.hanging Student Housing Scene An Intensive Inspection Program Has Improved City Housing -But Much Remains To Be Accomplished By DAVID TARR IT WAS early in the morning of a late October clay in 1954 that the Ann Arbor fire department was called to extinguish a fire in an apartment house near South Quadrangle. Two women died in the blaze, a University graduate student and her landlady. And it was, further, the third fire catastrophe in the city in less than eight months and the one that was the impetus for an active housing inspection pro- gram. Today, almost four years later, the condition of Ann Arbor and University - controlled housing is much improved. But there is still considerable room for improve- ment. The supply of housing, an im- portant element in itself, is closely tied to the physical condition of Ann Arbor and University dWell- ings. Some observers claim that Improved city housing and even the entire future of the University rests on the supply of housing in the Ann Arbor area. THE CITY began an intensive inspection program in the fall of 1954, hiring a full-time inspec- tor the following January. The responsibility of the city under state law is to inspect all multiple dwellings (any dwelling accommodating four or more, people). If a dwelling complies, David Tarr is the newly ap- pointed features-magazine edi- for of the Daily. with state and local building laws, the owner is issued a certificate of compliance by the city. Of the 1800 buildings classified as multiple dwellings in the city, John E. Ryan, director of the Ann Arbor Department of Building and Safety Engineering, says 900 have been inspected and some 300 is- sued certificates of compliance. Ryan said 150 more are nearly ready for certification with only. inspection for correction of minor violations remaining. Work to cor- rect more serious violations is be- ing done on another 450. A T AN inspection rate of 300 buildings per year, which Ryan says is an average, it will take three more years for the city to have inspected all multiple dwell- ing housing. It is expected to take considerably longer before a size- able percentage of the housing can be issued certificates of com- pliance. These figures do not include the 2,000 apartment ,units built since 1954, all of which are in buildings that were issued certificates before being becupied. There is, however, an inherent weakness in certificates of occu- pancy. Prof. William W. Joy, Uni- versity director of environmental health, says a real. problem in rental housing is that the housing law requires only minimal stan- dards. HE USES as an example the lack . of a requirement for hot water in an apartment. Prof. Joy lists two major prob- lems that he believes are major, TWO DIED HERE-The death of two women, one a--University student, in a fire in this house in 1954 started a concentrated drive to improve the condition of Ann Arbor housing. causes of sub-standard housing in Ann Arbor: 1) An effort by landlords to change rooms into apartments in order to keep up with the growing popularity of the latter over the former. He said many of the alter- ations have been made in buildings "that simply were not suited to that purpose." Ii:1 x, 1-> '~;- -b Mr. Mort triump in this mandarin sid . . . with masteri the deceptivelys flash of 'color to tr' t mvieek Weil 2) Absentee landlordism. Prof. Joy says that all rooms in a build- ing are rented but none of the occupants have any responsibility for taking care of the place and, as a result, "everybody's business becomes nobody's business." While the figures Ryan's office compile are revealing for all city housing, they do not tell the story of student off-campus housing (private housing not under Uni- versity supervision). ACCURATE, current figures on the status of such student hous- ing are not available. The last time University administrators broke down off-campus housing figures was a year ago using information from 1955 registration cards, sup- plemented by women's registration cards in 1956. Using statistical methods, administrators have re- cently made rough corrections in the original figures. These figures show 7,862 stu- dents living in rooming houses and apartments in the city, 4,510 of which were in multiple dwellings and 3,352 in non-multiple dwell- ings. Some 3,410 students were living in apartments and 4,452 in room- ing houses and at home. Of the. 2,686 rooming houses and apart- ment buildings used by students, 526 were multiple and 2,160 non- multiple. SO ONLY a fraction of the num- ber of buildings used by stu- dents are subject to required in- spection by the city '(multiple, dwellings). A lack of balance can also be seen between the number of stu-1 dents living in housing subject, and-not subject to inspection. With the assistance of the city, the University also compiled fig- ures on the status of inspection and compliance to regulations of off-campus student housing. Of the 526 multiple dwellingsa housing- students, 358 have been inspected. Of the 2160 non-mul- tiple dwellings, 302 have been in- spected. The relatively low numberl here is because the city inspects' this type of dwelling only on re- quest from the owner or complaint from the occupant. have major violations while 78O had been' issued, certificates with 33 more ready for certification. University officials limit their work in environmental health primarily to University supervised housing. , This' includes dormitories, af- filiated houses, co-ops and League Houses. However, in recent months the University has initiated a plan to assist students living in off-campus housing. AILIATED housing has pre- sented the most serious prob- lem in environmental health in recent years. Ryan said fraternities used to be badly overcrowded and in very poor condition but added that today the situation is vastly improved. Prof. Joy agrees, adding that the fraternities have cooperated "wonderfully" in correcting viola- tions of housing regulations. A few fraternities have their improvement -work completed, Prof. Joy said, and all have-plans for correcting the major viola- tions by next fall. While Ryan's office is legally responsible for the condition of all housing in the city, authority to inspect University supervised housing, such as fraternities, so- rorities and League Houses and order corrections made has been delegated to Prof. Joy's office. The city respects the inspection reports of the University and does not conduct routine inspections on its own in this type of housing. Prof. Joy said his office works closely with the city, however. A CONCENTRATED inspection program in University super- vised housing has been carried on for the past one and one-half years. Prof. Joy said his office is com- pleting a cycle of inspection of fraternities and is beginning one in sororities. He tries to make one good inspection and two follow-ups per year in each housing unit. Improvements in most other types of housing have been good, Prof. Joy said. However, he added that "considerable work needs to be done in League Houses." These have been inspected, he said, and most have made some improvements. But limited re- sources, primarily, have prevented changes in this area from being quite as rapid as in some other areas, Prof. Joy explained. AST JANUARY, the University began a program that may eventually move it deeply into influencing the condition of pri- vate housing. Officials offered stu- dents and Ann Arbor landlords rental contracts. A completely voluntary program, it will provide any landlord, who has been certified by the- city as complying with the state housing -laws and city ordinances, contracts which can then be offered to tenants. The program initially .is concerned with rooms and not apartments and with multiple- dwellings which the city has legal responsibility to inspect. The rental agreements will "specify periods of occupancy, conditions of quarters and other matters" a University official said in announcing the program. The response to the program has pleased administrators. Of the 95 landlords to which the plan was offered, 74 have accepted. These 74 landlords house 522 students. Assistant Dean of Me Karl Streiff said the program "is def- initely not a control program. We do not wish to bring student offf- campus housing under closer Uni- versity control but only help to make the - relationship between landlord and student a fpore satis- factory one." Although the program presently covers ,nly a small area of off.. By RALPH LANGER A MONG the armchair militarists the current run of 'prognosti- cations has extensive employment of nuclear missiles in the near future completely replacing con- ventional weapons. The opinions of experts, how- ever, are not quite of this order. There is agreement among the three University military science department heads that there will be no drastic or revolutionary changes in the Army, Navy, or Air Force as a result of missile devel- opment and modern technology- at least not in the near future. Interviews with three military science professors indicate that while the three services are re- organizing around nuclear con- cepts, the changes are being made gradually and without large-scale scrapping of present equipment. The three men, Col. Ernest A. H. Woodman, Army; Capt. Philip W. Mothersill, Navy; and Lt. -Col. Al- attack must be coupled with a land advance in Europe." The Navy, which is also being reorganized for atomic combat, is currently building the' first atom- powered, all-missile surface crus- er. Captain Mothersill emphasized, however, that "it will be 10 to 20 years before all of the old ships are gone." He explained that "we are going to need all of them and will employ them with ever-im- proving tactics and weapons." CAPTAIN Mothersill said that missiles are being installed aboard more and more ships as soon as. the new missile systems and the ships are ready. Finances are the big problem, he said. The Captain added that it would be a long time before conventional weapons are completely outmoded. "The gun is obsolete now," he said, "but useful in a cold war situa- tion." He said that the Navy, by a show of strength, can be the de- IMPROVED MODEL -This Nike Hercules, an Jmproved model of the 200-mile Nike that is installed around key cities and installations in the United States. This is a ground-to-air missile that will strike enemy planes coming in for attack on the protected area. Radar controlled, the Nike series is the most widely employed Army missile presently in use. Defense :Missiles or G,,uns? The Armed- Forces analyst Hanson W. Baldwin. (Continued on Next Page) Are Changing To New Concepts, Collins I S Have you But Conventional Weapons Have Not Been Outmoded THE AIR FORCE Chief of Staff, General Thomas D. White, summed up the Air Force's posi- tion before a meeting of the Na- tional Press Club last November. "Manned and unmanned bombers and missiles join together in com- patible and complementary roles 'to form a functionally complete system," he said. "The Navy is, pre-eminently, a, Navy of nuclear power," says an article in a recent national maga- zine by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and noted military seen The article, entitled "Is the Navy Obsolete," explained thai the "U.S. Navy is the first of the services to have every functional type of missile there is in opera- tion or production." The Navy now has an auxiliary continental air defense role, as well as a strategic bombing role. The direct influence of sea power upon land power now extends thousands of miles beyond the high-water mirk and - the range of a rifled gun," the article continues.) our swimsuit collection? hs when East meets West e-buttoned linen chemise ful tailoring to underscore simple shape .... and a ace the lovely silhouette. You'll win many an admiring glance from your audience if vou're waris awim REGULUS Hl-The Navy's surface-to-surface, supersonic, jet- powered guided missile soars off its launcher under the impulse of its single booster rocket. 7v Su St La stg pe to C kn Junior sizes. 11 25.95 J fred D. Belsma, Air Force, enum- erated the current and antici- pated changes in their respective branches.N COLONEL Woodman remarked that while "the army is now being reorganized to fight an atomic war.., our basic premise, that it is imperative to take and hold the ground in order to gain a victory, is still valid. This cannot be done by flying over and drop- ping bombs," he added. "Because when all of this is over the enemy can still come out of its holes and must be controlled. The foot sol- dier is still the best and only waym to accomplish this," Col. Wood- MAIN AT LIBERTY ANN ARBOR ciding factor in a crisis area such as China or Egypt. Atomic weapons are unnecessary in these situa- tions, Captain Mothersill said. Air F0orce Colonel Belsma ex- plained that a missile is equivalent to an unmanned bomber and therefore is not radically different, in terms of tactics, from manned bombers. "The Air Force will prob- ably maintain-operational control of long-range missiles since we have the most experience and are the most logical people to have the weapons that are designed to hit the enemy deep in his own ter- ritory," Colonel Belsma observed. "The Strategic Air Command will have missiles gradually ab- sorbed into its program, rather yu L Xi -v e wea 4ng a swim it from the COLLINS SHOP. Our ele- ant styles are all by famous makers . .. acony, Cole of California, Jantzen and anz . . . and they're designed in out- anding styles to make you the prettiest ebble on the beach ... brilliantly colored be in keeping with this year of color. hoose lastex, cotton or new blended nits . . . in all sizes. 95 2500 Sports Shod, Lower Level - 4 .- AU \ AT THE time of the compilation of the information there were major violations in 204 of the 3581 multiple dwellings inspected by the city. Ninty of this 358 had been