arts or Business Administration for
Sales Training Program. Training pro-
grams are under the direct supervision
of competent counselors.
Central Intelligence Agency, Wash-
ington, D.C. Location of work-wash-
ington, D.C. Intelligence work. Men &
women with MA or Ph.D in Economics
Political Science, International Rela-
tions, or Area Studies (especially Near
East or Chinese area), MS or PhD in
Physics, Chemistry, Bacteriology; Elec-
tronic Engineering; Naval Architec-
ture; BBA or MBA in Accounting; Lan-
guages - 1 in Chinese, and 1 in scien-
tific Russian only. Preference is given
to students in the upper quarter° of
their class who are In good healthrand
are willing to travel. For some -veterans
are desirable: for all U.S. citizenship
is a requisite.
Wed., Feb. 19
Central Intelligence Agency -- See
Tuesday's listings.'
Sutherland Paper Company, Kala-
mazoo, Michigan. Employment Super-
visor. Location of work - Kalamazoo,
Michigan. Manufacturer of paperboard
and converted paperboard products in
various areas of packaging. Men with
degrees in Economics for Sales, Finance
or Accounting.
Carnation Company, Los Angeles,
California. Location of work - Head-
quarters - Los Angeles, Calif.; Sales
offices in 30 principal cities; Manufac-
turing plants throughout U.S. and
Eastern Canada; Plant of General Mile
Company (Overseas Affiliate) 28 plants
throughout the world. Men with de-
grees in Liberal Arts or Business Ad-
ministration for Sales, Advertising,
Production or Accounting. On-the-job
training. Formally scheduled sequence
of assignments supplemented by class-
room instruction. in Grocery Products
Sales Training. Program' only. Trai%.
ing lasts nine months to two years and
leading to supervisory and manage-
ment positions.
Washington Nationia Insurance Com-
pany, Evanston, Illinios. Location of
work - Akron, Ohio; Atlanta, Georgia;
Baltimore, Md.; Boston, Mass.; Char-
lotte, N.C.; Chicago, Ill.; Coral Gables,
Fla.; Dallas, Texas; Detroit, Mich.;

East Orange, N.J.; Indianapolis, Ind.;
Kansas City, Mo.; Los Angeles, Calif.;
Louisville, Ky.; Madison, Wise.; Min-
neapolis, Minn.; New Haven, Conn.;
New Orleans, La.; Omaha, Neb.; Phila-
delphia, Penn.; Pittsburgh, Penn.;
Portland, Me.; Portland, Oregon; Rich-
mond, Va.; San Francisco, Calif.; Se-
attle, Wash,; Trenton, N.J.; and Wash-.
ington, D.C. Men with -degrees in Lib-
eral Arts and Business Administration
for Salaried Sales positions as Group
Field Representatives. Men will at-
tend a training school which is divided
into two phases -- Teacher Group In-
surance, and those Group Forms writ-
ten on employees of industry.
For appointments, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
ext. 3371.
Personnel Requests
The Hoover Company, North Canton,'
Ohio needs a young woman to super..
vise clerical employees in their quality
control section. Major or minor in
Math or statistics is necessary.
H. J. Heinz Co., Pit sburgh, Pa. is
looking for a graduate bacteriologist
with a minor in Chemistry to work in
their labs.
Faultless Caster Corporation, Evans-
ville, Indiana is looking for a salesman
to travel around the country putting
on displays and demonstrations at dis-
tributor sales meetings. Experience in
debating and public speaking would
For further information, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Summer Placement:
Camp Petosega, Petoskey, Mich., win
have Mr. Leonard Baruch here Sat.,
Feb. 15 to interview all morning for
counselors. He will be at the Student
Activities Bldg. in Room D528.
Personnel Requests:
Engineers. Good summer positions are
available at: Eastman Kodak Co., Da-
vid Taylor Model Basin, Bell Telephone
Laboratories, and Experiment, Inc. For
further information, see Mr. Ward D.
Peterson any Tues. or Thurs. afternoon
from 1-5 or Fri. morning from 9 to 12
in Room D528, S.A.B. Also watch the
listings of those companies interview-
ing at the Engineering School. Many
companies interview for both summer
and full-time employment.

s print it on your
shopping list...
- ~
T v
ad talk over employment
opportunities with o0
Feb.17 and 1IS

1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M. Sundqy School.
11:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday, Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street. Reading room hours are: Mon-
day 11:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tuesday - Sat-
urday 11:00 A.M. to 5 P.M. Sunday 2:30 to
4:30 P.M.
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Walter S. Press, Pastor
Herbert R. Lowe, Student Assistant Pastor
Paul R. Eberts, Minister to Students
9:45 A.M. Coffee Hour.
10:45 A.M. Worship.
7:00 P.M. University Christian Federation World
Student Day of Prayer Service.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 9:15 and at 10:45: Worship Services,
withsermon by the pastor, "Lent, A Lift-Not
A Load."
Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45: Bible Study groups.
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper and Program. Illustrated talk by
Miss Barbara Knapp of Detroit on her experi-
ences teaching in our Christian Day School in
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Wednesday at 7:25 A.M.: 30 min. Holy Com-
munion Ash Wednesday Matins.
Wednesday at 7:30 P.M.: Ash Wednesday Vespers,
with Holy Communion.
Friday at 8:00: Grad-Staff Skating Party. Meet at
Friday at 8:00: Married Couples Valentine's Day
Friends Center, 1416 Hill St.
10:00 A.M. Meeting for Worship.
10:00 A.M. Sunday School.
11:30 A.M. Meeting for Worship
11:30 A.M. Adult Study Class.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister.
9:45 AM. Church School.
10:45 A.M. Assumptions of Prayer.
524 Thompson Street
J. Edgar Edwards, Director
Donna Hamilton, Associate
9:30 A.M. Bible Seminar for students at the
Guild House.,
6:50 P.M. The Student Guild will meet at the
Guild House and then go over to the Bethle-
hem Evangelical and Reformed Church, South
4th Avenue, to participate in the Universal
Day of Prayer for students. The speaker will
be William Stringfellow, Attorney for the E.
Harlem Protestant Parish, currently engaged
by the United Student Christian Council.
Monday 9:00 P.M. Grad Group; William String-
fellow will be at Guild House.
Tuesday 4:30 to 6:00 Weekly coffee break.
(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)-
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Res. Ph. NO 5-2665; Office Ph. NG 8-742 1
10:00 Morning Service.
7:00 Evening Service.
William and Thompson Streets
Rev. John F. Bradley, Chaplain
Rev. Paul V. Matheson, Assistant
Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. and
12:00 noon.
Weekday Masses: 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00
Novena Devotions: Wednesday evening, 7:30 P.M.
Rosary and Litany: Ddily at 5:10 P.M.
Classes each evening in Christian Doctrine, Apolo-
getics, Church History, Scholastic Philosophy,
in the Father Richard Center.
502 East Huron
Dr. Chester H. Loucks, Minister
Mrs. Beth Mahone, Assistant Student

106 East Liberty, 2ND FLOOR
Public Discussion, Wednesday, 8:Q0 P.M.
Listen to Radio Theosophy, Sundays, 12:15 P.A
WPAG (1050 kc).
1432 Washtenow Ave., NO 2-580
Rev. William S. Baker, Campus Minister
Miss Patricia Pickett, Assistants
ChurchMWorship Service, 9:00 A.M. 10:
A.M., -12:00.
Coffee Hour, 11:30.
Snack Supper, 5:45 P.M.
Leave for World Student Day of Prayer Serv
at Bethlehem Evangelical and Reforn
Church, 6:45 P.M. William Stringfell
No Forum.
Tuesday, 9:00-11:00 Coffee Break at Pat Picke-
apartment, 217 S. Observatory.
Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Ash Wednesday Servi
Coffee Hour to meet.
Thursday, No Coffee Break. Drama Reading Gro
8:30 P. M.
Friday, Graduate Gr'oup Supper and ColloquiL
".J udiasm," 6:1 5.
State and William Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister
10:45 A.M. Church School.,
10:45 A.M. Junior Church Worship, Doug
Chapel. Dr. Fred E. Luchs at 10:45 will prec
STUDENT GUILD: 6:50-Meet at Guild House
go to Bethlehem Church to participate In1
Universal Day of Prayer.
Monday 9:00 P.M.. GRAD GROUP-Willi4
Stringfellow speaker. Tues. 4:30-6:00 Cof
Break. Fri. 12:00 Noon Luncheon Discussion
5:30 Cost Buffet Dinner, Dr. William Herbe
speaker. Sun. morn, Feb. 23, 9:30 Bible Ser
1131 Church St.
Dr. E. H. Palmer, Minister
9:30 Bible Study classes for all.
10:30 Morning Worship Service. "Not By Work
7:00 Evening Worship Service. "God's Bluept
of the Future. Ill What is Hell?"
(National Lutheran Council)'
Hill at S. Forest
Rev. H. O. Yoder, Pastor
9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Worship Services.
10:A.M. Bible Study.
6:00 P.M. Supper at the Center.
7:00 P.M. Universal Student Day of Prayer.
angelical & Reformed Church.
7:15 P.M. Class: "Christ and Culture"-Ger
7:30 P.M. Skating Party.
W. Stadium at Edgewood
L. C. Utley, Minister
SUNDAYS: 10:00, 11:00,A.M., 7:30 P.M.;
Television: Sundays 2:30 P.M., Channel 6,
Radio: Sundays 5:30 P.M. WXYZ 1270
For transportation to services Dial NO 3-8273.
306 North Division Street
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion and sermon follow
by breakfast and discussion in Canterbi
'11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon.
5:30 P.M. Buffet Supper.
7:00 P.M. Joint Meeting at Bethlehem Evange
cal and Reformed with Mr. Stringfellow.
Corner State & Huron Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor
8:45 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services, S
m'n, "Perils to Avoid."
10:00 Sunday School.
5:45 Student Guild.
7:00 Evening Service, Sermon, "Compassion
Jesus Christ."
Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting.
414 N. Main St.
Rev. Fr. Andrew Missiras, Pastor



9:45 A.M. Student class - Guild House. "What
Can We Believe About the Kingdom of God on
11:00 A.M. Church Worship, "Unto Samaria,"
Rev. Hugh D. Pickett, preaching.
6:00 P.M. Meet at the Guild House for Sand-
-f. ± .


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