W-1 Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: BARTON HUTHWAITE State Department Fumbles While Indonesia Burns RECENT OVATIONS by Communist China to vention in Indonesia would be extremely hard supply "volunteers" to the government in to find at the present time. However, a total Indonesia have combined with the United hands-off policy smacks of the disinterest States' "hands off" policy to reduce the already which has resulted in the lost prestige suffered fading American prestige in Asia. by the United States during recent months. The ever increasing Aconomic and military voiding a strong statementurging parties to lower of this member of the Soviet bloc wa attempt a conciliation, Dulles stated that the further proven by their statement of probable United States sympathized with the Indonesian military aid to the controlling group. Part of government, hoped they would be able to solve what is termed "the cnrmbling American for- their problem quickly and vowed that the eign policy in Asia" was further illustrated at United States would keep fngers out of this Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' press pie. conference Tuesday when he stretched the History and necessity, in this case, seems to Arierican policy of abstinence to include the point a partial return to the guardian type Indonesian crisis, policy which the United States abandoned 25 years ago. With United States interests con- While American interest pots boil over in nected in some way to all world conflicts, Indo- Latin America and the Middle East, the State hesia emerges as an area where this country Department watches Chinese Reds push toward should actively seek to bring about conciliation domination in Asia. The rationale behind between the disputants. Dulles' absence of any statement or threat of action was revealed when he termed the entire THE CIVIL WAR could easily enlarge and add situation a "civil war " to the. already crowded list of areas where the United States should have taken initial WHILE both parties involved in the fighting steps but chose to wait and watch. Dulles might represent strongly nationalistic groups, an well remember the old adage about an ounce extension of Red Chinese domination is a pos- of prevention. sibility which State Department officials should Since pounds of cure are now measured in seriously consider. At the present time the atomic power, the small ounces of prestige action can be rightly termed a civil war, but the saving prevention used by the State Depart- possibility of an increase in involved factions, ment would be a small price to pay for being could broaden the entire scope of the fighting, interested in peace. ryg Justification of direct United States inter- -CHARLES KOZOLL Alumni Apathy and Importance IN THE PAST there have been cries that this way, the alumni will feel they really can students are full of apathy toward the Uni- contribute to their alma mater by doing the versity activities. At the recent Student-Fac- University other than merely a monetary serv- ulty-Administration Conference it was brought ice. This might also help to alleviate any apathy out that University alumni retain similar feel- on the part of the alumni. ings of apathy toward the University. A major problem seems to be the lack of alumni contact IT WAS BROUGHT OUT at the confereice with the'University. that the University Alumni Association has a A Student Governors program has been in oper- tendency of ignoring graduates until about ten ation for approximately one year in attempts or fifteen years after graduation, giving them to remedy the situation. time to establish themselves in the community. Student Governors 'are students in the Uni- Only then are they contacted by alumni groups. versity who act as liaisons between the local Although the policy may be a good one in that alumni group in their home town and the the graduates should get settled before being University. Their job is to help inform the approached for contributions, it is harmful alumni about campus affairs and to carry back since the graduate may grow completely away to the University any ideas the alumni may from the University concerns. Consequently, have concerning campus problems or programs when he is asked to join an alumni group, the such as'the Phoenix Project. time lapse has been so great that he probably The main weakness in this program is that has gained other interests for more immediate it does not go far enough. Expansion of the than those of the University. program is necessary so that eventually, almost Through the Student Governors and interest all alumni groups in the country will actively in the new graduates, alumni groups might engage in the Student Governors program. gain added impetus and spirit. They should Student Goyernors also have the opportunity realize the value of their services to the Univer- of meeting with incoming freshmen and giving sity in connections with new students and the them a glimpse' of University life before they alumni would receive a justified feeling of their arrive on campus. Included is the introduction importance. of these new students to the alumni group. In -BRUCE COLE TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Secretary's Burdens By WALTER LIPPMANN "You Know, I Think People Are Worrying Less About The Recession" 4--1 kj f \. INTEPRETNG TE NE S' .Of- r- 4i. 8 tr - r o1.4 aoS r a INTERPRETING THE NEWS : U.S. Problems Provoke Self-A nalysis AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Brahms Requiem': Exciting Performance AS MUCH AS BRAHMS is heard in concerts, and on records, one' never tires of the "German Requiem." In the literature of 19th century choral music it is a monument. The University of Michigan Choir, soprano Irene Kunst, baritone Jerry Lawrence, accompianist Nelita True, and conductor Maynard Klein gave an inspiring and exceptionally lyric performance of the "German Requiem" on Wednesday night. Even in the face of the arguments for performing works in the English language for English speaking audiences, I do not think that work is too well known to worry about understanding the words. See- the "German Requiem" is a successful example. In the first place the ondly, and most important, the weight of the beautifully balanced phrases is often badly distorted, and on occasion notes must be added .40i By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst INSTEAD of yielding to a first reaction of "to hell with them," the United States is adopting an attitude of self-analysis following recent demonstrations against her in foreign countries. Individual statements and let- ters to the editors indicate a con- siderable public feeling of weari- ness in the long effort to convince the world's peoples that, despite the complexities of trying to be friends with everyone, the nation's intentions are good. Congress has reacted differently. The administration foreign aid bill went through the House with far less difficulty than had been anticipated. The Senate is now moving to restore such cuts as were made. * * * THE SENATE Foreign Relations Committee has announced an in- quiry, first into relations with Latin America, with the ultimate aim of finding means to improve relations generally. That can only mean two things. More money, and acceptance of -the foreign aid and reciprocal trade programs as permanent parts of policy rather than as tide-overs from one emergency to the next. The atmosphere in Latin Ameri- ca is partly attributable to eco- nomic policy which for several years has put the Orient and Eu- rope ahead of the home folks.. There is trade trouble with Japan and always the imbalance with Europe. There is a definite Communist policy to promote these troubles, and to take advantage of them with public demonstrations. Anti-American reactions in Al- geria, Lebanon, Formosa and else- where have been attributable to other causes-frequently, to United States association with colonial or formerly colonial powers. Downright failure to consider local customs and probable local reaction is another cause. This represents personnel failure and inadequate staffing in both the diplimatic and military services, and unconcern by American free enterprisers. * * * THE RECESSION, at a time when the Soviet Communists are making a great show of technical and business progress, also is hav- ing an import'ant impact on people's minds. At the same time, it creates doubt at home about foreign aid programs during economic trouble here. There ishalso some feeling that peoples who fail to understand the American way are just too dumb for hope. Britain's Manchester Guardian touched on it editorially: "Americans like to be loved- and this is one of their engaging qualities. To face the absence of love with equanimity may be one of the requirements of greatness." Near East . . . The situation in Lebanon today is close kin but not exactly parallel to the one in Jordan when the Eisenhower doctrine was promul- gated. In the Jordan case the govern- ment had put down an attempted coup by much the same forces which are at work in Lebanon now. There was fear that Syria might have Soviet arms and backing for an attack. On the surface, at least, the Soviet Union was far noisier than she has been in the Lebanon case. Against that background, the United States proclaimed, through an administration-sponsored con- gressional resolution, her intention to protect Middle Eastern coun- tries against attack by interna- tional communism. Intervention was to be by invitation. IN LEBANON the threat of direct and open attack has not developed. Lebanon does charge infiltration by armed intervention- ists from Syria, but the charges are vague. The United Arab Republic - Syria and Egypt-has conducted intensive agitation, however, and its subversive operations in Leb-I anon are obvious. Secretary Dulles says that since the resolution stated the impor- tance of the independence of the countries to the security of the United States, the President is em- powered to act in such situations. He emphasized that the United States is not anxious to put forces into the area. If the Lebanese government asks for intervention, the debate will revolve around whether Dulles properly evaluates the intent of Congress. The Dulles statement will pro- duce a legalistic argument in the United States. Its effect in the Middle East will be entirely prac- tical. to the music in order to acom- modate the extra words necessary to make correct English. In a lesser work these things might pass un- noticed; in the "German Requiem" they are significant. THE USE of a piano instead of an orchestra is not entirely suc- cessful. The sustaining power nec- essary for balance with the chorus is lost, though this might be cor- rected by using two pianos. The long intense orchestral pedal notes which are particularly important in the second and third sections were successful only because the pianist's page turner added the necessary notes. Except for a very weak tenor section (I mention this without complaint-it seems to be an un- solvable problem) the chorus was superb. Intonation was accurate, and both the sbnority aN clarity of moving parts left nothing to be desired. Miss Kunst had a tend- ency to sing abbit sharp on sus- taih'ed notes above the staff. Mr. Lawrence has a wonderful voice. -Gordon Mumma SPRING ISSUE: Generation 04 THE SPRING ISSUE of "Gen- eration is characterized by pro- fessional polish, a quality which ought to be applauded in the young, if there weren't something prematurely old about it. The makeup is superb, the layout lavish, the experiments in art, photogra- phy, poetry and music are gener- ally competent. Occasionally there is a bungled line of poetry, a naive thought, a misspelled word or a disconnected paragraph; but aside from these signs of youthful clumsiness, the handling of ac- cepted forms is quite successful. One longs for a little brashness of a serious order: for an attack, say, on President Eisenhower or President Hatcher, on Sigmund Freud or Ernest Hemingway, on Schoenberg or Picasso. Fortunately there are three or-four items which meet that requirement, and at the expense of other, less assertive contributions, I would like to point them out to potential readers. THE FIRST is a parody on Wil- liam Faulkner, called "The Saxon Beauty and the Three Black Bears," by Martha Bennett Stiles. The Saxon Beauty is Goldilocks, renamed Goldy Snocks after the Snopes clan in Faulkner; the bears are modeledrafter the title-figure in "The Bear," and the satire is largely directed against that story, which certainly deserves it. Faulk- ner's style, at its best, offers a fresh, compelling view of Southern realities; at its worst, it seems as pretentious as the attenuated lan- guage of the later Henry James, and "The Bear" often shows it at its worst. Mrs. Stiles has caught all the major pretensions: the transmogrification of the bear into a Southern gentleman; the inflated buildup of the Forest; and the weighting of trivial acts with heavy moral baggage. Her parody is a welcome spoof on Faulkner's rhetoric in its weakest form. * * * THE SECOND item is a defense, by Gordon Mumma, of the banned version of "Lady Chatterley's Lover." According to Mr. Mumma, the censored version misrepresents the author, D. H. Lawrence, by robbing his book of its lyric and symbolic qualities, weakening his characterizations, and profaning his treatment of a serious sexual theme. The argument is backed by relevant quotations from the un- censored text, and seems convinc- ing 'on aesthetic grounds. The question of censorship, per se, is left untouched, but it is enough to defend this novel -- a brashly serious book even today - with a healthy respect for its significance. In his belief in sexual communion as the marriage sacrament, Law- rence provides a refreshing con- trast to our current sexual mores and our manner of expressing them. To catch the difference, consider another work in this is- sue, David Newman's "Thelma," on the hypocrisy of a suburban housewife who divorces her un- faithful husband, then takes a lover. The tale is finely wrought, but almost any issue of "The New Yorker" reveals the same tired awareness of our marital failures.' Some of Peter Zimels' noetic CYPRUS: Renewal Of Terror By The Associated Press SPRING has brought the sunny Mediterranean island of Cyprus a fresh flowering of terror and death. Terrorist attacks are once more in full swing after a winter's truce between EOKA, the Greek Cypriot underground demanding union with Greece, and the British rulers of the Crown colony. Earlier this month British Gov. Sir Hugh Foot reimposed the man- datory death penalty for carrying or discharging firearms. The de- cree followed a new wave of anti- British violence climaxed by the slaying of two British servicemen. A multi-national conflict under- lies Cyprus' bloody ordeal. Some 500,000 people inhabit the island, smaller than the state of Connec- ticut. Four-fifths are Greek-speak-, ing and most of these want Enosis -union with Greece. Turkish speaking Cypriots, num- bering about 100,000, fear oppres- sion and the loss of their national identity if the island becomes Greek. They want partition of Cy- prus between Greece and Turkey should the British pull out. All of this has sorely tried the Western alliance in this part of the world, turned NATO partners Greece and Turkey into virtual enemies, strained British-Turkish relations. * * * FRUSTRATION and bitterness increase daily in the island as British negotiations with the Greek and Turkish governments seem to bring the Cyprus issue no closer to solution. When EOKA started its anti- British campaign in April, 1955 it rekindled the dimmed national passions of Greek Cypriots who have lived under foreign domina- tion for the last 500 years. Today it seems all-consuming. The EOKA dead have been en- shrined as national heroes and it appears futile to- pretend that the organization represents nothing more than a small band of terror- ists. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administraton Building, Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 172 General Notices Automobile Regulations: The Un- versity automobile regulations will be lifted with the completion of classes on Wednesday, May 28, 1958. Office of the Dean of Men. Late Permission: Women students who attended the Drama Season play on Mon..May 19, had late permission until 12:05 a.m. Announcements are available to those students wh ordered them at the St. Ac. Bldg. lower level, May 20 to 22 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. A meeting of the Senior Class Presi- dents will be held in Rm. 302 W. Eng. Bldg., Thurs., May 22, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the schedule and plans for Commencement. Because of an error in assembling the material for the Honors Convocation program, the name of Bernard William Wehring was omitted. The Honors Con- vocation Committee sincerely regrets this error and offers its apology to Mr. Wehring. There will be an International Cen- ter Tea, sponsored by the International Center and the International Students Association this Thurs., May 22 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in the International Center. Faculty Members and University Em- ployees: The Board in Control of Inter- c~ollegiate Athletics of the University of Michigan extends to the Faculty and to full-time University employees the privilege of purchasing Athletic Cards. Those Eligible to purchase: 1. Univer- sity Faculty and Administrative Offi- cers. 2. Faculty members who have re- tired, but still retain faculty privileges. 3. Employees on the University payroll who have appointments or contracts on a full-time yearly basis: or. if on an 4 AFTER HIS AGREEABLE experience at the NATO meeting 'in Copenhagen about two weeks ago-agreeable because everyone present seemed to agree with him-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles has had a most disagreeable week. There is trouble in Indonesia, in Lebanon, in Algeria and France, and in Latin America. In all of them.there is a challenge to the exist- ing position and policy of this country. And in all of them the responsibility for deciding what to do next is centered upon Dulles himself. This should, I believe, raise inour minds the question of whether the conduct of our foreign policy has not become concentratetl to a dan- gerous degree, whether responsibility is not concentrated to an unworkable degree in the mind and conscience of one man. I think it has become too concentrated, and that the price we pay for it is-that in large areas of the world, as in the Latin American republics to the south of us and in Canada to the north of us, the issues and our interests and their interests are neglected. In other areas which are immediately vital, as in the Middle East and in continental Europe, our appreciation of events is out of date and our policies are vulnerable to the kind of surprise which the French crisis and the advent of Gen. de Gaulle would surely bring. IT IS NECESSARY to look candidly at our situation. For the crucial difficulty in our dealing with the multitude of problems is that Dulles has more problems to decide than any one man can possibly attend to and know about and master. Dulles himself is a marvel of endurance and of intellectual vitality. But he c6nducts his office in a way which is plainly, as events are showing, beyond human power. As President Eisenhower's energy and interest have declined, Dulles has received from the President the greater part of the Presidential powers in for- eign affairs, the nowers which under our system. At the same time Dulles is curiously separated from the State Department and the Foreign Service. He has been to an extraordinary degree his own ambassador. Is it any wonder that he cannot attend to everything at once, that what he does not attend to is neglected? Is it any wonder that with such an abnormal concentra- tion of responsibility in one man, our policies, which need fresh analysis and reflection-are, as in Latin America for example, so complacent and so insensitive? ONE HESITATES to sugggest what might be done to better this situation. Experience shows that such suggestions are usually re- sented.. Only President Eisenhower. and Mr. Dulles can do anything about anything' and they are set in their ways. But it can be said, I think, that in the American system things do not work well if in the conduct of foreign affairs the President abdicates most of his authority and lets it fall to his Secretary of State. There are many reasons why this does not work. One of them, the most important perhaps, is that the con- duct of foreign relations requires not only nego- tiation abroad but the political leadership of Congress at home. Half the underlying griev- ances of South America, for example, are due to act of omission and commission by the Con- gress. President Eisenhower cannot fulfill the duties of his office by letting Dulles try to per- form them. President Eisenhower needs some- how to have the means of doing his own work, perhaps by calling into the White House his own advisor in foreign affairs. This is not meant as a way to supersede Dulles but as a way of relieving him of an im- possible burden. It is not at all a reflection on his ability, which is high, unless it be a reflec- tion to say of any. man that his powers have limits, and that he cannot do everything. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: rench Showdown Inevitable By DREW PEARSON PARIS - Outside the American embassy parked under the chestnut trees just off the Place de la Concorde is a huge black po- lice van. It parks there every night. It's dark inside the van, but every so often someone will light a cigarette and you can see rows of faces. They are faces of gen- darmes sitting all night guarding the American embassy . . . Along- side the embassy is the Hotel Cril- Ion where lived Woodrow Wilson when he tried to hammer out a peace treaty which would prevent further devastation of France. Up along the Champs Elysees thous- ands of American doughboys marched when they first landed in France in 1917 and again when they liberated France in 1944. Much of French history, from La- fayette on, is intertwined with American friendship . . Yet the dark police van, full of gendarmes, sits all night outside the embassy of the nation which twice sent its troops to the aid of France and in 1947 spent billions for the reconstruction of France. * * * HOW FAR can those gendarmes be trusted? They have been tough and courageous so far. When the Juin wrote an article for the Re- vue de Deux Mondes blasting the European defense community. The French Cabinet had official- ly approved the EDC and its plan for a common army for western Europe. Nevertheless, Marshal Juin publicly opposed it ... About the same time another military man in Japan, Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur, differed publicly with the Far Eastern policies of another civilian leader, Harry Truman. MacArthur was called home and fired . . . Premier Plevin called Marshal Juin to his office, but did not fire him. Ever since, Premier Plevin and all French premiers have had increased trouble with the French military. But each time the civilian leaders have evaded the issue. They have not done what Truman did - forced a showdown. SHORTLY after- the Marshal Juin incident, the French military kidnapped the Sultan of Morocco, Aug. 15, 1953, and took him to Madagascar. The government in Paris let them get away with it. The Sultan is now King of Mor- occo, and the incident did not particularly endear him to the Youssef, killing about 100 villag- ers. The government in Paris had not been consulted. The French military acted on its own. Again the government in Paris not only bowed, but even covered up for the military . . . With this record of vacillation, a showdown between the French army and the French government was inevitable. * * * THE PIGEONS are fatter in Paris than anywhere in the world. And the children are rosier. Out- wardly Paris is unchanged - old men looking crotchety, young couples looking lovesick, traffic cops looking bored, barges chug- ging up and dowi the Seine, American tourists sitting in the Cafe de la Paix trying to look French; museums, wide avenues, beautiful buildings, all the out- ward evidences of a great civili- zation, a peopie still virile, still vigorous, and more than ever pas- sionate in defending their free- doms . . . Why then the political turmoil, the uncertainty, the dan- ger of dictatorship? . . . Is it poli- tical apathy? Is it the fact that France lost the flower of her manhood in two terrible wars?