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May 22, 1958 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-05-22

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N e w ac hi
Single Copic
A new machine, "Copyflo
erox," for making single copies
all books and ddcuments was
veloped recently for extensive
e by the firm of University Re-
nt Eugene B. Power, of Ann Ar-
The machine prints the books
,pidly from microfilm negatives
t costs a little higher than those
uarged in bookstores.
Publishing firms have to print
,11o oser
'o Attend
world Fair

ie Produees
s of Books,
500 or more copies of.a book re-
gardless of the demand for the
book in order to bring publishing
costs down, Regent Power ex-
plained. "Now one copy at a time
can be printed as a need arises
with the only sizeable investment
being the purchasing of the nega-
tive" he added.
Aid to Libraries
The new process will be of aid
to libraries in obtaining out-of
print copies of books or in mak-
ing new copies of worn-out books
at a price they can afford.
Prof. Frederick H. Wagman, di-
rector of University Libraries
commented, "This new technique
promises to be one of the most
important developments in li-
brary technology in many years.a
"Xerox" can turn out a 250-
page book in three minutes, exclu-
sive of the binding, at three cents
per page as compared to the two
and one half cents charged in
The firm has a collection of
titles for thousands of negatives
of rare and out-of-print books ink
its vaults which can now be print-
ed as soon as a call for one of
them arises. Included in this col-
lection is a large number of booksI
printed in -England before 1700,
several printed in America before
1870 and some 26,000 doctoral dis-
Prints on Any Paper t
The machine prints directly
from film onto any quality papert
fed from a continuous roll at highc
speed. The firm is now printing
books on permanent alpha cellu-
lose sheets if it is so desired.
"Microfilm can serve the sames
purpose at lower costs," Power
said, "but the equipment needed
to use the film cannot- be easilyI
transported. The new process ist
much more practical."
"Microfilm will, however, con-,k
tinue to be the best means ofc
preserving newspapers, periodi-t
cals and other bulky publications
and for solving storage problems
for quantities of materials. It ist
still perfect for use as an inter-
mediary for other types of repro-E
ductins," he added.F
Blood, Bosco
Given Grants
Fulbright grants ~ have been
awarded to two University facul-t
ty members, Robert O. Blood, Jr.,t
and Frederick J. Bosco.- m
Professor Blood of the sociologyt
department, will leave after sum-
mer session for Tokyo, where het
will work with the Tokyo Univer-c
sity of Education conducting re-
sea'rch on changing huband-wifet
patterns among the more west-
ernized Japanese.
Accompanied by his wife ande
four sons, Prof. Blood will returnr
to the University in the fall ofc
Bosco, who has a teaching fel-
lowship in the English Language
'Institute, will teach English at
the University of Rome and the
Council of American Studies ine
Rome next year.t

(Continued from Page 4)
reserved seat at each home football
game and general admission to basket-
ball, track, wrestling, and baseball, as
Long as seats are available.
Commencement Exercises - June 14,
1958: To be held at 5:30 p.m. either in
the Stadium or Yost Field House,rde-
pending on the weather. Exercises will
conclude about 7:30 p.m.
Those eligible to participate: Grad-
uates of Summer Session of 1957 and
of February and June, 1958. Gradu-
ates of the Summer Session of 1958 and
of February 1959 are not supposed to
participate; however, no check is made
of those taking part in the ceremony,
but no tickets are available for those
in these classifications.
Tickets: For Yost Field House: Two
to each prospective graduate, to be
distributed from Tues., June 3, to 12
noon on Sat., June 14, at Cashier's Of-
fice, first floor of Admin. Bldg.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary.
Children not admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented
at Moe Sport Shop, N. Univ. Ave., Ann
Assembly for Graduates: At 4:30 p.m.
)n area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be
held in Yost Field House, graduates
should go directly there and be seated
by Marshals.
Spectators: Stadium - Enter by Main
St gates only. All should be seated by
5:00 p.m., when procession enters field.
Yost Field House: Only those holding
tickets can be admitted owing to lack
of space. Enter on State St., Opposite
McKinley Ave.
Alumni Reunions: Headquarters at
Alumni Memorial Hall. Registration on
June 12, 13 and 14.
Alumni Luncheon: Sat., June 14, 12
noon in Waterman Gym. Admission of
alumni by badgd. Relatives and friends
for location expires August 10; 3) Addi-
tional Season Ticket purchase privi-'
tege (limit 2) expires August 10
Conditions an dPrivieges: 1) Athletic'
Cards or tickets are not transferable;'
2) Ticket privileges end with termina-
tion of employment with the Univer-
sity and no refunds or rebates will be
made; 3) Football tickets issued on
Athletic Cards will be stamped. Faculty
members must have their University,
Identification Cards; and spouses and
dependents must have their athletic
cards together with their football tick-
ets to gain admission at the gate; 4)
by tickets provided at Alumni head-
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student
Commencement Programs: To be dis-
tributed at Stadium or Yost Field
Housing: Alumni should apply atF
Registration Desk, Alumni Memorialj
Hall, all others at Residence Halls Of-
fice in the Admin. Bldg.
Doctoral Degree Candidates who at-<
tend the commencement exercises are
entitled to receive a Ph.D. or other
appropriate doctor's degree hood. Those
receiving a Ph.D. hood during the cere-j
mony may exchange it for the appro-
priate degree hood under the East
Stand immediately after the ceremony,
or at the office of the Diploma Clerk,1
Admin. Bldg.1
Commencement Instructions to Fac-
ulty Members: Convene at 4:15 p.m. in
the first floor lobby in the Admin.
Bldg. Buses will be provided in front
of the 'Admin. Bldg. on State St. to'
take you to the Stadium or Yost Field
House to join the procession and toj
take the place assigned to you on stage,
as directed by the marshals; at the end
of the exercises buses will be ready in
driveway east of the Stadium or at west1
side of Field House to bring you bak1
to the campus.
Distribution of Diplomas: If the ex-
ercises are held in the Stadium, diplo-
mas for all graduates, excepting the
School of Dentistry, will be distributed1
from designated stations under the1
east stands of the Stadium, imme-I
diately after the exercises. The diplo-
ma distribution stations are on the
Level above the tunnel entrance.
If, however, the exercises are held
In the Yost Field House, all diplomasI
excepting those of Medical School andI
the School of Dentistry will be dis-
tributed from the windows of the1

Cashier's Office and the Office of
Registratio nand Records in the lobby
of the Admin. Bldg. Following the
ceremony diplomas may be called for
until 9:00 p.m.
Student Accounts: Your attention
Is called to the following rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting on
Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all
accounts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each se-
mester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; however,
students loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes will
be reported to the Cashier of the Uni-
versity and "(a) All academic credits
will be withheld, the gades for the
semester or summerhsession just com-
pleted will not be released, and no
transcript of credits will be issued. (b)
All students owing such accounts will
not be allowed to register in any sub-
sequent semester or summer session
until payment has been made."
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for the
coming weekend:
May 22: Tappan International House.
May 24: Chi Epsilon, Michigan Chris-
tian Fellowship.
Hopwood Lecture: John Ciardi, poet
and critic, will lecture on "The Si-
lences of the Poem" at 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., May 22, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The lecture will be followed
by the presentation of the annual Hop-
wood Awards.
Lecture: "Recent Discoveries of the
Mesolithic and Early Bronze Ages of
Israel." Dr. Jean Perrot, French Na-
tional Center for Scientific Research.
Fri., May 23, 8:00 p.m., Rm. 3024, Univ.
Museums Bldg.
Lecture: "Hatsore: A Hyksos Site in
Israel." Dr. Jean Perrot, French Na-
tional Center for Scientific Research.
Fri., May 23, 4:15 p.m., Kelsey Museum
of Archaeology.
Astronomy Department Visitors Night
Fri., May 23, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell
Hall. Prof. Lawrence H. Aller will speak
on "The Moon." After the lecture the
Student Observatory on the fifth floor
of Agell Hall will be open for inspec-
tion and for telescopic observations of
the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Children
welcomed, but must be accompanied
by adults.
The University of Michigan Sympho-
ny Band under the direction of Dr.
William D. Revelli will present an out-
door concert on the Diag at 7:15 p.m.
Thurs., May 22. In event of rain, the
concert will be held in Hill Auditorium.
The program will include stirring
marches, original contemporary works
for band, and music from several
Broadway musicals. Karl Wirt will ap-
pear as a trombone soloist with the
Band and Warren Jaworski will present
a vocal solo with band accompaniment.
Persons planning to attend the concert
are asked to bring blankets, for seat-
ing accommodations are limited.
Student Recital: Paul Moore, who
studies with Benning Dexter, will pre-
sent a piano recital at Rackham As-
sembly Hall at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., May 22.
Mr. Moore's recital, which is presented
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic, will include compositions by Bach,
Schumann, Bartok, Debussy and Cho-
pin, and will be open to the general
Academic Notices
Analysis Seminar: Prof. J.L. Ul1man
will speak on "Recent Results of
Nitsche on Harmonic Mappings." Meet-
ing is in Rm. 3010 Angell Hall, Thurs.,
May 22 at 3:10 p.m.
Interdepartmental seminar on Ap-
plied Meteorology: Engineering. Fri.,
May 23, 3:30 p.m.,-5500 E. Engrg. Bldg.
Robert W. Sanderson will speak on
"Snow Clearance Heating Systems" -
Chairman: Prof. Joseph R. Akerman.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Prof. Oscar Weser will continue his
talk on "A Classification Problem In-
volving Multinomias," Thurs., May 22.
3-5 p.m., Rm. 3201 Angell Hall.
Department of Aeronautical Engi-
neering presents an illustrated lecture
by Dr. Peter P. Wegener of the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, C.I.T., entitled
"Chemical Kinetics in Supersonic
Flows," 4 p.m., Fri., May 23 in Rm.
1042 E. Engrg. Bldg.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., May
23, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Free-
man D. Miller will speak on "Galaxy
Clustering and Interaction."
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet on Thurs., May 22, Rm. 246 W.E.,
4:10 p.m. Prof. C-S. Yih. Dept. of Engrg.

Mechanics, will continue his talk on
"Stratified Flows." Coffee in room 274
W.E. at 3:45 p.m.
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics Ito Social
Science: "On a Connection Between
Factor Analysis and Multidimensional
Unfolding." C.H. Coombs, Prof. of psy-
chology and R.C. Kao, Systems Devel-
opment Corp., Santa Monica, Calif.
Thurs., May 22, 3:30 p.m., Rm. 3217
Angell Hall. Coffee served in the Math
Common Rm. before seminar.
Doctoral Examination for Mary
Langevin Anderson, Botany; thesis: "A
Study of the Effects of Gamma Irra-,
diation (Cobalt-60) on Potato Plants
(Solanum tuberosum L.)", Thurs., May
22, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00
a.m. Chairman, F. G. Gustafson.
Doctoral Examination for Betty Rae
Carison, Psychology; thesis: "Parent-
Child Relationships and the Self-Con-
cept of Children," Thurs., May 22, 7611
Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
E. L. Kelly.
Doctoral Examination for Wilder
Crawford Clark, Psychology; thesis:
"Relations Between the Thresholds for
Single and Multiple Light Pulses,"
Thurs., May 22, 6625 Haven Hall, at
3:00 p.m. Chairman, H. R. Blackwell.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Martin Klein, Economics; thesis: "The
United Kingdom's 1947 Balance of Pay-
ments Crisis," Thurs., May 22, 2A Econ.
Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, C.F. Re-
Doctoral Examination for James
Richard Kramer, Geology; thesis: "The
System: Calcite-Dolomite in Sea
Water," Thurs., May 22, 4065 Natural
Science Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
L. I. Briggs.
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Cochran Royal, Psychology; thesis: "A;
Multidimensional Analysis of Percep-
tion of Emotion from Schematic Fa-
cial Expressions," Thurs., May 22, 7611
Haven Hall, at 8:00 a.m. Chairman, W.L.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Guy Bjorklund, Fisheries; thesis: "The
Biological Function of the Thyroid and
the Effect of Length of Day on the
Growth and Maturation of the Gold-
fish Carassius auratus (Linnaeus),"
Fri., May 23, 2126 Natural Science Bldg.
at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, J. E. Bardach.
Doctoral Examination for Barbara
Ruth Foster, Education; thesis: "Re-
ligious Values and Leadership Con-
cepts of Professional Church Workers,"
Fri., May 23, E. Council Rm., Rackham
Bldg., at 8:00 a.m. Co-chairmen, H.Y.
McClusky and Ronald Lippitt.

Doctoral Examination for LeoMeltzer,
Social Psychology; thesis: "Conse-
quences of the Joint Consideration of
Individual and Aggregate Data in Cor-
relational Social Research," Thurs.,
May 22, 3405 Mason Hall, 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, R. L. Kahn.
Doctoral Examination for Wilson
Raymond Mills, Sociology; thesis:
'Some Aspects of Economic Growth
and the Unequal Rates of Population
Increase of Large Standard Metropoli-
tan Areas,, 1940-1950," Thurs., May 22,
5607 Haven all, 8:30 a.m. Chairman,
A.H. Hawley.
Doctoral Examination for James
Frances Cahill, Fine Arts; thesis: "Wu
Chen, A Chinese Landscapist and bam-
boo Painter of the Fourteenth Cen-
tury," Fri., May 23, 205 Tappan Hall,
4:00 p.m. Chairman, Max Loehr.
Doctoral Examination for Andrew
James Karoly, Psychology; thesis: "Be-
havioral Tests of Rats under Chronic
Reserpine," Fri., May 23, 6625 Haven
Hall, 10:00 a.m. Chairman, C.J. Smith.
Doctoral Examination for Everett
Kleinjans, Education; thesis: "A De-
scriptive-Comparative Study Predict-
ing Interference for Japanese in Learn-
ing English Noun-Head Modification
Patterns," Fri., May 23, 4023 Univ. High
School, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, Robert
Doctoral Examination for Agnes Rose
Kugel, Botany; thesis: "Variation in
the Spiraea alba - latifolia Complex,"
Fri., May 23, 4142 Nat. Set. Bldg. 1:00
p.m. Chairman, R. McVaugh.
Doctoral Examination for Lucy Jane
Maddox, Library 'Science; thesis:
"Trends and Issues in American Li-
brarianship as Reflected in the Papers
and Proceedings of the American Li-
brary Association, 1876-1885," Fri., May
23, E. Council Rm., Rackham Bldg.,
2:00 p.m. Chairman, R. H. Gjelsness.

-Daily-Robert Kanner
... composer


Prof. Ross Lee Finney will leave
for Brussels Monday to attend the
w'orld premier of his "Fantasy in
Two Movements for Solo Violin"
at the World's Fair.
As composer in residence "at the
Jniversity, Prof. Finney wrote the
work between November and Feb-
uary of this year. The work-was
commissioned by the renowned
iolinilst Yehudi Menuhin for his
oncert June 1, the first musical
vent of the American series at
he Fair.
Prof. Finney and his wife will
pend the summer near Oxford,,
England where the Am e r i c a n
bmposer will be engaged in com-
posing his latest work, "Quintet
or String Quartet and Added
Ph lTheta
Pre sents Ke
Phi Chi Theta, the .profession-
il business fraternity for women,
>resented its National Key Award
o Madella P. LaFlair, '59BAd., .in
i special ceremony yesterday.
This annual award, given to the
)utstanding junior woman in the
school of Business Administra-
ion, is based upon scholarship,
ictivities and leadership. It was
ecently selected by a committee
f faculty and fraternity members.

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