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May 24, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-05-24

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ilins Compares Effecto

D PRESIDENT--Joe Collins, who retired in March after
ns as SGC president, has had lohg experience in student
nt at the University. Elected to the old Student Legisla-
freshman, he was one of the last SGC members to have

Joe Collins, '58, three times
cted president of Student Gov-
inent Council,. claims he got
.o student, government by ac-
'When I was a freshman," Col-
s said recently, "the men in
' house in South Quad decided
neone from the house had to
a. for Student Legislature (thed
decessor of Student Govern-
nt Council.
" didn't do any campaigning
side my own side of the quad,"
lins recalled. In those days, if
u got about 175 first-place votes,
i usually were able to win elec-
ns. There were about 175 fel-
s in my house, and I got about
Set Voting Record
n his last election, Collins set
ecord with over i,300 votes al-
ugh living in afi apartment
h only three men.
ollins and former SGC Execu-
e Vice-President ,Ron Shorr,
were the last Council mem-
s, who also served SL. Collins
racterized the old organiza-
1 as "ineffective," with its real
ver being concentrated in the
ids of a few members.
Many people seem to think
t SL with its 40' members, re-
:ted student opinion better'
n SGC with its 18," Collins
I. "This isn't right. A 'small
up dominated SL, as SGC has
er been dominated."
Irresponsibility Hurt SL
'he irresponsibility of SL hurti
group in its dealings with the4
alty and administratio'n, Col-
said. These groups were afraid
brust SL and because of thisf
e was no communication be-t
en them.
ollins sees a "lack of commu-f
tion" tendency developing onc
present.Council. The group is
rilling to talk to .members of
groups which have greater

continuity and experience on cam-
pus and is missing the boat with
the faculty and adminitration in
failing to develop "a real working
"The Council doesn't remember
ttiat th'e element of choice on is-
sues always rests with the student
group," Collins commented.
SGC Becoming Administrative
SGC has become more and more,
an administrative organization, its
former president says. "The first
year the group was new, active,
tremendously exciting. It worked
with a minimum of detail.
"In the last year and, a half,
the Council's work' has centered,
around administrating the pro-
jects it set up before, which has
not been so exciting."
SGC has become more burdened
with administrative detail as it
takes over areas of- operation. The
Council needs a stronger commit-
tee system, perhaps even a "civil '
service," according to Collins.
More Members Needed
He- believes the Council ,needs
more elected members now to
assist in the group's main job of
representing student opinion. The]
elected members who are ,not of-i
ficers of SbCC should spend their]
time trying to determine studentj
opinion with a minimum of ad-
ministrative detail. Unfortunately,c
there are only seven of them,,
which is not enough, in the eyesE
of the former president.'
-* "The officers themselves are by
the nature of their positions, con-
cerned with administrative work,"i
Collins said.r
The Council is now on a fairly
firm fo.oting, Collins thinks; it hasr
established constructive prece-
dents by its handling of major is-s
sues, such as Sigma Kappa. In thef
future, it must increase its ac-
ceptance of the faculty,' and ad-'
"There has been a tendency tof
pick up personal issues," the for-f

mer leader said. "The great ef-
fort of some individuals may have
retarded, for instance, the Human
Relations Board motions recently.
"There are many projects where
one must be willing to add a little
bit only and then compromise to
get anything done. You can't
change the whole ideology of peo-
ple in one elected term on Student
There is an increase of both
pressure and responsibility in stu-
dent activities, Collins said; a
greater degree of utilizing time
is also called for. A student must
be much more efficient to be able
to contribute to his activity, and
must sacrifice to do so.
Other Rewards Found
However, activities have other
rewards. "Never a day goes by
without events and relations in-
creasing my respect for the Uni-
versity and its able administra-
tion. The student body is very'for-
Collins paid tribute tqUniversity
President Harlan Hatcher and
James A. Lekis, vice-president in
charge of' student affairs. He
termed. DeansofdMen Walter B.
Rea and Assistant Dean John
Bingley "very devoted to students."
"It's also inspiring to see some-
one like Prof. Lionel Laing of the
political science department giv-
ing his time to student activities,"
Collins added.
Heads Jackson Democratic
At present Collins is president
of the Jackson County Democratic
Club, which office he considers
to be a great challenge. "Trying
to get a Democrat elected in Jack-
son County is 'like trying to get
elected to student government as
an independent was three or four
years ago. There's no organization
in Jackson, the birthplace of the
GOP. It's a great educational ex-
Collins' interest in politics stems
from his trip to Europe and Africa
this summer. He found much cri-
ticism of United States policy in
the former continent. African
leaders seemed to have a great
confidence in the future, although
communication with the mass of
people was difficult because of dif-
ferences in the cultural back-
grounds of the Americans and Af-
At home, Collins regards the
lack of participation of Americans
in political affairs as a great chal-
lenge. He sees this apathy as grow-
ing from an unwillingness on the
part of citizens to recognize their
own responsibilities, coupled with
the greater number of diversions
available today.,
'Lack of Respect'
"There is a great lack of re-
spect for authority that should be
present in a democracy," Collins
After he finishes working on the,
present political campaign, Col-
lins expects to go to graduate
school at the 'niversity in the
fall and work in economics.
He also plans to get married in
September. "She's been a very pa-
tient girl," he laughed. After these
plans, he's uncertain about the
-} 1y, fU }M ' r(Y.yM:¢:nJ."Fi ":' q, vy} VfS4 u


Grads Elect
Top Council
The Graduate Student Council
elected Martin Gold, Grad., presi-
dent and Lois Stachnik, Grad.,
vice-president at its meeting
Gold, to s u c c e e d Roland
Thompson, graduate student in
anatomy, is a doctoral student in
social psychology. Miss Stachnik,
succeeding Moyne Cubbage, grad-
uate student in speech, is a Mas-
ter's candidate in the social work
The Graduate Student Council
is composed of representatives
from the 70 departments which
grant degrees through the Rack-
ham Graduate School. The rep-
resentatives are elected by the
graduate students in these depart-
ments to serve a one-year term.
Gold said the Council serves as
a "liaison between graduate stu-
dents, the Graduate School and
the University."
Miss Mathews
TO Take, Lead.
In 'Candid a

Animals Aid Medical Researc

.., replaces Kelly

Carmen Mathews, Broadway
and television star, has agreed to
replace Nancy Kelly in the title
role of the Drama Season produc-
tion of "Candida, according to
Ronald Muchnick, publicity direc-
Miss Mathews, contacted late
Thursday at her farm 'home in
West Redding, Connecticut, ac-
cepted the role in the Shaw play,
after Miss Kelly withdrew because
of illness.
Recently appearing on Broad-
way opposite Don Ameche in
"H o1i d a y for Lovers," Miss
Mathews also had roles in "Har-
riet" with Helen Hayes, the mu-
sical "Courtin' Time" with Joe E.
Brown and "My Three Angels"
with Walter Slezak.
"Candida" will be presented
Monday through Saturday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.


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(Continued from Page 4)

ration of Structures under Wind
oading" -- Chairman: Prof. L. C.
Doctoral Examination for Warren
heney Benedict, Near Eastern Studies;
esis: "Urartian Phonology and Mor-
hology," Sat., May 24, 2023 Angell
all, ,10:00 a.m. Chairman, G.G. Cam-
Doctoral Examination for David Ed-
r Delsell, Zoology; thesis: "Spatial
ovement and Growth of Hyla Crui-
r," Sat., May 24, 2089 Nat. Sci. Bldg.,
00 a.m. Chairman, F.H. Test.
Doctoral Examination for Lyman Jay
uld, Political Science; thesis: "The
raker Act: The Roots of American
>lonial Policy," Sat., May 24, 4609
ven Hall, 9:30 a.m. Chairnan, J.E.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
hn Ross, English Language & Liter-
ure; thesis: "A Wild Civility: Robert.
'rick's Poetic Solution of the Paradox
Art and Nature," Sart., May 24, 2601
ven Hall, 9:30 a.m. Chairman, Aus-
s Warren.
Doctoral Examination for Philip Er-
st Converse;.Social Psychology; the-
"Group Influence in Voting Be-

havior," Mon., May 26, 6625 Haven Hall,
10:00 a.m. Chairman, Angus Campbell.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph An-
thony Wytrwal, Education; thesis: "The
Role of Two American Polish National-
ity Organizaticn in the Acculturation
of Poles in America."- Mon., May 26,
103 Mich. Union, 12 noon. Chairman,
C.A. Eggertson.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies with the Bureau of
Appointments for the 1958-59 school
year. They will not be here to inter-
view at this time.
Dayton, Wash. - Science (Chemis-
try, Physics, Biology, General Science,
and Bus Driver); Home Economics; Eng-
lish/Girls PE; English/Spanish; Early
Elementary. -
Mapleton, Minn. -- Science/Math.
(includes Physics); Commercial; Home
Milford, Mich. (Huron Valley Schools)
-English; Math.
Muskegon Heights, Mich. - English/
MORE MORE MORE.... .. .... ..
Newhall, Calif. - Business Education;
Spanish (& maybe Latin); Homemak-
Northville, Mich. e- Latin.
Pe Ell, Wash. - HS English/Spanish

(Woman): Home Economics/Girls PE;
Plainfield, N.J. - Elementary; JHS-
Librarian; Elementary Art; Home Econ-
omics; HS Chemistry; Math; Social
Studies; Girls PE; vocal Music; Special
Plainfield, N.J. (Warren Twp) - Eng-
lish/Rem. Read; English; Math; Physi-
cal Science; Business Education; School
Plattsburgh,. N.Y. - Social Studies;
English; Commercial; Commercial/Driv-
er Ed.
Racine, Wisc. ;- .Special Edu. (slow
learners); Director of City Wide Guid-
ace Program; Elementary; HS Social
Studies/Basketball Coach; Head of SS
Dept; English; Speech/D r a m a t ic c-;
Math; Chemistry; JHS Core; Math; In-
dustrial Arts Librarian Science; Social
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Wed., May 28
Timken Roller Bearing Co., Detroit,
Mich., will be interviewing students
with M.E. or B.S. in Application Engi-
neering. Must be U.S. citizen.
Personnel Requests:
State of Connecticut, is taking appli-
cations for Civil Service Examinations
for Medical Social Work Consultants,
Junior Librarians, Typists, Stenograph-
ers, Dietitians, Bookkeeping Machine
Operators, Occupational Therapists,
Serologist, Maternal & Child Hygiene
Physician, and Psychiatrists.
Bendix Aviation Corp., Ann Arbor,
Mich., have need for 40-50 engineers to
work in systems for research and de-
velopment. Must -have at least 4 yrs.
Associated Management Consultants,
Chicago, Ill. Is looking for a Quality
Control Manager to supervise qulaity
control personnel in the Company's
main plant. Prefer a male between the

ages of 26 and 32 and a college gradu-
ate, 4 years experience in quality con-
trol, research and development or pro-
cess engineering.
Jewish Comunity Centers Association,
St. Louis, Mo. are looking for an As-
sistant Health and Physical Education
Director of. the YMCA. BA degree with
major in Physical Education. Salary
$4,500-$6,300. Male preferred.
Campus Catering, Wilmette, Ill., are
looking for students for part time work
in Ann Arbor area from September to
May 31. Salary: $140 per mo. for ap-
proximately a 14-hour week. Prefer a
married student in the Junior or Senior
class, automobile necessary. If interest-
ed, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371,
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.





Acolytes, meeting, May 23, 8:00 p.m.,
West Conference Room, Rackham, pa-
per by Berkley Eddins, "Does Toynbee
Need Two Theories of History?" Elec-
tion of officers.
* * .
SGC Student Activities Committee,
meeting to plan policies and projects,
May 25, 4:00 p.m., 1548 SAB, all inter-
ested persons invited.
* * *
Unitarian Student Group, annual-
spring picnic, May 25, 5:00 p.m., meet
in back of League, bring $1.
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, swimming,
volley ball, hiking, May 25, 2:00 p.m.,
meet in back of Rackham (N.W. en-

$100.00 EACH'

For Certain Lincoln Head Pennies
Do you sort your change at the cashier's or the grocer's. You have .
perhaps found or handled a valuable United States coin. Just to illus-
trate: Certain Indian Head Pennies are worth $600 each; Certain
Lincoln Head Pennies, $100 'each; Nickels, $7,000 each; Dimes,





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