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May 27, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-27

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Sixty-Eighth Year

"You Fellows Go-Right on Talking - I'll Let
You Know When I Reach A Decision"

Opinions Are Free
;h Will Prevail"

- 4' /'
I jrf I T

torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all repaints.


'fCandida': Trivialty.
Well Disguised
By SUCCESSFULLY masquerading as a brilliant performance, an
adequate but unimpressive presentation of Bernard Shaw's "Can-
dida" captivated an audience at Lydia Mendelssohn last night and al-
most persuaded them that it was worth while. The acting was compe-
tent, the set was lovely and appropriate, the Shavian lines echoed re-
splendently in all their impudence throughout the theatre; neverthe-
less, the spontaneity which distinguishes an inspired production was
missing and no amount of dredging on the part of the performers couldI
succeed in bringing it to the surface.
Shaw-worshippers have in the past contended that the plays of

Y, MAY 27, 1958


The Michigan Evolution:
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

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TIS ANOTHER Michigan tradition that the
graduating Editorial Director, among others,
writes a farewell edit.
My first inclination is to talk about some
great problems which affect and trouble all men
living today, and especially Americans. These
are problems which a sensibly utilitarian educa-
tion should prepare us, to face and tackle. Those
p oblems would include the social problems of
industrial-urban culture-the decline of the
family and the institution of marriage, the vul-
garism of culture, the superficiality of religion,
the Organization Man, the cheapening of busi-
ness ethics, the monopolies of business and
labor, the uncreativity of labor in a machine
age, crime and juvenile delinquency, the inte-
gration of the races, nationalities and creeds,
the "massification" of education, the great
power and centralization of government. More
1f the moment would be the political problems
of our United States, which now finds herself
very much responsible for the fate-the very
existence-of all men. There would be the
domestic political problems of political liberties,
of inflation and, recession, of proper federal-
state-local relations, the problems of pressure
groups, of voter apathy and John Doe ineffec-
tiveness, of the lack of political courage and
executive leadership; and then there is the
greatest problem facing our country-that of
avoiding a war and reaching a peace settlement
with a nuclear-armed Soviet Union. And there
are the associated problems of reacting to the
hunger, sickness, ignorance, despair and back-
wardness of Asia, Africa and Latin America, of
participating in the peaceful disolution of
colonialism, of fostering a needed interna-
tionalism in an age of turbulent nationalism,
and of seeking the success of democracy around
the world, not necessarily "good old free enter-
prise American democracy" or "peoples' democ-
racy," but democracy defined, according to the
situation, to provide the most in political-eco-
nomic-social freedom and dignity for individual
I said, I would like to talk about these prob-
lems which worry me the most, but I won't.
There is neither the opportunity to be effective
nor are most readers likely to be equally worried
about them. Also, there is that bit of wisdom
that reform should start home-we should solve
our Little Rocks before we try to sell "democ-
racy" to Asia and Africa, we should improve
the relations of the races in Ann Arbor before
we prevent our Little Rocks, we should live in
fellowship with the Negro next door before
we take the stump for "integration" in the
dormitories. Thus, I will talk about what
worries me concerning the University com-
munity we are all involved in. The emphasis
will be on reform. The banner is borrowed from
the French Revolution: "Liberty, Equality,
IBERTY. I have never been proud of the
state of academic liberties at the University.
The faculty dismissals and the effect of the
Lecture Committee, no matter how well ration-
alized, have made this community less than a
"free marketplace for all ideas." It has been
my experience that faculty are scared, reluctant
to call into question existing institutions, re-
niaining as apolitical as possible. Students, de-
siring free choice in their menu of ideas and
speakers, have often been scared off or frus-
trated by the Lecture Committee. Though Mc-
Carthyism has passed the University has not
acted clearly to change the local atmosphere,
especially regarding what is expected from the
faculty. What is needed is presidential leader-
ship, leadership to restore some vigor in the
climate of debate here, leadership that would
speak boldly and with conviction to the Re-
gents, Legislature, Detroit newspapers and the
people ofathe state, telling them the University,
as long as Harlan Hatcher is president, must
tolerate former or present Communist math
teachers in keeping with the spirit of a univer-
sity-brave leadership which would rally most
people of this community to the side of anyone
who would speak for such ideals. I think Ameri-
cans-ask the British-have taken the Ameri-
can Communist threat far too seriously. Com-
munism will gain only to the extent that our
democracy is weak; McCarthyism and its ves-
tiges are one weakness.
Using another definition of liberty, the ex-
eessive rules of University paternalism tend to
work against a student's maturing. Especially
in the dormitories, the working assumption of

administrations is that the student is sinful
by nature and must be restricted as much as
possible by a university which assumes respon-
sibility for him. Nobody can have alcohol in
their rooms; women must be in by 10:30. Rules
applied to students have a peculiar ability to
foster those things they try to prevent.
Classroom academics is a third area where
more liberty is wanting. -The hum-drum of
note-taking, textbook reading and regurgitating
on exams is a corruption of the educational
process. Again, the working assumption is that
students are dependent and irresponsible. The
result is that learning is becoming a chore, a
game of note-taking and memorization in
preparation for passing exams, and exams are
coigto hP faa.A.rr3 not4vipA ihi.41, P~..

citement of intellectual challenge. A broadening
of the Honors Program philosophy is needed,
where students are trusted to work and think
on their own, in consultation with a scholar.
And then there is the classroom liberty prob-
lem of teachers who insist on students adhering
to their intepretation of the material.
EQUALITY. I think that this dormitory room-
mate assignment policy issue has been
blown up beyond its merit by impetuous liberals.
The University policy of considering race 'and
religion as factors of compatability in the
freshman year is essentially sound in theory,
though there may be abuses of it in practice.
Random selection is folly.
But, there is evidence that certain University
officials have interfered excessively to discour-
age such practices as inter-racial dating. Again,
paternalism rears up.
Fraternity membership selection, with its
clear racism and sectarianism, is the greatest
abuse of equality which the University tolerates
under its roof. But I do not think that more
strict University regulations, at this time, are
the answer to this problem which is certainly
larger than the Ann Arbor campus. I would
hope that of IFC and local chapters could pro-
vide leadership in the national organizations to
bring about the dissolution of written and prac-
ticed discrimination.
If we could calculate the damage done to the
United States' international position because of
discrimination foreign students have encoun-
tered here, I think it would be large. Foreign
students, in attempting to find private housing
in Ann Arbor, have lost face as they would not
in Moscow, in Paris, or even in London. Again,
I do not think this is an area where the Uni-
versity should get tough with the discriminating
landlords. Continued but increased diplomacy
behind the scenes seems the best path, and
University, City, churches, student and citizens
groups should not be afraid to bring pressure to
bear, in concert.
In many other areas the foreign students
could be better integrated into the campus
scene. I think more should be roomed in the
.dormitories; the International Students Associ-
ation should have a seat on SGC, both for
practical and psychological reasons; there
should be more opportunities for them to show
their stuff, as in the Campus United Nations
and the memorable World's Fair.
FRATERNITY. My utopian dreams for the
University would define it as "a community
of scholars, both the teachers and the taught,
who are here cooperating as friends to share
and develop wisdom, knowledge, character and
statesmanship." The University is far short of
such a fraternity, for there is far too little
fraternity. Most of us partake of our professors'
knowledge for one hour, three times a week,
but no more, and the opportunities for those
intimate student-teacher friendships where one
can learn of character, wisdom and statesman-
ship are not present to any degree.
Perhaps there is an unrealistic desire. Maybe
the school is just too impassionately big, the
teachers too few. Maybe professors are just too
busy with publishing, researching, adminis-
trating. Maybe students are not desirous of
this intimacy, or perhaps somewhat afraid of
being friendly wth those icons stuffed full of
knowledge-the professors. But I think such an
intimate community would restore an excite-
ment to learning and provide for full maturing
of the student. Not only could students, faculty,
administrators, and Regents cooperate aca-
demically, but their concerted attention could
be focused on problems where we all share a
stake-the financial plight of our school and
the higher education it seeks to foster (Oh
what pressure we could bring to bear on Lans-
ing in concert!). the proper role of athletics in
this "community of scholars."
To the building of this intimate community
I would first recommend presidential leadership
to restore the focus on academics, leadership
that would unite this university behind some-
thing more worthwhile than our football team.
Nothing would do this school as much good as
for Mr. Hatcher call to this community of
students, faculty and administrators down to
the Stadium some afternoon and tell us collec-
tively why we are here. Second, students and
faculty should have increased opportunities for
contact outside of class. I would recommend
greater faculty involvement in the residence

halls, more student-faculty committees, and
more just plain fraternizing such as discussions
at professors homes, special academic pro-
grams, even increased athletic competition and
socializing. The initiative must be taken by
the faculty and administration.
For, when the summing up comes for a
senior, what one remembers as most valuable
are the men one has learned wisdom, knowl
edge, character, and statesmanship from, the
substance they shared with you to make you
a fuller person. I would like to recognize some
of the great individuals I have borrowed from
on their off hours. Regents Connable, Thurber
and Power. Administrators Hatcher, Lewis, Nei-
huss, Robertson, Nelson, Hale, Bingley Williams,


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their deity do not and cannot age.'
of Shaw's earliest plays (1895)
and despite its occasionally spark-
ling moments and witty attempts
at iconoclasm, it is full of the dust
of a quickly receding age. No mat-
ter how radical "Candida" may
have seemed at its first perform-
ance, today it seems to be no more
than a bit of conservative trivial-
ity wearing a mask of self-con-
scious humor. It may be heretical
to say so, but with the exception
perhaps of the last act, the play
is dull, slow-moving and occa-
sionally boring.
THE STORY, to begin with, is
inconsequential. Candida is the
charming, ageless wife of a pom-
pous minister with Socialist ten-
dencies who adores her. One of his
proteges, an eighteen-year-old
poet named Eugene Marchbanks
falls in love with Candida and
forces her to make a choice be-
tween her husband and him. Aft-
er much debate, rhetoric and con-
fusion, she chooses "the weaker
of the two."
And that is the whole of the
plot. Several extra characters are
thrown in by the author to make
the play seem more complex than
it is, and to provide vehicles for
his characteristic mockery of
British so'ciety. Perhaps the most
interesting way to view the play,
and these characters in particular,
is to see it and them in relation to
Shaw's later, better works. Mr.
Burgess, Candida's father is a
prototype of. Alfred Doolittle, as
well as an endless procession of
similar rascals. Miss Proserpine
Garnett is of the same genesis as
Mrs. Pearce in "Pygmalian" and
of all the other humorously self-
righteous, prudish and sharp-
tongued old maids that appear
throughout Shavian drama.
So much for the tirade. At the
same moment that one realizes
what nonsense can find its way
to the stage, one must also won-
der at the talent that can make
much. Shaw drowns out hr faults
so lhtle naterial seem like so
by,the sound of his voice, and one
finally succumbs to enjoyment of
the noise.
- *s *


This is not true. "Candida" is one



AThe End of the Affair

AS OUR ship sinks slowly into
the west, leaving four years of
college and one-and-a-half years
of "Culture Bits" behind, we write
what is known in the trade as The
Farewell Column. (Let's hear
those throbbing violins, Maestro!)
The main message is, like,
Goodbye. But it strikes us, as large
tears drip steadily on the type-
writer keyboard (which makes
typing a hazardous jol ... jov
jo& . . . JOB) . . . it strikes us,
we were saying, that this might
be a good time to review the past
and see what we have culled from
the vast mass that is Michigan.
When we (eager, wide-eyed,
ever questing) first began writing
this column (eager, wide-eyed,
ever questing), there was only one
problem that confronted us.
Would there be enough stuff to
write about?' Was Ann Arbor real-
ly as cultural as all get out? A
few senior editors shook their
balding heads, whispered that the
University was a cultural void
and hightailed over to the State
to see "The Attack of the Crab
People." Others, however, rallied
round, eager, wide-eyed, ever
questing. Actually, it worried us
a little, but not much.
* * *
WE KNEW, as did everybody,
about the big stuff: May Festival,
Drama Festival, MUSKET, Speech
Dept. and like that. This is a big
school and enterprises like those
are almost mandatory. It's fine
that we have them, but it's to be
expected. Nobody's knocking him-
self out about May Festival but
the Publicity Chairman.

What we didn't know, soon
learned and always found . most,
gratifying was the increasing ac-
tivity by scores of small, busy
groups that were really working
to promote their singular cultural
activities on campus. With a min-
imum of ballyhoo and plenty of
non-apathetic dedication, these
groups are filling any number of
gaps, making positive contribu-
tions and steadily gaining sympa-
thizers. The Art Students Guild,
The Hillel Players, The Folksong
Society, Alpha Rho Chi architec-
ture fraternity, The Modern Jazz
Society, WCBN, The Readers
Theatre, The Contemporary Lit-
erature Club - these and others
like them are to be congratulated
and supported. We have tried to
tell about most of them this year,
but no doubt we goofed and
missed a few. In any case, we
kept hearing of new ones every
month. Such activity is, in its own
funny way, inspiring.
* * *
THEREdhas been a great deal
to see and do in the lively arts
over the past four years, and
many's the concert or production
we wish we could have seen. And
there are some we wish we hadn't
seen. But much remains memor-
able. Searching, our currently
cram-clogged cranium, we re-
member just a few of the high
spots ... a brilliantly sung "Fal-
staff" in 1955 with Robert Kerns
perfect in the title role ... Marion
Mercer convulsing audiences in
scores of shows, especially a wild-
ly funny drunk scene in an other-
wise dismal play called "The
Clugstone Inheritance" . . . the

DAC's moving "Sleep of Prison-
ers" . . . Elizabeth Schwarzkopf's
perfect concert . . . Walter Geise-
king's last thrilling concert in a
packed Hill Auditorium ... MUS-
KET showing the campus that.
Union Opera was pretty awful,
after all ... Speech Department's
glittering "Misanthrope" . . . the
wise and knowledgeable Malcolm
Cowley enhancing the campus ...
Dave Brubeck and Paul Desmond.
playing a transcendant blues in
Patengill Auditorium . . . Archi-
bald McLeish's Hopwood speech
. Kim Novak's dance in Picnic
(Whoops! How did that get in
here?) . . . and more, we'r'e sure,
if we could sit down and remem-
ber for a few hours.
On the personal side, there are
four years of real kicks and mem-
orable soirees with the Gilbert and
Sullivan Society, the excitement
of working with GENERATION,
watching it go from a heavy-loss
magazine to three sell-out issues
this year, and the jolly fun of re-
ceiving irate letters from Elvis
fans after we failed to treat "Love
Me Tender" and "Jailhouse Rock"
with the proper respect.
Oddly enough, we find ourselves
with all sorts of potential topics
for future columns and no more
columns. Sorry we never got to
the TV Studios, the Michigan
Singers, the local booking agents,
the history of the Hopwood
Awards and a few more.
So that's the "Culture Bit." And
if you'll cut those syrupy violins,
Maestro, we'll pack up our picas
and cut out.

"CANDIDA" is one of those
plays that must be fun to act. The
characters are caricatures and ex-
aggeration is impossible. Carmen
Mathews was slightly miscast in
the title role, being not quite what
Shaw seems to havehad in mind
for the part, but considering her
last-minute appearance in Ann
Arbor, she did a gracious and
outstanding job.
Wesley Addy as the Reverend
James Morell was less pompous
than he might have been but de-
spite this was persuasive in his
characterization. Dick Davalos,
the poet, was a sufficiently inane
member of the younger genera-
tion, while Sylvia Short, Ralph
Purdum, and Philip Tonge in the
"character" roles contributed a
great deal of humor to an innocu-
ous but amusing evening.
-Jean Willoughby

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Unier-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be,
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. the day preceding,
publication. Notices forpSunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
TUESDA*, MAY 27, 1958
General Notices
The General Library will be open 8
a.m. to 10 p.m. on Memorial Day, Fri.,
May 30. Divisional libraries will ob-
serve regular schedules on May 30, e-
cept the Astronomy, Bureau of Gov-
ernment, and Museums Libraries which
will be closed.
On Sat evening, May 31, the Under-
graduate Library will remain open un-
til 12 p.m. On June 1, regular Sun.
hours of 2-6 p.m. will be observed in
the General Library, and 2-12. p.m. in
the Undergraduate Library. The Un-
dergraduate Library will maintain this
customary schedule on Sun., June 8,
but the General Library will be closed
on this date. The Medical Library will
observe regular hours throughout June,
including the Sun. schedule of 2-6 p.n.
Graduate Reading Rooms in the Gen-
eral Library will be open additional
hours Fri., May 30, from 7-10 p.m., and
Sat., May 31, from 1-5 p.m.
Hours in the Music Listening Room
(417 Mason Hall) have been extended
to cover 1-6 p.m. and 7-10 p.m., Thurs.
and Fri. May 29 and May 30, and Man.
through Thurs., June 2-June 5. Sat;.;
May 31, the hours will be 9 a.m.-12 m,
1-6 p.m., and Sun., May 25 and June 1
hours of opening are 7-10 p.m. The
Listening Room will be closed beginning
Friday, June 6.
Divisional libraries will observe tieW',
regular schedules during the-eam -
tion period.Any exceptions to custom-
ary hours of opening will be posted In
each library.
Starting Tues., June 10, and contin-
uing until the opening of Summer Ses-
sion, the General Library and the Un-
dergraduate Library will close at 6
p.m. Divisional libraries likewise wi
go on reduced schedules at this time.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative June graduates
from the College of Lt., Science, and',
the Arts, and the School of Educ. for
departmental honors (or high honor.
in the College of L.S.&A., should rec-
ommend such students in a letter de-
livered to the Office of Registration
and Records, Rm. 1513 Admin. Bldg., by
noon, Mon., June 9, 158.
Attention June Graduates: College of
Lit., Science, and the Arts, School of
Educ., School of Music, School of Pub.
Health and School of Bus. Admin. Stu-
dents are advised not to request grades
of I or X in June. When such grades
are absolutely imperative, the work
must be made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up grade
not later than noon, Mon., June 9, 1958.
Grades received after that time may.
defer the student's graduation until a
later date.
The next "Polio Shot" Clinic for stu-
dents will be held Thurs., May 29, only
from 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1:00
p.m. to 445 p.m., in the Health Servie.
All students whose 2nd or 3rd shots
are due around this time are urged to
take advantageofmthis special clinic,
Students, are reminded that it is .not
necessary to obtain their regular clinic
cards. Proceed, to Rm. 58 in the base-
ment where forms are available and
cashier's representatives are present.
The fee for injection is $1.00.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., June 13. Com-
munications for consideration at thi
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Tues., June 3.
All Male Students who complete their
academic year in June and desire cer-
tification for Selective Service purposes
should file Form 5S5109. Students in
all schools except Engineering, Law,
Medicine, Dentistry, and Rackhani
should file Form SSS109 at Window #
1513 Administration Building. Those
students in the above named schools
should complete the forms in their
respective school offices.
Commencement Exercises - June 14,
1958: To be held at 5:30 p.m. either in
the Stadium or Yost Field House, de-
pending on the weather. Exercises -will
conclude about 7:30 p.m.
Those eligible to participate:9Grad-
uates of Summer Session of 1957 'and
of February and June, 1958. Gradu-
ates of the Summer Session of 1958 and
of February 1959 are not supposed to
participate; however, no check is made
f those taking part in the ceremny
but no tickets are available for those,
in these classifications.
Tickets: For Yost Field House: Two

to each prospective graduate, to be
distributed from Tues., June 3, to 12
noon on Sat., June 14, at Cashier's Of-
fice, first floor of Admin. Bldg.
For Stadium: No. tickets necessary.
Children not admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented
atrMoe Sport Shop, N. Univ. Ave., Ann
Assembly for Graduates: At 4:30 p.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be
held in Yost Field House, graduates
should go directly there and be seated
by Marshals.
Spectators: Stadium - Enter by Main
St. gates only. All should be seated by
5:00 p.m., when procession enters field.
Yost Field House: Only those holding

Roommate Report Called Inadequate

To the Editor:
THE BOARD of Governors' of-
ficial statement on roommate
selection practices calls for a
number of comments. It is indeed
unfortunate that the report has
been delayed until the last week
of classes sincehit is now impos-
sible to give it the careful scrutiny
it deserves. It is also unfortunate
that the Board was unable to
make specific recommendations as
to the exact wording of room ap-
plications and a more specific
statement of policy. My comments
will be confined to some of the
findings and interpretations giv-
en by the Office of the Dean of
Women. As ;one who teaches sev-
eral courses in statistics, I am dis-
mayed by the way certain facts
have been presented. Let me select
three items from this rather con-
fusing report.
First. Dean Bacon mentions
that only 1.5 per cent of incom-
ing freshman girls are of a minor-
ity race. We then read the follow-
ing: "the Office of the Dean of
Women places 38 per cent of
freshmen girls in a 'mixed' situ-
ation; only 0.5 per cent of the re-
turning upperclasswomen them-
selves selected a 'mixed' racial
siatio , Trn has it hen nn-

there is a tremendous difference
between the two figures.
Second. Even more seriously
misleading is the following pas-
sage: "Over 71 per cent of return-
ing women select roommates of
similar religion; over 98 per cent
select roommates of similar race
or color. Yet these are the same
98 per cent who believe in and
conscientiously work toward inte-
gration . . . the reality of an at-
titude wherein 98 per cent of a
given group act the same way
cannot wisely be ignored." The re-
port neglects to mention the im-
portant fact that even if all Cau-
casians were to prefer a room-
mate of a different race, some-
where in the neighborhood of 96
per cent would necessarily end up
with someone of their own race
simply because there are so few
non-whites. When we keep this
fact in mind, the rest of the con-
clusions in the paragraph become
meaningless. These figures seem
to indicate that one can prove al-
most anything one really wants
to prove by statistics.
Third. The report refers to cer-
tain other "findings" of the sur-
yey. I quote: "We find (emphasis
mine) that constructive attention
paid to individual differences and
peferences ehieves htter and

tually been tried? If not, conclu-
sions should have been stated as
mere opinion and not fact. To be
sure, we are all entitled to person-
al opinions. Mine is that if such
a study were made, no significant
differences would be found. May I
suggest that the way to determine
which opinion is correct is to con-
duct a study!
In short, the report from the
Board of Governors leaves much
to be desired. Perhaps some of the
misleading and/or erroneous por-
tions could have been avoided if
all interested parties had been
consulted concerning the survey.
H. M. Blalock, Jr.
Professor of Sociology
New Degree . .
To the Editor:
IN VIEW of some of the recent
campus events such as initia-
tions, parades and other noise-
making endeavors operating con-
currently with classes, I would
like to offer a plan which would
facilitate the paraders as well as
the students. It would alleviate
the problem of increasing enroll-
ment and would help the incom-
ing hordes to discover themselves
and become useful citizens.

box stuffing. Candidates would
graduate at official commence-
ments and receive the official di-
Since advanced c a n d i dia't e s
could easily oversee the operations
of the program to fulfill require-
ments and report to the Deans of
Men and Women, a cheap source
of labor would be available.
With a little imagination one
can see how such a program
would benefit students, faculty,
and the new degree candidates
alike. It would be welcomed by
industrial and civic leaders as it
gets directly to the problem of
turning out the good, experienced
organization man we need.
Malcolm" Goldman
Column .:
To the Editors:
WE WISH to compliment Mr.
Jim Baad for his very en-
lightening column of May 21 con-
cerning the University of Michi-
gan's philosophy toward athletics.
It is high time that these facts
were brought forth. We hope that
this column reached every stu-
dent, for the message was cer-
tainly one about which we should
all know and be concerned.
The students and faculty of the

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