ARCHITECTURAL CIRCUS AT THE UNIVERSITY See Page 4 Y Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom :43att,- I- CONTINUED FAIR, COOL ,,,. XrV 11kA I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1958 FIVE CENTS MUtr pivm Nn I SV Li. Lle LY0. 107! J. '- - nch Troops, inisians Clash Premier Pflimlin Faces New Crisis; Algerian Revolt Remains Unsettled By The Associated PressĀ° UNIS-Gun fighting blazed yesterday between lingering French al forces and Tunisian troops after a French jet fighter dropped b at Gafsa airfield in central Tunisia. pparently there was no casualties in several ensuing shooting nts. fficial sources said last night the Tunisian ambasador in Wash- , Mongi Slim, is being told to complaintoraUnited Nations SSecretary General Dag. Hammar- skjold that France has created a dangerous International situation in this republic. Adjoins Algeria This country adjoins Algeria, where French military and colonial rightists are in power in defiiance of the Paris government. There was no immediate indi- cation that Tunisia would appeal to the United Nations Security Council. Protests addressed to the secretary general usually are cir- culated among the member na- tions. President. Habib Bourbuiba himself broke the news of the bomb dropping and followup fight- ing. PAUL D. BAGWELL Republican candidate ax System 1ondem ed Bagwell 0/ By BARTON HUTHWAITE Michigan's "hodge - podge" tax structure was vigorously attacked yesterday by Republican guberna- torial nomination candidate Paul -D. Bagwell In a speech before high-ranking Washtenaw county GOP leaders, Bagwell blamed present taxation programs for rapidly declining in- dustrial growth in the state. "Industry is being driven to neighboring states by the Gov- ernor's attitude and policy," he said. Michigan's industrial manu- facturing taxes are eight times' higher than Ohio and six and one- half times higher than Illinois, Bagwell said. Calls for New Plan The 44 year old Michigan State University professor called for a "long-range" program to restore industrial jobs in Michigan and redilce unemployment. "Unemployment wouldn't be twice that of the national average if such a plan were in effect," he said. SComparing union support of political candidates and parties to a "Big Brother" concept, Bagwell said this type of society has no place in the United States. 'Exercise Rights' ,Bagwell called on union mem- bers to "think fora themselves and exercise their fundamental rights as citizens." "The rank and file union mem- ber should not have to pay dues for the support of a party they have chosen to vote against," he said. Condemning government by "Proxy," Bagwell cited Governor William's 205 days spent away from the legislature as evidence of "'moral irresponsibility." Criticizes Governor Michigan ,needs a "full{- time" govenor in these critical times, he said. ?"The govenor is using the legislature as a foil for political purposes," he added. Commenting on the Republican party's chances in the forthcoming elections, Bagwell said the GOP's "dynamic conservatism" is the answer to Michigan's present plight. SBX To Collect Durin Finals Student Book Exchange will col- lect books from students interested in selling them from May 30 to June 10, according to Student Book Exchange Manager Bob Accuse Tunisia But last night tht French said fighting blazed up in a new elash late in the day at a desert pasis near Gafsa airfield. The French accused Tunisia of starting hostilities. Meanwhile in France, Premier Pierre Pfiimlin was saddled with .new crisis while trying to deal with Algerian attempts to force out colonial troops. Pinay Mediates Former Premier Antoine Pinay, a conservative independent, took up a mediation role. Apparently a self-appointed go-between, he drove to General Charles de Gaulle's country home. He and the general talked for an' hour and 45 minutes, presumably about what de Gaulle might be willing to do toward bringing peace in France. Then Pinay drove back to Paris and confeiired -'with Pfiimlin for almost an hour. Pinay told news- men on leaving he had found de Gaulle "extremely open, very affable," and his general impres- sion of their talks was very good. Approve Amendments Pfiimlin's Cabinet approved a series of proposed constitutional amendments intended to strength- en the executive branch and thus take some of the wind out of General Charles de Gaulle's sails. The ministers gave Pflimlin au- thority to make adoption of the amendments an. issue of confi- dence-meaning the government will stand or fall on the outcome in Parliament. They decided to seek a showdown in the National Assembly Tuesday., POSTAGE: Congress Approves Rate aHike WASHINGTON W) - A 37-0 House vote yesterday put it up to President Dwight D. Eisenhower whether to raise postal rates by 550 million dollars a year. 1 The unanimous vote completed congressional action on a bill that, in addition to raising postal rates, would increase postal employes' pay by 380 million dollars a -year. If President Eisenhower signs the bill before the month is out, the cost of mailing a first class letter will increase on Aug. 1 from the present three cents to four cents. It will cost seven cents, in- stead of six, for anairmail let- ter and three cents, instead of two, for a postcard. Second Class Mail Rates on second class mail - newspapers and magazines - would be raised 60 per cent on the advertising content and 30 per cent on the editorial portion of a publication. This would take ef- fect in three annual 20 and 10 per cent jumps with the first one com- ing next January. Third class - largely advertis- ing circulars - rates would be in- creased 66.6 per cent in two steps., The bulk piece rate would go up from one and one-half to two cents next Jan. 1 and to two and one-half cent's July 1, 1960. ' The administration has been trying for years to get rates raised, so as to reduce' the annual deficit shown in Post Office Department operations. Talk of Veto However, this bill is 150 million dollars short of what President Eisenhower asked in revenue and 220 million more than he sought in pay raises. While there has been some talk of a veto, one senator said that PostmasterGenal Summerfield urgently asked President Eisen- hower last Monday to sign the measure. Most postal workers will get a 10 per cent pay raise, Atroactive to last Jan. 1 if the bill becomes law. 'U'Regents Meet Today Special to The Daily GAYLORD-The Board of Re- gents will discuss the University budget and appoint a new literary college dean this morning at Hid- den Valley, east of this city. The two matters will be con- sidered during the open session today, at which gifts and grants will also be accepted. The Regents met in closed session last night. Rejects Ra IHC Passes Cement .NwHosn Foot-high letters on the Uni- New Housing versity's new plaza advise pass- ers-by to "break along dotted"* line" , Applieations The line referred to is paint- ed diagonally across the con- crete slab which has replaced The Inter-House Council yester- the Romance Languages Bldg. day approved a report by its Inte- Workmen yesterday ignored the gration Committee calling for a sign, and continued laying ce- revamping of the University's resi- ment sidewalks leading up to dence hall application blanks. the slab. The report rejected the validity Although a number of stu- of the application and "the rules dents said they felt the sugges- of thumb and intuition that the ion "a good idea, as of last housemothers use" as a basis for night no one had followed the "predicting and promoting social advice of the anonymous pro- adjustment and education"- in tester. The "little diag" re- mained untouched except by roommate asignments. paintbrushe Going even further, the report, p t sstated that "instead of trying to predict and manage adjustments before the student arrives, we felt ke O rders the University should concentrate more on helping the student come * to terms with the situation as he AiSafetfinds it" A three part application blank r*t ntion would be filled out before the Pree autions student arrived at the University and it would include basic infor- WASHINGTON(AP) -- President mation for such things as identi- Dwight D. Eisenhower, heeding fication purposes. demands for quick aectlon to re- The second "part would be filled duce the number of aircraft col- out after the student had arrived lisions in midair, issued orders at the University and would con- yesterday for an emergency safe- taininformation "principally for ty program, counseling purposes." The new air regulations, some of The final part would also be which will go into effect within filled out at the University and a few days, are designed to put would be used for the selection of tighter restrictions on the bullet- roommates. It would emphasize like flights of 'military aircraft to the applicant that he would be and keep them off civilian air- assigned to a roomp on a random lanes when they are engaged in basis unless he specificialy listed dangerous maneuvers. "strong preferences." At first, President Eisenhower IHC President Robert Ashton, intended to leave corrective mea- '59, contrasted the recommenda- sures to his Air Coordination tions with those of the Residence Committee, headed by Lt. Gen. Hall Board of Governors in so far Elwood R. Pete Quesada, a retired as "The Board protected the right Air Force officer. He had directed of people to choose but disregarded Quesada to start a study of the the right of people not to be dis- problem today. criminated against. Decides Steps "We tend to support the right. But later, after conferring, with of the people not to be discrimi- members of a House subcommit- nated against," he said. tee working on aviation safety, President Eisenhower decided on " d prompter steps. ivm .Chiin A five-point program was an- nounced at the White House by 7Ijf, Rep. Prince H. Preston (D-Ga.),H chairman of the House subcom- mittee. It provides for these R N O R O changes in flying regulations: Unannounced 1) Jet trainer aircraft flown by special to The Daily student pilots on civilian airways GAYLORD-Erich Walter, as- will be required to operate under sistant to University President instrument flight rules -IFR. Harlan Hatcher, said last night Change Requirements the University had received no 2) Military jet trainers when word from Madame Chiang Kai- traveling from higher to lower al- Shek concerning plans to come to titudes will be required to do so Ann Arbor this spring to accept an off civilian airways. honorary degree. 3) Itinerant cross-country, for Mme. Chiang was invited to re- example jet planes will be re- ceive a degree last year, Walter quired to file flight plans with the' said, and the invitation was re- CAA. extended three weeks ago. The 4) Jet trainer pilots making University has no knowledge of proficiency flights will be required the time of her arrival, but has to do so off the civilian airways. proposed several dates on which 5) Operation flights, as distin- she could receive the degree. guished from training flights, The government of Nationalist must be made on the civilian air- China announced yesterday morn- ways under IFR restrictions and ing that Mme. Chiang had left CAA control. Formosa for the United States. U' Governors Also pos Segregation Lewis Says Policy Will Prohibit Bias In Student Housin By WILLIAM RANSOM Rejecting "both segregation random placement," the ResidE Hall Board of Governors yester released with nearly unanin approval the report by its o mittee on roommate assignn practices. The report met only one senting vote. Released, also, were the res of two surveys of current roon signment practices in both m: and women's residence halls. -Daily-Robert Kanner DISCUSSING POETRY-Prof. John Ciardi (right) of Rutgers University, who spoke at the Hopwood Awards Ceremony, discusses literary technique with Daniel Jaffe, who won a major prize for his volumed of poetry. Residence Poetry Expresses Itsel f. BySleneCiardi Sayos. By KATHLEEN MOORE "How the poem expresses itself around the silences inside it" is of major importance, Prof. John Ciardi of Rutgers University said at the, Hopwood awards ceremony yesterday. His speech was followed by presentation of the Avery and Jule Hopwood awards. In every poem' there is a dividing point, Prof. Ciardi said, where the "poem seems to balance against itself." The balances, or "fulcrum points" are marked by a silence ', within the poem, he said. I p W i TV U .er Win V Respect Preferences The committee report em: s.zes a "policy of allowing studi to choose their own roomma through expressing preferences states that the expressed pre ences would be respected "so as it is administratively feas to do so. "If no preferences are expr ed," the report continues, "ass ments will be made accordini interests and living; habits pressed in the application." "What we are saying," V President for Student Affairs Board chairman James A. Di pointed out, "is. that we holdt the right of an individual to ch his own roommate, but with preferences expressed, and we not foster the practice of segr tion. Hall Boar ndom Selectio Defines Structure He defined poetic structure by saying, "A poem is one part" against another across a silence." After the silence, he explained, the poet has changed either his atti- tude toward' his subject, or the tone of the poem. He said the "technical change* may be slight, but unless one- registers it, he is not taking part in the poem." One zannot separate the intricate balance of a poem from its content, he continued. Prof. Ciardi used specific poems in discussing the points at which a poem balances itself. The "si- lence" may come in the middle of the poem, at any point within the structure of the poem, or may not be a part of the structure at all. Silence Used "A truncated poem" which moves at a constant, unvarying rate has no "internal pauses" he said, but the silence is still present. The poem "launches itself to rest," letting the fulcrum point come just after it ends, he said. This type of poem, Prof. Ciardi ex- plained, "uses its following silence to moralize." Some poets, he said, fail to use the "truncated poem." Often a poet "tacks on" a moral that les- sens the effect of the poem. A poet who does this, Prof. Ciardi con- tinued, "has used up and thrown away all his silence." Hop woods NINE KILLED: National Guardsmen, 'Rioters Clash in Panama City, Colon r c i f 7 S A i i l PANAMA (P)-Panama troops snipers yesterday and bottled up st Colon. Government spokesmen said or of fighting in the capital of this repu canal zone. Nine persons were killed and fighting here between National Gua a rampage of destrution. The gov-0 ement claimed snipers killed the victims, including, women and youths. Several National Guardsmen were among the wounded.m There were not reports of cas- ualties at Colon, second largest city in the country, at the Carib- bean entrance to the canal. Other sections of the country were reported quiet. The riots came in the midst of the threat of a general strike at midnight yesterday. The govern- ment met that threat and the ac- companying riots with declaration of a state of siege-modified mar- tial law. Amid indications the govern- ment was ready to impose press and radio censorship, there were reports the afternoon opposition newspaper Nacion was forced tor close and its editor, Manual Maria Valdes, was jailed, battled destructive rioters and udent demonstrators here and in der was being restored after hours ublic astride the United States-run at least 61 injured in hours of ardsmen and rioters who went on Winners of the annual Avery and Jule Hopwood Contest in cre- ative writing were announced yes- terday. Hopwood Awards, the largest cash awards for creative writing in the country, were given to 18 students for work in four areas: fiction, poetry, dramatic writing and the essay.) Seniors and graduate students competed for major awards. Un- dergraduates were eligible to com- pete for minor awards. Winners in the major fiction category were Mary Owen Rank, Grad., fora novel; and Edwin C. S. Sauter, Grad., and Padma Hejmadi, Grad., for short story collections. Major poetry awards were pre- sented to Nancy Willard, '58, for a collection of poems, and Daniel F. Jaffe, Grad., and Laurence Lieberman, Grad., for their vol- umes of 'poetry. In the major drama division, winners were David Newman, '58, for a collection of short plays, Jane Miller, Grad., for a comedy and John Szucs, Grad., for a long play. R ecipienis of major essay awards were Nancy Willard, '58, for a group of essays, Bernard K. Waldrop, Grad., for a critical vol- ume and Martha B. Stiles, Grad., for a group 'of critical essays. 'Minor fiction awards were given to Louis Megyesi, '60, Florence Wiselogle, '59, Sarah Drasin, '59, and Joseph I. Dassin, '60. Winners of minor poetry awards were Donald Howard, '60, Jay G.' Hamburg, '61 and Elaine Duber- stein, '61. A minor drama award was pre- sented to Donald Howard, '60. Ardussi Wins, Essay Contest First prize of $400 was awarded yesterday to W. Philip Ardussi, '58E, for his entry in the Cooley Essay Contest at the University. The subject of the contest, open only to undergraduates in the en- rineering school, was "Right to Expects 'New Look' "I'm satisfied that the who] experience this year has led us t a greater awareness and under standing of the problem," he add ed, "and next fall there should bt a 'new-look' in dormitory integra tion at the University." Dean of Men Walter B. Rea in. dicated that his office would begi "to study our present forms an See full texts of Board of Governors report, Page 6, and IHC report, Page 8. procedures so as to demonstrat the influence of this philosoplh on our practical application." He pointed out it would still b necessary to obtain pertinent in formation from the applicant 1 aid in finding the type of roon mate he desires., The major prol lem, he said, is to obtain th needed information in a manne that would not be offensive to ti applicant. The report will have little affe on the implementation of assign ment policy in' women's dorm tories, according to Dean of Won en Deborah Bacon. "It becomes an academic que tion," she said, "as only 1.5% incoming freshman girls are of minority racial group3." She al known as "Michel," is beginni: See GOVERNORS, Page 8 Panhel Alters Assessments For Women Per capita dues for affiliat women were assessed at one do lar by Panhellenic Association< yesterday's meeting. In previous, years, Panhel b assessed a standard rate of $20 each sorority house, ' and t house has divided the amou among its members. An avera cost could run approximately cents per member, according Penny Reynolds, '59, a Panhelle ic delegate. Along these lines, Miss Reynob said that she didn't see why Pa hel should raise dues from cents to a dollar without attemp Speech Department Opens New Theater' By JEAN HARTWIG The speech department will open its new arena theater today with a spring playbill of four one-act plays. Surrounded on' three sides by green curtains, with a 16-foot modernistic mural covering the fourth wall, the theater has seats for the audience surrounding the central arena-style stage. An elevator running from one end of the arena to the stage of the Trueblood Auditorium located directly above, will eventually be used for equipment for a scene workshop, according to Thomas D. Skinner of the speech department. To Purchase Seats Although the audience for -the current playbill will be seated on folding chairs, the speech department plans to purchase arena theater seats that will be adjustable according to level and number of rows, he added. "Students from the department's stagecraft course did most of the work during their regular laboratory periods," Richard Schiller, S'59, a member of the student staff said. "The curtains and lights are all new," he said. "But we're risking mr +l4 i-d av+fs o ths inhhnaAfrom the oion Onera." he added.