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May 27, 1958 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-05-27

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Ousing Called Major Discrimination Problem

Continued from Page 1)

g to
s, on

owners have been un.
let him show their
the assumption he
ipt to sell them to a

However, the salesman reports
ne 'instances where owners have
ented. "One lady," he recalls,
)ld me out-and-out I couldn't
1 her house. I didn't say any-
ing to her then; a few days later
called at her home., and after
st talking with me for a while,
e said, 'Go ahead and sell my
use. I don't care what the
ighbors think'."
Neighbors Object to Negroes
"What the neighbors think" is
commonly-given reason for not
ling to a Negro. Many residents
y that selling their house to a
gro wouldn't bother them per-
nally, "but the people next door
>uldn't like it."
The same reason is often given
landlords for not renting apart-
ents or rooms to Negroes. The

Human Relations Board, in seek-
ing the policy statement from
Student Government Council,
mentioned a case of two Negro
students who sub-let an apart-
ment from another person in Sep-
When the landlord discovered
the students in the apartment, he
told the tenant he was "displeased"
with his having leased the apart-
ment to Negroes without his
knowledge. After two professors, a
member of the Human Relations
Commission, and a minister inter-
ceded for the students, the land-
lord agreed to let the students
occupy the apartment until Feb-
ruary, claiming be was "hurt in
principle" about the subleasing,
not because the students were
'Misinformed' by Telephone
In another case, two Negro stu-
dents were told in person no va-
cancies existed at a number of
apartments, after first being in-

formed by telephone there were
When they told one landlord on
the phone they were Negroes, he
said there was a vacancy, but
there was only room for one in
half of a double room. Two white
students who were sent over by
the Negroes, immediately rented
the room.
The landlord had no explana-
tion when the Negro students went
back to him afterwards.'
Another student spent the vaca-
tion between fall and spring
semesters seeking a place to live,
with no suaccess; landlords often
just refused, with no explanation.
The student is now living in the
men's residence halls.I
Quadrangles Accept Graduates
Situations such as these cause
the men's residence halls to admit
Negro (and foreign) graduate stu-
dents, although white graduate
students have not been permitted
to reside there.
According to Jack Hale, senior

resident director, the number of
Negro and foreign graduate stu-
dents who presently live in the
residence halls is "extremely small
-not more than eight or 10" of
The residence halls do not pub-
licize this permission, Hale said;
exceptions to the no-graduate-
student rule aren't announced.
But the rule exists, because of
the difficulty Negro and foreign
students have in finding places to
live. Infrequently, Hale said, a
Negro student has moved out of
the residence halls at the end of
a semester and moved back in
when he was unable to find an
apartment or room.
Rents to Foreign Students
As the residence halls recognize,
foreign students also face serious
problems, although their situation
appears not to be as acute. As one
Ann Arbor landlady says, "I rent
to Hindu, Japanese, Chinese, but
no Negroes."
Foreign students also find much
of their trouble stems from skin

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(Continued from Page 4)
Housing: Alumni should apply at
Registration Desk, Alumni Memorial
Hall, all others at Residence Halls Of-
tices in the Admin. Bldg.
Doctoral Degree Candidates who at-
tend the commencement exercises are
enittled to receive a Ph.D. or other
appropriate doctor's degree hood. Those
receiving a Ph.D. hood during the cere-
mony may exchange it for the appro-
priate degree hood under the East
Stand immediately after the ceremony,
or at the office of the Diploma Clerk,
ndmin. Bldg.
Plans for Commencement: Sat., June
14, 5:30 p.m.
Weather Fair:-
Time of Assembly: 4:30 p.m. (except
Places of Assembly: Members of the
faculties at 4:15 p.m. in the lobby, first
floor, Admin. Bldg., where they may
robe. (Transportation to Stadium or
Field House will be provided.)
Regents, ex-Regents, Deans and other
Administrative Officials at 4:15 p.m. in
Admin. Bldg., Rm. 2549, where they
may robe. (Transportation to Stadium
or Field House will be provided.)
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges on paved roadway and grassy
field, East of East Gate (Gate 1 - Tun-
nel) to Stadium in four columns of
twos in the following order:
Section A - North side of pavement:
Literature, Science and the Arts.
Section B - South side of pavement:
Medicine (in front); Law (behind
Medicine); Dental (behind Law); Phar-
macy (behind Dental); Engineering
(behind Pharmacy), Architecture (be-
hind Eng.).
Section C -- On grass field in a line
about 30 South of East-Education (in
front); Business Administration (be-
hind Education); Natural Resources
(behind Business Admin.); Music (be-.
hind Natural Resources); Public Health
(behind Music)..
Section D - On grass field in a line
about 450 South of East: Nursing (in
front); Social Work (behind Nursing);
Flint (behind Social Work); Graduate
(behind Flint with Doctors in front).
March into Stadium - 5:00 p.m.
Weather Rainy:
In case of rainy weather, the Univer-
sity fire siren will be blown about 4:00
and 4:15 p.m. indicating the exercises
in the .Stadium will be abandoned.
Members of the Faculties, Regents,
Deans, etc., will assemble at the same
places as for the fair weather program.
Graduates will go direct to Yost Field
House at 5:00 p.m. and enter by the
South door,
Faculty Members and University Em-
ployees: The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics of the University
of Michigan extends to the Faculty and
to full-time University employees the
privilege of purchasing Athletic Cards.
Those Eligible to purchase: 1. Univer-
sity Faculty and Administrative Offi-
cers. 2. Faculty members who have re-
tired, but still retain faculty privileges.
3. Employees on the University payroll
who have appointments or contracts on
a full-time yearly basis; or, if on an
hourly basis, are full-time employees
and have been employed by the Univer-
sity for a period of not less than twelve
months prior to the date of applica-
tion for the purchase of an Athletic
Card. The date shown on the Employee's
University Identification Card shall be
considered as the date of employment.
4. For spouses and dependent children
between the ages of 10 and 18 of the
above groups.
Cost of Athletic Card - $15.00.
Purchase Date: 1) At Ferry Field Ticket
Office beginning June 2; 2) Preference
for location expires Aug. 10). 3. Addi-
tional Season Ticket purchase privilege
(limit 2) expires Aug. 10.
Conditions and Privileges: 1. Athletic
Cards or Tickets are not transferable.
2. Ticket privileges end with termina-
tion of employment with the Univer-
sity and no refunds or rebates will be
made. 3. Football tickets issued on
for Exams?
Fight "Book Fatigue" Safely
Your doctor will tell you-a
NoDoz Awakener is safe as an
average cup of hot, black cof-
fee. Take a NoDoz Awakener

Athletic Cards will be stamped. Facul-
ty members must have their athletic
cards together with their football tick-
ets to gain admission at the gate. 4.
Faculty members and employees who
purchase Athletic Cards will receive a
reserved seat at each home football
game and general admission to basket-
ball, track, wrestling, and baseball, as
long as seats are available.
Student Recital Cancelled: The recit-
al by Russell Bedford, bassoonist,
scheduled for Tues. evening, May 27
at Rackham Assembly Hall, has been
Student Recital: Willis ,Patterson,
bass, who studies voice with Chase
Baromeo, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music on
Tues., May 27 at 8:30 p.m., Aud. A,
Angell Hall. Mr. Patterson will be as-
sisted at the piano by Nelita True, and
will perform compositions by Vivaldi,
Handel, Purcell, Schumann, Schubert,
M a s s e n e t, Saint-Saens, Poldowski,
Holmes, Johnson and Burleigh. Open
to the public.
Student Recital Postponed.. The or-
gan recital by Milford Myhre, origin-
ally scheduled for Wed., May 28, has
been postponed until June 20. It will
be held on that date at Hill Aud. at
8:30 p.m.
Student Recital: Shirley Gosling,
mezzo-soprano, who studies voice with
Chase Baromeo, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic on Wed., May 28, 8:30 p.m. Aud. A,
Angell Hall. Miss Gosling, who will be
assisted by Paul Moore, pianist, will
perform compositions by Paisiello, Mar-
cello, Schumann, Schubert, Debussy,
Kalmanoff, Ives, and Duke. Open to
the public.
Academic Notices
Instrumentation Engineering Seminar:
Dr. R. M. Howe, Prof. of Aeronautical
Eng., will speak on "The Influence of,
Component Bandwidth Limitations on
the Accuracy of Electronic Differen-
tial Analyzers," Tues., May 27, 4:00 p.m.,
Rm. 1508 E. Engin. Bldg.
Mathematics Colloquium: Will meet
Tues., May 27, Rm. 3011 Angell Hall,
4:10 p.m. Prof. Raoul Bott will speak
on "The homotopy of -the classical
groups." Refreshments: 3:30 in 3212
Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for John Ray-
mond Moyer, Chemistry; thesis: "A Ra-
man Spectroscopic Study of Some
Lewis Acid-Base Systems," Wed., May
28, 4225 Chem. Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, R.C. Taylor.
Doctoral Examigation for Robert Ed-
ward Nunley, Geography; thesis: "The
Distribution of Population in Costa
Rica," Thurs., May 29, 210 Angell Hall,
10:00 a.m. Chairman, }S. D. Dodge,
Doctoral Examination for Morley
Egerton Russell, Chemistry; thesis:
"Kinetics and Carbon-13 Isotope Effect
in the Thermal Decomposition of Di-
methylmercury," Wed., May 28, 3003
Chem. Bldg., 1:00 p.m. Chairman, R.B.
Doctoral Examination for Harry Rex
Wilson, Linguistics; thesis: "The Dia-
lect of Lunenburg County, Nova Sco-
tia: A Study of. the English of the

County, with Reference to Its Sources,
Preservation of Relics, and Vestiges of
Bilingualism," Thurs., May 29, 2601
Haven Hall, 10:00 a.m. Chairman, A. H.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors
who will be on the campus ;this week
on, the dates indicated. Program ar-
rangements are being made by the In-
ternational Center: Mrs. Clifford R.
Prof. Badiezaman Fourzanfar, Dean
of Faculty of Theology, University of
Teheran, Iran, May 25-27; Dr. Moham-
med-Bagher Sabzevari, Prof. of Shiah
Religious Jurisprudence, School of The-
ology, Univ. of Teheran, Iran, May 25-
27; Dr. Mohammed Sheyh-Ol-Eslam
Kordestani, Prof. of Shafei Religious
Jurisprudence, School of Theology,
Univ. of Teheran, Iran, May 25-27; Dr.
Alvaro Salgado, Dean of Engineering,
University of the Andes, Bogota, Col-
ombia, Maq 27; Dr. Ahmad Tabatabai,
Dean of Students, Prof. of French and
Comparative Literature, Univ. of Ta-
briz, Iran, May 1-28; Mr. Fuad Sarruf,
Vice-President in charge of Public Re-
lations, American University of Beirut,
Lebanon, May 26-28; Mrs. Anna-Marie
Renger, Social Democratic Member of
the Bundestag, Germany, May 26-28;
Mr. Nurretin Sizerkan, Director of Bay-
larbase Primary School and Adult Edu-
cation School, Istanbul, Turkey, May
28; and Mr. Henrik Virkkunen, Prof.
of Industrial and Cost Accounting, Hel-
sinki School of Economcis, Finland,
May 30-June 3.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies with the Bureau of
Appointments for the 1958-59 school
year. They will not be here to inter-
view at this time.
Flint, Mich. (Utley Community
Schools) - Girls Physical Education/
General Science (JHS); English/Speech
Rochester, N.Y. (Brighton Schools,
District Number One) - HS English;
Remedial Reading/ English; Biology;
Special Education (Retarded Children);
Spanish (HS or JHS); Director of Phy-
sical Education.
Sheridan, Mich. - English; Commer-
Valalla, N.Y. - Elementary Art; Vo-
cal & Instrumental Music; Home Econ-

omics; Girls Physical Education;
French; Guidance Counselor.
Washington, D.C. (Department of the
Navy) -- Librarian.
Winnebago, III. -- Girls Physical
Education; Art; JHS Math; 6th grade.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Playboy, Chicago, 111, has openings
for space salesmen in both New York
and Chicago offices. Sales. experience
and academic background of advertis-
ing and sales courses desirable. Salary
$5,000-$6,000 plus commission.
State of Oregon announces nation-
wide recruitment for Assist. Adminis-
trator Business Services with the State
Public Welfare Commission. Salary:
$7,860-$9,720. Last filing date: July 1,
U.S. Civil Service announces closing
date for Technical Editor and Writer
as of June 25, 1958. Examinations be-
ing given for Engineer and Physical
Science Positions.
Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Neenah,
Wisc. are looking for men to fill the
following positions: Survey Analyst
(Marketing Research), Experienced In-
dustrial Engineer, Salesmen-Consumer
Products, Fluid Mechanics Engineer,
Ph.D. Organic Chemists, Process Prob-
lem Engineers, Ph.D. Psychologist
(Clinical), and Research Analyst.
Robert Hall Clothes, New York, .N.Y.
is looking for men who are interested
in the field of retailing and in store
management. Must be between 24-35
years of age. Interviews can be arranged
with District Manages.
U.S. Civil Service, are announcing
open examinations for employment
primarily in the states of Ill., Mich.
and Wisc. for the following examina-
tions: Accountant and Auditor, Ac-
counting and Auditing Clerk, Chemist,
Engineer, Engineering Aid and Techni-
cian, Office Machine Operator, Sten-
ographer-Typist, Tabulating Equip-
ment Operation Supervisor, Tabulat-
ing Planner, Administrative Assistant,
Agriculture and Civil Engineers, Farm
Management Supervisor, Forestry Aid,
Physical Science Aid, Instructor, Air-
craft Maintenance, Instructor, Weath-
er Meteorology, Nurses, and Estate Tax
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Summer Placement:


1107 S. University Ave.
STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.

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