Si r Sixty-Seven Youars of Editorial Freedom at SHOWERS, WARMER .? )_ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1958 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES r;;z? Red Army Evacuates Romania USSR Proposes NTon-Aggression Pact President Rules Out 4 In Taxes at Present BUDAPEST (P) - The Soviet rnment plunged yesterday into a Union said today it is pulling its aullist insurrection from engulfing troops out of Romania. At the same time it proposed a d that civil war threatened. 25-year non-aggression pact to in the National Assembly over how the North Atlantic Treaty powers. s in Algeria and Corsica, the big Moscow has made previous sug- i of Labor called a general strike gestions to the West for non-ag- Charles de Gaulle was coming to gression pacts, but the United ?flimlin. States has turned them down on ,ky government faced, meanwhile, grounds that both nations sub- Aediterranean fleet. A navy revolt scribe to the United Nations >could be a severe blow to govern- Charter, which itself bars aggres- sion. ment efforts to keep France's The pact proposal and the an- world possessions under its con- nouncement on the withdrawal of trol. troops from Romania were con- Situation. Eases tained in statements issued in the But Premier Pflimlin may have wake of the meetings of leaders found some consolation with the of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact found, sorme solatin with te nations held in Moscow last week. easing, for the time being at least, The proposed non-aggression of the situation in Tunisia. treaty would link the Western na- Fighting there between French tions with the eight Communist and Tunisian forces during the countries making up the Warsaw weekend threatened to thrust the Pact. The Warsaw powers sug- entire French internal crisis onto gested that meetings on the non- the world stage, aggression proposal be held be- It was with deafening shouts of fore a proposal be held before a "Vive De Gaulle" still ringing in prorected East-West summit ses- their ears that 500 or so grave- sion so final decisions could be taken there. The declaration adopted by the Warsaw Pact chiefs also suggest- ed that Romania might be in- cluded in any summit talks along with the Soviet Union, Poland and x ' Czechoslovakia. }Scrambled? TIMF Editor Offers Plant Gargoyle Managing Editor Jean Williughby, '59SM, has announced the procedure for purchasers of TIMF to follow in reassembling the out-of-order pages in the magazine. Miss Willoughby suggests. GEN. CHARLES DE' GAULLE 1) Pry up staples. and remove. 2) Of the six double pages, re- center of controversy move the inner two and place on faced deputies met in the National top so that the Business and Press Assemebly Monday morning for sections are on top and in the their long session on Corsica. center of the magazine. 3) Publisher's letter should now Hits Arrighi face the People's Rumanian Re- The immediate aim of the bill public ad. before them was to bring punish- 4) Check to see that Publisher's ment down on radical Deputy Pas- Letter is on page 5, National Af- cal Arrighi, who played a strong fairs on page 7, Hemisphere on role in the takeover of Corsica page 9, and continuation of People Saturday for the Gaullists. on. page 11. (Note: Pages 1-4, The bill was shuttled from the 21-24 are already in order.) floor to the Justice Committee and 5) Replace staples. hours of haggling over the word- TIMF, Miss Willoughby an- ing followed. The bill would auto- nounced, was sold out yesterday. matically exclude from the As- Only a few copies remain on sale sembly any deputy who follows Ar- at the Union, the League and the righi's example. Student Publications Bldg. THIRD BURIED AT SEA: o Unkno0n Soldie rs Chosen from War Dead Smoked. Smoke pouring out of an ele- vator shaft brought three fire engines speeding to Couzens Hall Sunday, but that was all -just smoke. Firemen said friction wore away a wire in the elevator's motor, causing a short circuit, but there were no flames. Just smoke. SGC Group To Present Bias Report Student Government Council will hear a report today from the committee it established to inves- tigate bias clauses, according to Ronn Shorr, '58, committee chair- man. A majority of the committee agreed with the statements of University Presidents Alexander G. Ruthven and Harlan Hatcher that education is preferable to legislation as a means of elimin- ating bias, Shorr explained. Attached to the report is a mi- nority addendum, Shorr pointed out. This asks the Council to rec- ommend discontinuing University financial aid to groups with bias clauses. Also recommended by the minority is listing in the Interfra- ternity Council rushing booklet of groups with such clauses The Council will hear a request to colonize from Alpha Lambda Kappa fraternity, SGC Executive Vice-President Dan Belin, '59, said. He pointed out that if the group were to establish a colony the Council would then have to vote on whether to recognize it as a fraternity. The meeting is scheduled for 4 p.m. in the Council Room, Student Activities Bldg. Evaluations Reach 3,000 Returns of the course evalua- tion questionnaires, handed out to freshmen and sophomores, have reached the 3,000 mark, according to Ron Gregg, '60, chairman of the Student Government Council Course Evaluation Committee. Gregg's figures, based primari- ly on returns from sororities and the women's housing units, have been compiled on the basis of the number of questionnaires received by the committee through yester- day. "We are especially pleased with the response we have gotten from the sororities," Gregg said. Gregg said he is hoping for an- other 1,000 questionnaires from the women's dormitories. He esti- mated that another 1,500 to 2,000 should be forthcoming from the fraternities. Our goal is 10,000 question- naires returned, Gregg said. HARVARD CRIMSON: Call Soviet Editors Non-Committal it "Observant and polite, but stu- diously non-committal," the Har- vard Crimson labeled the six Rus- sian "student editors" on tour last week in the Boston area. The editors are visiting the United States on the exchange program which is sending Ameri- can student editors, including Da- vid Baad, '56, former Daily Editor, and Daily Editor Peter Eckstein, '58, to Russia. The Boston itinerary for the editors includes a call on the gov- ernor of Massachusetts, tours of Boston and the Harvard campus, press conferences, television ap- pearances, and, the Crimson noted, visits to Radcliffe which "help break up the formality of more 'official' stops in their trip." Emphasize Russia's Progress At press conferences, the editors "eagerly emphasized their coun- try's progress, but neatly side- stepped all questions about Krush- chev and his policies," the Crimson said. The delegates avoided giving opinions by claiming that since most of them were Communist Party members, Americans would not believe their answers anyway. Kuri Voronov, leader of the group, told the Crimson that in Russia one man can. do nothing. "But under Krushchev," he said, "the party has done many things." Ages of the delegation range from 28 to 38 years old because, the editors explained, they are editors of publications for youth. Stritch Dies In Vatican ROME (') - Samuel Cardinal Stritch died yesterday. The 70-year-old archbishop of Chicago had lost his right arm by amputation and then suffered a stroke since arriving in Rome a month ago to direct the Roman Catholic church's missionary ac- tivities. His appointment last March as pro-prefect of the Vatican's Con- gregation for Propagation of the Faith gave him the highest rank in the church ever granted to an American prelate. His successive illnesses prevent- ed him from taking up those duties. C a r d i n a l Stritch's death brought to 15 the number of va- cancies in the College of Cardin- als. The full complement is 70. For the last two days Cardinal Stritch had been able only to whisper "yes" or "no" and couldI take no nourishment. Cardinal Stritch had been steadily losing ground since he suffered a paralyzing stroke a week ago. The stroke came three weeks after his right arm had been amputated above the elbow to eliminate the danger of gan- grene from a blood clot. The cardinal was pronounced dead at 1:35 a.m. by Dr. Raimon- do di Grando, staff physician at Rome's Sanatrix Clinic. Only three of them are students and these are "seeking a higher degree." The rest are professional journalists. a Don't Get Critical Letters When questioned if his paper prints letters criticizing the gov- ernment, Voronov asserted, "We don't receive letters criticizing the government." But .he added that letters criticizing the work of spe- cific ministries are received and often published. The newspapers sometimes in- clude their own answers to the criticism. Voronov is vice-editor of Kom- somolskaya Pravada, a daily youth paper with a circulation of 2.6 million. Gunfire Kills Truce Team Chief in Jerusalem Battle JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector OP)-Gunfire on Mt. Scopus Monday killed the chief of the United Nations Israeli-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission and four Israeli policemen. The armistice chief, Canadian Lt. Col. George Flint, was trying to arrange a cease-fire, Exchange Shots He was caught by an exchange of shots between Jordan troops and Israeli police on the Mount. It is Israeli territory, adjoining the Mount of Olives, and is entirely surrounded by Jordan. Normal access to Scopus is by United Na-< tions convoys, Colonel Flint was the 13th Unit- ed Nations representative killed in Arab-Israeli hostilities over Pales- tine since the outbreak of the 1948 Palestine war. Israeli authorities blamed Jor- dan for Flint's death. The official report of the chief of staff of the United Nations truce supervision organization said it was not known from which side of the line the fatal bullet was fired. Accompanies Patrol This report, relayed to Canada's United Nations delegation in New York, said Colonel Flint accom- panied a Jordan army patrol to investigate rifle fire. It added he had stepped ahead of the Jordanians when he was struck. Heavy cross fire developed and he could not be rescued. He bled to death. The Israeli account said Colonel Flint, a 47-year-old veteran of World War II and the Korean War, was hit as he sought to stop the exchange for removal of four wounded guards. Students Enroll In Summer Reading Plan' One hundred and fifty-five stu- dents have enrolled in the Stu- dent Government Council spon- sored summer reading program, according to Roger Seasonwein, '61, a member of the Reading Study Committee. The summer reading book list, to be released at the SGC meet- ing today, will cover the economic, political, historical, social and literary aspects of the 1920's. Interested students are urged to sign up with Mrs. Ruth Callahan, secretary of the Student Govern- ment Council in the Student Activ- ities Building, Seasonwein said. WASHINGTON (P-The United States cautioned France and Tu- nisia yesterday against any mili- tary moves which might push excited North Africa into new vio- lence. Top State Department officials met separately with the Tunisian and French' ambassadors in ef- forts to persuade both sides to end the shooting that has erupted in- side Tunisia. Their main hope was that the French would follow through on a pledge to regroup their 22,000 troops in Tunisia in areas where incidents would be less likely. This became known as other authorities disclosed that the Unit- ed States would back up Lebanon's charges that Egypt and Syria were guilty of "mass interyention" in formenting anti-government riots in Lebanon. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, United States representative on the United Nations Security Coun- cil, was understood to have in- structions to support Lebanon's complaint when it comes up for discussion in New York this after- noon. Auto Firms Raise Salaries. DETROIT (P)--The automotive big three Saturday announced pay increases for 173,000 salaried em- ployes and non-union hourly paid workers. Ford, Chrysler and General Motors have contracts with the United Auto Workers which pro- vide cost of living allowances and an improvement factor pay in- World News Roundup By The Associated Press LANSING, Mich. - Spokesmen for nearly 50 non-political organ-, izations Saturday told Michigan Democratic leaders what they thought should go into the party's 1958 campaign platform. They called for revision of the legislature's committee system, a tax reform, hurry-up aid for high- er education and a host of other changes in state laws and pro- grams. * * * WASHINGTON - Senate hear- ings on a long-term farm program opened yesterday with criticism of government price supports. The criticism came from Her- schel D. Newsom, master of the National Grange. He said price supports amount to price-fixing which cannot, in the long run, serve agriculture in the nation well. * * * ROME -'A tide of votes from Christian Democrat strongholds put Italy's governing party out in front again yesterday in the ballot count for the nation's third post- war Parliament. Bomb Blast In Lebanon Murders S*X BEIRUT, Lebanon (P)-A bomb explosion in a street car killed six persons yesterday on the eve of a reported compromise between Lebanon's pro-Western govern- ment and its political opposition. The bomb wrecked the car and wounded 20 persons. It was the bloodiest single act of terrorism since rioting and a general strike against the government began 17 days ago. Later in the day another bomb exploded in the garden of British Ambassador George Middleton's home. It rocked the neighborhood but caused no damage to the am- bassador's home. There were no casualties. A relatively quiet weekend and increased use of public transpor- tation earlier had indicated the strike might be waning. The government announced, meanwhile, that Parliament will meet today for the first time since the strike began. I1 .1.., ,1,.1 A 1_._1 Drop Eisenhower Seeks Help In Congress Hagerty Declares Decision Climaxes Reduction Speculation WASHINGTON UP) -President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday ruled out any anti-recession tax cuts at this time, so far as the administration is concerned. Furthermore, Eisenhower. asked that Congress act to prevent cuts of three billion dollars !n corpora- tion and excise taxes due to take effect July 1. President Eisenhower's decision, announced by Press Secretary James C. Hagerty, climaxed months of speculation as to wheth- er the administration would decide for or against general tax reduc- tion. The certainty of heavy red ink spending probably helped influence President Eisenhower against cut- ting the government's revenue. Revenue has been declining be- cause of slackened business. This was how it went yesterday: Secretary of the Treasury Ander- son conferred with both Demo- cratic and Republican congres- sional leaders. Anderson then reported to Presi- dent Eisenhower, and the Presi- dent notified Vice-President Rich- ard M. Nixon, the Senate's pre- siding officer, and House Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) that the administration wished to continue corporation and excise taxes at their present level. Hagerty was asked whether this decision amounted to ruling out any tax reductions at this time. He replied: "The Treasury, as always, will study and evaluate all proposals and the entire tax situation, and will act in the light of the eco- nomic situation as it develops. Ile Dedicates Atomic Plant To Peace Use SHIPPINGPORT, Pa. ()-Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower and a host of dignitaries marked the coming of age of peace - time atomic energy in the United States yesterday with dedication of the historic Shippingport nuclear pow- er plant. By electronic remote control from Washington, President Ei- senhower activated the main throttle valve of the plant's tur- bine generator. "It is with pride in what has been accomplished at Shipping- port-and with equal confidence in the future-that I now dedicate this Shippingport atomic power station to the cause of scientific progress-to the cause of peace," President Eisenhower said. The nationally televised and broadcast dedication climaxe d more than five months of success- ful operation of the 110-million- dollar plant, the world's first full- scale nuclear power station de- voted solely to peaceful uses. U Considers Dorm Phones Several plans providing for the installation of room phones in the dormitories on the hil are being considered by the University Ad- ministration and by Bell Tele- phone Company, according to Leonard A. Schaadt, Business Manager of Residence Halls. "Phone service on the hill is not what it should be," Schaadt said, "and it is the wish of this office to improve the service." ABOARD USS CANBERRA (A) their lives and their identities in1 home yesterday and a third was bur The Unknown servicemen of Vi a final resting place in Arlington tomac River from Washington, D.C. Selection of the World War II swept deck of this guided missile cr, holds the Medal of Honor for con- " spicuous gallantry in the Korean conflict. -He made the choice from two identical caskets, one containing the body of an Unknown from the European theater and the other an Unknown from the Pacific. The unselected Unknown was committed from the same deck, to the bottom of the ocean 33 miles east of Cape Henry, Vir- ginia. Between the two Unknowns of World War II at the selection ceremony lay the body of the nameless hero who died in Korea. Strader Wins Press Praise )-Two American warriors who lost the country's last two wars came ied at sea. World War II and Korea will find National Cemetery, across the Po- E unknown was made on the rain- ruiser by a Navy enlisted man who Housing Called Main Segregation Issue (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of three articles deal- ing with discrimination in Ann Arbor. Todays article discusses housing dis- crinination.) By JOHN WEICHER "Housing," one prominent local Negro resident says, "is the crucial problem in discrimination." .:Numerous case histories bear out his statement. For example, a 4 Negro who lives in Ypsilanti and works in Ann Arbor has been attempting to buy a house here for four years. He has seen at least 30 or 40 houses from the outside, and talked to their owners either in person or on the telephone. Two Prices Quoted O He reports one instance in which the owner quoted him one price for a house over the phone, and a second price, $4,000 higher, when he went to see him. The owner denied having mentioned the first price over the phone, saying there was "some mistake." :>*, ::.....f.lhv "mistake" ay,,m a ,rar. t,+iythe miunild c.h. lc.m. mx. .i rial + aA