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May 23, 1958 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1958-05-23

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1 '

"Want Any More Arguments For Nuclear Control?"

Sixty-Eighth Year
'ted in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Brigitte Bardot
Makes Battered 'ride'
'THE BRIDE IS MUCH TOO BEAUTIFUL" stars Brigitte Bardot.
And Louis Jourdan is there, too. He works for a women's magazine
named "The Love of Life." He and a woman called "Judy" who seems
to own the magazine discover Brigitte in a restaurant.,They persuade
her maiden aunts to let her become a cover girl.
And "The Love of Life" sees a would-be actor called "Patrice." He
sees Brigitte and is persuaded to become a cover boy.
So Brigitte, who is known as "Catherine" or "Chou-Chou" depend-,
ing on the formality of the occasion, and Patrice become the darlings
of all France. And of course Chou-Chou becomes the darling of
Patrice. But -her heart is pure. Meanwhile one suspects that Louis,
known as "Michel," is beginning to love Chou-Chou more and Judy
less, even though Judy is divorcing Julian by mail so she can marry
And speaking of marriage, "The Love of Life," i.e. Judy, decides
Patrice and Chou-Chou should get married. "Just for fun."
So they do, except that Patrice loves Chou-Chou and it rends him
to mock matrimony so. He proposes to her and is turned down. So

The University Campus:
An Architectural Circus

PLANNERS have pulled another
- the University community,, and
>ne is still laughing at "the patio"
look around at the greatest archi-
,us in a generation.
ruction of "Diag, Jr." again demon-
t architects and landscape experts
nse of the aesthetic can accomplish.
of course, is the fact that the Uni-
Iget has been cut, and anyone with
:an figure out that a bag of grass
iore than a bag of cement.
'ound campus, as repulsive as this
a person with artistic sensitivity,
iat the replacing of the character-
ance Languages Building by a car-
s merely another manifestation of
icern. Where to begin a look around
ifficult, since everywhere you turn,
uilding uglier than the last.
ND PRIZE belongs hands down to
,e orange affair on St'ate Street
ie Administration Building. Here is
ith just one wing jutting out behind
ses neither symmetry nor variety;
anced monotony of window after
a standard size) done in the Lan-
style. It differs from other edifices,
that the planners were considerate
over the interior cement block with
the first floor) and gymnasium tile
is refreshing for visitors and em-
:e, a springhtly commentary' on
y society.
11 is the only Greek temple in the
1 brick behind. Walk in through the

pillars and gaze up at the subtly painted ceil-
ing, look into the "Golden Age" classrooms and
offices, think of what the building would look
like if stripped of its Greek veneer. Its annexes,
Mason and Haven Halls, present startling con-
trasts to the building they were supposed to be
part of. Haven Hall, the center of literary col-
lege faculty academic endeavor, is indeed equal
to the task of inspiring research. Two pro-
fessors are granted one metal desk each in a
room, the only good feature of which is that
you can shake hands from the door with any-
one who happens to be in it at the time.
THIS SITUATION, in which expensive build-
ings which are to serve special purposes
seem to be designed by nursery school moppets
as homework projects, is glaringly evident in
new construction. The undergraduate library,!
the foremost example of uncluttered monotony,
was recently- completed. Here is a building as
pleasing as dormitory food, with the added'
advantage that you can never get away from
it. The ostentatious ugliness is broken only by
gaudy yellow curtains (the only visible support
for the front wall).
North Campus, the best hope for aesthetic
salvation, is being developed in a style which
can only be termed "factory modern." Nothing
can be done to save the central campus, a
combination of the worst in modern and tradi-
tional architecture. North Campus may yet be
seen not as an industrial complex, but as a
part of a University. Sensitivity and economy
are not incompatible.
Meanwhile, let's just laugh.

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.HorrTor in a M ulr Gein

Neutral, United Germany
ealistic Approach to Problem

[E EAST-WEST wrangle over the pro-
I summit meeting the issue of German
cation has been somewhat obscured. The
:al overtones of the American-Soviet
e 'have made a realistic approach to the
n, problem even more difficult to
solution that appears most feasible at
esent time can be found in the Soviet
of a neutralized, reunited Germany.'
st step in a plan of reunification would
recognition of the East German Demo-
Republic. The dislike for such action can
>e overestimated if a study is concerned
rely' with the statements of Adenauer
s close associates. When carrying the
h to the West German people as a whole,
on becomes aware that West German
r support for such a move would, not
ifficult to muster as the casual observ-
d to believe.
' organized groups have voiced their,
approval of steps taken by the Adenauer
nent to bolster the defense of the West.
nification gets no closer the massive
n behind Adenauer has begun to dis-
be. In 1955, both the Refugee Party and
emocratic Party split away. As Ade-
parliamenta'ry basis narrows, the Chan-
vill face more and more difficulty in
g about the fulfillment of Germany's
s to her allies. The value of Germany
West is exceedingly questionable under
Germany is coming more and more to
that, although the West has given her
.nty, economic recovery and now nu-
eapons, only the Soviets can give her
'he current Russian insistence that the
t problem must be worked out between
Germanies has set the stage for West
y's recognition of East Germany and
ed the way for a concrete proposal to
e by West Germany to East Germany.
aposal could consist of an offer of the
i neutralization demanded by the Rus-

sians in trade for unity provided by the re-
lease of East Germany by the Soviets. The re-
lease of East Germany would be the primary
demand but free elections in several of the
satellite's such as Hungary and Poland could
be used as a bargaining factor in the negotia-
From a rational view of Western security a
neutralized Germany can be no worse than the
Germany of today whose West German forces
will have little or no restraining effect on Rus-
sion aggression in Europe and whose 17,000,-
000 East German people would be forced to
be a part of that aggression.
THE SYMPATHY of a neutralized Germany
would be unquestionably with the West.
The resistence against the Communist rulers
in East Germany is not something imagined.
The fact that the young people of East Ger-
many, the principal target of pro-Sviet propa-
ganda, also provide the strongest to the Com-
munist regime is of vital importance when con-
sidering the future. Workers of East Germany
revolt against, the unacceptable working and
living conditions provided by the Communists.
The supervision by the government of all so-.
cial and religious activities increases the ten-
The position of Adenauer is one of unyield-
ing opposition to neutralization. It appears
'doubtful that this is to be taken as the true
sentiment of all West Germany and her West-
ern allies.
In any case it can only be hoped that Ade-
nauer and the West will come around to
acknowledge that the freedom of 17,000,000
people, the moving back of the Russian fron-
tier, and the only real chance for a true all-
Germany democracy lie in. acceptance of such
a plan. After the initiative is taken by West
Germany it will be up to Russia to decide that
the friendship of the whole German state is
better than the domination of part' and the
hostility of all. A more healthy Europe and a
major step toward world peace is the harvest
waiting to be reaped.

Last night, the M i c h i g a n
Theatre was the scene of a double
horror affair; a thing of dread-
ful delight for stout-hearted on-
lookers. Timid members of the
audience cringed under seats for
nearly three hours, afforded a
temporary respite from the hor-
ror on the screen only by a banal
"Horror of Dracula" turns out
to be another rehash of the vam-
pire story. Count Luigi Dracula
rambles through his draughty
castle, catching cold and fright-
ening the townspeople. Then a
young mystic drops in, to clean
up this evil mess. To Dracula's
annoyance, the mystic spikes a
bosomy young apprentice vam-
pire. But fair play triumphs, when
Dracula eats the mystic for
lunch, and his fiance for dinner.
After numerous blood-lettings,
a wise physician, composer, and

writer, named Ludwig Amadeus
Goethe drives the traditional
stake through the hearts of the
vampires, one and' all, while ten-
der-hearted girls in the audience
shed a tear for poor Dracula, who
loved in vein.
* *
WHAT could possibly follow
Dracula ,on this high, wide, and
deep screen, but "The Thing That
Couldn't Die"? The film opens
with a sweet young girl out look-
ing for water, with her magical
dip stick. Only when the boys
dig, they find a treasure chest.
Who could guess what's in this
decrepit old chest? Spanish Doub-
loons? A Course Evaluation Hand-
book? Brigitte's Bosom? No, it's
just an old head.
Oddly enough, all who look
upon this head promptly come
under its control. The head is
looking for a body which is also

buried. This seems reasonable
enough, granted a few preposter-
ous assumptions. Eventually the
body is unearthed too, and the
two come together with a loud
metallic clank.
A visiting archaeologist discerns
that this split personality dates
from 1529 when it was beheaded
by Sir Francis Drake, (no rela-
tion to Alfred Drake, Mandrake
the Magician, or Drake Duane)
for being naughty in his manor.
After gasps of horror all around,
a thoughtful young fellow con-
fronts the, spectre with an en-
chanted piece of petrified Union
food, and they both crumble to
Neither of these atrocities is
particularly frightening, but they
are staged well and provide good
background music for hand-
-David' Kessel

he rides off on his motorcycle and
Chou. It's "just for fun," though,
with an actor playing the priest
and photographers in the choir
Apparently going through the
mock marriage persuades Chou-
Chou that she ought to try it for
real. Patrice has come back, es-
corted by Judy. Chou-Chou takes
him up on his marriage proposal
of the night before. He refuses,
however, pointing out that she
and Michel actually love one an-.
other on a subconscious level.
Patrice's assessment is vindi-
cated in the end, as Michel tells
Chou-Chou he has "loved her
since the moment he saw her
Perhapsesince before h" But
before this moment arrives and
the two depart on a happy, pho-
tographer-less honeymoon, Chou,
Chou gets quite upset and decides
half a marriage is better than
none. Luckily, this thought comes
to her in the middle of the night,
when the only willing fellow in
the whole house is locked in his
room. So Chou-Chou remains pure,
in the only really funny scene in
the whole film.
SO MUCH for the plot. "And
God Created Woman" was at least
in technicolor, but this one has
black-and-white photography
comparable to that in "Abbott and
Costello Meet Frankenstein." One
hundred musicians who couldn't
make Mantovani keep playing
some song which sounds not quite
like "The Unchained Melody." The
dialogue doesn't sound too bad but
the subtitles read like French One
There are some short items on
the same bill. The cartoon isn't
good, but the story of Donald
Campbell breaking the water bar-
rier on Lake Mead is interesting
and the three pantomimes tby
Marcel Marceau are excellent. But
"The Bride is Much Too Beautiful"
is too ugly to be true. ,
.-Thomas Turner
A dventure;f
W ITH ONLY three cartridges in
his rifle,tStewart Granger is
conquering the Dark Continent
three times a day at the State.
The outstanding feature of "King
Solomon's Mines" is its excellent
wildlife photography, although it
may be disappointing to see
Granger prove that the "blood-
maddened beasts . . . lusting for
helpless prey" billed outside the
theatre are not lusting for ,the
human variety.
It all starts when Deborah Kerr,
described in the book by the same
name as a grey-haired, middle-
aged Englishman, tells white-
hunter Granger that she wants to
seek her lost husband in the midst
of the African jungle.
He doesn't want to go, but she
is willing to pay; he goes. The
hunter's task is simple: namely, to
find the lost diamond mine of
King Solomon since that is what
Miss Kerr's husband had set out
to rediscover.
*s * *
AT THIS point Granger applies
psychology to the whole mess and
the movie ceases to be an fantasy
and becomes a farce. He moves
through the usual African trails
of manhood with grace and hu-
He frightens a rhinoceros, swats
away a deadly spider, survives 'a
stampede on the plains, outwits
a murderer, enable a rebellion to
be incited against tyranny, finds
the lost mine, swims an under-

ground river and woofs his cookies.
The total effect was enhanced
by a loudspeaker system which
periodically flattened the viewer
to his seat.
* * *
THE SECOND half of the bill Is
the second re-run of the double
feature: "Seven Brides for Seven
Starring Howard Keel and Jane
Powell, this musical-comedy could
have been made into quite a nice
show by eliminating Howard Keel
and Jane Powell.
The plot itself concerns the
heart-warming tale of seven


Debt of Members to Council Discussed

poor Michel has to "marry" Cho

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which the,
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
tal responsibility. Notices should be
before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form" to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
-FRIDAY, MAY 23, 195.
General Notices
Because of an error in assembling the
material for the Honors Convocation
program, the name of Bernard William ;
Wehring was omitted. The Honors Con-
vocation Committee sincerely regrets
this error and offers its apology to Mr.
Student Accounts: Your attention.
is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting on =e
Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all
accounts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of eah se-
mesterx or summer session. 'Student
Loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; however,.
students loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accountsaat the close of
business on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the Uni-
versity and "(a) All academic credits
will be withheld, the grades for the
semester or summer session just com-
pleted will not be released, and no
transcript of credits will be issued. (b)
All students owing such accounts will
not be allowed to register in any sub-
sequent semester, or- summer sesson;
until payment has been made."
Commencement Instructions to Fac-
ulty Members: Convene at 4:15 p.m. in
the first floor lobbyoithe Admin.
Bldg. Buses will be provided in frnt ,
of the Admin. Bldg. on State St. to
take you to the Stadium or Yost Field
House to join the procession and to#
take the place assigned to you on stage,.
as directed by the marshals; at the end
of the exercises buses will be ready in
driveway east of the Stadium or at west;
side of Field House to bring you back
to the campus.
Distribution of Diplomas: If the ex-
ercises are held in the Stadium, diplo-
mas for all1 graduates, excepting the"
School of Dentistry, will be distributed
from designated stations under the
east stands of the Stadium, imme-
diately after the exercises. The diplo-
ma distribution stations are on the
level above the tunnel entrance.
If, however, the exercises, are held
in the Yost Field House, all diplomas,;
excepting those of Medical School and
the School of Dentistry will be dis-e;4
tributed from the windows of the
Cashier's Office and the Office of
Registration and Records in the lobby
of the Admin. Bldg. Following the
ceremony diplomas may be called for
until! 9:00 p.m.
Commencement Exercises - June 14,
1958: To be held at 5:30 p.. either in
the Stadium or Yost Field House, d-
pending on the weather. Exercises will
conclude about 7:30 p.m.
Those eligible to participate: Grad-
uates of Summer Session of 95 and
Df February and June, 1958. Gradu-
ates of the Summer Session of 1958 and'
of February 1959 are not supposed to .
participate; however, no checkis ma'-
of those taking part in the ceremony,
but no tickets are available for those
In these classifications.
Tickets: For Yost Field House: Two
to each prospective graduate, to be
distributed from Tues., June 3, to 12
noon on Sat., June 14, at Cashier's Of-
rice, first floor of Admin. Bldg.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary.
Children not admitted unless aceom-.
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented
at Moe Sport Shop, N. Univ. Ave., Ann
Assembly for Graduates: At 4:30 p.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be
held in Yost Field House, graduates
should go directly there and be seated
by Marshals.
Spectators: Stadium - Enter by Main
St. gates only. All'should be seated by
5:00 p.m., when procession 'enters field.
Yost Field House: Only those holding
tickets can be admitted owing to lack
of space. Enteron, State St., opposite
McKinley Ave.
Alumni Reunions: Headquarters at
Alumni Memorial Hall. Registration ou
June. 12, 13 and 14.
Alumni Luncheon: Sat., June 14, 12
noon in Waterman Gym. Admission of,
alumni by badge. Relatives And friends'
for location expires August.10 3) Addi-
tional Season Ticket purchase privi-
tege (limit 2) expires August 10
Conditions an dPrivileges: 1) Athletio
Cards or tickets are not transferable;

2) Ticket privileges end with termina-
tion of employment with the Univer-
sity and no refunds or rebates will be
made; 3) 'Football' tickets issued on
Athletic Cards will be stamped.sFaculty
members must have their University
Identification Cards; and spouses and
dependents must have their athletic
cards together with their football tick-
ets to gain admission at the gate; 4)
by tickets provided at Alumni head-
Graduation Announcements, Invita-

Nehru OpensEyes

Daily Staff Writer
MEMBERS' Time is one of the
last items on the Student
Government Council agenda -
only announcements and adjourn-
ment follow - and members are
usually quite tired by then.
But this chance for each mem-
ber to speak informally on any
subject can be very valuable, both
to members and to constituents.
Wednesday night, for example, a
major portion of Members' Time
concerned the role of SGC and of
its members while the meeting to
that time had displayed anything
but awareness of these roles.
The talks began to the left of
President Maynard Goldman and
moved counterclockwise as is cus-
tomary. Administrative Vice-Pres-
ident Jo Hardee spoke first.
Miss Hardee reiterated a point
State Superintendent of Public
Instruction Lynn Bartlett had
made earlier, that student leaders
should remain interested in poli-
tics past graduation if they are to
alleviate the problems facing edu-
SHE COMPARED this obliga-
tion to that of SGC members to
bring back ideas from this sum-
mer's National Student Associa-
tion conference. Too often, she
said, delegates to the conference
have a good time but there is no
This statement and that of
Bartlett point out what has been
a major weakness in SGC. Dur-
ing meetings members show genu-
ine concern with issues facing
them, but during the week be-
tween meetings few bother to con-
sult students for their opinion or
even to go over carefully reports
and motions given them prepara-
tory to the meeting.

"making each tryout feel he has
a place on SGC" as part of this
philosophy, but a subsequent
point was well-taken.
Council members, Seasonwein
said, should approach members of
the Public Relations Committee
before next Tuesday's meeting
and discuss the tryout plans with
A similar point, equally well-
taken, was made by League Presi-
dent Bobbie Maier. "So much of
the time," she charged, "we fail
to find out what the facts 'are."
Miss Maier suggested specifi-
cally calling in experts to address
the Council. This idea should
supplementsbut not replace the
research President Maynard
Goldman told the Council in his
prospectus for the year they are
obligated to carry out.
Scott Chrysler concerned him-
self with the other general point:
the role of SGC on campus. The
Council was "not thinking big"
in approving J-Hop plans similar
to last year's, he charged.
"There is something socially
wrong with an I-M fBuilding
dance," Chrysler declared, "there
is noting elite, gracious or even
nice about it." He characterized
the atmosphere of a League
dance, on the other hand, as more
like that of a country club.
Chrysler concluded his talk
with perhaps the most valid point,
that the Council had not consid-
ered the J-Hop budget in the con-
text of past and future J-Hops
and other dances. "Would a good
J-Hop at the League stimulate
other J-Hops?" he asked. "Would
it stimulate other League dances?"
DAVID KESSEL continued the
discussion of the role of SGC as
a whole. He explained he had just
returned from a meeting of the
Board in Control of Student Pub-

the Council to reconsider the
value of a course book.
Union President Barry Shapiro
stressed the obligation of each
Council member to say and vote
as he thinks.
"The good of the campus is im-
portant," he said, "especially since
student opinion is anti-SGC." Too
often, Shapiro continued, SGC
"takes the easy way out" on con-
troversial issues.
He also criticized Goldman in
this context, saying the chairman
should expedite the meeting less
and allow more expression of
members' opinions.
Goldman, unfortunately, inter-
preted this criticism personally,
particularly that of Kessel who
had acused him of using a "par-
liamentary trick" in cutting off
debate on the booklet. Goldman
said that if the Council is not sat-,
isfied with the way he runs meet-
ings he will resign.
This'misses the point. The poor
precedent of reconsidering past
actions is far less important than
the financial loss and damage to
Council prestige which would re-
sult from an unsuccessful course
booklet. Goldman has committed.
himself to following Robert's
Rules of Order closely but the
sooner he sees that a balance
must be maintained the better off
the Council will be.
ALSO speaking in Members'
Time, Bert Getz presented a fac-
tual report rather than his views
on what 'the Council should be.
Getz reported that his commit-
tee on student parking is meeting
Tuesday with Vice-President in
Charge of Student Affairs James
A. Lewis and Vice-President in
Charge of Business and Finance
Wilbur Pierpont on using parking
rules income to build parking fa-
A multi-layer parking struc-
ture. Getz exolained, would cost

Associated Press News Analyst
ME MINISTER NEHRU of India has been
ng some pondering without waiting for
cation in the Himalayas.
will recall that "Mr. India" tried to
his official duties the other day so he
do more thinking.
Congress party, prime mover in the
nent for independence from Britain, went
t flap. It didn't have anyone to replace
t a time when serious political opposition
eginning to make itself felt.
ru was primarily disturbed by signs of
ence in the party. He wanted to study its
ms, and its relationship to the problems
ia. It was a program entirely natural
e disciple of Gandhi.
he has agreed to remain in office, but
ke a vacation, carrying his problems to

have been taking advantage of Congress party
troubles to push their own interests, and to
assert themselves more- vocally in world com-
NEHRU HAS TRIED to consider Indian af-
fairs within the limits of India, becoming
the world's chief exponent of neutralism in the,
cold war while being rough with the Com-
munists at home.
Then the Indian Communists joined the
other Kremlin followers in their recent attacks
on Titoism in Yugoslavia.
Nehru's head popped out of the sand.
Why, he said, here are these Indian Com-
munists, influenced by outsiders, interfering in
the internal affairs of another country.
Shoving into the background all the sweet
words from Moscow to which he has listened, he
went on:

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