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May 24, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-24

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. .

Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Nothing Very New
In Governors' Report
' EBOARD of Governors of the Residence THE AUTHORS. of the report spent most of
Halls, after much student prodding, has the time patting the Residence Halls ad-
conducted a survey and written a report on ministrators on the back for an able job of,-
roommate assignment practices. In essence, it placing students. Only in one spot do they
rejects both segregation and random selection really become critical of the system and then
of roommates and rehashes some of the oft- they quickly add that measures have already
heard arguments for the present system. been taken to correct the difficulties noted.
While including a sprinkling of fallacious Generalities pervade much of the report, set-
reasoning and some interesting but hardly ting down a comfortable and reasonable philo-
convincing figures, the report is still of some sophy for placement of students. At the end
importance. The biggest question that arises of the report the authors quote parts of the
is: "Where do we go from here?" present written policy and restate the rest of
The mass of figures compiled by the survey it: students can choose their own roommates,
conducted in the Residence Halls to determine preferences will be respected if administrative-
who is living with whom and how did they get ly possible, if there are no expressed prefer-
there, indicates that the present system of ences "assignments will be made according to
placement is not as desirable as some Univer- interests and living habits expressed in the
sity officials and students have claimed. But applications."
then again neither is the situation as bad as In so doing, the report leaves the impression
some observers, primarily students, have that by and large, the present system is op-
charged. Now that certain facts are known it eatngydanageusly rnd stmutso-
is u tostudntsandadmiistator tosee erating advantageously and is without short-
hut tudrent sanddmnist ratdornteer-comings of any basic nature. There is little
that they are not simply stuffed in the near- noticeable criticism of the methods used in
est filing cabinet and forgotten, as is often placement. Although Vice-President for Stu-
done with surveys and committee reports. The dent Affairs James A. Lewis has said that "next
figures indicate at least some change in place- fall there should be a 'new-look' in dormitory
ment policy and procedures is called for. Just integration," it is difficult to see how the cause
'how much is not certain. for such a remark can be drawn from the re-
port. His statement implies there is much more
A Sleeping0wrongin the system than the report ever
Am erica THE HEAVY emphasis in the report put on
the value of individual selection of room-
SPUTNIK I shocked a goodly number of mates and the respect for preferences is easily
Americans into the realization that those justifiable. But this argument, which has been
"backward Russians" weren't so backward after used for years by some Residence Hall officials
all. No longer could they be considered an in- as well as by people defending affiliate sys-
ferior bunch of Slavs who really didn't offer tems against charges of discrimination, is phil-
much of a challenge to us - the invincible osophical and fails to take consideration of the
Americans. After all we were the "good guys." practical application of a placement policy. As
Apparently a good deal of the shock has noble a thing as freedom of choice is, it still
worn off, especially since we too managed to does- not prevent some administrators from
toss a few satellites into the great void called putting two students, who have epressed no
space and since it seemed that we-the good preferences, together simply because their skin
guys-were again going to come out on top. is the same color or their religion the same.
This complacency fortunately isn't shared by The report is pleasant reading but, actually,
some of our leaders, but in the long run the It does not tell us very much. What we know
impetus for maintainence of a position as a after reading it is substantially what has been
world-leader must come from the people them- known for some time. The general statements
selves. The people are the ones who must vote about the objectives of the gesidence Halls
for the congressmen who will support educa- have lost none of their validity since we last
tion. The people must see to it that their reprent heard them enunciated. But the heart of the
sentatives represent,matter, what Residence Hall officials and staff
N AKENING is needed. We are no longer personnel and University administrators do in
A N WAKNIN isneeed. e ae n logerimplementing the policies, has not yet been
the "good guys" in many parts of the world. thoroughly examined.
The Soviets have beaten us in propaganda in -DAVID TARR
large areas of the world. The South American
incidents during Vice-President Nixon's recent
tour merely illustrate that we are not the most ei en eve *
popular people in the world.
The Soviets have beaten us scientifically with DESECRATION of the campus by University
Sputnik I and now with the huge Sputnik III. designers continues its merry way.
They have again demonstrated their caa- Latest step is the paving of the area behind
bilities. They have scored on us via propaganda
on numerous occasions, the most distressing Haven-Mason Hall.
incident being Little Rock since it was so close A coherent policy seems to be developing,
to home and more controllable than the South "Wherever there is grass, pour cement over it."
American fiasco. Only reason we can see for the policy is that
We must regain our lost prestige but we can- somebody in the administration suffers from
not do it through cockiness, over-confidence, or hay-fever.
military might. The present cold war is 'testing Well . . . anyway, sociologists are getting the
us to the hilt. Are we big enough and awake opportunity to observe "rapid urbanization"
enough to pass? at first hand.

What rice Complacency.

Ha! An Un-American Tendency Toward Free Speech!'
,- 4MF rT

Spring Playbill
Worth Seeing
THE SPEECH department opened its new arena theatre yesterday
with a laboratory playbill of four varied one-act plays and the capa-
city audience was reminded briefly of Ann Arbor's last arena theatre,
which closed a little over a year ago.
One advantge which the Dramatic Arts Center had, however, Wis
in seating. There the rows of seats were on risers so each member of
the audience could see the floor-level stage clearly, whereas in the new
theatre all the audience is on the same level with the stage.
But the view seemed to bother only a few as the audience entered
into the spirit of the laboratory productions, a sort of annual breather,



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Bagwivell Discusses State Finances

from the hypertension of the
Drama Season.
AS AT THE last lab playbill in
January, the Shaw play - then
"The Shewing-Up of Blanco Pos-
net" and this time "Dark Lady of
the Sonnets" - was the highpoint
of the evening. There was little
of professional bearing about the
cast of "Dark Lady," but some-
how it all seemed to enter into the
Shavian spirit of fun. ,
John Klein as The Man (Will
Shakespeare) plays his part with
vigor and gusto, bringing out well
the laughs that Shaw intended.
Beverly Ogg, Stephanie Fantle
and Jim Presser are able in their
roles and, after all, Shaw's humor
is still there whether it is deliv-
ered well or not.
"Dark Lady of the Sonnets' is
one of \those little plays that no
one who has ever studied Shake -
peare should miss.
* * *
YEATS' "Land of Heart's De-
sire" comes out second best on the
program. The setting is Irish and
the meaning is perhaps a little
obscure, but the conflict between
the forces of good and evil is
clear, even in the highly symbolic
way in which Yeats tells his story.
Peggy Forward. as A Child is
best in therpantomime and dance
parts of her role and only a little
less effective when she speaks.
Sandra Marx as Maire Bruin
shows feeling and emotion, too,
and is just a little less smooth.
Nicholas Havinga, Richard De-
Beck and Kathryn Brock show
their abilities in the portrayal of
the other members of the family
which is visited by evil spirits as
only the Irish can be visited by
The setting for "Land of Heart's
Desire," as the costumes, comes
out best of the evening's plays.
THE TWO remaining plays,
"The Midnight Caller" and "The
Last of the Lowries" fight a rath-
er unfortunate losing battle with
dull scripts and serious actors.
The former is unnecessarily long
for what it has to say and the lat-
ter has almost nothing to say.
Both would probably fare well
on television but deserve little
place in the theatre. They are,
however, well placed in the pro-
gram and do not detract from the
overall program.
"The Midnight Caller" is the
story of a woman who has to de-
cide between two men - in a way.
She is helped by another woman
who has no man ,and takes out
her bitterness on the other.
"The Last of the Lowries" is one
of those "family" plays that takes
place in the south and makes a
lot of fuss about blood and blood-
shed. To say more about either
of these plays might spoil the
spirit of the evening - and, after
all, there is no admission charge.
-Vernon Nahrgang

Army Corps
Associated Press News Analyst
THE ARMY'S newly announced
aerial "brush war" corps is
largely earthbound.
It is more a part of the argu-
ment over defense planning than
it is a currently applicable force
for foreign service.
The argument is whether the
nation should prepare specifically
for limited wars as well as all-out
Secretary of Defense Neil Mc-
Elroy told a congressional subcom-
mittee recently there is less and
less likelihood of limited wars that
would demand sizeable ground
The Air Force contends that if
there is sufficient preparedness for
a major war, then smaller wars
can be handled in ratio to their
THE NAVY contends that it is
being slighted; that if its equip-
ment demands were met it could
largely eliminate the need for ex-
pensive and controversial bases
abroad, providing elusive movable
bases for nuclear war.
The Army contends nobody can
afford all-out nuclear war, making
limited wars most likely.
To make its point, the Army
has very smoothly presented Con-
gress and the public with an ex-
ample of what it wants.
An Army Corps has been set up,
mostly on paper, although its com-
ponent parts are very much in ex-
istence at four different bases in
this country. It consists of four
divisions-two infantry and two
airborpe-ready to move by air to
any brush fire if, the Army empha-
sizes, air transport were available.

Daily Staff Writer
PAUL BAGWELL would make a
good Republican candidate for
Michigan's governor. At least he
has all the "austerity" answers
At a press conference here
Thursday, he said the reason
higher education did not get its
due share of state funds is because
of the unavailability of those
"The business of financing state
universities is a critical problem,"
he sa'id, for these reasons:
1) The federal government has
"pre-empted state revenues."
That is federal taxes have gobbled
up more and more of the tax-
payersamoney available to the
state and country.
* * *
"SINCE 1940, federal taxes have
incre,:sed 13.5 times while state
taxes have risen only\ four and
one-half times. This means that
while public needs have risen
steadily, the state's ability (in
terms of money available), to meet
them has not risen proportional-
ly," he explained.
2) Michigan is one of the few
states in the nation that has -so
much of its income earmarked by
the constitution. He said that
more than 70 per cent of Michi-
gan's income is alloted before it
can even be collected.
"In Ohio, a good, modern, pro-
gressive state, only a small per-
centage is earmarked. As a result
their higher education facilities
do not have the troubles we have
and their highway program is al-
ready several billion dollars ahead
of ours."
3) The constitution of Michi-
g~n, which was drawn up in 1908,

allows the state to borrow $250,-
000. This sum may have been fine
in 1908 but it is certainly inade-
quate in 1958.
* * *
SINCE the state is so rigidly
limited it is unable to manipulate
its funds in the manner that the
United States government is, for
(In the last session of the state
legislature, two plans were intro-
duced to bring more money into
the state's hands for higher edu-
cation and other projects.
One, proposed by Sen. Robert
Faulkner (R-Coloma), would have
had the state exchange state
bonds for regular bonds in the
Veteran's Trust Fund. The money
from the sale of the trust fund
bonds, about$50 milliontwould be
used for contruction at Michigan
colleges and universities.
(The other plan, a resolution
by Rep. George Sallade (R-Ann
Arbor) called for a constitution-
al amendment to increase the debt
limit of the state to $250 million
and limit the use of such funds to
education and mental health.
Both died in committee.)
* * *
IN SPITE of these difficulties,
he said, the legislature gave more
to higher education this year than
last. However, the increase was
all taken by Wayne State Univer-
sity. Under a plan adopted by the-
legislature a fe w years ago, he ex-
plained, the state has gradually
been assuming more of Wayne's
financial obligations.
Bagwell also said that he has
run into a "tremendous amount of
anti-education feeling in the last
few years.
"The citizens feel that we can't
afford to have two major univer-

sities competing against each oth-
er. Rivalry on the football field
once a year is fine but it shouldn't
be necessary for the University
to have extension centers near
Lansing and there is no need for
Michigan State University to have
extension centers in Detroit, only
a stone's throw from Ann Arbor."
One way to get more mileage
out of our educational system is
to make greater use of the exist-
ing physical plants, he said. By
emphasizing the summer periods
as much as the fall and winter
sessions we can keep our schools
and full capacity and also keep
professorial salaries up.
* * s
BAGWELL criticized the idea of
enrollment limitation assa solu-
tion to the problem. "We shouldn't
have to reject youngsters with the
same qualifications as their fath-
ers, when their fathers were able
to go to college."
He said that to make more ef-
ficient use of monies available,
the whole tax structure of the
state of Michigan needs to be re-
vised. He criticized the present
plan for "driving industries out
of the state." Wages, he said, are
not the cause of their moving
when industry in Ohio is con-
stantly increasing and Ohio has
the third highest wage level in
the nation.
Any new tax structure, he add-
ed, must "be equitable to all seg-
ments of the economy, have a sta-
bility of yield and be adequate to
meet the state's needs." He did
not say how this could be done.
He said, however, that Michigan
is in need of a constitutional re-
vision and that he would press for
one at the earliest possible mo-

SOME PEOPLE connected the
announcement of something that
had been in existence for some
time with the recent prevalence
of anti-American outbreaks
abroad, but it wasn't. It was strict-
ly connected with the argument at
For one thing, the air transport
now available-through allocation
by the Tactical Air Command-
could handle less than a fourth of
such a force, or one airborne divi-
sion of 13,000 men.
For flying more than that to-any
war, the Air Force relies on plans
to commandeer civilian transports,
which would have to have their
seats removed and other modifica-
tions made.



A FTER the turmoil of the past week it can-
not have been easy for the Secretary of
State to face a big press conference. But Mr.
Dulles not only did just that. He managed
somehow to convey the impression that far
from being disturbed by what had happened
he was, if anything, confirmed in all his views.
The explosions were ripples upon the surface
of a great stream on which we were moving
in the right direction and with righteous self-
The question which dominated the confer-
ence was not what the Secretary of State would
do to remedy .the troubles which have ex-
ploded. That could not be expected of him. The
question was whether these troubles had caused
the Secretary of State to believe that anything
for which he is responsible needed to be re-
examined and re-appraised, and whether,
therefore, he would encourage or would dis-
courage our people to think about what has
gone wrong. Mr. Dulles's reaction to this, which
was implied in a whole string of questions, was
to appear unpreturbed and impervious, denying
that anything very significant had happened.
The net result of the press conference was an
invitation to the American people not to allow
themselves to be stirred up into thinking about
the state of their affairs.
AS IT TURNED OUT, Tuesday was a day
devoted to promoting a general move of
complacent self-confidence. This was the theme
of ,Mr nnDulles's noenn,.-ea nn m, rr

morning and, applied to the recession, it was
the theme of the President's address on Tuesday
evening. It is reassuring to have self-confidence.
But is it possible to have such self-confidence
except by sweeping under the rug the harsh
and disagreeable facts which worry so many of
Thus it may well be that the recession is
flattening out, and it is true, of course, that
eventually there will be a rise and, no doubt,
some day another boom. But can we accept the
prospect of a prolonged slump at the present
level, especially as its repercussions tend to be
multiplied abroad, and to aggravate the inter-
national disorder? There must be many who
feel as I do that they are not made confident
by seeing that the President is unworried, that
they would have,,more confidence if they saw
him worrying about the very ugly things that
there are to worry about.
COMING back to Mr. Dulles, it can fairly be
said that the troubles all about him are not
superficial incidents which a strong man can
ignore. What ha'ppened to the Vice-President
in Venezuela is not disposed of by saying that
we misjudged the efficiency of the local police.
The fact is that the Vice-President had a bad
reception in all the countries he visited. He was
not stoned and spat upon in more than two of
them. But there was bad will, and plenty of it,
It is a mistake to minimize the basic fact
that a1mnt pverwhere to the south of us in

41J: i u e
UWavering Hrs

(Editor's Note.-Drew Pearson to-
day reports from Europe on the crisis
in the Near East.)
IT WAS JUST six months ago
that I drove up a winding road,
climbing the Lebanese mountains
from the Mediterranean like an
amusement park roller-coaster, to
call on President Cam-ille Cha-
moun, now facing civil war in
Along the road were apple or-
chards. They clung to the moun-
tainside in little terraces-walls
of rock, painfully built into the
hillside by hand, then a strip of
level terrace and a row of trees,
then another wall and more trees.
It had taken years to hack these
terraces out of the mountainside,
perhaps going back to the days
when this was part of Nineveh and
Tyre, or back to the days when the
crusaders battled the Moslems at
the foot of these mountains for
the retention of the Holy Land.
* * *
already felt the ninch of Nassere

Christians, in which it is tacitly
a Maronite, the Prime Minister a
agreed that the President shall be
Moslem, the Foreign Minister a
Greek Orthodox, and so on.
I asked President Chamoun the
question which John Foster Dulles
hasbeen asking himself for a long
time: "Can the United States trust
"Not for 24 hours," was Cha-
moun's categoric reply. He's had
reason since to recall the correct-
ness of this statement.
"Your greatest mistake," he
went on, "was not to let the Is-
raeli army continue in Suez for
another 14 days."
President Chamoun, faced with
revolt by Nasser agents, now has
reason to realize more than ever
the effects of American vacillation
in the Near East. Like the indig-
nities suffered by Vice-President
Nixon in South America, the ex-
plosions of the Near East did not
burst suddenly. They "eroded."
* * *
AMERICAN prestige in the Near
East erndpd hersmgpWA ae nn-

2) In June, 1955, Egypt began
bartering cotton for Russian arms.
3) In August, 1955, Secretary
Benson wanted to dump his sur-
plus of American cotton, but Sec-
retary of State Dulles argued that
it would hurt Egyptian cotton.
The U. S. Ambassador had already
reported that Egypt was trading
cotton for Russian arms.
4) Despite this arms deal, Dulles
began talking about lending Nas-'
ser money to build the Aswan
5) In July, 1956, Dulles sudden-
ly yanked the promise of the As-
wan Dam away from Nasser. He
did it so abruptly than an Oriental
was certain to save face. Nasser
saved face by seizing the Suez
6) In October, 1956, as the Is-
raeli army was within a few hours
of Cairo and as the French and
British bombed Cairo, Nasser took
refuge in a cellar in a Cairo sub-
urb. His policies had failed and
he feared assassination by his
own young army officers. At that

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michiganx Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1958
General Notices
Commencement Instructions to Fac-
ulty Members: Convene at 4:15 p.m. in
the first floor lobby in the Admin.
Bldg. Buses will be provided in front
of the Admin. Bldg. on State St. to
take you to the Stadium or Yost Field
Rouse to join the procession and to
take the place assigned to you on stage,
as directed by the marshals; at the end
of the exercises buses will be ready in
driveway east of the Stadium or at west
side of Field House to bring you back
to the campus.
Distribution of Diplomas: If the ex-
ercises are held in the Stadium, diplo-
mas for all graduates, excepting the
School of Dentistry, will be distributed
from designated stations under the
east stands of the Stadium, imme-
diatelytafter the exercises. The diplo-
ma distribution stations are on the
level above the tunnel entrance.
If, however, the exercises are held
in the Yost Field House, all diplomas
excepting those of Medical School and
the School of Dentistry will be dis-
tributed from the windows of the
Cashier's Office and the Office of
Registration and Records in the lobby
of the Admin. Bldg. Following the
ceremony diplomas may be called for
until 9:00 p.m.
Student Accounts: Your attention

sequent semester .or summer session
until payment has been made."
Midwest Student Composers' Sym-
posium: Four chamber concerts and
onepsymphony orchestra concert will
be presented in connection with this
symposium as follows:
Chamber Concerts - Aud. A, Angell:
Univ. of Michigan, Fri., May 23, 8:30
p.m.; Northwestern Univ., Sat., May
24, 10:00 a.m.; Univ. of Illinois, Sat.,
May 24, 1:30 p.m.; and State Univ. of
Iowa, Sat,, May 24, 4:00 p.m.
Univ..of Michigan Symphony Orches-
tra, Hill Aud., Sun., May 25, 10:30 a.m.
Compositions performed on these pro-
grams are the work of students from
the schools represented. Open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Robert Brandzel,
who studies clarinet with William Stub-
bins, will present a recital in Aud. A,
Angeli Hall. Sun., May 25, 4:15 p.m. in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music. He
has included in his program composi-
tions. by Schumann, Sowerby, Copland
and Brandzel, and will be assisted by
Nancy Gamble at the piano, and Carol
Stavash, flute, Kay LaDouceur, Oboe,
and Russell Bedford, bassoon. Open to
the public.
Student Recital: Alice Dutcher; mez-
zo soprano, who is a student of Chase
Baromeo, will present a recital in Aud.
A, Angell Hall, Sun., May 25, 8:30 p.m.
She will be assisted by Greta Dins-
more at the piano, and will perform
compositions by Mozart, Schumann,
Schubert, Canteloube, Granados, Nin,
Obradors, Rorem, Barber and Diamond.
Her recital will be presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. Open to
the public.



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