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May 28, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-28

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--Daily---David Arnold

rAT a 7Dr v A7'tT'P 17 a Dch(InUIa 'rrMFi<Tfl PAVTRFi

". . . and indeed there will be time to wonder ..."

' ~ L A ' JCLtfL .iL. 7J~Lt JI iV RITA L A A G l r1U ..U/)I0 9 - - - - -



Sixty-Seven Years, of Editorial Freedom

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See 'age 4


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Aww eulanM XITCTUMAN_ wF.nNF.gDAV. MAY 28.1958

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ssembly Supports Pflimlin;
remier Attempts Resignation

PARIS (9) - Premier Pierre
Pflimlin won strong support in the
National. Assembly° yesterday but
immediately tried to quit his job
in the face of Gen. Charles de
Gaulle's bold challenge for power.
Pflimlin was persuaded by Pres-
ident Rene Coty to stay on until a.
new government is ready to take
Coty then started urgent talks
in an effort to find a new pre-
-Cabinet Meeting Called
There were these fast develop-
1) The National Assembly de-
fied rightist-military leaders de-
manding General de Gaulle's re-
turn and gave Pflimlin a firm vote
of confidence,
2) Pflimlin called an emergency
Cabinet meeting.
Hass Defines.
On Reforms

3) Fromthe Cabinet meeting the
Premier went to call on Coty at
Elysee Palace and offered to re-
Coty Refuses Resignation
4) Coty refusedi to accept the
resignation, saying that it would
not be acceptable until a new gov-
ernment is ready to take over.
5) Coty pegan urgent consulta-
tions in an effort to find a pre-
mier to replace Pflimlin. He did
not accept the resignation since
he wished to avoid any gap be-
tween governments.
General de Gaulle towered over
all potential candidates but there
was doubt whether he could mus-
ter majority approval in the As-
sembly. The general has said he
wants to take power but onlyI
through legal means.
Pflimlin States Reasons
This raised the grave question
of a continuing impasse in France's
greatest postwar crisis.
The Assembly endorsement ap-
peared to give Pflimlin more time
to deal with the myriad problems
confronting the French govern-
ment. But the Premier's decision
that he wanted out brought new
Leaving Coty, Pflimlin told
newsmen he had tried to quit be-
cause an "important group" of
Taub Receives
Editorial Prize
Richard Taub, '59, acting Daily
editor, has been awarded the Alice
Bogdonoff Silver Editorial Award
for 1958.
The award was granted for
"having most notably and con-
sistently shown qualities of cour-
age, responsibility, thoroughness,
initiative, maturity of interpreta-
tion and concern for democratic
ideals in editorials dealing pri-
marily with University and other
local affairs."
The $100 award is granted an-
nually to a sophomore, junior or
senior member of The Daily edi-
torial staff. It was established by
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Bogdonoff in
memory 'of Alice Bogdonoff Silver,
who served as associate editorial
director and, co-editor of The

supporters-the Conservative In-
dependents-had deserted the gov-
ernment on the latest Assembly,
vote and the party's three repre-
sentatives in the Cabinet had re-
"Thus the government finds it-
self weakened at the moment when
it must face tasks which are more
and more heavy," he declared.
Pflimlin added, however, that he
would stay in office rather than
create a gap in power.

Panhellenic Association rushing
chairmen accepted the recommen-7
dation of the Panhel Executive
Council that the statement of reli-
gion be removed from the regis-
tration form and master lists for
rushing, according to Panhel Pres-
ident Mary Tower, '59.
She said this policy, to be effect-
ed during the 1958-59 academic
year, was decided after rushing
chairmen had presented the rec-
ommendation to their respective
houses Monday and yesterday for
discussion and decision.
In previous years, there has'
been a space on the card which
prospective rushees. filled out in
registering for rush, and which'
asked their religion. However, it
was specifically stated that an
answer to the question was not
mandatory, Miss Tower said.
On the master sheet, which gives
specifics concerning every girl go-
ing through rush, the rushee's re-
ligion, as taken from the card, is
stated, she commented. These
master sheets are available to
every rushing counselor.
The question which came up at
Executive Council meetings last
semester was deferred for further
study until now, Miss Tower said.
It was decided that the matter
should be taken care of internally,
she said.
"In passing this, Panhel is
keeping in mind the long-range
effects of such a move," she said.

Urges Aid
Foreign Relations Committee yes-
terday urged an economic aid pro-
gram for the Soviet Union's Euro-
pean satellites to widen the cracks
it said had appeared in the Iron
Sen. William F. Knowland (R-
Cal.) announced he would lead a
fight against the proposal on the
Senate floor.
"I do not think the granting of
mutual aid to the Communist
countries can be justified," he de-
clared. Sen. Knowland is the Sen-
ate's Republican leader.
Bill Reported Out
The issue took shape as the com-
mittee reported a $3,712,900,000
foreign aid bill to the Senate.
The measure authorizes 235 mil-
lion dollars less than President.
Dwight D. Eisenhower asked for
the fiscal year starting July 1. It
could be cut further on the floor.
Unprecedented authority is pro-
posed for President Eisenhower to
give financial help to Yugoslavia,
Poland, - East Germany or any
other country except the Soviet
Union and Red China.
Cracks Have Appeared
The President could do this if
he believed it would help make
the recipients more independent
of Moscow or Peiping.
"A series of cracks have ap-
peared in the Iron Curtain," the
committee reported.
While there are risks in pouring
American money into Communist
areas, the committee added, it "be-
lieves that the risks are out-
weighed by the increasing chance
for world peace which may result
if the United States can helpm ome
countries within the Communist
bloc gradually to loosen their
- A Navy Vanguard rocket
blasted into space last night
and a reliable scientific source
told The Associated Press it
hurled a fourth American satel-
lite into orbit.

B ias






National Alpha Kappa Lambda
fraternity was granted permission
to colonize at the University at last
night's Student Government
Council meeting.
The national proposes to pay
expenses for a student to study at
the University, with the idea that
he will form a local chapter.
Acting Daily Editor Richard
Taub, '59, said that he couldn't see
that the Council had jurisdiction
over a student group that does not
exist. He maintained that the fra-
ternity could colonize anyway.
Getz Resigns
Fred Merrill, '60, disagreed, say-
ing University students would be
exposed to this group.
The Council accepted the resig-
nation of Bert Getz, '59 BAd. Getz
gave his impending marriage as
the reason for his resignation.
Carol Holland, '60, chairman of
the National and International
Committee, announced it is prob-
able that no student will be at the
University next year under Foreign
Student Leadership Project.
Insurance Available
The University will not play
host to a Polish student for the
coming year, Roger Seasonwein,
'61, told the Council. There is a
possibility that one student from
the University will go to Poland,
he added.
Student Health Insurance will
be available again this year, ac-
cording to Scott Chrysler, '59BAd.
"It will be essentially the same
plan as last year," he said.
A reading list will be sent stu-
dents enrolled in the SGC Summer
Reading Plan within the next few
days, Seasonwein said.

To. Ask End
0 ' Help
On Finances
Plan To Ask IFC
To List Bias Fails
Student Government- Counc
will recommend to the Regeni
that "no further aid in securin
financial support" be given fra
ternities and sororities with bia
A second motion to recommem
to Interfraternity Council tha
rushing booklets point out fra
ternities with bias clauses was de
. The two recommendations wei
submitted by a minority of th
Council's Joint Progress Commit
tee on Membership Restrictions.

t i

-Daily-Ian MacNiven
SGC ENDS SEASON-Executive Vice-President Dan Relin (cen-
ter) addresses yesterday's marathon meeting which ran from
4 p.m. to 11 p.m. with a recess: for dinner.
Survey Shows Race
Factor in Job Chances
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles dealing with dis-
crimination in Ann Arbor. Today's article deals with employment practices.)
"The factor of race as such does play a substantial-part in the e$-
ployment of Negroes in Ann Arbor."
So states the Ann Arbor Self-Survey, in summing up its find-
ings on employment. The Survey, published in December, 1956, re-
mains the most authoritative source of statistics in regard to employ-
ment. (Unfortunately, the area ofS
housing was considered only "
obliquely as it touched on other Brass Chain
fields; the Survey made no study
of housing as a separate prob- Not Returned

-Daily-Robert Kanner
... socialist speaker

"Socialism does not mean all
things to all men--it means one
thing to the working class.
"And anything' not in harmony
with ,working class aims is not
socialism." Thus Eric Hass, editor
of the Socialist Labor Party's
newspaper Weekly People and its
two-time candidate for president,
defined his creed in a lecture last
He refuted any notions that his
party could back a "creeping so-
cialism." "We oppose all reforms,"
he said. "Any reforms created by
a decadent capitalism are just
measures to prolong the system
and make it work."
The Socialist Labor Party, begun
in 1890, is the oldest of the social-
ist organizations in the United
States. It advocates neither wel-
fare nor unionism.
"Unemployment insurance and.
the like," Hass asserted, "are social
parachutes," good for nothing but
patching up an old tire. As for
inn tat, +1,a ra ni- tnrlritt nl a.C.

Miki Visits 'U' To Accept Gift from Japanese Center

Gov. Yukiharu Miki of Okayama Prefecture, Japan, visited Ann
Arbor yesterday to receive a gift from the University for his help in
projects carried out by the field station maintained by the Center for
Japanese Studies, and to visit his "relatives."
Gov. Miki entered the Far Eastern Library where the presentation
took place carrying a Japanese camera and displaying a Lions Club
button in his lapel.
"There are a great many Lions Clubs in Japan," he explained,
preferring to use an interpreter rather than trust his English. Gov.
Miki said that he had been a member of the Lions for four years. "The
Governor of Japan's Lions Club livessin Okayama," he remarked.
Establishing Trade Markets
Gov. Miki said that the main reason for his trip to America was
to establish outlets for the products of his prefecture. A large amount
of handicraft work is made in Okayama, such as pottery, woven
goods, and "tatami" or grass mats, which needs American outlets.
He remarked that he was anxious for the Japanese to have the

Woman Not Promoted
At the same time that this re-
port was published, its conclusion
was borne out by the experience
of a Negro woman working in a
local women's store.
The woman had been working
as a stock girl in the store for sev-
eral months. In that time, several
white women had been hired to
fill salesgirl vacancies.
But the Negro woman had not
been promoted, although she had
had sales experience in her home
town, before coming to Ann
She was, however, used as a
temporary salesgirl, filling in
when the regular workers were
sick or on vacation, or during busy
periods, and heard no complaints
about her work then.
Not Promoted
Not being promoted involved
much more than prestige; sales-
girls earned commissions on their
sales, while stock workers received
only straight salaries.
Moreover, since she was not a
full-time salesgirl, the Negro wo-
man did not receive commissions
on those sales she.made. This en-

To Phi Gams
A brass chain which was stolen
from the Phi Gamma Delta fra-
ternity on March 24 has still not
been completely returned, Cy Hop-
kins, '59, chapter president, re-
ported to The Daily yesterday.
This chain, which contains one
link for each member of the chap-
ter since 1902, was partially re-
covered on May 1 when one third
of it was found locked around the
stone benches on the diagonal,
Hopkins added.
Hopkins said although the
chain's value was placed at around
$1,000 by the' Phi Gains' alumni
association, it had a much higher
"intrinsic value" to the chapter
because it could probably never be
"We still have hoped the thieves
would return the chain of their
own accord." He said the police
had also been notified.
Socia lissGive
Leaflets Away

Committee Rejected Action
The committee as a whole had
rejected action on bias claue
other than "an educational pro-
gram," according to committee
chairman Ron Shorr, '58.
Debating the proposal on aid
to groups with bias clauses, IFC
President John Gerber, '19, said
money invested in locals which
had been admitted to the Univer-
sity "in good faith" would now
be jeopardized.
Human rights must come before
pro6pe r ty rights, Inter-House
Council President Bob Ashton
'59, countered. "It is the responsi-
bility of the Council to discourage
bias clauses," he said.
Have Roll-Call Vote
David Kessel, Grad., pointedout
that since University policy dis-
courages bias clauses it should be
up to the National to support the
group which it encourages to vio.
late the spirits of this policy.
On a roll-call vote, the recom.
mendation was approved 10-7.
In the body of the Membershil
Restriction Committee report, i
was suggested the Council's .Stu
dent Activities Committee keel
SGC informed on progress mad
on other campuses in eliminatini
bias. This was passed.
Motion Defeated
A suggestion that SGC initiat
an educational program tellini
the campus of "discriminator
policies and practices" was de
feated. Speaking in member^
time, Fred Merrill, '60, said thi
Council "missed an opportunity
in turning down the proposal.
The Structure and Organizatio:
Evaluation Committee also . re
ported last night. Its recommen
dation that new student group]
be given one-year trial recogni
tion before recognition is mad
permanent was passed by tb

:.. . .,.

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