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February 13, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-02-13

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"I Hear We're In A-Puff Puff -Breathing Spell"

Sixty-Eighth Year

ms Are Free

ials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


FEBRUARY 13, 1958


Continuing Our Education
Beyond Graduation Day


)NG THE PROBLEMS that face the Uni-
rsity today is the task ,of providing its
nts with a background that will give them
nly the desire, but the ability to extend
education beyond the four years normally
at the University,
s a problem that can easily escape notice
se of many problems of a more immediate
e, but it is here, and it may be easily one
e most important problems that now con-.
the University. For if the University can
de students with a greater ability to learn'
graduation, then it will have vastly in-
ed its value to the student.
eems that' this provision is lacking in a
degree in University courses today. The
rn of taking lecture notes, reading text-
and then regurgitating the information
eriodical ' exams seems to be the chief
od of acquiring knowledge at the Uni-
y. Thus, while the students learn the
nation in the textbooks, they also learn
o take exams more and more effectively
ur years of college go by.
h the realization that these two things,
ook information and knowledge of how
ke exams, are what we take with us after
ation, a slight shock sets in. Someone .
said, "Knowledge is what we have left
we forget everything we learned in
1." Educators have explained this to mean
knowledge is what we have left after all
acts we learn in college have been for-
n, and only principles, ways of looking at
cts and of gaining and organizing know-
3 SHOCK comes when we realize that a
nsiderable part of what we have left is
knowledge of test-taking, for this know-
will do us little or no good once we are
>f school. What the University student
is a course that gets away from this
alized routine of text books and tests and
cates as nearly as possible the intellectual
that lies outside of the universities. That
s a world in which much of the im-
nt information is in books, often very
'ent books from the texts he is used to.
the students must often use*much more
tive in getting information from these
i than from texts in which weekly read-
are assigned, and tests are given to make
these assignments are read.
nors courses do prepare the student to a
er extent for intellectual life after gradua-,
but they fail in several important respects
iting students for further study. Too often
onors course is just an intensification of
:al classwork, with the instructor dictating
signment, with independent reading mini-
or non-existant. This, while ideal for some
ises, is not the way to teach a student to
with the after-graduation world of know-
And always, the honors course is for the
average student, the one that will need
help in continuing his education after
think a course that enabled a student to
the books that he wanted to read or felt he
d read and gave only the minimal amount
sistance necessary to insure that the stu-
understood the book would fill the bill
ly. A student would not only learn the
rnation contained in the books, but he
I be preparing himself for beginning to
on his own after graduation.
viously, this course would present many
ems not encountered in the normal Uni-

versity course. Perhaps the biggest obstacle
would be the seemingly insurmountable tech-
nical problems associated with a course whose
scope was so broad.
But need these {technical problems be so
insurmountable? Certainly such a course could
be put under the administrative control of one
man. Instructors could be selected from each
department participating in, the course. While
a student would be .allowed to choose his own
books, a check on his selection could come from
the instructors--each instructor approving the
students' books that fell in the instructor's
department. Because it would be emphasized
that each instructor would be there to give the
minimal aid necessary, we don't feel that this
arrangement would take an inordinate amount
of the instructor's time. The instructors need
not have read every book that the student may
choose, for the instructor should be there in'an
advisory capacity only.
EXAMINATIONS on these books could be
either written or oral, if examinations were
felt to be necessary, and might take the form
of a consideration of the main problems posed
by the book, or a summary of the important
points covered in the book. In fact, it might be
a better idea to leave the choice of the kind
of examination or paper to be decided by the
student and instructor.
Admittance to this course should probably be
limited to upperclassmen, for they would un-
doubtedly gain the most from it.
Other problems and questions would arise in
trying to set up a course of this general type
at the University, but we think. that none of
them are unanswerable, and that none of them
would cause more difficulty than the establish-
ment of such a course at the University would
be worth.'.
Winning Some Points
On the Bureaucracy
HE OTHER DAY a friend of ours who
neglected to supply his instructors with,
postal cards for early semester grade convey-
ance wandered into the Administration Bldg.
for the purpose of glancing at his transcript.
It's not that he was really curious or excited
about his grade point average, rather his resi-
dence halls housemother had told him to turn
in his grade report so that the house average
could be recorded.
So our friend walked up to window "A" on
the main floor of the orange colored structure
and, after having made known the purpose of
-his visit and correctly identifying himself by
use of his student ID, he was instructed to
speak to another member of the staff.
He followed instructions and was told it was
against the rules for him to see his own tran-
script. This persistent student didn't wish to
end the matter there so he carefully explained
that his grades were of no real concern to
himself but that his house needed the infor-
mation for recording purposes.
: In that case, he was told, another member of
the house could come to the registrar's office to
get his grades. So our friend called his house
mother and told her tlat if she wanted his
grades all she had to do was call the Registrar's
office. She did and she got his grades.
Our friend received a four point. And the
moral of the story? We had best check with
the bureaucracy 'for that.

n . 7 ,r~ .
t 1 ' v.



;. ' I :

Washington Reassres;
Pro fit Cuts Discourage
Associated Press Staff Writer
NEW YORK-Wall Street and Main Street have two things to ponder
today: 1)Reassuring words from Washington that the slump is being
watched and won't be allowed to get out of hand if the government can
help it. 2)A flood of disturbing earnings reports from many industries,
and in its wake a number of cuts in dividend payments and many
Profits are the life blood of American business. Without them



Johnson Pressesyfor Action

business firms not only can't grow
distressing number of small busi-
nesses have been doing just that.
Fortunately, with the great ma-
jority profits haven't turned to
losses. It is a matter of shrinking
profits-a trend that businessmen
and stock market traders can't
watch without qualms.
Adding to the confusion is the
usually mixed character of the
current earnings statements.
Amidst the flood of bad reports,
record earnings for 1957 pop up
almost daily. And often they are
reported by individual companies
in industries which as a whole are
reporting declines.
* * *
STEEL is an example. The two
biggest companies made record
profits last year, So high was
their take that they outweighed
the rest of the industry where
more than half reported declines
and most of the others only slight
In some other Industries the
downtrend in profits is more nearly
uniform. Textile firms go on with
their own recession - one that
started ahead of the general one.
Mining and metalworking com-
panies are almost unanimous in
reporting declining earnings.
As a whole, the machinery mak-
ers and the machine tool industry.
are off from 1956, reflecting the
slowdownrin the businesshexpan-
sion program. This also shows up
in the earnings of building mater-
ial suppliers, off about 15 per cent
from the previous year.
FOR MOST makers of farm
equipment the trend is downward.
All meat packers reporting so far
have shown drops, in some cases
steep ones.
More than half of the chemical
companies reporting have felt the
profit margin squeeze.
All but two companies in the
paper and paper products industry
have less welcome news for their
stockholders this time.
The railroad's sad earnings song
has been heard extensively in and
out of Washington. All airlines
reporting to date show sharply
shrinking profits. And so do some
aircraft makers.
But a number of industries buoy
up Wall Street's spirits. Retail.
companies reporting so far are in
the main on the upgrade. For the
group as a whole, a 12 per cent
gain is noted.
THE OLD STANDBYS, the utili-
ties, are a comfort as usual. Only
13 out of the first 90 to report
show any drop from a year ago.
While many are beginning to feel
a shrinking in power sales to in-
dustrial center's, these regulated
companies are as a whole showing
a six per cent gain in profits over
their 1956 returns.
And two industries are thought
by some observers to be even
profiting a little by the worries of
other businessmen.
Tobacco companies show nice
profit gains over the previous year.
Makers of drugs, without excep-
tion, so far report gains. For the
group as a whole they're up 14 per
As some wag says, in worrisome
times people smoke more and turn
to tranquilizers.

SEN. Lyndon Johnson, one of the
few who can get Ike on the
telephone when they wish, has
been urging the President to take
a more constructive lead for peace.
The senator from Texas, who
has watched the terrifying arms
race from the inside and fully ap-
preciates the civilization-wrecking
impact of modern war, believes the
Uni: .-d States should get out of
the rut of Dulles diplomacy and
make some new, more positive
The administration's constant
refrain of "Let's have a prepara-
tory conference" may be sound
diplomacy, but Johnson recog-
nizes the truth of what most of
our diplomats advise - that this
doesn't sit well with the rest of
the world. They want action, not
long drawn-out preparation.
* * *
JOHNSON, therefore, has urged
Eisenhower to take the initiative
with a spectacular speech before.
the United Nations, asking for
agreement on the peaceful control
of outer space. Simultaneously,
the State Department has come
up with a similar idea, wants Ike
to go to New York to make a dra-
matic appeal that the arms race
be stopped, and that the place to
stop it is before we begin compet-
ing for outer space.
The President, tired and recent-
ly ill with a cold, was not enthused
over the idea.
Missile-any - The Army's sat-
ellite, a great achievement for
the United States, was a tragic
defeat for the Republican Nation-

In time they must fold. And a
(Continued from Page 3)

al Committee. They had gone to
great expense to prepare television
filrs featuring Republican con-
gressmen boasting over the
achievements of the Navy satellite
Vanguard. Ibw the Army has
launched its satellite, "Explorer,"
while the Navy has been out of
luck. Republicans fear their films
are dead as a dodo.
* * *
McElroy was so disgusted over the
second Vanguard failure that for
a time he suggested to Ike that
the whole Vanguard program be
McElroy has ordered research
into the feasibility of a fantastic
invisible ray that would destroy
enemy targets at great distances
with the speed of light. It sounds
like something out of Buck Rogers,
but McElroy is taking it serious-
ly. In this day of modern weapons
he can't afford not to.
The Navy has asked permission
to convert our scientific bases, in
the Antarctic into permanent
military bases. It claims this is
necessary in order to guard the
sea route around Cape Horn in
case the Panama Canal should
ever be closed by an A-bomb. The
State Department is against the
idea because we would be tres-
passing on British, French, Aus-
tralian and Norwegian claims.
Walter Reuther, the United Auto
Workers boss, put one over on his
chief senatorial critic, GOP Sena-
tor Goldwater of Arizona, the oth-
er day. Goldwater, a big depart-
ment store operator in Phoenix,

has been trying to prod any and
every Senate. committee into in-
vestigating Reuther.
The other day, Reuther was tes-
tifying before the Kefauver Anti-
Monopoly Committee when Sena-
tor Wiley of Wisconsin asked him
about his new plan to pay divi-
dends to labor when profits were
"Are you going to start some-
thing new in America in relation
to management?" Wiley asked. "It
means that eventually you would
be on the board of directors, would
you pot?"
"Not at all, Senator Wiley," re-
plied Reuther. "We have not
asked for representation on the
board of directors. There are
some 20,000 companies in America
that have profit-sharing plans,
including Senator Goldwater's
store, and Mr. Folsom, who is on
the President's Cabinet."
* * *
confidently predicting that the
Navy's Polaris missile will be such
a fabulous success everyone will
forget about Russia's achieve-
ments in this field. Nixon claims
that secret reports on the Polaris
are so amazing they are unbe-
He expects the Navy to test-fire
a Polaris fairly soon, and, once
that happens, Nixon says the
Eisenhower Administration will
ire acclaimed by the world for
regaining the lead in the missiles
race. This will mean, chortles
Nixon, that the Democrats have
lost their big campaign issue.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

tration for Motor Truck Sales. Muwt
have completed military service. Train-
ing is designed to provide classroom In-
struction and related on-the-job ex-
perience with emphasis upon the in.
dividual and his development.4
Fri., Feb. 21, 1958
Federal-Mogul-Bower Bearings, Inc.
Detroit, Michigan. Location of work-
Lancaster, Penn.; Greenville, and St.
Johns, Mich.; Mooresville, Ind.; Detroit,
Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Men with de-
grees in Liberal Arts and Business Ad-
ministration for Manufacturing, Man-
agement and Sales. Training will con-
sist of an indoctrination training which
is planned to help orient them for spe-
cifi ejobs and als) to give them know-
ledge of all operations In their cdlv-
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Com-
pany, Akron, Ohio. Location of work'-.
Anywhere in the U.S. Men with degree
in LiberalArts and BusinessAcmina-
tration for Sales, Credit. Accounting
and Retread Shop Management.
For appointments contact the Ru-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Adm"
Bldg., .Ext. 3371.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engineering School;
Wed., Feb. 19 y
Dewey and Almy Chemical Co., Div.
of W.R. Grace & VCo., Cambridge, Mas.
-.. & M.S. in Ch.E., I.E., and M.,
(Morning only). -
Sangamo Electric Co., Springfield, Ill.
-All degree levels in E.E., M.E. .8. 71
M.S. in I.E. B.S. in E. Physics.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., CrystaM
City, Missouri - Engineers interested
in the glass industry. For summer, any
who have finished their Jr. year or are
graduate students.
The Research Dejpartment, United
Airraf Cop.,East Hartford, Conn., -
All degree levels in A.E., E.., MXB.'
in Ch.E., E. Math, E. Physics. M.S. in
United Aircraft Corp., Sikorsky Air-
craft Div., East Hartford, Conn. -A3B,,
and M.S. in A.E., Ch.E., C.E., E.,
Instru., E. Math., ME., E. Mech., Met.,
Nav. &Mar., and E. Physics. For sum-
mner, Frosh, Sophs, Jis., Srs.a ri'Crad,.
All types of work.
Amoco Chemicals Corp., Dvof Ptan
dard Oil of Ind., Chicago, Il. - 8.8, de,&
M.S, in ChE. For summer, Jrs. Bra., and
Grads for sales training.
Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Air
Brake Div., Wilmerding, Pa. -- B.8,in
E.E., M.E., I.E., and E. Physics. Also
Calflornia Rexas Oil Co., Ltd., Ne4
York, N.Y., -: B.S. & M.S. in Ch.E., E.IE.
M.E, ...In C,E
The Standard Oil Co., Ohio, Manufac'.
turing dept. and the Sohto Chemical
Co., Cleveland, Ohio - B.S. <and M. ,
In ChE., C.E, E.E.,, I.E., & M.E.
Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 19 and 29
Linde Co., Div. of Union Carbide
Corp., New York, N.Y. - B.S. 4zM.B. n^E
Math., Met., Physies, and Siencee
Summer work for Soph, Jrs., Bra. and 5
Grad students.
Standard Oil Co., (Ind) Research
Dept., whiting, Ind.- All degree levels
In Ch.E. M.S. & Ph.D. in Nuclear. For
summer, Soph., Jrs., and Srs. in abo'4 .
Eastman kodak Company, Rochester,
N.Y. - E.S. & 7M.s. in MaiE,0B. Ch.Li
I.E., E. Physics, and Physicists For sum-
mer, those who have completed their
Jr year in Ch.E. M.E., I.E., EaE., Chem-
istry, E. Physics, Physics and General
Business. (Feb. 19 only for summer in-
For appointments, contact the Engi-
neering Placement Off ice, 347 W. Engr.
Ext. 2182.
Personnel Requests:
The Kendall Company, Boton, Mas.
sachusetts, needs trainees in their three
divisions, Production, Sales and Sys-.
tems and Procedures. They also ari
looking for Drug and Hospital sales rep-
The Kaydon Engineering Corp., Mus-
kegon, Mich. is looking for two Salo
Engineer trainees. Prefer M.E. degree,
22 to 2$ yrl:of age..
Rayonler, Inc., Jesup Dlsto i. Jesup l '
Ga. has an opening for a Saitary Ere-
gineer. Interested In a Feb. Or ,June
grad, with either a B.S. or M.S.
Blaw-Knox Company, Pittsburgh, Pa.
has openings for Instrument engineors,
Mechanical Equipment 8epcfitio
Engineer, Time and Methods Study ',
Man, and a Sales Engineer.
Industrial Rayon Corp., Clevel4 d,
Ohio, has an opening in their Microsco-
py Laboratory*. P
S9arkes Tarzian, Inc., Bloomlngtn,
Ind. has the following positions open:
Electronic Engr., Chemist, Executive
Accountant, Transmitter Engineers,
Producer Performer (Male), "Television
performer and Studio Assistant (F.-
male), TV Time Salesman, Copywriter.t
Tool and Det Makers, Secretary, sales
Whirlpool Corp., St. Joseph, Mich,
has openings for outstanding young
men, Ele. Engrs., Mech. Engre., Physt-,
clots, Associate Research Engr., lesearsslx
Psychologist, Metallurgist, Attorney.
Combat Operations Research Group,
Technical Operations, Inc., Fort Mon-
roe, Va. employ people for operations
research computing, physicits, rchen-
ists, nucleonrics, electronics, anid Mach 4

For further information, contact tho
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. 4
Bldg., ext. 3371.1
Summer Placement:
Representatives from the following
will be at the Sumtmer Placement Meet-
ing on Thurs., Feb. 13 from 1 to 5 p..
in Room D528 at the Student Activi-
ties Bldg.
Detroit Area Boy Scouts. Mr. Leit
will interview men for counselors.
Camp Charlevoix, Charlevoix, Mich.,
will be interviewing men for counselors.
Personnel Requests:

T he U.S.in North A frica

Conserving the American Private College


T IS NOT CLEAR whether the bombing of
the Tunisian town of Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef
as authorized from Paris or was done on
ders from military headquarters in Algeria.
it was a local action, the bombing, which
sulted in a massacre of civilians, can be dis-
rowed and reparations offered. But if Paris
,epts responsibility, the event marks a turn-
g point in the international relationships of
t Algerian war.
For while it is being argued that the bombing
as carried out under the doctrine of "hot pur-
it" to silence an anti-aircraft battery in
unisia which had fired across the frontier at
French plane in Algeria-it is hard to recon-
le this with the fact that the planes attacked
e market place of the town, machine-gunning
id bombing so many men, women and child-
n who could not possibly have had anything
do with the anti-aircraft battery. It can
rdly be denied that this was not an act of
At pursuit. It was a reprisal to terrorize the
nisian population and deter them from aid-
g and encouraging the Algerian rebels.
This wil1 have long consequences. For it goes
show that the Algerian war is not an internal
fair of France-Algeria being juridically a
.rt of France-but an international affair
ich it is impossible to isolate and to ignore.
isnl- ri ir.. n". ^ao....41. & "PAT- ,~ tho V itpR t ..+ , '~

The United States is involved not only be-
cause American planes, intended for the col-
lective defense of Western Europe, were used.
The United States is involved because the whole
of North Africa, with which we are greatly
concerned, is threatened.
IF THERE IS to develop out of the conflict on
the Algerian border something like a state
of war with Tunisia, it will be impossible for
the United States to remain disengaged and
neutral. We cannot, on the one hand, supply
the French government with arms under NATO,
with foreign exchange under the credit agree-
ments, and on the other hand maintain that
the war in North Africa is none of our business.
The war in North Africa has reached a point
where it has - spread beyond the - limits of
Algeria, not only into Tunisia and Morocco but
on to the high seas as well. Despite the official
promises that the Algerian war was in its last
phase, the prospect is that there is in sight
no end to that war.
It is the kind of war which modern armies
are never able to win by military actions. It is
the kind of war which can be- ended only by
political negotiations. The United States will
not now be able for long to avoid the commit-
ment to promote a political settlement in Al-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
is a reprint of one of Russell Kirk's
weekly columns "From the Academy,"
in National Review Magazine.)
CERTAIN evangels of educa-
tional collectivism inform us
that the old American college is
doomed. Great state-supported
universities and colleges, they de-
clare, will satisfy the wants of
the rising generation; the small
private college, a peculiarly Amer-,
ican foundation, is a relic of sec-
tarianism and provinciality, a
drag upon Progress.
And a good many presidents
and trustees of our private colleges
confess, with sighs, that the pro-
phecy of the champions of Be-
hemoth State University is no
Every year, the number of pri-
vate colleges diminishes. Two or
three years ago, for the first time
in American history, more young
Americans enrolled in state insti-
tutions than in private universi-
ties and colleges.
As things are going, the propor-
tion of students in the private
foundations may be expected to
decrease every autumn that

"plant" and vocationalism are
concerned, the state institution al-
ways can outbid the private col-
So I venture to set down here,
tentatively, some general rules by
which the prudent college might
be guided in its work of conserva-
tive reform and self-preservation.
To undertake these would re-
quire courage; and the success of
such a reform would depend, in
part, upon what Professor Arthur
Bestor calls "the restoration of
learning" in our primary and sec-
onary schools and upon certain
readjustments in the graduate
schools of our universities.
But one has to begin some-
where; the American college can-
not afford much longer to drift
with the current of events; and
out of urgent necessity, if from no
higher motive, the college policy-
makers may begin to re-examine
the ends and means of a college
* * *
1) THE COLLEGE should re-
affirm that the end of a liberal
education is an ethical conscious-
ness, through which the student
is brought to an apprehension of
the enduring truths which govern

4) The college should set its face
against amorphous "survey
courses," "general education," and
similar substitutes for real intel-
lectual discipline: such a smatter-
ing of an inchoate mass of fact
produces only the little learning
which is a dangerous thing.
5) The college should turn away
from vocationalism, resigning to
trade-schools and industrial "in-
service" training which the college
never was meant to undertake.
6) The college should abandon
its attempt to encroach upon the
specialized and professional
studies which are the proper prov-
ince of the graduate schools of
7) The college should say less
about "socialization" and "person-
ality-building," and more about
the improvement of the human
reason, for the human person's
own sake.
* * *
8) THE COLLEGE should give
up its aspiration to attract those
students who desire the "extra-
curricular activities" of Behemoth
University, and should offer in-
stead its own natural advantages
of personal relationships, small-
ness of scale, and respect for in-

11) The college should emanci-
pate itself from fuasi-commercial-
ized programs of athletics, an ex-
pensive and often anti-intellectual
pastime in which it cannot com-
pete successfully with Behemoth
12) The college should reduce
to a minimum the elective features
in its curriculum: for one of the
college's principal virtues is its
recognition of order and hierarchy
in the higher learning, and the
undergraduate ordinarily is not:
capable of judging with discretion
what his course of studies ought
to be.
13. The college should recall to
mind the importance of furnish-
ing society with a body of toler-
ably educated persons whose
function it is to provide right
reason and conscience -in the com-
* *' *
14. THE COLLEGE should in-
culcate on its students a sense
of diffuse gratitude toward the
generations that have preceded us
in time, and a sense of obligation
toward the generations yet to be
born; and it should remind the
rising generation that we are part
of a, great continuity and essence,

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