See Page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
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isenhower Asks
or Nuclear Ban
lequests Russians To Commence
science Talks Within Three Weeks
ASHINGTON (P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower called on
yesterday to start scientific talks at Geneva in three weeks on
f policing a nuclear weapons test ban.
1e State Department instantly backed up the President's pro-
y naming three top flight United States scientists to meet with
sian team and probably representatives from Britain, France
Chinese Might Attend
Le Red Chinese might sit in on the Soviet side. President Eisen-
s proposal was made to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in a
" letter
delivered in Moscow by the
d States Embassy yesterday-
then released by the White
dically differing from many
Eisenhower-Khrushchev let-
this one was free of accusa-
and criticism. President Ei-
>wer seemed to try hard to
his proposal agreeable to
Can Begin Soon
said the talks could begin in
weeks, produce a progress
t in 30 days and a final re-
within 60 days. Khrushchev
letter May 9, agreeing to
talks, had warned against
ring the experts from "our
will be chosen on the basis
pecial competence, President
shower added:
e assume that the experts on
ide of the Soviet Union would
rmilarly chosen on the basis
pecial competence, so as to
e that we get scientific, not
cal, conclusions."
Three Selected
e three experts announced by
tate Department to represent
United States' are Dr. Ernest
%wrence, a Nobel prize winner
director of the University of
brnia Radiation Laboratory;
James Brown Fisk, executive
president of Bell Telephone
ratories and since 1952 a
ber of the President's Science
sory Committee; and Dr. Ro-
F. Bacher, chairman of the
ion of Physics, Mathematics
Astronomy at California In-
e of Technology and a mem-
f President Eisenhower's Sci.
Advisory Committee.
Air Agency
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -The loss of
61 lives in military-civilian air
collisions this year appeared yes-
terday to have virtually assured
prompt congressional action on a
new federal air safety agency. +
"So far there is no visible op-
position," Sen. A. S. Monroney+
(D-Okla.) said of a bill drastically
overhauling present airway con-+
"We have far more support than
we thought we would have," Mon-
roney added in an interview. He is
chairman of the Senate Aviation
Has Wide Backing
Some 33 senators of both parties
already are backing the Monroney
bill to establish an independent
federal aviation agency with broad
powers to enforce a nationwide
and unified air traffic control.
Two days of emergency Senate
hearings on the military-civilian
crashes developed wide support
from operators of commercial air-
lines, airline pilots, and key gov-
ernment officials.
"About the only probable oppo-
sition may come from Secretary
of Commerce Sinclair Weeksnand
Under - secretary of Commerce
Louis S. Rothschild," Sen. Mon-
roney added.
Proposes New Agency
At present the Civil Aeronautics
Administration, which operates
the nationwide airways system, is
part of the Commerce Department.
The. Civil Aeronautics board,
which determines air routes and
safety rules maong other func-
tions, is an independent agency.
Monroney would put them both
in the proposed new agency, which
would be headed by a single ad-
ministrator directly responsible to
the president and Congress.
Quick Action Needed
During hearings before Senate
and House groups witnesses stress-
ed that the great speeds of modern
aircraft, including jet passenger
planes soon to be operating, re-
quired immediate action.
Clarence N. Sayen, president of
an organization of 15,000 commer-
cial airline pilots, told senators
that under existing CAA regula-
tions "you can kill each other per-
fectly legally."
He agreed with Sen. Frederick
G. Payne (R-Me.) that when two
aircraft approach at speeds of 300
to 600 m.p.h. or more the pilots
have only a fraction of a minute
to avoid disaster.
Little Visual Safety
Sayen said this virtually elimi-
nates safe visual flying under the
present "see and be seen" system
for slow aircraft.
Lt. Gen. Elwood R. Quesada,
chairman of President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's airways moderniza-
tion board, agreed that present
and future speeds of aircraft re-
quire a single traffic control.
Quesada announced Friday
night that effective Saturday the
armed services are placing emer-
gency restrictions on military jet
flights at altitudes under 20,000
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles dealing with
discrimination in Ann Arbor.)
Some time ago a group of Ann
Arbor citizens circulated a petition
stating that the signers would wel-
come persons of any nationality,
race, or religion as neighbors.
The petition, sponsored by the
Citizen's Committee on Inter-
Group Relations, was signed by
approximately 700 residents of the
At about the same time, the
Congregational and Disciples' Stu-
dent Guild circulated a petition of
its own, opposing non-integration
policies in the residence halls.
About 800 students signed this
To Investigate Placement
As a result of this petition, the
residence halls Board of Governors
decided to conduct an investiga-
tion into roommate placement in
the residence halls and has just
published its findings.
The Board of Governors' action
indicates the growing attention
being paid to discrimination and
integration in the residence halls,
and in housing generally.
In the city of Ann Arbor, the
Human Relations commission was
established last summer; one of
its primary concerns has been with
discrimination in housing.
The Commission has a counter-
part on the University scene in
the Human Relations Board of
Student Government Council,
which Chas recently begun to work
in the area of discrimination in
off-campus housing.
A recommenaation from the
Board, asking that University ad-
vertising facilities be denied to
landlords who practice discrimina-
tion, was approved by SGC earlier
this semester. The Council also
passed a policy statement opposing
discrimination in off -campus
housing at the behest of the
Both the Board and the Com-
mission have also worked on the
city's other major area of dis-
crimination: employment. In one
of the new programs of the Com-
mission's Human Relations Year,
begun in February the group seeks
to establish a few more job op-
portunities for Negroes in the
major merchandising districts of
the city.
Hlelps End Discrimination
The Board has claimed a share
of the credit for ending discrimi-
nation in restaurants, barber
shops, and other service establish-
ments. Negro students report no
discriminatory policies in local
service and recreational businesses.
One Negro student phrased it
this way: "Sometimes you feel a
Local Discrimination Studied
little resentment, but not enough
to make a difference."
Separate Churches Not-Needed
Some Negroes-and white resi-
dents-express concern in another
area of discrimination. They note
that separate churches exist for
white and Negro members of some
Protestant denominations.
For example, one local Negro,
a member of the African Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, said he felt
there was no need for his church
to be separate from the Metho-
dist Church.
A similar separation occurs be.
tween the Southern Baptist Con-
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State E
... singles winner
vi ' Tennis
a 'Big Ten
Special to The Daily
ANSTON, 111.-A three-year
nlnation of Big Ten tennis by
higan was ended yesterday by
Irong contingent from Iowa.
y scoring 571/2 points, the
wkeyes were able to capture the
t Big Ten tennis championship
he history of the school.
dichigan, which was in conten-
i throughout the meet until the
strous finals, finished third-
points behind Illinois' 44/.
ging into the finals, Iowa led
i 45 2 points, followed by the
Iverines with 36% and the Illini
hi 29%.
oth Iowa and Michigan had
entries in the finals, with
nois sending four entries into
all-important round.
'hree of the finals had Wolver-
s pitted against Hawkeyes, with
latter emerging victorious in
three matches. The two bright
is in the final for Michigan
e the individual championships
Frank Fulton and Wayne Pea-
Riot Leaders
ITHACA, N.Y. (P)-Cornell Uni-
versity yesterday "suspended four
students accused of inciting riots
in which University President
Deane W. Malott was spattered
with eggs and his house stoned.
One student was the son of a
Cornell professor.
The suspensions are to be re-
viewed Tuesday by the Men's Ju-
diciary Board, a student discipli-
nary group that will submit
recommendations to the faculty's
student conduct committee. The
students could be expelled.
The riots began Friday, report-
edly over student belief that the
school planned to ban unchaper-
onde parties in off-campus stu-
dent apartments.
They erupted again early yes-
terday when students threw a
smoke bomb and rocks at Presi-
dent Malott's home. The demon-
stration 'followed a torchlight
parade in which. 2,000 students
The students, mostly men,
brushed aside pleas of student
leaders and converged on Presi-
dent Malott's house. Observers said
they shouted insults and obscen-
ities and demanded that President
Malott resign.
A smoke bomb burst, covering
the area with smoke.
President Malott came out but
could barely be heard over the
shouting. He told the students that
they had made their point about
party restrictions but said he was
not going to yield to a mob.
Drama Season To Present Candida
World News
By The Associated Press
ROME - Samuel Cardinal
Stritch was reported sleeping early
today after being given viaticum-
the Roman Catholic .Church's sac-
rament of Holy Communion for
the dying.
His condition took a turn for the
worse last night, prompting the
sacrament;but hospital attendants
this morning declined to say any-
thing-about his condition.
Earlier Dr. Filippo Rocchi, one
of the prelate's three Italian phy-
sicians, said it seemed very un-
likely the Cardinal would live
through the night.
* * *
UN Security Council will meet
Tuesday to take up a Lebanese
complaint that the United Arab
Republic of Egypt and Syria is
interfering in the internal affairs
of troubled Lebanon.
* * *
PANAMA - The streets of this
capital bristled with troops yes-
terday as rebellious students and
the government remained dead-
locked after a week of conflict.
Panama is currently under a
state of siege.
French See
... in Ann Arbor
Chief Says
It's Timi!
"The Timf has come," Gargoyle
Managing Editor Jean Willoughby,
'59Ed., said yesterday, indicating
that Timf sales would take place
tomorrow in spite of forecasts for
"Now is the Timf," she recited,
pointing out that the magazine, a
parody on a national news maga-
zine, also parodies campus events
of the past year: SGC Elections
("Take your ballot box and stuff
it!"), IFC elections, IHC elections,
and of course Union food.
"A stitch in Timf," the editor
continued, was misplaced by the
printers so that the pages in each
issue are out of order. The Gar-
goyle staff is considering a prize
contest with an award to the per-
son who can put the pages back
in the best order.
"Timf marches on," Miss Wil-
loughby remarked, unable to stop
talking. "We're having a sales
parade down State Street at 10
a.m. before tapping on the Diag."
"Candida," often called George
Bernard Shaw's most popular play,
will be presented tomorrow
through Saturday by the Univer-
sity Drama Season.
Due to the illness of Nancy
Kelly, originally scheduled to play
the title role, broadway and televi-
sion performer Carmen Mathews
will head the production. Wesley
Addy, Philip Tonge and Dick Dav-
alas will appear in the male sup-
porting roles.
The comedy centers around
Candida's dilemma when her hus-
band insists that she choose be-
tween him and a talented, but ar-
rogant young writer in whom she
is interested.
After humorously examining the
situation, the heroine chooses the
man who needs her most, "the
weaker of the two." Ranked as the
most entertaining of Shaw's plays,
"Candida" was -originally played
by Katharine Cornell on Broad-
England's most well-known con-
temporary playwright, Terence
Rattigan, is the author of "Sep-
arate Tables," the next presenta-
tion in the series. The play,' which
ran for two years in London and
was featured in New York last
season, will play from June 2 to
June 7.
Veteran actors Betty Field and
Basil Rathbone will co-star in
the presentation which combines
humor and drama. Set in an Eng-
lish resort hotel, the play offers a
special challenge to the two stars,
who must assume dual roles during
the course of the action.
Both stars have appeared in Ann
Arbor before, Rathbone in "The
Heiress' and "The Winslow Boy"
and Miss Field in "The Fourpost-
In the fifth singles, Fulton beat
Jack Cramer of Northwestern 3-6,
6-4, 6-3. Both men stayed in the
backcourt in the first set with
Cramer's fine forehand continu-
ously forcing Fulton to err.
But in the second and third sets,
Fulton went to the net more, try-
ing to conquer Cramer's forehand
with backhands. The strategy
See FULTON, Page 3
Michigan N"ine
Defeats Iowa
In 'Twin Bill.
Special to The Daily
IOWA CITY-Coach Ray Fisher
sent his last Michigan baseball
team onto the field here yester-
day and it gave the 70-year-old
mentor an appropriate perform-
, ance-a double win over Iowa, 7-3
and 6-5.
The final victories offset an
otherwise disappointing season in
which the Wolverines finished in
a tie for sixth with Indiana. Min-
nesota won the title yesterday by
beating Michigan State twice, 3-2
and 2-1.
Michigan's record in the Con-
ference fell below the .500 level
. with seven wins and eight losses.
.. . in "Separate Tables"
Student Accuses Hannah
Of Neglecting University
Last week at Michigan State University a written argument was'
carried on between President John A. Hannah and John Berry, a
Berry stated in a letter to the editor of the "Michigan State News"
that President Hannah has.spent too much time away from Michigan
State at the expense of the interests of the students. He felt President
Hannah's time "should be more fully devoted to his duties here (at
Michigan State) as head adminis-
trator." Berry continued in saying
the students "should be his main
University First Concern
President Hannah in his reply
wrote, "The entire university and
its long-range aspirations, not just
the students alone, must be my
first concern."
In this connection he thought
the interests of the whole univer-
i:sity can be best served, not by his
staying on the campus at all times,
but in traveling and building up its
prestige and reputation.
State Qualified
"Michigan State University is
fortunate in having well-qualified,
able and competent deans and
vice-presidents," continued Presi-
dent Hannah, "who are largely
Defense Aide
Francis Dies
WASHINGTON UP) - Assistant
Secretary of Defense William H.
Francis, Jr., 43 years old, collapsed
and died yesterday after playing
Francis was appointed assistant
secretary of defense for manpower
a year ago.
The season's last-presentation,
"Holiday for Lovers",by Ronald
Alexander, concerns a Midwestern
businessman, played by Don Ame-
che, who takes a long-dreamed-of
grand tour of Europe.
Ticket Sales,
Open June 12
The athletic department's ticket
manager Don Weir announced yes-
terday that tickets for all the
games on Michigan's 1958 football
schedule will go on sale to stu-
dents only on June 2.
After making the announcement
Weir commented, "There is no
need for students to rush down
and buy tickets on the morning
of the second since they have a
two week priority.
"Alumni organizations and other
groups interested in buying tickets
for either home or away games
will have to wait until June 16 to
make their purchases," added
Starting June 2, tickets may be
purchased Monday through Friday
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on
Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to noon
at the Athletic Administration
"Because of the anticipated
great demand, students will be
alowed to purchase only two
tickets for the Michigan State
game which will be played at East
Lansing," Weir said. Tickets for
the two other scheduled road
games at Northwestern and Ohio
State will also be on sale.
In addition to conference games
against Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois
and Indiana, Michigan's six game
home schedule will include inter-
sectional clashes withSouthern
California and Navy.
CalendarL List
N"t Bus ( the "n co d
In Corsica.
Dissidents Organize
Citizens' Committee
In Island's Capital
PARIS (P) -- Premier Pierre
Pflimlin late last night called an
emergency session of the National
Assembly for tomorrow morning to
deal with armed pro-de Gaulle in-
surrection on the island of Corsica.
A special Cabinet session pro-
claimed that a state of insurrec-
tion existed at Ajaccio, capital of
the French Mediterranean island
where Napoleon Bonaparte was
Following the pattern already
established in Algiers, a committee
of public safety was set up there
by the dissidents in Corsica.
Studied Reports
For three hours Pflimlin's minis-
ters. studied reports from Ajaccio
and other points in Corsica that
self-appointed committees of pub-
lic safety and an undetermined
number of French paratroopers
had seized government buildings
at Ajaccio, Corte and Calvi.
The committees were reported
calling for what they described as
a government of national union
led by Gen. Charles de Gaulle.
In another of a series of harsh
blows at the beleaguered Pfiimlin
government, insurgent de Gaullists
set up a strongman triumvirate in
Algeria. The leaders vowed to fight
"unto death" to restore de Gaulle
to power.
Calls Cabinet Session
The blows fell as Pflimlin fought
on in Paris for new governmental
power to cope with the mounting
Pfiimlin called for another emer-
gency Cabinet session this after-
noon in advance of the parlia-
mentary meeting.
He also planned to go to the
people again early today in an ex-
traordinary radio speech.
The special Cabinet session yes-
terday that labeled the Corsica
uprising an insurrection could in
effect commit the government to
bring the island back under con-
trol by force if necessary.
No such step has been taken} to
deal with the Algerian develop-
French Fire
On Tunisians
TUNIS (P) -French forces in
southern Tunisia opened fire last
night on Tunisian troops, official
Tunisian sources reported.
Presiaent Habib Bourguiba
promptly called a special session
of his Cabinet to deal with the
The Tunisian sources said
French troops stationed at Rema-
da attempted to break through
barricades placed around French
positions several months ago after
an increase in tension between
Going Down!
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