Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wil Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This inus t be noted in all reprints. VEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1958 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS TURNER Attacks on Stirbon Rather Silly 1f "I'm Pulling Against Him" \~ -Af; THE REMARK that. Republican state repre- sentative James Warner made last week that the salary paid to a vice-president of the University is an "unnecessary expenditure" has a peculiar ring of irony and bitterness. It ap- pears to be the efforts of a legislator, knowing he has failed in his responsibility to his office and his electorate, to save face. It must be asked if Rep. Warner has a deep and sincere interest in assisting the University to economize in its operations or if he is simply a little weary of having the vice-president of whom he speaks continually try to influence the Legislature to appropriate more money for the University. Undoubtedly there is an element of both behind Rep. Warner's statement, but it is more plausible that the latter dominates. THE YPSILANTI representative, however, should not alone be criticized for his re- marks. As wrong as they may be, there are many other legislators who have said, in essence, the same thing. They may attack "un- necessary impractical courses" or "free rides for outstate students" or research and experi- mental projects or any number of other things. Bit it all amounts to the same thing: legis- lators' attempt to divert attention from their own inability to solve the state's financial problems by sharp criticisms of any operation of the universities or colleges that may appear wasteful. And so the broad and 'varied needs of higher education, needs not possibly defined in minutely itemized budgets, become sacrificed on the idol of a balanced budget. This year, the Republican-controlled Legisla- ture saw fit to cut the 1958-59 operating bud- gets of state colleges and universities under the level for this year. The University will receive LETTERS: Legislative Comment Brings Response t almost a million dollars less. The irresponsibility of this move in a time when the importance of improved and more extensive education is clearer than ever before, is undeniable. What Rep. Warner and his colleagues who voted for the budget cuts are trying to do now is make apologies for their actions by more unfounded criticisms of University expenses. And there seems little doubt that Rep. War- ner's more recent blast is unfounded. The man of whom he spoke, William E. Stirton, is, in part, a lobbyist-a most respectable profession. But he has a much deeper interest in higher education than simply bending the arms of short-sighted legislators. THE UNIVERSITY is not run entirely on Legislative funds and student fees. Many millions of dollars in money and gifts come to the University each year from private citizens, corporations and philanthrophic groups. And only the universities and colleges can make known to these individuals and groups their needs. And it should not be left unsaid that Stirton is not the only man charged with this responsibility; indeed, the University has an entire Development Council and a large In- formation-News Service, to mention only two groups, to tell what higher education in Ann Arbor is all about. Here, then lies what is potentially the most important part of Stirton's work; for it is the understanding of the public, the corporations, the special interest groups and the public serv- ice groups, rather than the legislators, that will determine the attention higher education re- ceives in the future. -DAVID TARR . sa ws : As+0?. 4,i u> AF Sr THE CULTURE BIT:; APut the Hound Out' By DAVID NEW-MAN The No ' Go-Go' Blue / CREDIT the baseball team with the most pro- found about-face in recent Michigan sports annals. But it is a reversal of form not to be encouraged or endorsed by fans or officials in the upper echelons of the Athletic Department. The youthful Wolverines (as many as six sophomores have been in the starting lineup at one time) raised many an eyebrow before the Big Ten race started. They sported a for- midable 10-3 mark going into Conference play. When a group of yearlings can do that well as a unit in its first few college games, the natur- al expectation should be one of optimism. The squad continued its remarkable pace even through the first six league games and was sitting on top, with a four won, two lost record. However, as suddenly as Michigan had raised itself to potential championship stature, the 'downward trend began. The Wolverines dropped a non-Conference game to the University of Detroit by a 12-5 score. This was the team that Michigan had completely mauled only two weeks earlier, 11-2. SINCE that time Michigan has taken the field seven times, and has come up with only two victories. The Wolverines played one win- ning game against a non-conference opponent and the other against Northwestern, which is mired in ninth place, only one-half game be- hind Michigan. Thus, the Wolverines has lost seven of their last nine games. The only consolation that can be salvaged, it appears, is that they can't lose More Sports THE NEWE$T addition to the list of Olympic sports may well be penny pitching. Much time is spent each day by aspiring copper- peggers who line the sidewalks along the quad- rangle walls and practice their craft. Penny pitchers fall into three general cate- gories. First there are the professionals who, through seasons of practice, are able to casually drop their Lincoln-heads within two inches of the sidewalk cracks that serve as targets for hundreds of dollars of pennies each spring. The second category embraces the amateur or casual pitchers who toss more or less regu- larly for a couple of minutes after supper to work off a heavy meal. These individuals con- tribute the bulk of monetary support to the game although the first category, or pros, in- evitably end up possessing most of the capital invested. The third and last category includes the very amateur and extremely casual flippers who walk by several of the above pitchers, be- come intrigued at the easy money to be had, and end up contributing to the cause of the first two. These usually inept amateurs are beloved by the other two groups, especially the pros, who are extremely anxious and happy to have new blood-money--in the game. What manner of men are these sportsmen? Perhaps their childhoods were devoid of ath- letics thereby producing an insItiable urge to participate in intercollegiate sports, even if on the lower levels. These bronzed young men who spend so much of their time outside might just love the out-of- more than three more, since the season ends next Saturday. To a constant observor of Michigan's dia- mond fortunes, throughout the season there is only one reason for the current lack of success after such an excellent beginning. It is spelled out as a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e. Next to the physical condition of an athletic team, the mental attitude toward the game most determines its fortunes. It is indeed an understatement to call the Wolverine's attitude poor. They simply haven't acted like a cham- pionship team, and after last weekend's dismal performance, many were beginning to wonder if they were a team at all. They donned the white flannel uniforms, carried gloves, and wore spikes just as any other team, but their lack of hustle and lacka- daisical appearance on the field was so ap- parent that it was pathetic. A quiet confidence distinguishes a champion- ship team. This confidence is impressive and it does wonders for winning ball games. On the basis of its earlier games, Michigan was en- titled to this, but somewhere along the line something has faded. Various incidents have led Coach Ray Fish- er to throw up his hands in complete disgust. Fisher, in his 38th and, final year as head base- ball coach here, molded this team from the middle of winter at Yost Fieldhouse, instilling in it the baseball wisdom and knowledge that he has gained during his seventy years. But the one thing that the players didn't pick up from Fisher was his unquenchable competitive spirit, his desire to win above all else except the sacrifices bf integrity and ideals. The players couldn't have had a better teacher along these lines than Fisher, and the blame for having failed to develop a winning attitude rests squarely on their collective shoulders. W HERE the turning point in the season came is difficult to ascertain,-but one sus- pects it might have been the loss to Detroit. Before that contest even started, many of the playeras expressed regret at having to play it. They lacked any spark whatsoever, as if it was a drudgery to take the field. Admitted, the game offered little glamor and it wasn't in front of the home folks, but what kind of team is it that says openly that it wishes it didn't have to play? It certainly isn't of championship caliber. There is the possibility that Michigan might Just have lacked the ability to win the title. But a glance at the record of steady decline can dispute this speculation. Michigan defeated Michigan State Univer- sity in a double header at the beginning of Conference play. MSU has lost only one more since then and appears headed toward the title. MICHIGAN'S outstanding record compiled in the early part of the season shows that the talent is there. Only the spirit lacks. The Wolverines can make their followers forget about their miserable showings so far by displaying some authentic fight and hustle this weekend against Minnesota and Iowa. The latter aggregation certainly should be the one +onrmomiriP m gn m Pfrf.tAM r -Mi mhign n in WE ARE NOW firmly convinced that Ann Arbor audiences are a breed apart. There is historical justification for it. Crawling around in a dusty, forgotten corner of the Student Publications Building, we found a scrapbook of clippings from The Michigan Daily 1904- 1908. You may thing Ann Arbor spectators are a boorish lot now, but we found a startling series of articles the contents of which make the current crop look like Sunday School ttots by compari- son. The first headline says: "Crowd Raids Star Theatre-Windows and Fixtures Smashed. Police Arrest Twenty Men. President Angell Ap- peals to Students." It seems that the Star Theatre was a vaudeville and silent flicks house located on Washington. It charged a nickel admission, but apparently that didn't satisfy the students back then. Here, in stirring prose, is how it happened: "IT IS ALLEGED that Saturday night a party of four students were seated in the theatre when House Officer Schlimmer told one of the students to stop whistling. The student denied that he was whis- tling. A moment later the officer told him to stop scuffling his feet and ordered him out. Whereupon, the student got up quietly and left. As he was passing out, it is alleged that Manager Reynolds said, 'That's right, officers, put the hound out.' The three companions admit that their friend slapped the manager. It is then alleged that the officer jumped onto the student and cut his head open with a heavy blow of his club. Some two hundred students gathered about the theatre that night . . ." For sheer pulsating excitment, you can't beat a good yarn like that. But let's look at the circum- stances, before we proceed. Whis- tling and scuffling of feet! Indeed, what would they do today with wise-cracking, hissing, loud laugh- ing blocks of quad men who so delight in venting their spleen at "Marjorie Morningstar"? Yet, we must admire a man who will take violent umbrage at the scathing remark, "Put the hound out." Like, how would you like it if they called you a hound, like? Or something equally canine? Manager Reynolds, a sturdier, more fearless type than today's complacent Ann Arbor managers made a curtain speech the next day, quoted in the article. It might be wise for all of us to clip this and hang it on our walls to con- stantly remind us that we are living in the Brave New World. "I am not running this theatre for students," said Reynolds (fire flashing from his eyes, we trust). "I am running it for the people of Ann Arbor, I am notcatering to the patronage of the students. I don't want any students in my place. If there is any disturbance I will be protected by the chief of police of Ann Arbor, the sheriff of Washtenaw county, the state mili- tia and Governor Warner." Yeah! How about that for a credo? How many Ann Arbor merchants secretly echo that phi- losophy in the confines of their rooms, we wonder. Picture your dry-cleaner saying, "I don't want the students in my place." REYNOLDS, it turns out, was just begging for trouble. He should have known that you can't talk that way to Michigan men and get away with it. He should have known that students like to whistle and scuffile their feet in theatres. He should have known that he was inviting disaster, for we are a ruthless lot, today and ever. Witness this. follow-up article. The headline is rather good: "Two Thousand Students Wrecked the Star Theatre Last Night-Police ,Unable To Subdue Them. Fire De- partment Called Out bltt Students Cut Hose and Steal Lengths. Win- dows Smashed. Even President Angell and Dean Hutchins Could Not Calm the Temper of the Col- legians. One of the Wildest Nights Ever seen in Ann Arbor." They did write long headlines in those days, but good ones. Now we are not inciting you to riot. No, let us be thankful that we live in a grand world where stu- dents can scream louder than stereophonic sound. But, we do think that there must be some- thing in Ann Arbor that turns out such a wild breed. Perhaps it's the food. In any case, go blue .. . (EDITOR'S NOTE: The folowing three letters are part of an exchange between Student Government Coun- cil and the Michigan Legislature con- cerning the University's operating ap- propriation of 30 million dollars.) Protest .. To Members of the Legislature of the State of Michigan: AT ITS MEETING April 23. 1958, Student Government Council adopted the following statement and directed that it be brought to the attention of the members of the State Legislature: "The recent allocation by the State Legislature to the University of Michigan failed, by $900,000, to meet last year's grant and failed, by $9,000,000, to meet the Univer- sity's actual request for funds for the coming academic year. "The student government Coun- cil of the University of Michigan feels that this is certainly a matter of grave concern. "In this year of tremendous demands on American higher edu- cation, in this year of increased Federal activity in the area of higher education, it is inconceiv- able to us that such a situation should exist. In the last year, more. students have been graduated from our high schools than in any pre- vious year. Therefore, more per- sons are academically qualified to go to college. In the last year, the cost of education has risen higher than ever before, and ;therefore, fewer persons are financially cap- able to go to college. "For these reasons, the Council finds the Legislature's action in- compatible with the existing poli- tical, economic, and social situa- tion. The Council would like, at this time, to express its disappoint- ment with the action taken by the State Legislature." -Maynard Goldman President Reaction . . . Dear Mr. Goldman: AS'AN alumnus of the University of Michigan who has the well being of our beloved institution at heart, I was certainly disappointed to receive the type of letter that you sent out on May 9th to the members of the Michigan Legisla- ture. A man in your position should certainly know that it is the duty of the Michigan Legisla- ture to enact legislation that is to the best interest of the State of Michigan as a whoe and to make .appropriations according to the funds available and inproportion to the relative needs of the various departments and institutions. It is certainly disappointing to find that an institution like the University of Michigan should have the bad grace and poor taste to criticize the governing body of the State as you have done in this letter. To my mind it is extremely poor publicity and certainly will not rebound to the credit of the university or be of assistance to them in their dealings with the Legislature in the future. - -Rep. John W. Fletcher, '10E (R-St. Joseph) Report . . Dear Mr. Goldman: WISH TO acknowledge your letter of May 9, 1958 containing the resolution passed on April 23rd by the Student Government Coun- cil of the University of Michigan. I wish to inform you that I share the views contained in the resolu- tion and did everything I could, as the Democratic Floor Leader of the Michigan State Senate, to ob- tain adequate appropriations for our institutions of higher learning. I regret to inform you that I was unsuccessful. -Sen. John B. Swainson (D-Detroit) Complaint « To the Editor: IT'S ONE THING to be against an organization that requires segregation. It's quite a .different thing to be for an organization that requires integration. A common attribute of both in- tegrationist and segregationist is a disregard for individual freedoms --especially the freedom of choice. For these reasons I think many of your editorials on this subject are unnecessary, improper, and uncalled for. Personally I think this University should be com- mended for its moderate approach and its respect for the rights of all. -John F. Luden Confusion . . . To the Editor: IREP. James Warner (R-Ypsilan- ti says that the University vice- president's salary is an "unneces- sary expenditure," and Michael Kraft calls Rep. Warner- idealistic. Rep. Warner is wrong and, after reading Mr. Kraft's ambiguous editorial, one is forced to infer that he doesn't clearly understand the lahiO.tiv nrnre.p can supply is readily available. A great deal of this data is useful to the legislators because it is accur- ate and reliable. That is why the functional representation which special interest groups provide is generally encouraged by legislative bodies. Every state supported college in the state sends a top administra- tive official to Lansing at appro- priations-hearings time to make their needs known. MSU is also represented at the Legislature by a vice-president. Thus, Vice-President Stirton performs a vital function when he presents carefully prepared state- ments and exhibits to the legisla- ture to apprise them of the Uni- versity's budgetary needs, It is quite obvious that, if Stirton had not represented the University at the appropriations hearings, the University's budget wouldn't have fared nearly as well as it did. -Jerry C. Bosworth, '59 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be before 2 p.m. ,the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1958 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 187 General Notices Automobile Regulations: The Un!- versity automobile regulations will be lifted with the completion of classes on Wednesday, May 28, 1958. Office of the Dean of Men. Late Permission: Women students who attended the Drama Season play on Mon., May 19, had late permission until 12:05 a.m. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative June graduates from the College of Lit,, Science, and the Arts, and the Sehool of Educ. for departmental honors (or high honors in the College of L.S&A., should rec- ommend such students In a letter de- livered to the Office of Registration and Records, Rm. 1513 Admin. Bldg., by noon, Mon., June 9, 1958. Attention June Graduates: College of Lit., Science, and the Arts, School of Educ., School of Music, School of Pub. Health and School of Bus. Admin. Stu- dents are advised not to request grades of I or X in June. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than noon, Mon., June 9, 1958. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Journalism Awards Assembly will be held Wed., May 21, in Aud. A, of Angel Hall at 3 p.m. Department awards and scholarships will be announced. V. V. McNitt of the McNaught Syndicate will present the McNaught Medals for Ex- cellence in Journalism. The Alpha Phi Omega office will be closed from Fri., May 23, until further notice.' Concerts The University of Michigan Sympho- ny Band under the direction of Dr. William P. Revelli will present an out- door concert on the Diag at 7:15 p.m. Thurs., May 22. In event of rain, the concert will be held in Hill Auditorium. The program will include stirring marches, original contemporary works for band, and music from several Broadway musicals. Karl Wirt will ap- pear as a trombone soloist with the Band and Warren Jaworski will present a vocal solo with band accompaniment. Persons planning to attend the concert are asked to bring blankets, for seat- ing accommodations are limited. The Univesity Choir under the direc- tion of Maynard Klein, will perform the Brahms Requiem on Wed., Mray 21 at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium. Soloists for the performance wil Tbe Irene Kunst, soprano, and Jerry Lawrence, baritone and Nelita True will be the accom- panist. The program will be open to the general public without charge. Student Recital: Paul Moore, who studies with Benning Dexter, will pre- sent a piano recital at Rackham As- sembly Hall at 8:30 p.m. Thurs., May 22. Mr. Moore's recital, which is presented in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Mu- sic, will include compositions by Bach, Schumann, Bartok, Debussy and Cho- pin, and will be open to the general public. Academic Notices Sociology Colloquium: Speaker: Prof. J., Milton Yinger, Prof. of Sociology, Oberlin College, on "Current Interest in the Sociology of Religion" Wed., May 21, 4:00 p.m. E. Conf. Rm., Rack- ham Bldg. Study in Italy: The Cultural Division of the Italian Embassy is accepting applications for study in Italy. Only those presently working on a Master's program are eligible. For further in- formation, call the Graduate School Offices. For application forms, write to The Cultural Division of the Italian Embassy, New York Office, 690 Park Ave., New York 21, N.Y. The deadline is May 30, 1958. Botanical Seminar: Robert M. Johns, Dept. of Botany, will speak on "Physo- derma Dulichii." Wed., May 21, 4:15 p.m., 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg. Refreshments will be served at 4:00 p.m. Speech Assembly: Short speeches by 6 students, who will be introduced by 6 other students, all from Speech 31 .11Xa .,.AWPH f.,.., 91 A AM n tn. R nk- ) 4, 4 R w "WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: De Gaulle Called Great Idealist By DREW PEARSON (EDITOR'S NOTE: Drew Pearson is now in Europe and reports on the French crisis from Paris.) PARIS - You can get almost any opinion you want of the most important man in France to- day, but the probable fact is that nobody really knows what General de Gaulle stands for on such im- portant questions as Algeria, least of all the rabble-rousers in Al- geria who want him to take over. Those who know de Gaulle inti- mately, however, say that his ideas are so progressive that the Al- gerian colonialists would be shouting out of the opposite side of their mouths if they really knew them. De Gaulle favors a confederation of North Africa linking Morocco, Algeria, and Tu- nisia, with virtual independence for Algeria. Franklin Roosevelt once report- ed that de Gaulle wanted to be a combination of Jeanne D'Arc and Georges Clemenceau. W i n s t o n Churchill, referring to the Cross of the Free French, once re- marked: "The Cross of Lorraine is the heaviest one I have to bear." Cordell Hull, when Secre- tary of State, referred to de Gaulle's organization as the "so- called Free French." - 4,* * War II found him to be tempera- mental, conceited, strong-willed, but frequently able to put his fin- ger on what was wrong with Allied policy. In the summer of 1943 he wrote a letter to the British and American governments comparing Allied strategy to the beating of a drum. "No one man is beating the drum," he wrote, "but a host of beetles are bouncing up and down on it and they think they are beating it." A lot of people at the time thought he was right. Even during the war de Gaulle had ideas about autonomy for the Near East and North Africa, and had a stormy session with Churchill over Egypt and Syria. Critical of British mili- tary leadership, de Gaulle offered to take over the entire Allied com- mand in North Africa. * * * INSTEAD Churchill called a press conference in which he blasted de Gaulle as a latent fas- cist, accused him of stirring up the, French and Arabs in Syria against the British, and claimed de Gaulle leaned toward French- Russian control of Europe. It was Roosevelt, however, who ridiculed de Gaulle perhaps more +han, mhuv'hill Ha litxh in "We made numerous overtures to both sides with no success," ex- plained Roosevelt. "Giraud was willing, but de Gaulle turned us down flat. Finally, in desperation, I suggested to Winston Churchill: "'Let's have a shotgun wedding.'" Churchill got a big laugh out of this. Roosevelt went on to explain that he promised to produce the bride - Giraud - if Churchill would provide the groom - de Gaulle. Churchill said he would carry out his end. "Finally came the day of the wedding. We had the church, the Padre (FDR pointed to himself), the bride and the gun. But the groom failed to show up. Church- ill couldn't produce him. When asked what the trouble was, the Prime Minister shook his head sadly. De Gaulle, .he said, had changed his mind. "THE situation looked pretty hopeless," Roosevelt continued, "but then I had a bright idea." "Who pays de Gaulle?" he asked Churchill. The Prime Minister replied: "I do. I say, I hadn't thought about that.nGeneral de Gaulle is being financed by the British govern- ment. I believe you have some- thing." C. -. l 1 ..« I .1 .. J. 4... ,.. t... .. ' A.