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February 14, 1958 - Image 1

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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n.JJA. , .

VOL LXVM, No. 92



six P,


Investigators Hear Testimony
That Official Accepted Bribes

WASHINGTON (A3)-House in-
vestigators heard testimony yes-
terday that Richard A. Mack,
federal communications commis-
sioner, admittedly accepted several
thousands of dollars from a lawyer
active in getting a Miami televi-
sion license.
Atty. Gen. William Rogers
promptly ordered the FBI to
make a "complete investigation"
of the alleged payments to see if
federal law has.been violated.
Bernard Schwartz, ousted coun-
sel to the House Legislative Over-
sight subcommittee told the group
Mack has described the money as
loans-but has said some were
"forgiven" by the lawyer and has

"no specific recollection" of repay-
ing any of them.
Schwartz appeared as a sub-
poenaed witness before the com-
mittee which fired him last Mon-
day night.
He produced from the committee
files canceled checks totaling
$2,650 which he said were given to
Mack by Thurman A. Whiteside
after Mack became a member of
the license-granting commission.
Schwartz said Whiteside has a
reputation in Florida'as a "fixer"
and that he represented Public
Service Television Inc., a wholly
owned subsidiary of National Air-

At Miami, Whiteside comment-
ed: "Schwartz is a g-- d--- liar.
He is lying in his teeth.
"He is testifying contrary to the
information in his possession."
Whiteside said he had never
been a fixer and that he was never
employed as an attorney in the
television case. ,t
In the case, Public Service Tele-
vision, Inc., was granted Miami's
Channel 10 franchise by a 4-2 vote
of the FCC.
Mack was one of the four com-
missioners who gave Public Serv-
ice the nod over three other appli-
cants despite an FCC examiner's
report that Public Service was the
least qualified.

r x
Possible. Galens Violation
Brings Misuinderstanding
A misunderstanding has arisen in compiling evidence on a possible
Galens violation of a Student Government Council ruling, refusing
permission for the group to solicit for its bucket drive in the campus
SGC President Joe Collins, '58, has said that SGC will offer
evidence when Joint Judiciary Council sets a date for a hearing on
the matter.
However, Joint Judic chairman Bob Stahl, '58, said he understood
SOC would first inform Joint Judic when it decided to offer evidence.
Joint Judic would then decide when to hold a hearing.
In its December bucket drive, Galens, a medical honorary, had
several buckets located on the east side of Maynard St., which had

TFC Picks
The Executive Committee of the
Interfraternity Council early this
morning recommended a slate of
candidates for next year's IFC of-
ricers, according to Mal Cumming,
Recommended were for presi-
dent, John Gerber, '59, Beta Theta
Pi; for executive vice-president,
Lou Kolb, '59, Tau Delta Phi; for
administrative vice-president, Nick
Christopher, '59, Sigma Phi; for
secretary, Hank Kerr, '59, Theta
Delta Chi; and for treasurer, Dick
Guttman, '59.
Six men petitioned for the five'
positions, Cumming said. "We did
have a shortage of petitions this
Cumming said he did not know
why so few petitions had been
The executive committee looked
for three qualities in candidates
this year, he explained: capabili-
ties as shown in an interview with
the committee, past record, and
qualities which would be good for
the IFC in the coming year.
Among the latter, he said, the
committee did not want to. have
any juniors as officers next fall.
Brennan Set
To Judge eU'
Law Contest
Associate Justice William J.
Brennan, Jr. of the United States
Supreme Court will be presiding
judge for the final round of the
Law School Campbell competition
this spring, John F. Lewis, '58 Law,
announced yesterday.
Among other judges for the
contest's final round will be: Wil-
bur K. Miller, circuit judge .of the
United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia;
Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr., district
Judge of the United States District
Court at Boston; and Prof. Paul
Kauper of the Law School.
In , the Campbell competition,
law students argue the year's case
with written briefs and oral pre-
sentations before the judges.
Starting with 16 competitors, the
final winner is chosen on the basis
of three trial presentations.
'T.e 1 a ll1 b

been specifically prohibited by
SGC, in seeking to. preserve the
concept of Campus Chest as the
only student fund drive on cam-
SGCareferred question
of violation 'toe Joint, Judie for
review Dec. 18.
* S *
Six petitions have now been
taken out for the one vacant Stu-
dent Government Coupecll seat.
Carol Holland, '60, took out a
petition yesterday.
Previously James Claffey, '60E
Bruce McRitchie, '59, Sue Rockne,
'60, Roger Seasonwein, '61, and,
Phil Zook, '60, took petitions.
Petitions are available in the
Office of Student affairs in the
Student Activities Bldg.
They are due at noon Tuesday.
The person selected will serve
until the SGC election March 25
and 26.
Mass Meeting for students in-
terested in working in SGC's
Administrative Wing will be at
4:15 p.m. March 4 in Rm. 3A of
the Union, Personnel Director Ir-
win Gage, '60, said yesterday.
Freshmen Win
Writing .Prizes
Nine freshmen have received
Hopwood Awards for creative writ-
ing totaling $330.
Top winners were: essay, Janet
E. Miller, "Art - the Mirror of
Thought"; fiction, Ann Mathisson,
"Four Short Stories," and Sharon
Edwards, "Lizabeth"; poetry, Jay
G. Hamburg, "Ten Poems."
Other prizes went to John Boyd1
and Dorothy Wilson; essay; Sally
Hanson, fiction; and Richard L.
Peters and Patricia Mandley,
The awards were presented by
Prof. Arthur J. Carr of the English
department. Judges were Arno L.
Bader of the English department
and Prof. Carr.

City Survey
Of Renewal
Partially-completed figures in
the housing survey of the Ann
Arbor urban renewal area so far
indicate that approximately 27 per
cent of the dwellings will be rec-
ommended for clearance, Wallace
W. Coburn of the city planning
department said yesterday.
These cearances are less than
originally estimated, he explained,
but the percentage is bound to go
up due to street extensions and
zoning for light industry.
"There are a few misconcep-
tions" among persons surveyed
who think this is a wholesale
clearance program, Coburn told
the Ann Arbor Citizen's Commit-
tee on Urban Renewal.
Get Reports
During committee discussion re-
ports were given that several resi-
dents in the urban renewal area
had held meetings and formed
petitions protesting the program.
One answer to the opposition,
members agreed, would be a pub-
lic relations program explaining
the details of urban renewal to
residents in the area.
Committee chairman Prof. A. Dr.
Moore of the electrical engineer-
ing department said he believed
that opposition was "at its peak
and will probably taper off."
Sociological Survey
Recommendations for the area
sociological survey, which was
planned as the main discussion
item for yesterday's committee
meeting, included the use of some
professional workers along with
volunteers from the community.
Committee members suggested
that every home in the area be
surveyed, contrary to the recom-
mendation of city planner Raye
C. Eastman that only the dwell-
ings which were slated for clear-
ance or major repairs be surveyed.
Reasoning supporting the com-
mittee recommendation was that
statistics would eventually be
needed on most of the dwellings.
Stop-Gap Tax
Plan Frozen
LANSING (P)-A deadlock be-
tween Gov. G. Mennen Williams
and Republican legislative leaders
yesterday froze the Conlin plan
for getting the state through this
fiscal year without emergency new
Both the Governor and Rep.
Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tipton) re-
fused to take the first step.

U.S. Plans
New Type
Will Place Rockets
In Underground Pits
States, like Britain, plans to put
some of its ballistic missile
launching sites in protected, un-
derground pits, to reduce the pos-
sible damage from enemy counter-
An official British White Paper,
issued in London yesterday and
outlining military progress in the
United Kingdom, said Britain is
developing a medium-range bal-
listic rocket more advanced than
those the United States now pos-
sesses, and is designing it for
launching from underground sites.
Pending arrival of copies, of the
White Paper, American military
officials were reluctant to com-
It was assumed the advanced
type of missile mentioned is a
solid fuel design.
If so, this would mean that
British missileers have followed
normal procedure of skipping a
generation of weapons, profiting
by American work on liquid fuel
rockets, and the new trend in
American design toward solid fuel
British and American experts
are collaborating closely in solid
fuel rocket designing..
Groundwork for collaboration
such as this was laid in the mutual
weapons development program for
NATO aid, announced in 1955.
Both the United States Navy
and Air Force are well advanced
in solid fuel design and the Army
has announced it will begin pro-
duction of the "Pershing" solid
fuel rocket eventually to replace
the present liquid fuel Redstone
200-mile range bombardment mis-
The USAF's Thor and the
Army's intermediate-range ballis-
tic missile i BM) Jupiter, both
of 1,500-mile range, are liquid pro-
The Navy Polaris is a solid fuel
Cross Tells
"Living with a select group is
for some people a great advantage
of the fraternity system, and this
principle of selectivity is what I
will defend," Assistant to the Dean
of Men in charge of fraternities
William G. Cross said last night in
a discussion of whether a man
should join a fraternity.
Cross differentiated between
selectivity and discrimination,
which Cross considered a "differ-
ent question, which he] would
prefer not to get into at this time."
But Cross did defend his views
on selectivity as "the human right
to choose.
"I choose what records I wish to
buy, what movies I want to see,
and I choose, in the same manner,
my friends."
Participating with Cross in this
discussion was John M. Hale, sen-
ior resident director of men's resi-
dence halls.
Both men agreed that it was a
student's responsibility to come to
an intelligent and well-informed
decision of whether he should live

in a fraternity, remain in the resi-
dence halls or live in independent
"Don't be afraid to depledge if
you feel that you've made a mis-
take,'" Cross told the audience.



Hunt Ways
To Fight
WASHINGTON ()-Democratic
leaders went to work yesterday on
two fronts to get action on means
to fight recession.
Democratic leaders in Congress
started work on a 10-point anti-
recession program and also plan-
ned to review the possibilities of
a tax cut this year.
Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas,
the party's chief in the Senate,
has asked the chairmen of six key
committees there to ' come up
quickly with legislative proposals
aimed at relaxing credit, multi-
plying public works projects and
generally creating more jobs.
Enlightened Action
In Augusta, Maine, eleven Dem-
ocratic governors told President
Dwight D. Eisenhower that /only
enlightened federal action can
prevent the recession from feed-
ing on itself and deteriorating fur-
ther into a depression."
House Speaker Sam Rayburn
(D-Tex.) disclosed the Democratic
senators' plan to have another
look at the tax structure in the
light of Tuesday's report that
almost 4% million Americans are
News Conference
Rayburn told a news conference
the Democratic leaders would re-
view the situation and see where
a tax cut, if there is one, will do
the most good, and determine
whether the budget will stand it.
They urged a six-point program
including public works, welfare
and educational expansion, fur-
thler easing of' credit and possibly
a tax cut Odirected to low-income
In Chattanooga, Tenn. the City
Relief Bureau yesterday passed out
surplus food to 176 families rep-
resenting 925 and said other dis-
tributions will pe held later.
"This is the second time in my
public career that I have seen food
distributed here at Warner Park,"
Mayor P. R. Olgiati said in a talk
to the waiting line of overcoated
men and women.
The food given to certified needy
families came from five boxcar-
loads Olgiati said.
People arrived carry large empty
bags and left lugging full ones.
Commodities were distributed ac-
cording to the number in each
family and were to last a month.
Now Available
Undergraduate students inter-
ested in applying for the La Verne
Noyes scholarship for next semes-
ter should submit by Saturday ap-
plications to the scholarship of-
fice in the Student Activities Bldg.,
Dean of scholarships Ivan W.
Parker announced.
Application forms may be pick-
ed up at the scholarship office,
he said.
The Noyes scholarship pays se-
mester tuition fees for students
who are direct descendents of
World War I veterans, Parker ex-
plai. ed. Selections will be an-
nounced in May.

Odegaard Values
Humanistic Goals'

Will Fight

A professor of classics and a
professor of French literature at
Dartmouth College were important
factors in Dean of the Literary
College Charles E. Odegaard's de-
cision to enter academic life.
And he has stayed closely to the
humanistic tradition of education
ever since.
Following his tenure at Dart-
mouth, he. received his doctorate
in history at Harvard University,
and then went to the Universityj
of Illinois.
Change Gradual
The change over from teaching
to administration was a gradual
one. He began working with theI
Dean of the Graduate School at
Illinois on problems in the hu-
manistic disciplines. _
After a four-year hitch in the
Navy where he rose to the rank
of Lt. Commander and saw action
in both the Atlantic and Pacific,
he returned to Illinois.
This was followed in 1948 by his
appointment as director of the
American Council for Learned
Societies, the national organiza-
tion for humanistic research in
the United States.
Comes in 1952
In 1952 he came to the Uni-
versity to serve as Dean of the
Literary College, and in August he
will go on to an even bigger Job,
the presidency of the University
of Washington.
In the period after World War
II the humanities, the Dean said,

-Daily-Harold Gassenheimer
... recalls career




have lagged a great deal behind
the natural and social sciences in
the amount of money allocated for
their support.
Is this because the hugianities
are less valuable? Not according
to the dean. "A university," Dean
Odegaard explained, "is commit-
ted to the understanding of all
aspects of human experience."
To' accomplish this it must use
all the materials which are appro-
priate, he continued. Materials' of
the humanities are often those
through which men have expressed
See ODEGAARD, Page 2

For Bizerte
Does Not Reject U.S
Mediation of Issue
TUNIS R) - President Habi
Bourguiba declared yesterday "W
are ready to make war for Bizerte
But he held opefi the door I
mediation by the United States c
Tunisia's quarrel with France.
The president also suggested i
a broadcast to his tense natic
that, while he is determined 15,0(
French troops stationed'in Tunisi
must go, the big French navi
base at Bizerte might still be use
by the North Atlantic Treaty pow
Blockade Garrison
That base and French ar:
garrisons are blockaded,
Jittery Tunisian civilians ar
national guardsmen, patroling wit
light arms, manned roadblocks 1
prevent the movement of Frenc
They threatened to fire on ar
French ships attempting to ente
or leave Bizerte.
Bourguiba's blue eyes flashed
he spoke on this sixth- day' of
crisis brought on by a French a
raid on the frontier village
Sakiet Sidi Youssef.
68 Dead
Tunisia put the toll at 68 mei
women and children killed, 8
wounded and 10 not accounted fo
The French said the raid was.
punish Algerian rebels who ha
fired on French planes from the
border-hideouts in Tunisia.
But several diplomats, includir
United States Ambassador C
Lewis Jones, are reported to hal
confirmed that there were heav
civilian casualties.
Using international reaction
the bombing as a springboar
Bourguiba has been trying on
again to force withdrawal
French troops who remained
the country when France recoj
nized Tunisian independence nea
ly two years ago.
"We are ready to go to war
French ships force their way in
or out of Bizerte," he declared
his broadcast.
"Today I am president of th
republic, but if it is necessary,
would be the first to take to ti
brush with the freedom fighter
"The French have not unde
stood that our country is indeper
dent and that it is inconceivab
that a foreign army can live free:
on our soil and receive orders fro
others than us."



Dearborn Center To Initiate
Year-Round Basis in 1959
The University's Dearborn Center will be put on a year-round
academic basis as of the 1959 school year, according to Harold M.
Dorr, Dean of Statewide Education.,
Principle reason for the decision is to allow students to hold jobs
under a cooperative plan. According to this program, students will
work half a year and attend school half a year.
The academic year will be divided into four quarters, with new
quarters beginning September, January, April and July. At the begin-
ning of the year, half the student'
body will attend classes, while theT m sters
other half go to work. They WIlfJ
trade places after the January
break, and continue to switch atTo Cooperate
each break. V
Classes will be held 48 weeks W ith M onitors'
out of the year, but each job
will be covered a full 52 weeks. MIAMI BEACH; Fla. tom}--Team-
The Dearborn program will be sters Union bosses yesterday
open to students with junior pledged full cooperation with a
standing, and the entire program fault - hunting monitor board
will take about three and a half named to root corruption out of
year to ompltethe huge labor organization head-
years to complete. de ed by James R. Hoffa.
Plans have not been made for The three court-approved moni-
faculty as yet. It is expected that tors met with Teamsters Presi-
faculty members will be paid on dent Hoffa and the union Execu-
a calendar year rather than an tive Board.
academic year basis. Plans may All concerned came out saying
call for at least one vacation out they understood one another.
of each six quarters. Former Washington, D. C. Judge
The University also considered Nathan Cayton, chairman and
the possibility of a three-semester neutral member of the monitor
academic program. This system group, announced "a long-range,
was in use during the war, how- serious program" to study union
ever, and was not ideal. One of the operations and work out reforms
complaints against the trimester with Hoffa and. other Teamsters
program was the necessity for chiefs.
splitting the summer session be- The union was under almost
tween two instructors to allow for constant fire from Senate Rackets
faculty vacations. Committee investigators all last,
Other schools have operated year at hearings which produced
thei prgras o a o-oeraivetestimony reflecting on Hoff a, for-
their programs on a co-operative mer Teamsters President Dave
bass. oweerwid vaiatonsareBeck and others.
seen in the amount of time spent A compromise settlement of a
on the job and in school, lawsuit which had tried to bar
At one time, one school operated Hoffa from taking office - on
on a two weeks on, two weeks off grounds his election was rigged-
basis. However, Dean Dorr said established the monitor board to
this was not very effective. A serve as a watchdog or overseer
student never had time to become group.
really accustomed to his job, or It has power to complain to a
school either. federal court if Hoffa balks at
suggested reforms.
Meanwhile, the Teamsters are
R im Qr Fiveunder expulsion from the. AFL-CIO
xeport Five because, of the union's alleged cor-
' rnt.inn , o 1ln g .Hffa. holdsits



FBA To Start
Buying Meat'
For Houses
The Board of Directors of the
Fraternity Buyers Association last
night set in motion a plan to start
a meat buying service on a trial
basis for fraternities.
Under this service, fraternities
would order meats from a Detroit
packing plans through the FBA.
The packer would then deliver
directly to the fraternity house
and bill the FBA.
Chuck Rubin, '58E, FBA presi-
dent, said there would probably be
no appreciable savings. during the
trial period until'they',knew how
much meat would be handled
through the association.
He emphasized, however, that
one of the big advantages of this
service would be that the frater-
nity would know exactly what
graae it was buying. He cited one
local packing plant which had
been selling "prime" beef for less
than it cost on the hoof in Chi-
The packer will deliver in Ann

President Hatcher Dedicates School of Nursing Unit

The new School of Nursing building was officially dedicated
by President Harlan Hatcher at 9 a.m. yesterday.
Begun in 1955, the building is the first unit of a $71/ million
Medical Science building, parts of which are still under construction.
It is one of the first nursing school buildings in the country to provide
distinctly separate facilities from the affiliated hospital.
Although a runway connects it with University Hospital, every
aspect of student training except working in the wards is provided
for within the confines of the school.
Located in back of University Hospital from Couzens and Beal



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