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February 15, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-15

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F .. . -. . rr s wa'. r ..r .. ,s,. tee. ..... ,.:

buate School Offers
Education Grants

Engman Reports on Exchange Plan

University Faculty Suffers
Drop in Purchasing Power

H. Rackham School
study has announced
ips in higher edu-
. college and univer-
ration are available
r for the Study of
.tion. '
ellowships in higher"
' open to graduate
have completed one
.ate study in any ac
ge or university or
kperience in college
administration, ac-
enter Director, Prof.
ierson of the educa-
arson went on to say
tes must have ma-
>r the study of higher
rd must have quali-
.ssion to the Rack-
of Graduate Studies.
dents re g i st e r e d
college or school of
y are eligible.
esearech Required
rOon mentioned that
must be willing to
n the work of the
eparing a thesis or
a faculty member
on some problem of
ill be available dur-
lemic year and will
nt from $500 to $2500
Mmic year, depending
rits of each case.
Bs should include a
academic record, a
sketch, and a letter
gly the individual's
he study of higher
:I his need of finan-
partmentaI seminar
cted this semester in
collective bargaining
evel semiar is being
Sthe Law School,
ness Administration,
rtment of Economics.
in Feinsinger of the
Prof. William Haber
nics department, and
3. Ryder of the busi-
stration school will.
fssions. Eighteen stu-
eeh selected to par-
singer, visiting pro-
is on leave from the
Wisconsin. He served
of the Wage Stablli-
in 1951-52, and acts
der the General Mo-
Auto Workers collec-
ng agreement.
r has had extensive
the fields of man-
set rity and 'unem-
frequently serves as
r, also a professional
,s experience in the
uto parts, machinery,
wing industries.
topics will include
rights, wage deter-
blic regulation, sen-
iintenance of income

cial assilstance. Three or more ref-
erences should be included in the
Assist Special Students
Prof. Henderson further' said
that the purpose of the fellow-
'ships for college and university
junior administrators is to assist
selected individuals who have un-
usual qualifications for education-
al leadership to prepare for ca-
reers In college or university ad-
Fellowships are available to be-
ginning or junior administrators
who have completed their doctor's
degree or the equivalent, who have
had three or more years of ex-
perience in college teaching or
administration, and are recom-
mended as having outstanding
competence and personal quali-
fications for educational leader-
A grantee must qualify for post-
doctoral privileges at the Univer-
sity, or for admission to the grad-
uate school at the University.
Will Cover Expenses
The grants will vary, said Prof.
Henderson, but in general it is
expected that they will provide
the teaching fellow with suffi-
cient funds to live in Ann Arbor
and to care for his expenses, sub-
ject to a reasonable maximum.
This amount may in many cases
approximate the current salary,
plus necessary travel expenses.
Considerations will be given to
applications for a semester or oth-
er shorter term; however, the
normal term of a fellowship will
be the academic year. From three
to seven of these fellowships will
be granted each year, beginning
with September, 1958..-
Applicants are requested to sub-
mit a plan of study at the Uni-
versity, of rel''vance to the admin-
istration of higher education.-
This plan will include partici-
pation in a seminar or courses on
higher education and may include
other courses and seminars in the
graduate and professional schools
of the University, research on
some problems of higher educa-
tion, reading or part-time intern-
ship experiences.
Study Theory,Methods
The purpose of the plan, de-
clared Prof. Henderson should be
to prepare the individual for a
career in college or university ad-
ministration through becoming
better acquainted with such things
as the primary trends in higher
education, theories of learning
and of curricdlum planning, and
methods of organizing, adminis-
tering and promoting educational
Interested persons are invited
to make preliminary inquiry, stat-
ing the nature of their interests,
the proposed period of study and
an estimate of the stipend needed,
and enclosing a biographical
No Deadline Set
The follow-up application must
include full curriculum material,
'snapshot, names and addreses of
references, salary being received
and the plan of study.
Because the funds were granted
just this past December, no dead-
line date has been set for the ap-
plications; however, the commit-
tee in charge of this will be meet-
iug soon, Prof. Henderson men-

Broadening of the Alumni Stu-
dent Leadership Exchange Fellow-
ship program would be beneficial,
according to this year's fellow Lew
Engman, '57.
Engman is spending the aca-
demic year at University College
of London, England. A British his-
tory student, Michael Head, Grad.,
is studying here for the year.
Writing to International Cen-
ter Director James M. Davis, Eng-
man described the operation of
the program as "excelle'nt, at least
insofar as it concerns me." The
exchange student was vice-presi-
dent of SGC last year.
Get Special Attention
Engman explained adjustment
to the British college was made'
much easier by special attention
given him. He was aided by the
registrar at the beginning of the
year. "As a result," he wrote, "I
had fewer problems in this regard
than most of the other students
Engman's field of specialization
at University College is economics.
He is also attending classes in the
laws faculty, studying the English
legal system. Much of his time is
spent at the London School of
Economics, he said in the letter,
writing a paper on economic is-
sues connected with the develop-
ment of nuclear power.
Fellowship Valuable
The fellowship is particularly
valuable, Engman indicated, be-
cause of progress made by the
British in peaceful use of the
atom. "Fortunately," he con-
tinued, "I have been able to ex-
amine it throngh direct contactsj
with the United Kingdom Atomic
Energy Authority and some of its
consulting firms as well as by
means of the more standard ap-
Despite his heavy academic
schedule, Engman is maintaining
his interest in extracurricular ac-
tivities, the letter indicated.
"It has been interesting to ob-
serve the operation of student
government on both the college
Local Builders
Need License
A requirement that county resi-
dential contractors be licensed by
the Michigan Corporation and
Securities Commission was passed
this week by the Washtenaw
County Board of Supervisors.
Explaining the requirement, John
E. Ryan, building inspector, cited
several cases in which contractors
did not fulfill agreements with
home owners.
The Michigan Corporation and
Securities, Commission license
would more or less guarantee the
job, he said.
In addition to Washtenaw,
Michigan counties which have
passed the license requirement are
Monroe, Oakland and Wayne.

YANK AT LONDON-University graduate Lew Engman is study-
ing this year at University College of London on a student leader-
ship exchange plan. Engman, who is the only American in a
residence hall of 170 men, considers the program "extremely
beneficial" and says more students should be allowed to take par+
in it.
and university levels," he noted. ommendation to future represen
"I attend Union Council meetings tatives in this program, howeve
(equivalent of SGC) and have is that a wonderful opportunit
participated as a member of some would be missed in centers wher
of the Union committees as well there is a predominance of for
as of student groups of both ma- eign or particularly North Amer
jor political parties." can students.
Support Not Excessive "More students should have th
Engman said the financial sup- opportunities I am now experi
port he is receiving is "not exces- broadening of the programewoul
sive but corresponds to the nation- brobenif the"program wou
al grants of the average English be beneficial."
student." No plans have been made fo
He receives the equivalent of 260 next year's fellowship, accordin
pounds sterling (about $730). to University Vice-President i
However, 120 pounds of this goes Charge of Student Affairs Jame
directly for room and board in A. Lewis. It is expected, however
an internal transaction. Payment that one student will be sent each
for vacation expenses equivalent way as was done this year.
to cost of staying at Benthan
Residence Hall for the four-week
Christmas vacation and the five- One of Every
week Spring vacation totals $104.
e codtosunde wih Gain W hos
Engman lives at University Col-Ga n WTI
lege, he said, have proved very
educational. He is a resident of One out of every 82 men re.
Bentham Hall, the only American ceiving a bachelor's degree fron
among the 170 living there. the University go on eventually
Meets Many Englishmen . to a place in "Who's Who in
"As the only American," Eng- America."
man explained, "I have had an ex- The University ranks fourth be-
cellent opportunity to get to know hind Harvard Yale and Prince-
many English students; the "bull ton in the total number of met!
sessions" have been tremendously (1920-49 graduates only) listed i
interesting, the 1956-57 edition of the catalog
Living in residence such as of noteworthies.
this has its minor disadvantages, These are the results of a recn
of course, but in my opinion its survey taken by the Educational
advantages, especially for an ex- Records Bureau of New York. The
change student such as myself, researchers collected their data by
are far more significant.
"There is a University residence * -
primarily given over to foreign
students," he explained. "My rec- : i f 0 OLIA

The purchasing power of they
i University faculty is less now than
it was in 1939, Prof. Robert ..
Williams, assistant dean of facul-
ties, said yesterday.
The United States Department
of Labor issued a report citing
Students Plan
SCyprus Debate,
Students from more than 50
foreign countries will give the
University community an oppor-
tunity to witness a simulated
United Nations meeting when they
debate the Cyprus issue accord-
ing to strict UN rules March 15,
in Rackham Auditorium.
The two-session meeting will be
the 1 rgest of its kind ever pre-
sent outside of the actual UN-
Ha representatives from near-
ly as many countries as the actual
UN, the Campus UN will feature
student views on the problem of
Cyprus nationalism.
The three key countries in-
volved, Britain, Greece, and Tur-
key, will debate for 15 minutes
r,- Following will be 15 countries,
y who indicated a direct national
interest in the problem, debating
e for 10 minutes each. Limited de-
bate from the floor and two min-
utes to each country during vot-
ing will close out discussion.
e A drafting committee, composed
- of Canada, India, Egypt, Vene-
d zuela, and Norway, was chosen by.
d the delegates as a whole and will
put the resolution in its final
r form.
g an increase of 98 per cent in the
n cost of living since 1939.
s The University has raised facul-
r, ty salaries 12 per cent above the
h present cost of living. However,
the increase of federal taxes
92 U' Aluini
ho' Recognition

alone shows the net disposable in-
comes of the faculty are actually
two per cent lower than in 1939.
Also, Ann Arbor is in the highest
cost of living bracket in the na-
Dean Williams said the loss of
purchasing power of the faculty
may prove harmful to the Univer-
sity. "You can only obtain good
teachers if you have the money
to pay them." Business, industry
and the government are luring
the competent teachers away
from the college campus.
'U' Higher Than Most
Although the University gives
higher salaries than many of the
state colleges and universities,
schools like the University of Cal-
ifornia pay at least $1,000 more.
Dean Williams stressed that
many members of the faculty are
in "Who's Who in America" and
that 70 out of the 1,000 most dis-
tinguished scientists are on this
campus. In order to keep these
people here, they need a substan.
tial income, he- added.
The situation is so poor, Dean
Williams said, that the 12 per
cent increase is the smallest in
the United States.
Vice-President of the University
William E. Stirton also comment-
ed on the problem. Most of the
money obtained for salaries comes
from the State Legislature. The
University has submitted an oper-
ating budget 'to the legislature,
but there has been no indication
how the legislature will respond.
Special Tax Suggested
"One solution to this problem
could be in the nature of a special
tax for education," Stirton said:
Since there is no dedicated,'tax
for higher education in the state,
a sales tax dedicated specifically
for education could replace the
present sales tax. This tax would
not be regressive, as the people
would be paying the tax when
they buy their commodities.

much more than Ameri-
can audiences are used to seeing
of what 23-year-old girls 'are
made of!"
LIFE Magazine
and God

DIAL NO 8-6416


the devi




Daily Classifie
Bring Results




correlating those persons listed in
"Who's Who" with the colleges'
they attended.
The University trails only the
University of Virginia, with a
ratio of one of every 78, in pro-
portion of listed graduates from
state institutions;.
The research group studied a
total of 302 schools. On the aver-
age, they found, one of every 200
graduates receives mention. This
ranks the University, with one of
every 82 listed, in the upper fifth
of all institutions studied.

(.fthe Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boyal" and
"Barefoot Boy with Cheek.")
Today let us apply the hot white light of sustained thinking to
the greatest single problem besetting American colleges. I refer,
of course, to homesickness.
It is enough to rend the heart, walking along a campus at
night and listening to entire dormitories sobbing themselves to
sleep. Aid in the morning when the poor, orn students rise
from their tear-stained pallets and refuse their breakfasts and
shamble off to class, their lips trembling, theireyelids gritty,
it is enough to turn the bones to aspic.
What can be done to overcome homesickness? Well sir, the
obvious'solution .is for the student to put his h~ome on rollers
and bring it to college with him. This, however, presents three
serious problems:
1) It is likely to play hob with your wine cellar; many wines,
as we all know, will not travel.

--7 U

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2) There is the matter of getting your house through the
Holland Tunnel, which has a clearance of only 14 feet, 8 inches.
This, of course, is ample for ranch houses, but quite impossible
for Cape Cods, Georgians, and Saltboxes, and I, for one, think
it would be a flagrant injustice to deny higher education to
students from Cape Cod, Georgia, and Saltbox.
3) There is the question of public utilities. Your house-
and, of course, all the other houses in your town-has wires
leading to the municipal power plant, pipes leading to the mu-
nicipal water -supply and gas main. So you will find when you
start rolling your house to college that you are, willy-nilly,
dragging all the other houses in town with you. This will result
in gross population shifts and will make the Bureau of the
Census cross as bears.
No, I'm afraid that taking your house to college is not feasi-
ble. The thing to do, then, is to make your campus lodgings as
close a replica of your home as possible.
Adorn your quarters with familiar objects, things that will
constantly remind you of home. Your brother Sam, for instance.
Or your citizenship papers. Or a carton of Marlboros.
There is nothing like Marlboros, dear friends, to make you
feel completely at home. They're so easy, so friendly, so wel-'
come, so likable. The filter is great. The flavor is marvelous. The
Flip-Top Box is wonderful. The tattoo is optional.
Decorating your diggings with familiar objects is an excellent
remedy for homesickness, but it is not without its hazards.
Take, for instance, the case of Tignor Sigafoos and Estabrook
Raunch who were assigned to share a room last fall in the
freshman dorm.
Tignor, an ice-skating addict from Minnesota, brought with
him 44 barrels over which he had jumped the previous winter
to win the Minnesota Jumping-Over-Barrels Championship.

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