See Page 4
Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom co
VIII, No. 170
-~ Q
ore Cash Marked
)r Student Loans
cholarship Fund Also Established
'rom Grant of Former Graduate
Arab Rebels
Plan March
In Lebanon
Heyns Approved'
As LS&A Dean
Prof. Roger W. Heyns, once honorees as an outstanding teacher
at the University, was approved yesterday as new dean of the literary
college by the Board of Regents.
The 40-year old professor of psychology will succeed Charles E.
Odegaard, wha'resigned in January to become president of Washing-
ton University.
Prof. Heyns had been offered a vice-presidency at the same in-
Charges Nasser
Overthrow Try
Special to The Daily_
GAYLORD - Student Loan Funds were increased by $200,000
cash yesterday by University Regents' action,
The $200,000 cash gift to the University was part of a $505,014.88
bequest of the late Stanley D. McGraw of Detroit, an 1892 University
The securities received, which comprise the rest of the bequest,
will go toward establishing an endowment fund, the Stanley D. Mc-
Graw Scholarship fund, to be used for student scholarships.
The bequest will raise the total of the student loan funds to $1,-
300,000. However, $200,000 of this total is sharply restricted by special
-. . . stipulations. According, to Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis, loan funds have
been nearly exhausted this year.
.... He thought the additional $200,-
000 would probably be adequate
Sfor next year.
However, Secretary to the Presi-
*...................~-dent Herbert G. Watkins noted
that the amount of funds avail=-
able to students niext year would
depend on how suoccessful students
* were in finding summer jobs.
Repayment date for student
t{ loans is not until next September,
and pnly then will there be accu-
rate information on needs for
............ ..next -year.
'}.y. Mainly Short Term
At present, University loans are
predominantly short, term loans,
although the loan committee has
experimented with some long term
loans. One current loan, for in-
PROF. E. LOWELL KELLY stance, is payable in 1962.
neF E.ycolog KEaLrY *Vice-President in Charge of
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont told the Regents that.
Rebanks might be willing to finance
long term loans, if they knew stu-
dents were really interested in
c t n them. There has been talk, he
k T hre said, of a nationwide discount
service for students.
Ch " -Lewis told the board that there
C airm en lwas even a possibility there might
be federal loan funds.
Special to The Daily Have Been Good Risks
GAYLORD Appointments of Students, according to Pierpont,
thAeedeprtme-talpphirmeni have been good risks for loans. He
three departmental chairmen in reported that since 1897 when the
the literary college were approved fund was established only 1.165
yesterday by the University Board per cent- of the money has been
of Regents. lost through failure to repay.
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly was ap- Regent Eugene Power strongly
pointed chairman of the psychol- advocated the use of long term
ogy department, effective immedi- loans provided by local banks and
ately and through the period end- supported by the University.
ing June 30, 1962. Prof. Kelly has This way, he said, a studenta
been acting chairman of the de- could make the loans necessary to
partment during the 1957 summer provide for his college educationr
session and the current academic and could then repay them when1
year. he was earning a living..
Prof. James N. Spuhler was He. suggested that a medical
named acting chairman of the student could even make a ten-
anthropology department, effective year loan.
By The Associated.Press
The Egyptian Middle East news
agency said last night a popular
government has been formed in
south Lebanon and plans a marcn
within two days on Beirut, Leban-
on's capital.
Lebanon's Foreign Minister
Charles Malik charged at a news
-conference that President Abdel
Gamal Nasser's United Arab Re-
public was moving men and arms
into Lebanon "this very minute"
to aid its aims at overthrowing
tl e pro-West Lebanese govern-
Accuse U.S., Britain
In the meantime, the UAR ac-
cused the United States and
Britain of encouraging Lebanon
to bring charges against it before
the United Nations Security
Abdul Mawgoud Hassan, a
spokesman for the UAR delega-
tion at the UN called the 'situa-
tion in Lebanon strictly an in-
ternal affair.
He declared the United States
by supporting Lebanon is encour-
aging interference.by the Commu-
nist powers in the Middle East.
"Grouping of Elements"
It was reported- in Cairo that
the "popular government" is a
.grouping of elements that have
been fighting government forces
since trouble started in Lebanon
12 days ago.
Indications are that the 11-
nation Security Council will meet
early next week - probably Tues-
day, - to consider charges by
Lebanon that UAR nationals
sought to overthrow President Ca-
mille Chamoun's regime in Beirut
with acts of terrorism and rebel-
Reading Pflan
Attracts 80
Eighty students have signed up
thus far for the Student Govern-
ment Council's summer reading
program, according to Roger Sea-
sonwein, '61, member of the SGC
Reading and Discusion Commit-
The reading list, to be released
in Wednesday's issue of "The
Daily," will cover the political,
historical, economic, literary and
sociological aspects of the 1920's.
Offering University students
"guided outside reading" for the
summer, the material in the pro-
gram will be evaluated and dis-
cussed at a panel discussion early
in the fall semester.
A faculty member from each of
the fields covered will participate
in the discussion.
"Response from students and
faculty has been most rewarding,"
Seasonwein said. "However, we
hope that more students, whether
officially or not, can be included
in the program."
Interested students can sign -up
for the program .in the Student
Activities Building with Mrs. Ruth
Callahan, secretary of the Student
Government Council, according to
Starts July 1
His appointment here will take effect July 1.
office of dean a "real privilege," Prof. Heyns said he
+c~iv the high 'standardsqof adi4
Considering the
hopes to "main-
tinguished college, an excellent
faculty and a chosen student
Promoted to full professorship
just last year, Prof. Heyns has
served since 1954 as assistant to
the dean.
Born in Grand Rapids on Jan.
27, 1918, he graduated from Hol-
land Christian High School in
1935. He received his bachelor's
degree from Calvin College in
Began Career Here
Prof. Heyns began his career
here in ,1940 as a teaching fellow
while doing graduate work. He
'U' Pleased
With Heyns'
The University seemed pleased
yesterday with the advancement
of Prof. Roger W. Heyns of the
psychology department to the posi-
tion of dean of the literary college.
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly, chairman
of the psychology department, said
"the department regrets losing
Prof. Heyns, but our loss is the
college's gain."
"Pleased" with the appointment
of Prof. Heyns, Prof._ Amos H.
Hawley, chairman of the sociology
department, believed his "adminis-
trative experience, knowledge of
the University's policies and a
good philosophy on the faculty
situation," combined to make an
"excellent choice."
Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment, was, "delighted-. that
President Harlan Hatcher had
selected a young member of the
University faculty who is well-
acquainted both with the college
and with the state situation."
Looking forward to "an effec-
tive administration of the literary
college," Prof. Wesley H. Maurer,
chairman of the journalism de-
partment, commented that Prof.
Heyn's "familiarity with the rela-
tionship of the literary college to
the University," his "concern for
faculty interest" and his adminis-
trative experience are factors
which combine to make a good
Claims Show
Sharp Decline
ernment reported yesterday that
insured unemployment among
workers protected for jobless bene-
fits showed a sharp drop of 93,300
during the week of May 10.
This brought the figure down to
It was the biggest weekly de-
cline since August 1956. The Labor
Department's Bureau of Employ-
ment Security also reported that
initial claims for benefits declined
by 49,400 to 359,200 during the
week ended May 17.
The improvements in insured
unemployment and benefit claims
are tempered by the fact, officials
said, that a large number of idled
workers have exhausted their
rights to benefits.
Local Man'
George W. Salade, Ann Arbor
representative to the state legis-
lature, announced yesterday that
he will seek re-election.
Sallade, who recently took him-
self out of the governorship elec-
tion picture, will try for a third
term in the House of Representa-
'He said in a statement he had
decided against running for any
other state administrative post or
for the state Senate.
Sallade will be a candidate for
his party's nomination in the
August 5th primary election for
representative of W a s h t e n a w
county's first district. So far he
is the only person in his party to
announce candidacy for that post.
He said, "Regardless of the out-
come of the coming election, con-
trol of the House of Representa-
tives by either party will be on
a narrow basis."
Pflimlin AsKs
French, Unity
PARIS OP) - Premier Pflimlin
went directly to the French people
on TV last night with an appeal
for unity in his Parliament-sup-
ported program to win back the
insurgent French ruling Algeria.
The Algiers regime meanwhile
hardened its demands for replace-
ment of Pflimlin with Gen. Charles
de Gaulle.
Parliament apparently went
along with = Pflimlin's plea for
stronger executive power to cope
with the grave divisive crisis across
the Mediterranean. The National
Assembly agreed to take up the
plea Tuesday.,
The nationwide TV speech, a
rare thing for a French premier,
came shortly after establishment
of what amounts to a revolution-
ary regime by the civilian-mili-
tary junta in Algeria.
The Algiers regime once again
vowed to rule Algeria until-Gen.
de Gaulle is in power.
Pflimlin warned all Frenchmen
the nation risks being torn apart
unless all unite to support the
legally constituted government.
He urged government reforms,
but said such changes must be
made in order and legality.
"It would not be admissible,"
the Premier declared, "that, a frac-
tion of the nation try to impose
its will on the entire nation."
Pflimlin did not mention Gen.
de Gaulle by name.
To Visit Here
Madame Chiang Kai-Shek will
visit the University July 10 to
receive an honorary degree, As-
sistant to the President Erich
Walter told the Regents .'esterday.
The University . had invited
Madame Chiang to receive an
honorary doctor of laws degree in
1956, but she was unable to visit
the country at that time.
July 1. He succeeds Prof. Frederick
SWorld News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Tighter re-
strictions on commercial flying
were suggested at a Senate in-
quiry yesterday as one way to im-
prove the safety of air travel.
Lt. Gen. Elwood R. Quesada,
head of President Dwight D.-
Eisenhower's Air Coordinating
Committee, testified, "We might
well. reduce the number of air-
ways" now used by commercial
S *
BUENOS AIRES -- A mystery
submarine was attacked by Ar-
gentine destroyers and possibly
sunk off Argentina's southern
coast Wednesday, President Ar-
turo F rondizi has announced.
There was unofficial specula-
tion that it might have been a
Soviet prowler but the Russian
Embassy yesterday discounted
that possibility.
DETROIT - Walter P. Reuther
reportedly told his United Auto
Workers union yesterday it would
be "insane to accommodate the
auto industry by calling a strike
... new literary college dean
holds two degrees, a m5ster's in
clinical psychology in 1942 and a
doctorate of philosophy in psy-
chology in 1949.
From 1942 to 1946 he served in
the military, both as an aviation
psychologist in the former Army
Air Corps and as an assistant
chief in the psychological branch
of the Continental air forces.
He returned to the Universityv
in 1947 and has served continu-
ously with the exception of sum-
mer's teaching at Stanford (1953)
and a year at Harvard on a Car-
negie fellowship (1953-54).
Won Teaching Award
In 1951, Prof. Heyns was the
first recipient of the Class of
1919 award for outstanding teach-
Under the terms of the award,
he was honored as an "outstand-
ing teacher in both elementary
and advanced courses, an under-
standing counselor of students
seeking vocational guidance, and a
man whose integrity pervades his'
service to the University."
Prof. Heyns is a member of Phi
Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi and Phi Beta
Kappa as well as the American
Psychological Association and
Michigan Psychological Associa-
.. acting anthropology head
P. Thieme, who will go to the Uni-
versity of Washington.
Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann was
reappointed chairman of the his-
tory department for three years
ending June 30, 1961. He has held
f the post: since 1953.
Time Granted
N tb ~L"-~ ~ 1 U e g :A3 f
Dearborn Buildings To Remain Idle
Special to The Daily
GAYLORD-The image of a ghost campus, without faculty, stu-
dents, administrators or even large dogs took form at the Regent's
meeting yesterday.
University Vice-President in Charge of Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont told the Regents yesterday that contractors are
digging foundations for the University's Dearborn Center and the.:;
buildings should be ready for use by September, 1959.
But a few minutes later, Vice-President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin Niehuss told1 the 'arnnn that because of the Legislature's cut